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untilDUALA RAIDERS INFORMATION: This mission is going to be a scripted TvT mission and will be hosted on FK#4. Modpack: the current FK modset. Max. playercount: 40 players (+2 spectator slots). MISSION: Situation: UN have deployed peacekeepers to keep the security of a refugee camp on the war-torn Isla Duala. Food, water and medicine have been shipped here by IDAP to aid the locals. The shipment contained military supplies for the UN forces too. However, one of the local militia raider groups got intel on the shipment and decided to loot the place. The peacekeepers have to defend the camp from another looting run... BLUFOR: French UN Peacekeepers REDFOR: African Militia Raiders The side-specific briefings are going to be conducted in-game. The mission time limit is 45 minutes, so we can swap sides and have a second round. BLUFOR ORBAT - French UN Peacekeepers [20 players] UN HQ (2x men) ALPHA (9x men) BRAVO (9x men) REDFOR ORBAT - African Militia Raiders [20 players] MILITIA HQ (2x men) RAIDER 1 (6x men) RAIDER 2 (6x men) RAIDER 3 (6x men) (No slot reservation.) MAP OF THE AO:
untilBORDER PATROL INFORMATION: This mission is going to be a scripted TvT mission and will be hosted on FK#4. Modpack: the current FK modset. Max. playercount: 38 players (+2 spectator slots). MISSION: Situation: The tension on the Norwegian-Russian border has been rising since the Russian territorial claims were refused by Norway. Russian VDV forces sent an armed scout helicopter that crossed the border and shortly after it was shot down by Norwegian anti-air earlier this morning. Now both sides are sending forces to the crash site to investigate and secure the area... BLUFOR: Norwegian Army REDFOR: Russian VDV (The side-specific briefings are going to be conducted in-game.) The mission time limit is 45 minutes, so we can swap sides and have a second round. BLUFOR ORBAT - Norwegian Army [19 players] PLTHQ (3x men) ALPHA (8x men) BRAVO (8x men) REDFOR ORBAT - Russian VDV [19 players] PLTHQ (3x men) ANNA (8x men) BORIS (8x men) MAP OF THE AO:
untilVOLKHOV COUNTEROFFENSIVE INTRODUCTION: This mission is going to be a scripted mission and will be hosted on FK#4. This is part of Jerichron's WW2 campaign and uses the same modset. Anyone can reserve a slot; regs+ and tagholders have priority. Final say is at event host's discretion. Disclaimer: - This mission takes place in the WW2 era but might not be historically accurate. SITUATION: As part of the 2nd SS Panzer Division your platoon was ordered to hold the front line on the eastern bank of Volkhov River. However, due to the harsh Soviet winter, your supplies and assisting assets are limited. Your unit has been successfully holding the trench line for a few days now, however the Soviets are preparing a massive attack to push the front line... OBJECTIVES: Repel the Soviet attack Push the enemy out of Vysokoye Cross the bridge and capture the Soviet HQ in Vergezha Map of the AO: INTEL: Time and date: 08:00 January 22nd, 1943 Weather: medium fog, snowfall Enemy forces: various Soviet units Enemy ground assets: up medium tanks Enemy air assets: not present Explosives: N/A Civilians: N/A Respawn: rolling respawns Reinforcements will be teleported to the AO by using the Squad Rally Point module RRR is available for the assets, take the RRR truck with you RESTRICTIONS: Do not take enemy weapons (medical supplies, throwables can be looted). Only transport vehicles can be taken from the enemy side. FRIENDLY ASSETS: 1x PzKpfw VI Tiger Ausf. E 1x 60mm mortar team ORBAT - Panzergrenadier Platoon (Motorised) [38 slots] [HQ] Platoon Commander - @Massive Cuntasaurus Deputy Platoon Commander - RTO - @LurkerOne Medic - @griffin68965 [JÄGER 1] Section Commander - @Tomo Deputy Section Commander - (+7x men) [JÄGER 2] Section Commander - @Slim Deputy Section Commander - @vladdis611 (+7x men) [JÄGER 3] Section Commander - @Servok Deputy Section Commander - @Ventfarter (+7x men) [KRIEGER] Commander - @Garfield0003 Gunner - @Conga Line of Neckbeards Driver - @L00_Cyph3r Machine Gunner / Loader - @Muhcreedy [HAMMER] Team Leader - Mortar Asst. - @colt92 Mortar Gunner - @AngryScottishMan TECHNICAL INFORMATION: Loadouts will be automatically assigned. Detailed briefing is going to be conducted in-game. Client side mods are allowed (Blastcore etc). I recommend using the JSRS soundmod with its really good IFA3 extension. SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: Port: 2402 Password: On Request MODPACK: Download Preset (This is the one that we used for Sarissa's and Jerichron's missions, no changes.) ** The mod 7Y Assets WW2 breaks/disables system, side and group chat so you will not have it in-game. **
