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So I've had this mission idea for a while now but I'm not sure i can make it work in a good way so here is a backstory: So there are two forces: Idap and UN, Un forces are backing IDAP when they are clearing out the major towns on the map Chernarus. Mission will probably proceed the following way: UN and IDAP mobilizes their forces to clear Cherno and Elektro so that civvies can be safely returned to their homes, Russians get notified and start immobilizing their forces aswell to stop them from retaking "their" Territory. Please give me more ideas and feedback in the comments, it will help me a lot Here is a pastebin link for the mission SQF: Thanks
OPERATION FRIDAY REBELLION CONTEXT It has been five years since the Russian Federation landed troops on the Island of Abramia, the words still fresh in your mind from the radio broadcasts issued from Yolandi requesting compliance with the Russians as they occupied the capital "the occupation is temporary" and "to ensure the stability of the region" words which became commonplace in the coming days. citizens deemed a threat to the occupation and "public safety" were rounded up and sent to camps in the North of the Island as the Abramian military demobilized. From that point on the people have taken on a demeanour of subdued compliance with those intending to resist biding their time for the correct moment to strike...until now, the provincial forces have been deployed to the north leaving key munitions depots exposed...with fire and fury you will take back your homes. SITUATION YOUR MISSION HAS 3 STAGES: CAPTURE THE VEHICLES AND MUNITIONS FROM THE PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENTS DEPOTS, DELIVER CAPTURED EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLES TO THE RESISTANCE BASE,HOLD THE RESISTANCE BASE AGAINST RETALIATORY STIKES BY PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT FORCES, WITH THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED FROM THE DEPOTS A REBELLION CAN BE FORMED AGAINST THE RUSSIAN BACKED PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT AND A DEFENDABLE BASE FROM WHICH TO LAUNCH A SUSTAINED GEURILLA CAMPAIGN CAN BE ESTABLISHED. OBJECTIVES: SECURE VEHICLES AND MUNITIONS FROM RUSSIAN VDV DEPOTS. DELIVER SECURED VEHICLES AND MUNITIONS TO THE DESIGNATED RESISTANCE BASE(BASE LOCATION WILL BE SELECTED AT BRIEFING). HOLD RESISTANCE BASES AGAINST RETALIATORY STRIKES. FAILURE CONDITIONS: IF MORE THAN HALF OF THE CAPTURED VEHICLES ARE LOST. IF RESISTANCE FORCES ARE UNABLE TO HOLD THEIR BASE AGAINST RUSSIAN FORCES. ENEMY COMPOSITION: RUSSIAN PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT FORCES (VDV) 29TH GUARDS MECHANIZED DIVISION - ASSIGNED TO THE ABRAMIAN PROVISIONAL GOVT. GENERATION 2 EQUIPMENT AND KIT – SUPPLIED BY THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. APPROX COMPANY STRENGTH IN AO. ENEMY COG: THE ENEMY ARE EVENLY SPREAD ALL OVER THE ISLAND OF ABRAMISA WITH PRIMARY FORCES CURRENTLY LOCATED IN THE NORTH FORCES IN THE SOUTH ARE CONCENTRATED WITHIN THEIR BASES INCLUDING THE DEPOTS, ALTHOUGH THE INTERNATIONAL AIR BASE AT YOLANDI IS THE CURRENT CENTRE OF OPERATIONS FOR THE ENEMY. YOU ARE ADVISED TO AVOID THIS AREA, AS BEING DETECTED WILL RESULT IN YOUR EXPOSURE, AND LIKELY ENCIRCLEMENT AND ANNIHILATION. RECOMMENDED TACT: PICK AND CHOOSE YOUR FIGHTS. AT THIS POINT IN THE REBELLION OPEN CONFLICT WITH PROVISIONAL FORCES CAN AND WILL BE FATAL. FRIENDLY FORCES: ABRAMIAN RESISTANCE FORCES - BLUFOR RADIOS - UNI: GEURILLA COVERALLS (BOKO HARAM/GUE CCE). 1 PLT HQ 4 SECTIONS RESISTANCE INF. 2 BMP-2S Weapon & equipment choices should be Russian platforms, at this stage of the rebellion weapons are scavenged from wherever possible. AREA OF OPERATIONS: MUNITIONS DEPOTS: DEPOT-1 DEPOT-2 MI-24S STATIONED AT YOLANDI INTERNATIONAL: Notes: This mission is a test bed for a concept I have been working on for a campaign.The idea I had in mind is that as missions progress player forces will gain access to more sophisticated and varied equipment with various options for gaining new equipment in future missions EX: A mission could involve meeting with western representatives to secure equipment for the rebellion or as in the case of the mission above raiding enemy installations and stealing equipment. In addition, the choices made in missions will affect the overall direction the campaign takes and by extension the direction and lore of the rebellion.
