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Okay, so here's the pitch: Russian Government is putting interest into the island of "Dingor" Situated 500 km east of the Guyana's shore. The isle wealth comes from it's perfect placement when it comes to commerciality from Africa and Europe to South-America. But the geographical aspect doesn't stop there: it's also a strategical point as a FOB to operate in the region. At first, Russians tried to take over with diplomacy and a bit of corruption over the local government, but the economy of the isle is too strong and the Russians influence isn't extended enough. It has been decided that the isle is too valuable, and that it has to be taken. Pretexting to be afraid for it's own economical business in the region, the Russian government achieved to set up a small base on the shore, and thus brought all needed gear using false civilian cargo. 2 days after the arrival of the first troops, everything is ready: The first phase of the plan is to take over the south side of the Island. It consists of 2 main objectives: 1- Take over the radio system of the island in order to have control of all the informations that are sent or received. This objective will be completed once the communication post of the city has been taken. 2- Take control of the main southern city: "Calamar". This objective will be completed when the airport, the harbor and the city hall are all under control. (Pictures are WIP, not definitive look of the area) Of course, everything is protected by military forces: The CSAT. Destroying any of these objectives will result in a fail of the mission, and have repercussions over the rest of the campaign. Expect high resistance from them, as this island weights a lot in their economy. Specifications: Number of enemies: around 150. Civilian presence: Yes. Enemy assets: Mainly small vehicules, but reports says that heavier vehicules are ready if needed. Enemy status: On Alert, will fire on sight. For the players: Gear: Remember that you are playing as Russians, so adapt. (I recommend the AK 105) Assets: Refer to the images Rules of engagement: Platoon Lead decides.
The story is fictional and shows the reality in no way A few words before the beginning: This campaign will keep on going for a while if everything goes as planned. From the start of the first mission (2018-05-21) until the end of the last one (placeholder for end date) my profile is to be considered to be the way of contact as of agent behind enemy lines, so form the start until the end, all my forum posts may hold little clues, riddles or codes, which can lead to little small ops, new missions or just story elements to be revealed. In this post I'll document the outcomes and consequences of the missions. Hope you all enjoy. So as for the base Lore: The Grand offensive 2020-05-05 (yyyy-mm-dd) The Kurdish forces opened a new factory on the mainland of the island Panthera. They started producing better equipment and vehicles, as well as reinforcing their island and setting up force on the northern border. With this maneuver they broke the peace pact made a few years prior in 2011 after a humiliating defeat from the Russians. 2020-06-13 (yyyy-mm-dd) The Russian forces decided to take the valuable of territory found in Panthera and planned out an offensive to get a stable FOB for their upcoming war and for that purpose they picked the island next to the mainland in the south-western side. The infantry and assets are ready the carrier is anchored now they are waiting for the order to begin which is scheduled to arrive on the 14th at 0700am.