I've an idea about a Zeus role play mission.
Inspired in the movie Red Dawn, it would roll like this
Russians are invading US territory. The remain civilians run away during the attack, survivals should use guerrilla tactics to manage their way to some big radio tower to alert the US army about the situation.
Players are civilians, Russians don't necessarily attack civilians, only when they are a threat (Zeus must control this) when civilians attack the Russian army then they become blufor. They all have roles but not necessary a gun. (Example: doctor, mechanic, farmer, police officer and military veteran (instantly blufor), shop owner, priest, lazy civilian, engineer, technician, gangster...)
They must organize themselves to scavenge for items around the map, find Russian patrols and bases stealing items and vehicles.
This campaign can be done as one mission or many. New players can be added during the campaign as prisoners. Prisoners must be released from prison to play.
I don't know how to create this mission, but i can work as Zeus and assure the fun during the game.
It can last as long as the players enjoy(from 1 up to 4 hours). Missions can have different objectives keep the game interesting.
In my time in Arma i did such kind of mission two times. Players enjoy it very much.
I think people here may also like it.
Would someone please help me creating such campaign?