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Task Force 611 Campaign: Feel free to ask any questions or suggestions in the comments below! Prologue: Chapter 1:
untilLogon: FK.PLT3@US.ARMY.MIL Password: BLOOBS . . . . Logging in . . . . Access Granted . . . .OPENING FILE 2-18-15-11-5-14--1-18-18-15-23 . . . . . . .Authorization: ************** ACCESS GRANTED NOTE: Read all the way through before asking questions. The info is non-sequential. (You can skim.) Table of Contents: I: Story II: Objectives III: Intel IV: Friendly Assets V: Restrictions VI: Additional Notes VII: Slotting Section 6: Additional Notes Section 7: Slotting . . . . Ending Connection . . . .Re-Encrypting Files . . . .Terminating Connection . . . . . . .Logging off TL:DR: The enemy has every advantage. Read Section 5: Restrictions P.S: If you wish to play in my mission but don’t want a slot. PM Fletch. (Anybody can do this)
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until17 June, 1987 The past month has been hell for us. USSR forces launched a surprise attack on Iraqi forces, looking to capture our plentiful natural resources. They've pushed us back to our main HQ at the Al Amarah Airbase, and are planning to attack us within a weeks time to finish the job. Brothers, we are going to launch on surprise attack on the traitorous USSR whilst they are preparing to attack us. For the freedom of Iraq! Around the objectives there's either Anti-Tank or Anti-Air emplacements, working together will help get rid of them quickly. There is a large amount of BTR's, BMP's, T-72's, Mi-8's. Mi-24's and possibly small group of MiG's. Be careful. For some objectives, there will be our minefields, most are marked with signs, but some are not. Assets: 1 x T-72B [BULL] 1 x BTR-80 [VULTURE] 4 x Mi-8MT [OSPREY] 3 x T-72B [BEAR] 1 x ZSU-23-4 [VIPER] 1 x BMP-2 [VIPER] 1 x UH-1Y Spec Ops Squad [PANTHER] 1 x Mi-24M [JACKAL] 2 x HEMTT (Engineer/Mine Clearing/RRR) [WOLF MOTHER] 1 x Artillery Battery (Zeus Controlled) [FALCON] THIS IS A ZEUS'D MISSION Slot reservation (68 slots): BE AWARE - TAG RULES STILL APPLIES. YOU WILL GET THE SLOT IF NONE OF THE TAG HOLDERS WANT THE SLOT OR WILL NOT ATTEND THE MISSION AND THERE ARE ONLY 68 SLOTS, NO ATTACHEES, IF A TAG HOLDER ASKS FOR A SLOT THAT YOU HAVE, YOU WILL BE PLACED AS RESERVE SLOTS WILL BE FINALIZED 1 HOUR BEFORE MISSION START Armour Command [BULL] Commander (Lead): Digby Gunner (2iC): NeilZar Driver (Medic): Reserve: Grimm [Fox] Air Command [VULTURE] Commander (Lead): Toasty Gunner (2iC): Reserve: Fred Driver (Medic): Spartan_MiniMe Air Platoon [OSPREY] Osprey 1-1: Pilot: Reserve: Fletch Lead: Reserve: ChaosShadowWolfe (Might be late) 2iC: Medic: Auto Rifleman: SMPureParadise Assistant Auto Rifleman: kkbuilder AT/AA Specialist: ColonelHoagie Osprey 1-2: Pilot: Reserve: Shroomzeh Lead: Reserve: Vipercode 2iC: Reserve: XavierPony Medic: Conga Auto Rifleman: Guest Assistant Auto Rifleman: Beren AT/AA Specialist: Mrkosak Osprey 1-3: Pilot: Reserve: C-O-B-R-A Lead: 2iC: Reserve: Dirk Gently Medic: Linnet Auto Rifleman: Joala Assistant Auto Rifleman: SunnyLemon AT/AA Specialist: CrazyMissy Osprey 1-4: Pilot: Reserve: Mohammed Lead: Reserve: JackofAllPC 2iC: Medic: Neroxen Autorifleman: Crillekarl Assistant Autorifleman: thePier (Going to be a bit late) AT/AA Specialist: Kabige Armour Platoon [BEAR] Bear 1-1: Commander: Tomo Gunner: Pychopozzie Driver: Benji/Winters Bear 1-2: Commander: Reserve: DarkisWolfen Gunner: Reserve: Viking Driver: Reserve: Murky Bear 1-3: Commander: Reserve: Nugget30 Gunner: Reserve: Declan Driver: Reserve: Monarda AA/AI Squad: [VIPER] Viper 1-1 (AI): Commander: Cyico Gunner: Reserve: Unidigit Driver: Reserve: CitrusJerry Viper 1-2 (AA): Commander: Reserve: Legendo Gunner: Reserve: AndyT90 Driver: Reserve: Mekboy_4000 RRR/Engineer Trucks [WOLF MOTHER] Commander: Timberhawk Driver: Simon3373 Driver: Dog Engineer: Fazecat Engineer: thebf3fan Spec ops Squad [LEOPARD] Pilot: Trinoc Lead: Chefla 2iC: Reserve: Lexic Medic: Gditz AT Specialist: Krieg Autorifleman: Weegie Assistant Autorifleman: BigT Attack Heli [JACKAL] Gunner: BonSie Pilot: Oirien Artillery Battery [FALCON] ZEUS CONTROLLED