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untilOperation Final Destination BRIEFING: After the partial succes last mission, we cut off Salah-Ansar's money income. Sadly he fled because one of our helis flew past his Villa and he instantly knew whats coming for him. The good thing is he has not enough money left to get out of the country, so we narrowed his posible position down to 3 towns in the north west of Clafghan. We know that he spend his last cash on more troops and vehicles, we dont think we have to expect heavy equipment as he wouldn't have enough budget for it. So expect BTRs, Uaz and transport trucks. You HAVE to get him this time or else he's gone forever, so act fast and smart and try to take Salah-Ansar alive. OBJECTIVES: -seize the 3 towns -secure or kill Salah-Ansar FRIENDLY FORCES: -5x Transport HMMWV -2x UH-60M -2x AH-6M-L -1x M1A1SA or M2A2ODS ENEMY FOCES: -Insurgents acting in groups between 4-6, total numbers unknown -The enemy has access to several vehicle types(UAZ,URAL-truck,BTR,BRDM) -AT/AA capabilites: RPG-7/zsu turrets -MLCOA: Long range patrols + units guarding their outposts -MDCOA: No Coordinated strike with armoured support REMARKS: -Scattered civilian presence in the AO -It will get dark within the hour -It's recommended to only send max. 2 squads per objective -no set order in which you have to complete the objectives, but some might give you more Intel on Abdul-Baris Position SLOTS: Platoon: -PLTLead: Katla_Haddock -FAC: Kreeper -RTO: -ALPHA SQL: Lenny -BRAVO SQL: Monocled Badger -CHARLIE SQL: -DELTA SQL: Vehicles: -Vehicle Crew: Verich -Vehicle Crew: Vireis -Vehicle Crew: Cyico -Vehicle Crew (if Abrams): -Raptor/Condor Pilot: zemuffinator -Raptor/Condor Pilot: Woody Other(if PLT WANTS THESE ROLES): -PRHT Spotter: mrrbatty (tentative depends on PLT Lead and how many people we have at the start of the mission) -PRHT Sniper: anden3 (tentative depends on PLT Lead and how many people we have at the start of the mission) -Mortar lead: -Mortar gunner:
April 9th, 1999 - Tarik al-Quadri assumes office of President. Pledges to reduce the military budget and increase civilian economy. June 13th, 1999 - Lingor Crisis begins. July 3rd, 1999 - Tarik al-Quadri deploys the Sahrani Expeditionary Force to Lingor to assist in Peacekeeping duties. July 10th, 1999 - New legislation removing internal policing powers from the Sahrani National Guard is brought into effect. July 12th, 1999 - Colonel Shaamil el-Naim refuses to withdraw his 'Police Escort' from the streets of Eponia. When ordered to surrender their arms to the National Police, a brief gun battle breaks out. Colonel Shaamil el-Naim is killed. July 15th, 1999 - Growing tensions between the National Guard, National Police & Republican Guard come to a head during a government security council meeting. General Abdur Raqeeb el-Morad storms out of the meeting. July 20th, 1999 - 8 National Guard bases go into lockdown. National Police personnel are deployed to besiege these bases. July 24th, 1999 - 12:32 - A bomb at the National Assembly Building explodes; killing 42 and wounding 13. Among the wounded is Tarik al-Quadri. 13:06 - First Minister Adham Iqbal sword in as Acting President. 13:26 - Troops from the Dolores National Guard Garrison occupy Dolores & Ortego. 13:52 - Abdur Raqeeb el-Morad declares martial law. The Northern Island is occupied by National Guard. July 30th - Lead elements of the S.E.F. returns to Sahrani. The Sahrani Situation is a small campaign of smaller, shorter linked missions. Set before the Sahrani Conflict; gear is limited, the enemy uses similar equipment and uniforms. This is a Coup. The factions involved are both arms of the same military. Positive Identification of Targets is paramount in this campaign. Sharani Expeditionary Corps Members return from deployment Prepared and ready to Roll on hostile positions
CHECKPOINT ZULU INFORMATION: This mission is going to be a scripted TvT mission and will be hosted on FK#4. The mission starts approximately 10 minutes after the end of first main. Disclaimer: - This mission takes place in the Vietnam war era but might not be historically accurate. - This mission is going to be a short test mission to test a mission framework in a multiplayer environment, glitches might happen. Modpack: the latest FK modset. MISSION: Situation: Vietnam War, late 1960s. NVA forces ambush a US checkpoint in order to capture a US radio mast. BLUFOR: US Army REDFOR: NVA (The side-specific briefings are going to be conducted in-game.) The mission time limit is 45 minutes, so if the players are okay with it, we can swap sides and have a second round. If you are interested, don't forget to RSVP so I can see the numbers.
