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  1. metamartian

    TvT: Money Bags

    Zeus’s: @metamartian, @Wattsits Blufor objective: Pmc’s escort Mr.(players name) to each objective and keep him safe from rebels 1.Fishing at charsu lake (5 mins) 2.Talk to oil field manager at Lalezar (intel grab) ,must be done before general objective 3.Pray at Bastam Mosque (10 mins) 4.Talk to General (intel grab) Redfor objective: Kill Mr. (players name) before he completes all his tasks Description: Mr. (players name) is a president of an american oil company that has just started drilling in takistan. He is there to make sure everything is ship shape and to enjoy himself. He wants to go fishing at a famous fishing spot at charsu lake and experience the countries religion at a mosque. He must also make sure his plant is up and running before thanking the U.S. general for his protection and future business deals for the U.S.. Many natives however view him as an invading force along with the other Americans and want him gone. Red markers are Rebel hideouts. Restrictions Bft is off No side is allowed to attack the oppositions spawn points If 75% or more of Redfor forces are killed in one attack it is considered a Blufor win Blufor must stick to roads Blufor Restrictions 5+1 ammo restriction No explosives or stuns only smokes No lat No UGL no silencers Redfor Restrictions Suicide bombing is allowed but must strip all gear (includes leaving a vehicles) before doing so and only 2 members of the rebels are allowed. Nothing bigger than a demo block Iron sights only No grenades/stuns No lat/mat 5+1 ammo restriction No mines no silencers Blufor slots: Mr.vip: Alpha squadlead: Alpha medic: Bravo squadlead: Bravo medic: Charlie squadlead: Charlie medic: Redfor slots: Warlord: @Tobe (no tags) 1st squadlead: 1st medic: @Conga Line of Neckbeards(tags) 2nd squadlead: 2nd medic: Bomber 1: @Murky (no tags) Bomber 2: (Prophet tags and regs+ can take bomber)
  2. until
    Apparently there's actually a small demand for TvT now, so I might as well run this mission I've had on the server for a bit. (75 total slots!) As before if there's time at the end we'll try and swap teams as best as possible and have another quick round! BRIEFING: https://gyazo.com/f47c652a3b2009dbd666ff864c51ec0b I. Situation Chedaki insurgents have set up in an abandoned, derelict town near a Russian army base. This is disliked by Russian high-command and such have ordered the nearby forces to clear it out. Force setup: OPFOR: A combined Russian MSV and VDV Platoon. Well equipped, including a BTR per squad and a lightly armed Mi-8. INDFOR: Assortment of Chedaki insurgents. Moderately equipped, with access to grenade launchers, RPGs, autorifles and static weapons. No assets. The layout for each side is as follows: OPFOR have: Company Command in charge of operation, with 2 Platoon leaders underneath him equipped with radios. 3 MSV squads with a BTR each, under their Platoon leader in COY HQ. 2 VDV squads to mount in the mi-8, under their Platoon leader in COY HQ. 1 Mi-8 with door gunners INDFOR have: All units are in 3 man groups, including HQ sections. Each have a specialisation. (Either RPG-7, Marksman/Grenadier or Autorifle) Command HQ - Lead, 2iC and Doctor. Apel - HQ section, 1st section, 2nd section and 3rd section. Bekar - HQ section, 1st section, 2nd section and 3rd section. Charli - One 3 man team with a static Dhskm in bag. II. Mission Objective Town must be cleared by OPFOR, or INDFOR must hold them off for 45 minutes. Notes: Area is surrounded in heavy fog. The town has lots of hiding spots amongst the ruins and rubble (many added in the editor). AO Limits: Ground based units may not leave the area revealed on the map for more than 30 seconds. Airborne units have 2 minutes. Lead elements on Opfor do not have radios, but radio operators - with the exception of HQ where Company Command has none but the Platoon leads do. RESERVABLE SLOTS: There are more available in the mission, but I will give out some of the important ones here. Final slotting will be very much dependent on numbers - roles like the two OPfor Platoon leads under Company Command will be dropped if numbers are low. As such only a small handful of the full slots will be reservable, remember this is a maximum of 75 slots! TAGHOLDERS ONLY FOR RESERVATION OPFOR: Company Command: Platoon Tags Orel Platoon Lead/Radio Op (MSV): Any leadership tags Vorobey Platoon Lead/Radio Op (VDV): Any leadership tags Orel 1 Squad Lead: Squad Lead Tags Orel 1 Radio Operator: No tags, but SL must request you as their radio op. Vorobey 1 Squad Lead: Squad Lead Tags Vorobey 1 Radio Operator: No tags, but SL must request you as their radio op. Val'kiriya Pilot: @Barcuck Osama (CC tags) Crew Chief 1: CC Tags INDFOR: Command: Plt tags Apel HQ: Any leadership tag Bekar HQ: Any leadership tag
  3. LongLiveQuebec

    Operation: Fog Bank (Z-TVT)