until8 Aug 2008 At night forward forces of Gerodia under the support of NATO, made an attempt of the reoccupation of Malden island. Joint Russian/Malden peacekeeper forces have been treacherously attacked and got spread across the area. On current moment there is three main resistance area near the towns of Laiche, St. Loise and La Trinite. Towns by themselves are occupied by enemy vanguard forces. Also, NATO forces captured the main airport, old NATO base, and radio tower. So the 32nd Separate Tank Batallion got an assignment from high command. The enemy has a quite large amount of APC/IFV and tank vehicles, supported by some infantry and light and medium helicopters. Amount of friendly forces and their vehicle capability is unknown. Assets for this mission are: 1 x T-80UK for Battalion commander 1 x BRM-1K for Platoon commanders 8 x T-80UE 2 x ZSU-23-4 2 x Ammo Trucks 1 x SpecOps Squad (equipped with BTR-80A) Be aware - this is a ZEUS mission, not scripted! Slot reservation (53 slots): BE AWARE - TAG RULES STILL APPLIES. YOU WILL GET THE SLOT IF NONE OF THE TAG HOLDERS WILL WANT IT OR WILL NOT ATTEND THE MISSION AND THERE ARE ONLY 53 SLOTS, NO ATTACHEES, YOU STILL CAN ASK FOR A SLOT AND GO AS A RESERVE BN HQ Commander Tank [BLACKSMITH] Commander (BN COM): Netheral Gunner (BN 2IC): NeilZar Driver (BN Medic): Radio squad BRM [ANVIL] BRM commander (RTO): Silberjojo BRM navigator (Plt COM): Tomo BRM Gunner (Plt COM): BRM Driver: Winters Medic: savage_creed Reserve: Natnanny Medic: Lexic Reserve: Guest 1stTANK PLT [HAMMER] HAMMER 1-1: Commander: Cyico Gunner: BonSie Driver: Oirien HAMMER 1-2: Commander: Gunner: Driver: HAMMER 1-3: Commander: Gunner: Cr0wnless Driver: HAMMER 1-4: Commander: Gunner: Toasty Driver: 2st TANK PLT [HATCHET] HATCHET 1-1: Commander: viking_nor Gunner: Judgeman Driver: Mrkosak HATCHET 1-2: Commander: Gunner: Timberhawk Driver: CitrusJerry HATCHET 1-3: Commander: Mogze Gunner: Isardy Driver: Simon3373 HATCHET 1-4: Commander: Gunner: KingShibe Driver: Fletch AA SQUAD [SLINGSHOT] SLINGSHOT 1-1: Commander: Gunner: andyt90 Driver: SLINGSHOT 1-2: Commander: sumsum Gunner: Chuck Yeager Driver: turbo balt LOGISTIC SQUAD [PLOW] SL: 2IC: Truck driver: Jacob_Waltz Truck driver: Servok Rifleman: Locky Rifleman: Dog SPECOPS SQUAD [SICKLE] SL: mulletshock 2IC: C-O-B-R-A Medic: Gditz AT specialist: BigT Autorifleman: Legendo Reserve: Conga Line of Neckbeards AR Assistant: Weegie Reserve: Neroxen BTR Commander/Gunner: Sarissa BTR Driver: BlueNexus
untilTHIS IS LOCAL HOSTED NORMAL FK RULES DO NOT APPLY (I had a hangover, and stayed off the PC all day yesterday(monday), so it has been been pushed a little longer, refer to the date above) This is basically the Hunger Games. FORMAT: You will start SOLO. You will start in a circle in the middle, no one being able to move until the sound of the cannon fire. Upon the fire of the cannon, all may move, and you will be allowed to either run into the middle, to grab gear, or turn around and book it away from the middle. Last man standing wins There will be ZEUS "GIFTS" and CMs may give ONE gift to any person in the game, other than themselves. They decide from a premade list. TEAMING: It is allowed, but only one can win, so... Good luck. And no. I don't care if you will both kill yourself. I'm not human, I'm a machine.
untilThe curtains rise again for the shit fest called FK Festival This time, grab your most beloved mates and team up to achieve supremacy on the server. This time all events will be held in a 3-Person-Tagteam-Deathmatch style! - This means: PLEASE TRY TO GET INTO GROUPS BEFORE! THE ACTUAL FESTIVAL! 3 People per team! The Events this time will be: - The Pirates of the Ca... Arma(TM) Arr, get in ye boaty, plunder ye booty and sink thy enemy. But... why's the rum gone? - Royal Rumble "Tank Edition" Gear up with Javelins and mount up in 60 tons of democracy! - Tank down? No problem. The word is: Last Man Standing. - You are free to engage with your AT once your vehicle is down - Air Space Supremacy Load up into some Blackhawks with your trusty door gunners... and kill everything in your way! Same Server and Teamspeak as always
Mission 2: Operation Birth Certificate After the Rebel attack in the previous mission, Trump wants to get rid of those little pests. So he called for a Spec Ops mission on a Rebel outpost at Matacan found after the Rebel attack. Images taken of the area using an UAV also show a large presence of Rebel forces in the town of Faunaverde. Objective: Secure the intel at Matacan and liberate the town of Faunaverde. Success conditions: Intel has been recovered from Matacan Town of Faunaverde has been liberated of Rebel forces Failure conditions: More than 3 hostages die Intel is not recovered and Hostages are not rescued Slots to be assigned beforehand: Platoon Leader: Netheral 2IC (optional): FAC: Anden3 RTO: Pilots Heli (x4): Chuck Yeager, Seami, PVT. J. Mohammed Prophet Sniper (DMR): Fidelias Spotter: V1rU5 Vehicle Crew (x4) Vericht, Lokyar, Cyico Hostage: Zoltar Privileged person: Leftymonster Other Info: All feedback of the first mission has been fixed in this mission, so DMR and medics work now. *EDIT* No Heavy Weapons squad!