SECTOR CONTROL INTRODUCTION: This mission is going to be a scripted TvT mission and will be hosted on FK#4. The missions starts 15 minutes after the end of first main. Disclaimer: This mission takes place in the WW2 era but might not be historically accurate. THE GAME MODE - SECTOR CONTROL: Your objective is to capture and hold Sectors that are marked on the map. You begin capturing a Sector once you have full control over it (no enemy players are present in the Sector). If your side controls at least two (out of three) Sectors, the enemy side will start losing points. Killing an enemy player makes their team lose points as well. The mission ends once the mission timer hits zero or one side runs out of points. MISSION PARAMETERS: Starting points: 1000 Mission timer: 5 min. prep phase, 85 min. game time Penalty if enemy team has more control over the sectors: -1 pts/5 sec Respawning: -1 pt Respawns: 30-second respawn timer, respawn points are at base or inside a captured friendly Sector The enemy base cannot be captured RULES: FK rules are in effect No metagaming; don't use chat to share mission critical information No "stream sniping" No spawncamping If you join late, try to balance the sides when you pick a slot No looting of enemy weapons unless you're completely out of ammo Don't leave the AO (marked with a rectangle on the map) Don't take enemy vehicles "OPERATION VANGUARD": BLUFOR - GERMAN WEHRMACHT (10 players) vs INDFOR - US AIRBORNE (10 players) Time: 0600 October 12th, 1944 Location: Aachen Outskirts, Germany Weather: Medium fog, raining MODSET & SERVER INFO: Download preset Name: FK ARMA #4 WW2 TvT Server IP: Port: 2402
untilSECTOR CONTROL INTRODUCTION: This mission is going to be a scripted TvT mission and will be hosted on FK#4. Disclaimer: This mission takes place in the WW2 era but might not be historically accurate. THE GAME MODE - SECTOR CONTROL: Your objective is to capture and hold Sectors that are marked on the map. You begin capturing a Sector once you have full control over it (no enemy players are present in the Sector). If your side controls at least two (of the three) Sectors, the enemy side will start losing points. Killing an enemy player makes their team lose points. The mission ends once the mission timer hits zero or one side runs out of points. MISSION PARAMETERS: Starting points: 1000 Mission timer: 5 min. prep phase, 85 min. game time Penalty if enemy team has more control over the sectors: -1 pts/5 sec Respawning: -1 pt Respawns: 30-second respawn timer, respawn points are at base or inside a captured friendly Sector The enemy base cannot be captured RULES: FK rules are in effect No metagaming; don't use chat to share mission critical information No "streamsniping" No spawncamping If you join late, try to balance the sides when you pick a slot No looting of enemy weapons unless you're completely out of ammo Don't leave the AO (marked with a rectangle on the map) Don't take enemy vehicles "OPERATION VANGUARD": BLUFOR - GERMAN WEHRMACHT (10 players) vs INDFOR - US AIRBORNE (10 players) Time: 0600 October 12th, 1944 Location: Aachen Outskirts, Germany Weather: Medium fog, raining MODSET & SERVER INFO: Download preset Name: FK ARMA #4 WW2 TvT Server IP: Port: 2402
SECTOR CONTROL INTRODUCTION: This mission is going to be a scripted TvT mission and will be hosted on FK#4. Disclaimer: This mission takes place in the WW2 era but might not be historically accurate. The first mission starts approximately 10 minutes after first main. THE GAME MODE - SECTOR CONTROL: Your objective is to capture and hold Sectors that are marked on the map. You begin capturing a Sector once you have full control over it (no enemy players are present in the Sector). If your side controls at least two (of the three) Sectors, the enemy side will start losing points. Killing an enemy player makes their team lose points. The