    OPERATION: FOG BANK (Z-TVT) Factions: UK Royal Marine Commandos vs Chedaki Insurgents Terrain: Utes - [11/10/2001 - 1750 Hours] Local Conditions: Overcast, Light Fog - Mission Brief: Chedaki Insurgents have taken over the Chernarussain Military Airfield stationed on Utes. The sneak attack, which happened in the early hours of the morning, caught the locally stationed defense force off guard, and allowed the Chedaki to capture several Military Assets from the CDF including several Fast and Ground Attack Aircraft stored in hangars for later use. With the Chernarussian Civil War in full swing, the CDF have been unable to muster a force capable of retaking the Airbase without taking significant losses, and so are seeking international aid from the United States and United Kingdom. A coalition task force consisting of the US Aircraft Carrier "USS Khe Sanh" and several squads of Royal Marine Commandos have been sent to the island to conduct a surgical strike against key military installations. Targets include the North and South Barracks complexes, and the communication system that links them. Sabotage of this system will prevent Chedaki Insurgents from using it as a reinforcement point, and allow the commandos to gradually annex the island. The Primary Objectives consist of the Strike Aircraft Stored in the Airbases hangars. Whilst the priority of the commandos is to capture the aircraft in-tact so that they can be used by the CDF in the Civil War, however; orders have been put in place to allow the commandos to destroy the aircraft if, for whatever reason, the Royal Marines cannot secure the island. Mission Critical Information: (UK Royal Marine Commandos / Chedaki Insurgents) Only a handful of Royal Marines are being deployed to the island due to fighting on the mainland, as such, they are going to be outnumbered roughly two to one, however they will have access to Night Vision Equipment and Optics to compensate. Chedaki Forces, lacking the Night Vision capability of the commandos, are encouraged to take Flares. Underslung, Thrown or Sight Arm Flares are your best shot at spotting the commandos. Chedaki Forces can only spawn at the North and South Barracks. Royal Marines spawn at the Aircraft Carrier and have to Boat in. Each Chedaki Barracks has a Radio Tower and a Laptop. If the Royal Marines interact with this Laptop, they can disable Chedaki Respawns for that Barracks. House Rules: No Suppressors/Flash Suppressors No Thermal Imaging (including assets) No Night Vision Equipment (Chedaki Only) You cannot capture enemy Assets/Vehicles. Entrenching Tools are allowed and are encouraged Chedaki Equipment: Outfit: Chedaki Insurgents get creative freedom with their Uniforms. You are a Paramilitary and should look the part, each soldier having his own personal take on their Uniform. Requirements are that all equipment must be of Russain/Eastern Block Origin, and fit the theme of the role you are playing. Here are a few examples of the aesthetic of the Chedaki: https://i.imgur.com/A1wB0RP.jpg You can find most of these by searching for Uniforms under Project Opfor. Backpacks: Field Pack (Khaki), Sidor, RPG Carrier Short Radio: FADAK Long Radio: MR3000 RHS Chedaki Weapons: Weapons: AKS-74, AKS-74U, AK-74, AK-74M, AK-103, AKM, AKMN, AKMS (Auto-Riflemen: RPK, PKM (Chosen by Squad Leader)) Sidearms: MP-443 (Optional) Attachments: None (Just the Muzzle Adaptor the Rifle comes with) Optics: None Launchers: RPG-7V2 No Optic (1 per squad, other LAT Soldier is Assistant (4 Rockets Max). Chedaki Assets/Vehicles: None. Royal Marine Equipment: Uniform: Combat Uniform DPM Tmp RM [BAF] (Rolled allowed) Helmet: Helmet Mk6 DPM Temp (Any Variant) Vest: Osprey Mk2 DMP Tmp (Any Variant) Backpacks: Bergen DPM Tmp Rifleman A/B Short Radio: AN/PRC-152 Long Radio: Bergen DPM Tmp SL [BAF] NVGs: Head-Mounted NV System [BAF] Royal Marine Weapons: Weapons: L85A2 (Auto-Rifleman: L86A2 LSW w/ KITE or ACOG Sights) Sidearms: L131A1 Attachments: None Optics: SUSAT L9A1 (KITE Sights can be carried and swapped to) Launchers: ILAW HEDP (1 per squad) Royal Marine Assets/Vehicles: None Notes: Each side must make their own radio frequencies. 110 for Alpha, 120 for Bravo is the same for Both Sides, so you're platoon/squad leaders must come up with unique numbers. We recommend marking these in side chat on of the map edge for ease of use. Victory Conditions: If either side reduces the opponents tickets to zero, they automatically win the game. OPFOR's Objective is Primarily to Defend the Attack Aircraft in the Hangars, and Secondarily to defend their Barrack's from being sabotaged. BLUFOR's Objective are to either secure or destroy the Aircraft. Respawns: Two Respawns, both initiated by the Highest Ranking Officer of each team.
  4. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ "In our bones, we knew the war was almost over. The galaxy held its breath, waiting to see which side would make the final, daring move. As fortune would have it, the Republic moved first. After the Chancellor informed the Jedi Council that General Grievous and the Sep leaders were hiding on Utapau, General Kenobi gathered an army large enough to capture three star systems. When the orders reached the 501st, our morale soared. For better or worse, this would be the beginning of the end." ―Anonymous 501st clone trooper 19 BBY "not even you can see into hyperspace, Sev" After three years of fighting, the Galactic Republic has begun to gain an advantage over the Confederacy of Independent Systems, many of whose leaders are now dead, with the most recent being founding Head of State Count Dooku. Republic Clone Intelligence has now managed to discover the location of General Grievous, who succeeded Dooku as Head of State. Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi has in response organized a fleet of Venator-class Star Destroyers carrying an army of clones large enough to capture three star systems and dispatched to the Utapau system to bring this war to a swift end. We must for our part in this operation capture a droid resupply and logistics Centre critical to the CISs capacity to mount a defense on the planet. With any luck this conflict will soon be over... ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Clone Wars in the Star Wars Universe. The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods Star Wars Opposition, Legion Studios Base and 3AS which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Clone Wars Era/Faction based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the Clone Wars. This mission itself will be composed of two phases Phase I will resemble that of a normal mission which will include players all being on the same side clearing the assigned objectives and working together as a cohesive unit. In the following Phase II there depending on the choices of critical elements (See Below) will be a varying degree of TvT during which the opposing sides will receive differing objectives and goals of which they will be briefed prior to mission start as to what options and actions may be taken in the second Phase and when it will start. Any actions or preparations by either side prior to Phase II which are overtly intended to gain an advantage over the other side prior to the start of hostilities will be treated as premeditated intentional friendly fire and treated as such. Factions Phase I: Clones (BLUFOR) Jedi (BLUFOR) Mandalorians (BLUFOR) CIS (OPFOR) Factions Phase II: Clones (BLUFOR) Jedi (INDFOR) Mandalorians (Unknown) CIS (OPFOR) ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN PLTN 2ic/Runner (PLTN 2ic TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Jedi (Any Leadership Element Tag) OPEN ALPHA SQUAD: Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN CHARLIE: SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN DELTA SQUAD (5x Man Mandalorian Contractor Group): Delta Squad Sergeant (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Delta Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Delta Squad Heavy Gunner (Regs+, NCO) OPEN Delta Squad Warrior (Regs+, NCO) OPEN Delta Squad Warrior (Regs+, NCO) OPEN --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from the following mods may be used in this mission. Legion Base - . 3AS - . 101st - . 212th - . JLTS - . Looting of enemy primary weapons and equipment is prohibited. All weapons , uniforms, vests, helmets and other equipment from the 501st mod - are prohibited. All weapons , uniforms, vests, helmets and other equipment from the SWOP mod - are prohibited. Launcher Carriers, Designated Marksmen and Medics are considered specialists. Individuals may not take vests inappropriate to their rank. Pauldrons are to be worn by authorized individuals only or by ARC troops. PLTN HQ. Asset Leads. Squad Leads [SL Only]. ARC Troops. AutoRiflemen, MachineGunners, MAT Bearers may take the Clone Heavy Gunner Vest && Clone Heavy Vest if desired. AutoRiflemen, MachineGunners, MAT Bearers and DMR Carriers are considered Specialists and may take the Clone Trooper Specialist Vest if desired. One squad energy shield is permitted per squad and no more. Two personal energy shields or hand held riot shields are permitted per squad and no more. Rifleman mag size limit raised to 60 rounds per magazine. HAT and Chain guns Limited to Designated heavy weapons teams. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless specified remain in effect for this mission. Uniform: Phase II 501st Legion Clone Trooper Armor. Helmet: Phase II 501st Legion Clone Trooper Helmet. Rifles: DC-15A. DC-15S. DC-15C. Westar M-5 (ARC only) Secondary: DC-17. Machine Guns: Z-6 rotary blaster cannon. Auto Rifles: DC-15L. DC-15SAW. DC-15A Mod 0. Shotguns: DP-23 Shotgun. Designated Marksman Rifles: DC-15X. DC-15A Long. DW-32s Valken-38x DC-15XM. Jet Trooper Grenade Launcher: RD-4 Radiation Cannon. MAT: RPS-6. HAT: PLX-1. Pauldrons: Color: Respective to the legion being played, An ARC playing a non-ranked role must take non-colored pauldrons. Permitted Roles: Squad Leads [SL Only], Platoon Leader, Platoon HQ, Asset Leads, ARC Troops. Note: Double Sided Pauldrons are restricted to all except ARC Troopers. --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset
  5. Malbryn