Okay, so here's the pitch: Russian Government is putting interest into the island of "Dingor" Situated 500 km east of the Guyana's shore. The isle wealth comes from it's perfect placement when it comes to commerciality from Africa and Europe to South-America. But the geographical aspect doesn't stop there: it's also a strategical point as a FOB to operate in the region. At first, Russians tried to take over with diplomacy and a bit of corruption over the local government, but the economy of the isle is too strong and the Russians influence isn't extended enough. It has been decided that the isle is too valuable, and that it has to be taken. Pretexting to be afraid for it's own economical business in the region, the Russian government achieved to set up a small base on the shore, and thus brought all needed gear using false civilian cargo. 2 days after the arrival of the first troops, everything is ready: The first phase of the plan is to take over the south side of the Island. It consists of 2 main objectives: 1- Take over the radio system of the island in order to have control of all the informations that are sent or received. This objective will be completed once the communication post of the city has been taken. 2- Take control of the main southern city: "Calamar". This objective will be completed when the airport, the harbor and the city hall are all under control. (Pictures are WIP, not definitive look of the area) Of course, everything is protected by military forces: The CSAT. Destroying any of these objectives will result in a fail of the mission, and have repercussions over the rest of the campaign. Expect high resistance from them, as this island weights a lot in their economy. Specifications: Number of enemies: around 150. Civilian presence: Yes. Enemy assets: Mainly small vehicules, but reports says that heavier vehicules are ready if needed. Enemy status: On Alert, will fire on sight. For the players: Gear: Remember that you are playing as Russians, so adapt. (I recommend the AK 105) Assets: Refer to the images Rules of engagement: Platoon Lead decides.
Basically our PMC has to preform a "Hostile Takeover" on a Rival PMC's base in Nogova. Local paramilitary forces along with the mercenary army themselves will be the OPFOR. Cont. of the last PMC Op.
Isla Abramis. Russians have nukes in the mountains poised to attack a US naval base. US Paratroops in snow camo drop into the artic climate to deal with them. Dropping meaning Helicoptered or TP-ed in. Not Paradropped. That'd be hell unless we can find an open plain.
Operation Just Cause Important Notes: This will be a Zeus mission tags and ranks are prioritized. This will be a night mission. Map: Tanoa Squads 6 Squads total, 2 Airborne squads and 4 Ranger squads. Alpha and Bravo: Airborne Charlie, Delta, Echo Foxtrot: Ranger Basic Equipment Rifle: M16A4 Carry handle (RHS) or Bushmaster .300 Carbine Sights: NONE Attachment: Flashlight Pistol: M9 (RHS) Shirt: TRYK Woodland BDU Vest: TRYK GA Career Rig Wood (Not Typo) Backpack: Kit-bag (MDU02) Helmet: Helmet Mk7 MTP Scrim (D) (BAF) or TRYK MICH (Woodland) Night Vision: (Any) Short Range: AN/PRC-152 Long Range: Bergen DPM Tmp (BAF) or Anything Matching Assets Vehicles Humvee's (Sling Loaded by UH-60's) M113's Helicopters 3x UH-60's 1x MH-60 2x Apache Planes 2x C-130J PLAYER ORGANISATION : (THANK YOU @SarissaFOR THIS FORMAT) Rifleman, AR and AAR slots are included but are not reservable. Engineers can bring mines, explosives, and LAT (PLTHQ) : XVIII Airborne Corps Platoon Corps Commander (Colonel) [LR: N/A] - OPEN 75th Ranger RTO [LR: 69] - OPEN 82nd Airborne RTO [LR: 68] - OPEN Medic [LR : N/A] - OPEN FAC [LR : 67] - OPEN 75th Ranger (Heliborne) [LR: 69] Alpha SL - OPEN 2ic - OPEN Medic - OPEN Bravo SL - OPEN 2ic - OPEN Medic - OPEN Charlie SL - OPEN 2ic - OPEN Medic - OPEN Delta SL - OPEN 2ic - OPEN Medic - OPEN 82nd Airborne [LR : 68] Echo SL - OPEN 2ic - OPEN Medic - OPEN Engineer - OPEN Engineer - OPEN Foxtrot SL - OPEN 2ic - OPEN Medic - OPEN Engineer - OPEN Engineer - OPEN [Pilots] [LR: 67] Condor 1-1 (UH-60) Pilot - OPEN Condor 1-2 (UH-60) Pilot - OPEN Condor 1-3 (UH-60) Pilot - OPEN Bandit 1-1 (F-117) Pilot - (Zeus Controled) Bandit 1-2 (F-117) Pilot - (Zeus Controled) Bandit 1-1 (F-117) Pilot - (Zeus Controled) Reliance 1-1 (MH-6) Pilot - OPEN Vulture 1-1 (AH-64) Pilot - (Liberty Bell 1-1 Pilot) Gunner - (Liberty Bell 1-2 Pilot) Vulture 1-2 (AH-64) Pilot - OPEN Gunner - OPEN Liberty Bell 1-1 (C-130J) Pilot - OPEN Liberty Bell 1-2 (C-130J) Pilot - OPEN Briefing Ground Forces Platoon Platoon will either parachute with the 82nd Airborne or assault with the 75 Rangers. Reliance 1-1 will be your private transport chopper, you can travel with whoever you want. When the port is captured, contact crossroads to have the US army land some lunchboxes. An F-117 callsign will be on standby 82nd Airborne Objectives (NOT in order) Secure the town of Harcourt (Once the town is secured respawns will be flown in) Secure and defend the bridge from QRF (Use Engineers) Destroy the Comms tower (Use Engineers) Destroy the SAM site 75 Ranger Objectives (NOT in order) Capture Belrick Destroy the ammo cache at Fort St. John Capture St. George Airport Kill the HVT Capture Lujhaven Harbour Pilots Vulture Fuck Shit Up (Stay away from SAM's and the airport, don't go Rambo, please) Liberty Bell Condor All 3 UH-60's will fly the 75 Rangers to assault the town of Belrick (LZ chosen by Platoon) Once completed Condor 1-1 will carry respawns to their respected areas at either Belrick or Harcourt. (ONLY ONCE THE TOWNS ARE CAPTURED) Condor 1-2 and 1-3 will sling load Humvees to Belrick or Harcourt. (ONLY ONCE THE TOWNS ARE CAPTURED) If all UH-60's are lost there will be no more respawns