mission ends once the mission timer hits zero or one side runs out of points. MISSION PARAMETERS: Starting points: 1000 Mission timer: 5 min. prep phase, 45 min. game time Penalty if enemy team has more control over the sectors: -1 pts/5 sec Respawning: -1 pt Respawns: 30-second respawn timer, respawn points are at base or inside a captured friendly Sector The enemy base cannot be captured RULES: FK rules are in effect No metagaming; don't use chat to share mission critical information No "streamsniping" No spawncamping If you join late, try to balance the sides when you pick a slot No looting of enemy weapons unless you're completely out of ammo Don't leave the AO (marked with a rectangle on the map) "OPERATION BLIZZARD": BLUFOR - GERMAN WEHRMACHT (14 players) vs REDFOR - SOVIET RED ARMY (14 players) Time: 1500 January 12th, 1942 Location: Volkhov Forest, Soviet Union Weather: Heavy fog, snowing MODSET & SERVER INFO: Download preset Name: FK ARMA #4 WW2 TvT Server IP: Port: 2402
untilOverview This event is designed to "test", (mostly just play to enjoy) multiple Scenarios (aka "scripted missions") made by @Tomo! Missions: TvT: Trouble in Paradise Slots: 47 Assets: None TvT: Black Gold Slots: 63 Assets: 1x T72 & 1x Abrams Co-op: Poison Strike Slots: 11 Assets: 1x Scout Drone & All Viper team gear More information on missions can be found in this post: Important information Read the briefing! The briefing contains all of the information you will need to know as your faction. (In the case of TvTs, briefings and assets can and will differ based upon faction. As stated earlier, it is of the utmost importance to READ THE BRIEFING!) You spawn with your stuff! All equipment given on spawn is all the equipment you will get! There are no arsenals and there is no Zeus. (Unless a logged in admin is online.) Win and fail conditions matter! Completing the objective is the main way you will be able to achieve the mission, side objectives are possible. Fail conditions are anything from high casualty rates or more. (Win and fail conditions are different from mission to mission, keep this in mind!) If you have any questions about a mission, they will be answered on the day of the session if you come early to this session. How to join Please RSVP here and be in "Game Room 3" room on TS at given time. We will be conducting this event on server 2. This event will start at 0800 PST (Pacific Standard Time, West coast of the USA "time"). Time in the calendar should be automatically adjusted to your own timezone, but just to make sure, this training will start at 0800 PST. Expect each mission to take anywhere from one hour to one and a half hours per. Other baseline info You're expected to have the mods from our modset downloaded via Steam. Also please install (or update) the TFAR plugin for your TeamSpeak, if you have any issues with it, come 10 minutes earlier so we can sort it out. The current version of the TFAR plugin on your client should be "1.-1.0.296". Refer to this image if you need help updating or installing TFAR, IP and password will be given to you before we join the server.
OPERATION ORION INFORMATION: This mission is going to be a scripted TvT mission and will be hosted on FK#4. The mission starts approximately 15 minutes after the end of first main. Disclaimer: - This mission is going to be a short test mission to test a mission framework in a multiplayer environment, glitches might happen. Modpack: the current FK modset MISSION: Situation: Chernarus 2000s. Russian MSV assaulting a small warehouse held by Chernarussian Insurgents. BLUFOR: Chernarussian Insurgents REDFOR: Russian MSV (The side-specific briefings are going to be conducted in-game.) The mission time limit is 45 minutes, so if the players are okay with it, we can swap sides and have a second round. If you are interested, don't forget to RSVP so I can see the numbers.