    Duala Raiders

    DUALA RAIDERS INFORMATION: This mission is going to be a scripted TvT mission and will be hosted on FK#4. Modpack: the current FK modset. Max. playercount: 40 players (+2 spectator slots). MISSION: Situation: UN have deployed peacekeepers to keep the security of a refugee camp on the war-torn Isla Duala. Food, water and medicine have been shipped here by IDAP to aid the locals. The shipment contained military supplies for the UN forces too. However, one of the local militia raider groups got intel on the shipment and decided to loot the place. The peacekeepers have to defend the camp from another looting run... BLUFOR: French UN Peacekeepers REDFOR: African Militia Raiders The side-specific briefings are going to be conducted in-game. The mission time limit is 45 minutes, so we can swap sides and have a second round. BLUFOR ORBAT - French UN Peacekeepers [20 players] UN HQ (2x men) ALPHA (9x men) BRAVO (9x men) REDFOR ORBAT - African Militia Raiders [20 players] MILITIA HQ (2x men) RAIDER 1 (6x men) RAIDER 2 (6x men) RAIDER 3 (6x men) (No slot reservation.) MAP OF THE AO:
  6. Malbryn

    Border Patrol

    BORDER PATROL INFORMATION: This mission is going to be a scripted TvT mission and will be hosted on FK#4. Modpack: the current FK modset. Max. playercount: 38 players (+2 spectator slots). MISSION: Situation: The tension on the Norwegian-Russian border has been rising since the Russian territorial claims were refused by Norway. Russian VDV forces sent an armed scout helicopter that crossed the border and shortly after it was shot down by Norwegian anti-air earlier this morning. Now both sides are sending forces to the crash site to investigate and secure the area... BLUFOR: Norwegian Army REDFOR: Russian VDV (The side-specific briefings are going to be conducted in-game.) The mission time limit is 45 minutes, so we can swap sides and have a second round. BLUFOR ORBAT - Norwegian Army [19 players] PLTHQ (3x men) ALPHA (8x men) BRAVO (8x men) REDFOR ORBAT - Russian VDV [19 players] PLTHQ (3x men) ANNA (8x men) BORIS (8x men) MAP OF THE AO:
  7. LongLiveQuebec