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Basic Mission idea is as follows Simultaneous Amphib and Airborne invasion of a hostile Island/Coast line. just need some help finding a map and how I should delegate assets, also a zeus willing to take this mission on would be sweet. I am modeling this mission after Operation Overlord, the Invasion of Normandy by Allied Forces in WW2 but of course with modern equipment and smaller scale. My idea is to have the paratroop units (2 squad max) jump in well before the sea invasion and secure a variety of objectives that will make the Amphibious easier or harder depending on success. then soon after (maybe 20 to 30 minutes at most) the invasion will launch, maybe starting with a medium shelling of the landing zone. The final objective of the Invasion will be the securing of a large town and if things go decently well both the Airborne and Amphib force should be able to attack the town at the same time from different directions. Any feedback? If you guys could help me find a map and take an image of the map that would help in drawing up a plan. Also I may put a strawpoll up to name the mission.
So I had an idea for a mission. I couldn't think of a better name than Black Hawk Down but it is not based on the film or the real life events. Truth be told, it's kind of based on a mission from Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2, if anyone played that. Seeing as I can't use the mission editor, or Zeus worth a damn, I thought I'd throw down here and see if anyone wanted to try picking it up. What you'll need: Two Large Towns/Cities (for Objectives Icarus and Gabriel) One Small Town or Military Installation reasonably close to either Gabriel or Icarus (for Objective Sword) Assets (can be modified for balance): 1x Bradley (or similar IFV, must have a minimum carrying capacity of 4, excluding the crew) 1x Force Recon Team (up to 8 infantry with 2 armed Humvees, could also provision sniper cover or DMR, also advise regs and above for this asset. If platoon and Knight crew wish, the Bradley could attach to FR). Potentially allow a UCAV with limited ground attack capability to assist in attacking some of the enemy armour. Advise UCAV pilot that AA is in the area. If this asset is used, and we have a pilot and infantry comfortable with it, and at Admin/Zeus discretion, allow Force Recon use of a laser designator to vector in surgical strikes at enemy positions to soften them up before the main force arrives. Ideally, mission time limit of 1h30m, this time limit will begin when first engagement is made, and end when helo crew is secured. Mission Background: A US UH-60 Blackhawk (or a Ghosthawk if you feel fancy) helicopter, callsign Cipher (or something else tech/nerdy), has been lost while carrying out a test of a top secret, revolutionary new type of radar scrambler within enemy territory. The test was unsuccessful, the helicopter was downed by a shoulder fired SAM within the limits of (insert town/city here). The crew maintained contact after making a crash landing. They reported that all 3 crew members (The 2 pilots and the crew chief) had survived the crash. Radio contact was lost shortly after. Scenario: With such an important piece of technology now lying in a wreck in enemy territory, we've had to call in our nearest assets from the neighbouring country. Satellite imagery has confirmed the helo wreckage is largely intact, and its approximate location is marked as Objective Icarus. We were also able to confirm that the helo crew was taken alive by OPFOR, and are being held captive at Objective Gabriel. We believe OPFOR intend to execute the helicopter crew as propaganda. We also believe they will recover the helo wreckage and use it to reverse-engineer the radar scrambler. We cannot allow this to happen Therefore, we have multiple objectives that need to be completed in a short time frame. We don't have time to wait for a larger force. The helo wreckage should be heavily defended, with some armour elements (BMPs etc.) and a medium-strong infantry presence. Objective Sword, the hostile QRF force, should have a weaker presence, but should still be substantial. A few BMPs, and make the rest up in soft targets. The AA presence in the area has been increased since the helo incursion, so use of air assets is extremely risky. Infantry must move in by ground assets. Platoon to allocate squads and assets based on a 2 phase mission plan. Ideally, these phases should be completed in order. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phase 1: Objectives Icarus and Sword----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Icarus: This is the approximate location of the downed helo. Seeing as we do not have time to round up the appropriate assets to salvage the wreckage, our only option is to destroy it. Anticipate strong resistance from both infantry and a small number of light armored vehicles. There should be some kind of fortifications surrounding the helo. Advise you send a larger force here. Completion Criteria: The helo wreckage is destroyed. NOTE: The wreckage is only considered "destroyed" when 3 or more demolition charges (or a single 4x demo block) have been placed onto the wreckage and detonated. LAT rockets should not count for the sake of challenge) Failure Criteria: The helo wreckage is not destroyed within the mission time limit. NOTE: Failure of this objective should trigger mission failure Objective Sword: This is the location of the enemy's QRF. As soon as any sort of attack is detected, we believe the enemy will deploy QRF to objective Gabriel in order to expedite the helo crew's removal from the AO, and to reinforce the infantry there. Therefore, a pre-emptive strike would be prudent. It is advised that the attack on the QRF is co-ordinated to begin just before the assault on objective Icarus, so the enemy do not get a chance to fully mobilize. An alternative plan is to potentially set up an ambush along the enemy's path from Sword to Gabriel. This strategy will be at Platoon's discretion. Advise allocating a slightly smaller force to this objective, but send the Bradley along with them for support. Should be moderately well defended but not to Icarus' extent. NOTE: Enemy QRF force should not move before first engagement at either Icarus or Sword itself. In a nutshell, if nobody has started shooting at the enemy yet, QRF stays put. Completion Criteria: Hostile QRF force is either completely destroyed, or immobilized/combat ineffective before it is able to reach Objective Gabriel. Failure Criteria: Enemy QRF reaches Objective Gabriel. NOTE: Failure of Objective Sword does not mean failure of the mission, but it should make Objective Gabriel substantially more difficult. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phase 2: Objective Gabriel ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Allied forces should regroup at a staging area a couple of klicks from the city of Objective Gabriel. Platoon to coordinate attack strategy, all-out frontal, attack from all sides, overwatch etc. Potential for a resupply at staging area as well. Objective here is simple. Find and secure the helo crew. If the Bradley is still functional at this point, it could prove to be extremely useful. The area of Objective Gabriel should be heavily defended, as it is intended to be an OPFOR stronghold. Emplaced machine guns, armour, high amount of infantry etc. Should be a real challenge to get through. The intention here is that you'll be attacking the city with six squads. Resistance should reflect that platoon strength. Helo crew is to be extracted via the Bradley, if it is operational, or via extra humvees provisioned as necessary if the Bradley goes boom. A pre-arranged Extraction Zone should be set 1 or 2 klicks outside of the city. When the crew is safely brought to the EZ, the mission is a success. It may be a good idea to have Force Recon scout the area while the rest of the platoon is regrouping and resupplying. Completion Criteria: 2 or more of the surviving 3 crew members are successfully brought to the EZ. Failure Criteria: 2 or more of the surviving crew are K.I.A., or mission time expires before the crew are located. NOTE: The mission expiry timer should be stopped and disregarded when Zeus/Platoon considers the crew to have been located and secured. I.e. no immediate hostile threat to the crew. Also, no ISIS style executions. The only threat to life the crew should face is potential crossfire as they are moved to the extraction vic . Failure of this objective should trigger mission failure. Treat this as a wireframe. This is just an idea I had, and I'm relatively inexperienced at the game, with no experience of Zeus or Mission Editing. If someone picks this up and wants to change some of the mission parameters, assets etc. be my guest. You probably know better than I do. If anyone wants me to elaborate or put some more detail into this, I'd be more than happy to when I can. My only concerns with this mission idea are finding the right balance in terms of resistance, and also keeping it to an acceptable time.
So I have this mission, it's not nearly ready, but I do believe that with some help from a more experienced member, it can be quite a fun mission! The mission is to hold the line and survive 4 waves of ZEUS spawned Russian forces, getting progressively more and more difficult, once the 4 waves have been completed, you'll be tasked with retreating to the town, where another 4 waves must be completed, until finally being evaced at a nearby radar dish via Chinook. The Mission takes place in the early morning, when the sun is just peering over the hills after a snowstorm that took place the previous night. Here are some screenshots of it:
I've an idea about a Zeus role play mission. Inspired in the movie Red Dawn, it would roll like this Russians are invading US territory. The remain civilians run away during the attack, survivals should use guerrilla tactics to manage their way to some big radio tower to alert the US army about the situation. Players are civilians, Russians don't necessarily attack civilians, only when they are a threat (Zeus must control this) when civilians attack the Russian army then they become blufor. They all have roles but not necessary a gun. (Example: doctor, mechanic, farmer, police officer and military veteran (instantly blufor), shop owner, priest, lazy civilian, engineer, technician, gangster...) They must organize themselves to scavenge for items around the map, find Russian patrols and bases stealing items and vehicles. This campaign can be done as one mission or many. New players can be added during the campaign as prisoners. Prisoners must be released from prison to play. I don't know how to create this mission, but i can work as Zeus and assure the fun during the game. It can last as long as the players enjoy(from 1 up to 4 hours). Missions can have different objectives keep the game interesting. In my time in Arma i did such kind of mission two times. Players enjoy it very much. I think people here may also like it. Would someone please help me creating such campaign?
This thread for posting inspiration for mission design. I have created this thread so people can post real world news war footage and pictures. With this there is a heavy rule set and it will be taken seriously. If not followed correctly can end up with someone being banned. The rules: No gore. No live deaths (someone going from alive to dead in footage). No ISIS footage. Not even in news segments. No liveleak posts. All content must be vetted first by a member of staff before posting. Marked approved by under posting and tag them. These are in place to stop someone being banned. This thread has been approved and can be changed if needed. All footage should be viewed as educational. This footage is not meant to be violent in any way. Sharing this footage for the purposes of news reporting and educating.
