Okay from what response I got none was negative and since I have nothing to do while I am home besides eating and sleeping here are the main ideas I have brainstormed.
The first scenario is literally two teams against each other with equal numbers. The tanks will be either differently coloured or I will attach flags to them, undecided at this point.
Second scenario is bluefore vs redfore. Red have the numbers but Blue has the resources (scouts). These tanks can be changed out with others, these are just the ones I could think of first.
Last scenario is teams of 2 tanks. Teams will start with a T-72 with other tanks scattered around inside compounds which teams can capture in case theirs become damaged or find an upgrade. Note that I can only have 3 questions on polls since I would have a 4 scenario where it is a free for all in tanks.
For all of the scenarios I have given the Other option in case there is something you wish to have changed. Please make a comment the specific scenario and explain why it should be changed. I will most likely start working on these missions in 2 weeks time, so expect them to take place next month.