    OPERATION: INTO THE NIGHT Factions: Takistan Armed Forces vs United States Army Terrain: Takistan (1930 Hours) - Mission Brief: Following a series of Bombardments by US Forces, the Military Occupied Airfield of North Rasman has been taken out of service; with Takistani Jets and Helicopters no longer able to effectively operate in the Northern most provinces, the US has mobilised a large Mechanised Task Force to secure the "North Road". This road is the only paved MSR (Main Supply Route) to run through the North-Western theatre of Takistan making it crucial for logistics, therefore it will be the focus of the US advance towards the Town of Rasman. Nestled just south of the Town, in amongst civilian infrastructure, is a Takistan National Army Military Outpost; this outpost isn't particularly well defended, but is the first major obstacle before Rasman. After the Outpost is overcome, continue the push North and Capture the Town of Rasman from Takistani Troops. This is a hearts and minds operation. We are here to destabilise a regime, not legitimise its presence. Civilians will be present in the A.O. but will not be counted as hostile unless armed. If US Forces cause excessive/unnecessary civilian casualties, then local pro-government insurgents will rally to assist Takistani Forces, if this happens expect: ambushes, suicide bombers, and civilians to pass intelligence on U.S. Troop Movements to Takistani Forces. Mission Critical Information: Takistani Soldiers have forced several civilians in the A.O. to remain in their houses. The Rules of Engagement prevent US Troops from firing/killing on unarmed civilians or non-combatants, as such, civilian buildings occupied by Takistani Troops MUST NOT be engaged with Heavy Weapons (M2A3 Auto-Cannon, M136 Rockets or 50.cal Ammunition etc.), and instead must be cleared by Breaching Teams. As stated, if enough Civilians are killed by U.S. Troops then Local Insurgents will aid the Takistani Armed Forces. You can still overpower both factions and complete your objective, but it will be much harder. Several Aircraft and Ammunition Dumps from the Airfield are still burning after the U.S. Bombardment and are generating a lot of smoke which is drifting over the A.O. creating light "fog-like" conditions. Due to Ammo Cook-off and UXO's (Unexploded Ordinance) from US Artillery, the Airfield is temporarily out of bounds to both forces. You can attempt to cross it, but expect casualties. House Rules: No Suppressors/Flash Suppressors, No Thermal Imaging (including assets), No Night Vision Equipment (Including Assets) You cannot capture enemy Assets/Vehicles. Grenades are limited to 2 Per Player, White Smokes are Limited to 2. (Squad Leaders can take Green/Red Marking Smokes (2 each)). Underslung 40mm HE Grenades are limited to 4 Per Team Leader. Entrenching Tools are allowed and are encouraged. US Squad Leaders can designate One of your LAT Guys to be a Pointman, he loses his Rocket Launcher, but is able to bring a Shotgun (Buckshot Only) and carry 4 Flashbang Grenades (replacing his 2 Frags). Takistan Armed Forces Equipment: Uniform: M88 (Olive or Tan Variants) (Each Squad can take a mix) Helmet: [PO]SSh68 Steel Helmet (Grey or Tan Variants) (Each Squad can take a mix) Vest: [PO[6Sh92 (Any Varient in either Woodland or Olive Colour) (Each Squad can take a mix) Backpacks: Sidor / RPG Carrier Takistan Armed Forces Weapons: Primary Weapons: AKM (Team Leaders: Take (GP-25) Variants) (Auto-Riflemen: PKM) Sidearms: None Attachments: None (Just the Muzzle Adaptor the Rifle comes with). Optics: None. Launchers: 1x RPG-7V2 No Optic (PG-7VL and/or OG-7V Rounds Only) and 1x RPG-26 Per Squad. Takistan Armed Forces Assets/Vehicles: 2x T-55 Medium Tanks (3x Crew Each) (Reminder: Hold TAB to Zero the Gun) There is a bug with the T-55 Gunner Sight, it has an easy work around. United States Equipment: Uniform: Combat Uniform OCP (1st Cavalry) Helmet: ACH OEF-CP (Any Variant) Vest: IOTV ("YourRoleHere"/OCP) (If you are Rifleman/LAT take (Rifleman/OCP)) Backpacks: Eagle A-III OEF-CP / Falcon-II MC United States Weapons: Weapons: M4A1 (Team Leaders: M4A1 (M203S)) (Auto-Riflemen: M249 PIP (Short)) Sidearms: M9 Beretta (Optional). Attachments: TD Vertical Grip (Optional) / Flashlights Optics: M68 CCO / XPS3 Launchers: M136 HEAT United States Vehicles/Assets: 1x M2A3 (BUSK I) (3x Crew) 1x M2A2ODS (BUSK I) (3x Crew) Victory Conditions: BLUFOR Must Capture the City of Rasman to win. OPFOR Win if they hold for 1hr30m. If either side reduces the opponents tickets to zero, they automatically win the game. Respawns: There will be TWO Respawn Waves for each side at a pre-determined QRF Point. (Each Platoon Leader can call this in via Long Range Radios). Assets will be respawned along with other reinforcements. Notes: Mission will be run from Server #1. Replacing Zeus Ops. If the Player Turn-Out is too low for this Operation, then a alternative using the Same Equipment/Gear will be made on the day.
  8. LongLiveQuebec


    OPERATION: CEASE AND DESIST Factions: Russia (MSV) vs FIA Guerillas Terrain: Altis - Mission Brief: Russian Occupation Forces in Altis have been struggling to pacify a Guerrilla Movement known as the Freedom and Independence Army. The separatist faction is made up of nationalist civilians and former AAF soldiers that refused to lay down their arms after the surrender of the Country's Army 7 weeks ago. Starting with asymmetrical raids and ambushes on Russian Convoys and Installations, the FIA's tactics have shifted over the last week to the occupation of Key Strategic Sites and Military Hardpoints; as such, the FIA have annexed the Northern Village of Frini, forcing a Northern Operations Outpost to close, giving the FIA a huge advantage in the Northern most provinces. With a majority of Russian Forces already deployed in counter-terrorism and peace keeping operations, Russian High Command has dispatched a Motorised Task Force to pacify the FIA Guerrillas in the village. Mission Critical Information: Due to Extensive Firefights between FIA Troops and Russian Forces, the village of Frini and the Operating Base have both suffered substantial damage. Due to the Damage to Civilian Infrastructure, the A.O. is free of none-combatants. FIA Troops have used the rubble and debris created during the Firefight to fortify and barricade the village from a Southern attack. House Rules: No Suppressors/Flash Suppressors, No Thermal Imaging (including assets), No Night Vision Equipment (BTR's are exempt from this Rule). You cannot capture enemy Assets/Vehicles. Grenades are limited to 2 Per Player, White Smokes are Limited to 2. (Squad Leaders can take Green/Red Marking Smokes (2 each)). Underslung 40mm HE Grenades are limited to 4 Per Team Leader. Entrenching Tools are NOT allowed for FIA Forces (Russian Forces may use them as normal). Russian MSV Equipment: Uniform: Flora (MSV) Helmet: 6B27M / 6B27M Flora (Any Variant) Vest: 6B23 (Any Varient) (Must be a Flora-based Camo) Backpacks: UMBTS Backpack / Sidor Russian MSV Weapons: Primary Weapons: AK-74M (Team Leaders: AK-74M (GP-25)) (Auto-Riflemen: PKM) Sidearms: MP-443 (Optional) Attachments: None (Just the Muzzle Adaptor the Rifle comes with). Optics: None. Launchers: RPG-26 or RShG-2. Russian MSV Assets/Vehicles 2x BTR-80 APC's (2-3x Crew Each) FIA Equipment: Uniform: Take any Guerrilla Variant Clothing (Guerrilla Apparel / Garment / Outfits / Smocks / Uniform - Each solider should look somewhat unique). Helmet: Bandannas / Booniehats / Caps / Beanies and the like. (No Helmets). Vest: Chest Rig (Any Colour) / Slash Bandoleers (Any Variant) (Squad/Team Leaders: Tactical Vests (Any Variant)). Backpacks: Field Packs / Carryalls (Any Variant). FIA Weapons: Weapons: AK-74 / AKS-74 / AKS-74U / AKM / AKMN / AKMS (Team Leaders: Can take any of these weapons with a GP-25 Variant) (Auto-Riflemen: Izhmash RPK74). Sidearms: PM (Optional). Attachments: None (Just the Muzzle Adaptor the Rifle comes with). Optics: None. Launchers: RPG-26 or RShG-2. FIA Vehicles/Assets: 2x Technical 50.cal Pickups (2x Crew Each) Victory Conditions: As long as Russian Forces are actively contesting control of Frini, the mission will NOT end (contesting means having soldiers in the village attempting to gain ground). If the Russians recede into a passive-aggressive role (due to extensive casualties or an inability to crack the enemy defence), the Russian attack will be considered repelled, resulting in an FIA Victory (This can only happen if the Operation has been running longer then One-Hour). If the Russians are able to occupy Frini, and the remaining FIA Forces cannot eveict them, the Russians achieve Victory. If either side reduces the opponents tickets to zero, the automatically win the game. Respawns: There will be ONE Respawn Wave for each side at a pre-determined QRF Point. (Each Platoon Leader can call this in via Long Range Radios). Assets will be respawned along with other reinforcements. Notes: Mission will be run from Server #1. Replacing Zeus Ops. If the Player Turn-Out is too low for this Operation, then a alternative using the Same Equipment/Gear will be made on the day.
  9. LongLiveQuebec