I can run these either in main missions or in smaller afternoon missions, depending on demand. They will be zeused rather than scripted, as I have next to zero knowledge when it comes to scripting missions. This is an early concept so all feedback/criticism/tips is highly appreciated! This is a series of missions I'm planning out where you guys will be playing as a group of rebels on the island of United Sahrani, aiming to restore the communist state of the Democratic Republic of Sahrani. You control the Northwestern part of United Sahrani, with the overarching objective over the course of many missions being eventual control over the entire map. Mechanics/Structure NOTE: To begin with, this will be hard. You are less equipped than your enemy, who has better assets and more resources than you do. To begin with, your rebel forces will have limited equipment available to you. Over the course of the campaign, you will be able to secure strategic sites such as weapons and vehicle depots, which will provide access to better gear and assets. Another mechanic that I plan to try out in these missions, and may scrap if it doesn't work well, is popular support. Certain actions will lead to an increase or decrease in support from the civilian population (e.g., excessive civilian deaths will lower it, and securing propaganda stations/freeing political prisoners will increase it). The level of popular support your cause has will affect certain factors in the missions (strength of enemy forces, civilian cooperation, etc). If the level of popular support drops too low, this may trigger certain consequences that will remain a secret for now. I may also include certain "events" that may occur depending on the success or failure of the rebellion. A lot of the missions will be fairly open ended, where I will place down several objectives and the platoon leader can decide to do as many or as few as they wish, depending on what they feel is strategically viable. Others will be set objectives that may have a critical impact on the "story" of the campaign. Rough Outline of friendly (Blue) and occupied (Red) territory: Loadouts (Green = Upgrade from last mission) Rifles: Wooden AK variants (AKM, AK74) (Russian scopes up to 4x) Autorifleman: PKM LAT: RPG-26 Anti-Air: Igla (One squad only) Uniform: M88 (SLA) Vest: [PO]6B23 Olive (6Sh92) Helmet: [PO]6B27M (Black) Radios: FADAK, MR3000 Asset Tracker (Green = Captured last mission, Red = Lost last mission) 12x Ural-4320 (was 15x) 5x Armored GAZ 1x Salvaged BTR-60PB 1x BTR-70 (was 3x) 3x BMP-1 1x T-90 (Currently unavailable for 1 missions) 1x AH-6 Little Bird (Minigun + Rockets) (destroyed) 1x M113 APC 5x Land Rover (Mounted M2) 1x T-72 1x Schilka Popular Support: Receptive
until++MISSION BRIEFING++ "Clone troopers are well disciplined. Even the Alpha-batch ARC troopers—surly though they are—are predictable, in the sense that Fett gave them precise orders that they continue to obey. But the commando batches are almost as unpredictable as the Nulls, and the Nulls are as good as being Skirata's private army. That's the problem with having intelligent clones trained by a ragbag of undisciplined thugs—they've turned out at best idiosyncratic, at worst disobedient. But they'll probably win the war for us. Tolerate them." ―Assessment of Republic Commando cadre by Director of Special Forces general Arligan Zey "not even you can see into hyperspace, Sev" The War has begun all those years in the simulations and the time has finally come to prove yourselves on the battlefield. Whilst our main forces engage the Separatists on the ground and in orbit your squad is tasked with infiltrating a rearmament and refuelling station supplying a nearby core ship and planting charges on critical points in its infrastructure. These points are the two primary power couplings located to the north of the main complex structure and the main supply shaft itself. There is a heavy droid and Geonosian presence in the area however air support and off-site artillery may be made available to you if you require assistance. Best of Luck Clones well see you on the surface... ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Clone Wars in the Star Wars Universe. The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods Star Wars Opposition, Legion Studios Base and 3AS which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Clone Wars Era/Faction based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the Clone Wars. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) REPUBLIC COMMANDO SQUAD: RC Lead (SL TAGS): @Silberjojo RC Tech Specialist (REGS+): @colt92 RC Marksman (REGS+): @andyt90 RC Demolitions Specialist (REGS+): @Griffin68965 --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from the Legion Base and 3AS mods may be used within the mission. Looting of enemy primary weapons and equipment is permitted. All equipment from the 501st mod is prohibited. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules remain in effect for this mission. Uniform: Katarn I Clone Commando Armor. Helmet: Katarn I Clone Commando Helmet. Primary: - DC-17M Blaster. Secondary: - DC-15SA Blaster Pistol. Attachments: - DC-17M Blaster Attachment (All). - DC-17M Sniper Attachment (Marksman). - DC-17M Anti-Armor Attachment (Demolitions Specialist). Optics: - DC-17M Sniper Scope. Recommended Equipment: - Portable Holomap. - C7 Explosive Foam. - C12 Explosive Charges. - Colored Smokes. --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset
- arma 3
- clone wars
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mass effect Mass Effect Opposition Local Host Mission
SMPureParadise posted an event in Community Events