    TvT Zeus Mission

    Factions: Russia (MSV) vs US Army Rangers Terrain: Altis - Mission Brief: The United States and The Russian Federation are at war for a region of Altis. Each side has landed troops from their main armies, and has been annexing cities and expanding their influence to gain majority over the last week; US in the South, Russia in the North. The key to either sides Victory is holding 3 Objective Sites in the A.O. Mission Critical Information: NO Civilians will be present in the A.O. Towns can be Captured, Lost and Captured again, as many times as before Mission End. House Rules: No Suppressors/Flash Suppressors, No Thermal Imaging (including assets), You cannot capture enemy Assets/Vehicles. Grenades are limited to 2 Per Player, White Smokes are Limited to One. (Squad Leaders can take Green/Red Marking Smokes (2 each)). Underslung 40mm HE Grenades are limited to 4 Per Team Leader. Entrenching Tools ARE allowed and are encouraged. Russian MSV Equipment: Uniform: EMR-Summer (MSV) Helmet: 6B27M / 6B27M EMR-Summer (Any Variant) Vest: 6B23 EMR-Summer (Any Variant) Russian MSV Weapons: Weapons: AK-74M (Team Leaders: AK-74M (GP-25)) (Auto-Riflemen: PKP) Attachments: None (DTK is fine). Optics: PK-AS / EKP-1S-03 (Squad/Team Leaders: PSO-1M2-1 (Optional)) (Auto-Riflemen: 1P29) Launchers: RPG-26 (MAT: RPG-7V2 w/ PGO-7V3 Scope) Russian MSV Assets/Vehicles 2x T-80UE-1 Main Battle Tanks (6x Crew). US Equipment: Uniform: Combat Uniform UCP Helmet: ACH UCP (Any Variant) Vest: IOTV ("YourRoleHere"/UCP) (If you are Rifleman/LAT take (Rifleman/UCP)) US Weapons: Weapons: M4A1 (Team Leaders: M4A1 (M203S)) (Auto-Riflemen: M249 PIP (Short)) Attachments: TD Vertical Grip (Optional) Optics: M68 CCO / XPS3 (Squad/Team Leaders: M150 RCO (Any Variant)) (Auto-Riflemen: M145 MGO) Launchers: M136 HEAT (MAT: MK153 Mod 0 SMAW w/ SWAM Sight Optic) US Vehicles/Assets: 2x M1A1SA (TUSK I) Abram Main Battle Tanks (6x Crew). Faction Victory: Whoever Holds 2-3 Settlements at 1hr 30min Mark wins the Game. Respawns: Both Sides will have 2 Waves, one at the 30 Minute and one at the 60 Minute Mark. Notes: Mission will be run from Server #1. Replacing Zeus Ops. If the Player Turn-Out is too low for this Operation, then a alternative using the Same Equipment/Gear will be made on the day.
  10. ... is going to take a little bit of time to create. I'm planning for serious CQB between Altis PD SWAT and a group of terrorists in the Ghost Hotel. Furnishing the Ghost Hotel and surrounding buildings will take me a few days, but I think the teeth grinding peril of it will be worth it A couple of teaser screenshots for your viewing pleasure.
  11. Terrorist Assault You are a Rich ISIS Force who are tasked to blow up 3 key monuments in a town. Then move up the town and wipe out a small military base. Sell vehicles to the Black Market Dealer. Enemy Forces: Afghanistan Police Force. Friendly Forces: 2-3 transport vics, 3 vics to strap explosives to. AK's n' Shit* Defend/ Attack NATO Base (Zombies) You are NATO forces defending a small military base from Ruski. Take M4's and L85's or what ever. I don't really care. When you die you will wait to be respawned as OPFOR forces (Russian) where you will start in a small camp and then attack the enemy base NO LAUNCHERS ALLOWED. Max Grenades: 15 HE grenades (for under barrel) 8 Frag/infantry grenades)* Enemy Forces (Ruski): Russian Forces. Flora** Russian Weapons (AK's etc).* 1x raven drone. (Eagle backpack (Raven))** Friendly Forces (NATO) 1 autonomous MG.** NATO weapons.* If you walk out of the 50m range... Zappy Zappy *Forced Gear **Recommended Gear
  12. PLEASE RSVP IF YOU ARE PLANNING ON ATTENDING! Hosted every Friday, Friday Night Fight (FNF) is a big recurring TvT brawl bringing multiple ARMA3 communities together, with only one team taking home victory at the end of the fight. FNF hosts missions in EU and NA time zone and FK is joining the fight this Friday. For the month of June, FNF will be using a WW2 Modpack! There are three rounds in the EU event, you are free to leave (or join in) after one if you wish but please let me know. We have a section on Discord set up that is dedicated to FNF events, if you would like to be added please contact Fred. Note: I will be filling in the RSVP for the event on Monday afternoon, if you are planning to attend please make sure you have RSVP'd before then. If you have not RSVP'd but still wish to attend you are welcome to do so, however a place is not guaranteed. Mods and server details can be found on there discord, linked in the event page below. ALL INFO IN OUR FRONT PAGE POST: If you wish to attend FNF on additional Fridays in the month, please join the PR discord: https://discord.gg/dzt388ynZ4 Just @Fred and request the @FNF role.
  13. until
    Event details PLEASE RSVP IF YOU ARE PLANNING ON ATTENDING Hosted every friday, Friday Night Fight (FNF) is a big recurring TvT brawl bringing multiple ARMA3 communities together, with only one team taking home victory at the end of the fight. FNF hosts missions in EU and NA timezone and FK is joining the fight this friday. There are three rounds in the EU event, you are free to leave (or join in) after one if you wish but please let me know. We have a section on Discord set up that is dedicated to FNF events, if you would like to be added please contact Fred. Note: I will be filling in the RSVP for the event on Wednesday afternoon, if you are planning to attend please make sure you have RSVP'd before then. If you have not RSVP'd but still wish to attend you are welcome to do so, however a place is not guaranteed. Mods and server details can be found on there discord, linked in the event page below. ALL INFO IN OUR FRONT PAGE POST:
  14. Event details PLEASE RSVP IF YOU ARE PLANNING ON ATTENDING Hosted every friday, Friday Night Fight (FNF) is a big recurring TvT brawl bringing multiple ARMA3 communities together, with only one team taking home victory at the end of the fight. FNF hosts missions in EU and NA timezone and FK is joining the fight this friday. There are three rounds in the EU event, you are free to leave after one if you wish but please let me know. We have a section on Discord set up that is dedicated to FNF events, if you would like to be added please contact Fred. Note: I will be filling in the RSVP for the event on Wednesday evening, if you are planning to attend please make sure you have RSVP'd before then. If you have not RSVP'd but still wish to attend you are welcome to do so, however a place is not guaranteed. Mods and server details can be found on there discord, linked in the event page below. ALL INFO IN OUR FRONT PAGE POST:
  15. CHECKPOINT ZULU INFORMATION: This mission is going to be a scripted TvT mission and will be hosted on FK#4. The mission starts approximately 10 minutes after the end of first main. Disclaimer: - This mission takes place in the Vietnam war era but might not be historically accurate. - This mission is going to be a short test mission to test a mission framework in a multiplayer environment, glitches might happen. Modpack: the latest FK modset. MISSION: Situation: Vietnam War, late 1960s. NVA forces ambush a US checkpoint in order to capture a US radio mast. BLUFOR: US Army REDFOR: NVA (The side-specific briefings are going to be conducted in-game.) The mission time limit is 45 minutes, so if the players are okay with it, we can swap sides and have a second round. If you are interested, don't forget to RSVP so I can see the numbers.
  16. Flash-Ranger