SMPureParadise Mission Operation Io Eladeen Systems Alliance 5th Marine Force Recon SSV PYKE WILL START AFTER FIRST MAIN ENDS MODSET HERE (13 MODS, Ignore ace dependencies) ( ROLE/ASSET SIGNUP DOCUMENT HERE ( BASIC FK RULES APPLY BRIEFING We have been assigned to respond to a distress call from an Alliance Marine squad that is based at Fort Zulu on Eladeen, the squad was on air patrol in the Jaque region of the planet when contact was lost. A single communication was received from the squad that only said “HELP” and then nothing since. The situation on the planet is very hostile, a number of pirate and mercenary groups have established extensive gun running networks all over the system with Eladeen being a hub for many. We don’t have much Intel on the Jaque region other than a very small settlements dots the region and a wealthy arms designer has a home in the region. This arms designer is the only lead we have so you are to meet with him in person, his name is Haydon Matson and he owns a small compound in the center of the region. We have sent word ahead and he has agreed to meet with you. behave yourself on his property, he likely has heavier guns than you do. Getting these marines back is a priority, You are free to act independently but please keep command updated. OBJECTIVES PRIMARY Contact Arms Designer Matson Matson has a small compound in the Jaque region, He has agreed to meet with you and should hopefully have the information you need. In the meantime we will continue scanning for signals. Find and rescue marines Priority objective is the rescue of these lost marines. SECONDARY DO NOT ENGAGE MATSON’S SECURITY Matson employs a sizable security force in the region, do not engage them. ASSETS (will be compressed or removed based on numbers) 1X UT-47 Kodiak (ARMED) Various support vehicles and aircraft deployed from SSV PYKE EQUIPMENT (reference screenshots at bottom) Notes May take OPTRE HUD glasses Only SL and Pilot may take LR Special Weapon is issued by squad leader. For Special Weapons Marine, you may only take 1 Special weapon marked with (S) below. Highly recommend taking the pistol red dots if you are taking a sidearm Some scopes like the T-8/as scope already have the Holo sight on. ML-78 Rocket launcher AT Rocket is wire guided, AA is lockon. May take any cosmetic variation of weapons Force Recon Marine (same for medic) Uniform - Ajax Alliance uniform (multicam) Vest - Ajax Armor (Alliance multicam) Helmet - Alliance / Open Helmet (multicam) Backpack - Invisible backpack (any), (Medic ->) ILCS Backpack (Medic) Eyewear - Any NVG - Neural Implant Vision Enhancement Weapons - M-8 Avenger, M-15 Vindicator, M-3 Predator Force Recon Special Weapons Marine Uniform - Ajax Alliance uniform (multicam) Vest - Ajax Armor (Alliance multicam) Helmet - Alliance / Open Helmet (multicam) Backpack - Invisible backpack (any) Eyewear - Any NVG - Neural Implant Vision Enhancement Weapons - M-8 Avenger, M-15 Vindicator, (S)M-76 Revenant, (S)M-97 Viper, (S)ML-78 Missle Launcher, M-3 Predator, M-4 Shuriken Force Recon Sergeant/Corporal Uniform - Ajax Alliance uniform (multicam) Vest - Ajax Armor (Alliance multicam) Helmet - Alliance / Open Helmet (multicam) Backpack - Invisible backpack (any) AN/PRC-515/521 for long range Eyewear - Any NVG - Neural Implant Vision Enhancement Weapons - M-8 Avenger/M-GL, M-15 Vindicator, M-3 Predator, M-6 Carnifex Alliance Navy Pilot Uniform - Ajax Alliance uniform (Cavalry any) Vest - (hidden) Integrated Protection (any) Helmet - Alliance / Open Helmet (Cavalry) Backpack - Invisible backpack (any) AN/PRC-515/521 for long range Eyewear - Any NVG - Neural Implant Vision Enhancement Weapons - M-8 Avenger, M-15 Vindicator, M-3 Predator -
untilI am looking to do a local host for a WW2 event, it will use a slimmer fk modset with two additions, (the preset can be found here:!At3fen2oXVnzgo8ZvGcUsslQGiqZQg to use it download it and open it with a browser, additionally import it using the Arma 3 launcher.) The idea will be to take the Island below from the Japanese (you being the USMC). You will use landing craft to secure green beach and then pushing up securing key areas of this island, You will have the use of planes, tanks, mechanised vehicles and artillery fire from the ships off the shore. Respawns will be unlimited and once Green Beach is secure respawns and tanks will be able to be spawned there. At Alphas decision they can use landing craft as respawns to attack other beachheads. This will be capped at 32 players plus 2 Zeus', may add three additional slots for ammo runners but we see. If we end up with enough time we will then look at hosting a second mission with another Zues. Tags will be enforced and RSVP will take priority. Server Rules will apply and anyone seen to be deliberately breaking server rules will be kicked from this event and all future local hosts as well as reported (this is mainly said as people act like animals on local hosts). Certain rules like bolt actions will be waved as well its ww2, plus some rules will be added, ie Zues enforced uniform, weapon, ect to stop the people who will take a m16 with eod vest cause they are really funny and cool and i wish i was like them so somebody likes me. If we dont get enough player to run this mission a smaller op is planned on a woodland map, however, dependant upon numbers this mission will be run with either fewer units or if it feels too empty a small number of zues controlled ai to add to the mermaid (immersion). The map below shows the suggested/likely plan of attack to secure all of the objectives. Hopefully ill see you all there! Assets: 2 x Tonk 1 or 2 x Flyboi 3 x squads maybe messengers or ammo carriers Alot of landing craft for tonks and people
- local host
- mission
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