    CTF Play Session

    CAPTURE THE FLAG PLAY SESSION Date : Thursday 22-11 Time : 8pm GMT+1 TeamSpeak : Server name: Electronic Sports Masters Address: No Password. Game Server : Streaming Channel : twitch.tv/esm_official
  17. Malbryn

    [WW2 TvT] Sector Control

    SECTOR CONTROL INTRODUCTION: This mission is going to be a scripted TvT mission and will be hosted on FK#4. The missions starts 15 minutes after the end of first main. Disclaimer: This mission takes place in the WW2 era but might not be historically accurate. THE GAME MODE - SECTOR CONTROL: Your objective is to capture and hold Sectors that are marked on the map. You begin capturing a Sector once you have full control over it (no enemy players are present in the Sector). If your side controls at least two (out of three) Sectors, the enemy side will start losing points. Killing an enemy player makes their team lose points as well. The mission ends once the mission timer hits zero or one side runs out of points. MISSION PARAMETERS: Starting points: 1000 Mission timer: 5 min. prep phase, 85 min. game time Penalty if enemy team has more control over the sectors: -1 pts/5 sec Respawning: -1 pt Respawns: 30-second respawn timer, respawn points are at base or inside a captured friendly Sector The enemy base cannot be captured RULES: FK rules are in effect No metagaming; don't use chat to share mission critical information No "stream sniping" No spawncamping If you join late, try to balance the sides when you pick a slot No looting of enemy weapons unless you're completely out of ammo Don't leave the AO (marked with a rectangle on the map) Don't take enemy vehicles "OPERATION VANGUARD": BLUFOR - GERMAN WEHRMACHT (10 players) vs INDFOR - US AIRBORNE (10 players) Time: 0600 October 12th, 1944 Location: Aachen Outskirts, Germany Weather: Medium fog, raining MODSET & SERVER INFO: Download preset Name: FK ARMA #4 WW2 TvT Server IP: Port: 2402
  18. Malbryn

    [WW2 TvT] Sector Control

    SECTOR CONTROL INTRODUCTION: This mission is going to be a scripted TvT mission and will be hosted on FK#4. Disclaimer: This mission takes place in the WW2 era but might not be historically accurate. THE GAME MODE - SECTOR CONTROL: Your objective is to capture and hold Sectors that are marked on the map. You begin capturing a Sector once you have full control over it (no enemy players are present in the Sector). If your side controls at least two (of the three) Sectors, the enemy side will start losing points. Killing an enemy player makes their team lose points. The mission ends once the mission timer hits zero or one side runs out of points. MISSION PARAMETERS: Starting points: 1000 Mission timer: 5 min. prep phase, 85 min. game time Penalty if enemy team has more control over the sectors: -1 pts/5 sec Respawning: -1 pt Respawns: 30-second respawn timer, respawn points are at base or inside a captured friendly Sector The enemy base cannot be captured RULES: FK rules are in effect No metagaming; don't use chat to share mission critical information No "streamsniping" No spawncamping If you join late, try to balance the sides when you pick a slot No looting of enemy weapons unless you're completely out of ammo Don't leave the AO (marked with a rectangle on the map) Don't take enemy vehicles "OPERATION VANGUARD": BLUFOR - GERMAN WEHRMACHT (10 players) vs INDFOR - US AIRBORNE (10 players) Time: 0600 October 12th, 1944 Location: Aachen Outskirts, Germany Weather: Medium fog, raining MODSET & SERVER INFO: Download preset Name: FK ARMA #4 WW2 TvT Server IP: Port: 2402
  19. Malbryn

    [WW2 TvT] Sector Control

    SECTOR CONTROL INTRODUCTION: This mission is going to be a scripted TvT mission and will be hosted on FK#4. Disclaimer: This mission takes place in the WW2 era but might not be historically accurate. The first mission starts approximately 10 minutes after first main. THE GAME MODE - SECTOR CONTROL: Your objective is to capture and hold Sectors that are marked on the map. You begin capturing a Sector once you have full control over it (no enemy players are present in the Sector). If your side controls at least two (of the three) Sectors, the enemy side will start losing points. Killing an enemy player makes their team lose points. The mission ends once the mission timer hits zero or one side runs out of points. MISSION PARAMETERS: Starting points: 1000 Mission timer: 5 min. prep phase, 45 min. game time Penalty if enemy team has more control over the sectors: -1 pts/5 sec Respawning: -1 pt Respawns: 30-second respawn timer, respawn points are at base or inside a captured friendly Sector The enemy base cannot be captured RULES: FK rules are in effect No metagaming; don't use chat to share mission critical information No "streamsniping" No spawncamping If you join late, try to balance the sides when you pick a slot No looting of enemy weapons unless you're completely out of ammo Don't leave the AO (marked with a rectangle on the map) "OPERATION BLIZZARD": BLUFOR - GERMAN WEHRMACHT (14 players) vs REDFOR - SOVIET RED ARMY (14 players) Time: 1500 January 12th, 1942 Location: Volkhov Forest, Soviet Union Weather: Heavy fog, snowing MODSET & SERVER INFO: Download preset Name: FK ARMA #4 WW2 TvT Server IP: Port: 2402
  20. TrainDoctor

    Scripted Missions with Train

    Overview This event is designed to "test", (mostly just play to enjoy) multiple Scenarios (aka "scripted missions") made by @Tomo! Missions: TvT: Trouble in Paradise Slots: 47 Assets: None TvT: Black Gold Slots: 63 Assets: 1x T72 & 1x Abrams Co-op: Poison Strike Slots: 11 Assets: 1x Scout Drone & All Viper team gear More information on missions can be found in this post: Important information Read the briefing! The briefing contains all of the information you will need to know as your faction. (In the case of TvTs, briefings and assets can and will differ based upon faction. As stated earlier, it is of the utmost importance to READ THE BRIEFING!) You spawn with your stuff! All equipment given on spawn is all the equipment you will get! There are no arsenals and there is no Zeus. (Unless a logged in admin is online.) Win and fail conditions matter! Completing the objective is the main way you will be able to achieve the mission, side objectives are possible. Fail conditions are anything from high casualty rates or more. (Win and fail conditions are different from mission to mission, keep this in mind!) If you have any questions about a mission, they will be answered on the day of the session if you come early to this session. How to join Please RSVP here and be in "Game Room 3" room on TS at given time. We will be conducting this event on server 2. This event will start at 0800 PST (Pacific Standard Time, West coast of the USA "time"). Time in the calendar should be automatically adjusted to your own timezone, but just to make sure, this training will start at 0800 PST. Expect each mission to take anywhere from one hour to one and a half hours per. Other baseline info You're expected to have the mods from our modset downloaded via Steam. Also please install (or update) the TFAR plugin for your TeamSpeak, if you have any issues with it, come 10 minutes earlier so we can sort it out. The current version of the TFAR plugin on your client should be "1.-1.0.296". Refer to this image if you need help updating or installing TFAR, https://i.imgur.com/qxGaAkx.jpg. IP and password will be given to you before we join the server.
  21. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ "In our bones, we knew the war was almost over. The galaxy held its breath, waiting to see which side would make the final, daring move. As fortune would have it, the Republic moved first. After the Chancellor informed the Jedi Council that General Grievous and the Sep leaders were hiding on Utapau, General Kenobi gathered an army large enough to capture three star systems. When the orders reached the 501st, our morale soared. For better or worse, this would be the beginning of the end." ―Anonymous 501st clone trooper 19 BBY "not even you can see into hyperspace, Sev" After three years of fighting, the Galactic Republic has begun to gain an advantage over the Confederacy of Independent Systems, many of whose leaders are now dead, with the most recent being founding Head of State Count Dooku. Republic Clone Intelligence has now managed to discover the location of General Grievous, who succeeded Dooku as Head of State. Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi has in response organized a fleet of Venator-class Star Destroyers carrying an army of clones large enough to capture three star systems and dispatched to the Utapau system to bring this war to a swift end. We must for our part in this operation capture a droid resupply and logistics Centre critical to the CISs capacity to mount a defense on the planet. With any luck this conflict will soon be over... ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Clone Wars in the Star Wars Universe. The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods Star Wars Opposition, Legion Studios Base and 3AS which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Clone Wars Era/Faction based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the Clone Wars. This mission itself will be composed of two phases Phase I will resemble that of a normal mission which will include players all being on the same side clearing the assigned objectives and working together as a cohesive unit. In the following Phase II there depending on the choices of critical elements (See Below) will be a varying degree of TvT during which the opposing sides will receive differing objectives and goals of which they will be briefed prior to mission start as to what options and actions may be taken in the second Phase and when it will start. Any actions or preparations by either side prior to Phase II which are overtly intended to gain an advantage over the other side prior to the start of hostilities will be treated as metagaming and treated as such. Factions Phase I: Clones (BLUFOR) Jedi (BLUFOR) Mandalorians (BLUFOR) CIS (OPFOR) Factions Phase II: Clones (BLUFOR) Jedi (INDFOR) Mandalorians (Unknown) CIS (OPFOR) ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN PLTN 2ic/Runner (PLTN 2ic TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Jedi (Any Leadership Element Tag) @Griffin68965 [NO TAGS] ALPHA SQUAD: Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) @EpsilonNiner [NO TAGS] BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN CHARLIE: SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN DELTA SQUAD (5x Man Mandalorian Contractor Group): Delta Squad Sergeant (SL TAGS, Officer) @Sarissa Delta Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) @LurkerOne Delta Squad Heavy Gunner (Regs+, NCO) @TheSalader Delta Squad Warrior (Regs+, NCO) @info Delta Squad Warrior (Regs+, NCO) @GloppinBoopin --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from the following mods may be used in this mission. Legion Base - . 3AS - . 101st - . 212th - . JLTS - . Looting of enemy primary weapons and equipment is prohibited. All weapons , uniforms, vests, helmets and other equipment from the 501st mod - are prohibited. All weapons , uniforms, vests, helmets and other equipment from the SWOP mod - are prohibited unless a specific exception is mentioned. Launcher Carriers, Designated Marksmen and Medics are considered specialists. Individuals may not take vests inappropriate to their rank. Pauldrons are to be worn by authorized individuals only or by ARC troops. PLTN HQ. Asset Leads. Squad Leads [SL Only]. ARC Troops. AutoRiflemen, MachineGunners, MAT Bearers may take the Clone Heavy Gunner Vest && Clone Heavy Vest if desired. AutoRiflemen, MachineGunners, MAT Bearers and DMR Carriers are considered Specialists and may take the Clone Trooper Specialist Vest if desired. One squad energy shield is permitted per squad and no more. Two personal energy shields or hand held riot shields are permitted per squad and no more. Rifleman mag size limit raised to 60 rounds per magazine. HAT and Chain guns Limited to Designated heavy weapons teams. Mandalorians May Only Take 1x Flamethrower per Squad. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless specified remain in effect for this mission. Uniform: Phase II 501st Legion Clone Trooper Armor. Mandalorian Undersuit (Mandalorian Only). Helmet: Phase II 501st Legion Clone Trooper Helmet. Clan [Eldar or Ordo] Sergeant Helmet (Mandalorian Only). Clan [Eldar or Ordo] Grunt Helmet (Mandalorian Only). Rifles: DC-15A. DC-15S. DC-15C. Westar M-5 (ARC only). Westar-35C (Mandalorian Only). Westar-35S (Mandalorian Sergeant Only). Flame Thrower Hand (Mandalorian Only). Secondary: DC-17. Flame Thrower Hand (Mandalorian Only). Westar-35SA (Mandalorian Only). Westar-35 'Hammerhead' (Mandalorian Only). Dual Westar-35 'Hammerhead' (Mandalorian Only). Machine Guns: Z-6 rotary blaster cannon. ZH-73 (Mandalorian Only). Auto Rifles: DC-15L. DC-15SAW. DC-15A Mod 0. Shotguns: DP-23 Shotgun. Designated Marksman Rifles: DC-15X. DC-15A Long. DW-32s. Valken-38x. DC-15XM. Jet Trooper Grenade Launcher: RD-4 Radiation Cannon. MAT: RPS-6. HAT: PLX-1. Pauldrons: Color: Respective to the legion being played, An ARC playing a non-ranked role must take non-colored pauldrons. Permitted Roles: Squad Leads [SL Only], Platoon Leader, Platoon HQ, Asset Leads, ARC Troops. Note: Double Sided Pauldrons are restricted to all except ARC Troopers. --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset
  22. OPERATION ORION INFORMATION: This mission is going to be a scripted TvT mission and will be hosted on FK#4. The mission starts approximately 15 minutes after the end of first main. Disclaimer: - This mission is going to be a short test mission to test a mission framework in a multiplayer environment, glitches might happen. Modpack: the current FK modset MISSION: Situation: Chernarus 2000s. Russian MSV assaulting a small warehouse held by Chernarussian Insurgents. BLUFOR: Chernarussian Insurgents REDFOR: Russian MSV (The side-specific briefings are going to be conducted in-game.) The mission time limit is 45 minutes, so if the players are okay with it, we can swap sides and have a second round. If you are interested, don't forget to RSVP so I can see the numbers.
  23. This is a thread for my "PUBG" - Filler Missions before Main. The idea is: you dont have the time to run a "real" mission" so you play this fast little TVT Style Mission. Gear Restrictions: Uniform: Any. I also allow Ghillie Suits. Vest: Any. Backpack: Any. You alteast need a parachute. Weapons. Every weapons within server rules. You are allowed to take Bolt Action Sniper Rifles up to 7.62. No More than 30 Rounds Mags. No Suppressors. Items: 2x Frag Grenades. 2x Smokes only White. No more. Radio: 152 on 110. Map is allowed. Gps is allowed. You will be dropped by helicopter over the island. When you're dropped in the Island its weapons free. Its a TVT Missions FFA. Last Man Standing. "The Zone" where players are allowed to be in will be marked on map and with blue smoke on the ground. Red smoke will indicate "Death" Zones. Meanig there will be Mortar Strikes/Jdams Rockets. The Zone will get smaller. If you are outside the zone your live will get harder. Depends on Zeus here. Lighning Bolts. Enemy troops. Hints. Whatever pleases you. Beneath you see some Island that you can choose from. Dingor Abremia Abremia Everon Kolgujev Tanoa
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