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  1. until
    This training session is aimed at those who live in America, Australia, New Zealand and Asia With the influx of new guys I have decide to lend Benji and Slouchy a hand with the basic session. The aim of the basic training's is to run through everything you will need as soon as you join teamspeak right up to when you set off for your mission with your squad. We will cover what happens in the FNG room, joining the server, the slotting up process, the arsenal and how to open the ace medical. If everyone could head to the General Training room for the training and have there games loaded that would be great. Training will take place on the 2nd server if it is not being used for testing and if you do not have the IP I will give that out before we join the server.
  2. Missy

    Infantry Driving Basics

    So after someone made a comment about driving on the server in my What Are We Missing thread I thought I would do a test training session on driving basics and if things go well and there is enough interest I will do more sessions. What will be covered in this session is controls for driving, how to set the speed limiter, driving in conveys, parking for dismounting and spotting IED's. The vehicles we will be are using in this training session are Humvees and MRAP's there will be no armour as this is not was this training for. If you are would like to drive an and learn about armour vics then you will need to attend one of the armour driver trainings which are run by specific trainers. If everyone could head to the General Training room for the training and have there games loaded that would be great. Training will take place on the 2nd server if it is not being used for testing and if you do have the IP I will give that out before we join the server. **This driving basics does not count in anyway to getting driving tags. If you are are interested in getting your driver tags then please speak to the trainers @Vericht, @Don_prince or @Cyico**
  3. until
    With the influx of new guys I have decide to lend Benji and Slouchy a hand with the basic session. The aim of the basic training's is to run through everything you will need as soon as you join teamspeak right up to when you set off for your mission with your squad. We will cover what happens in the FNG room, joining the server, the slotting up process, the arsenal and how to open the ace medical. I will be holding this on the 2nd server if it is online. **My plan with this training session is to have it end before main mission that way you guys can test out what you have learnt in either the 1st or 2nd main mission** If everyone could head to the General Training room for the training and have there games loaded that would be great. Training will take place on the 2nd server if it is not being used for testing. If you do not have the IP I will give that out before we join the server. A helpful guide written by our CM Slouchy
  4. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ "Clone troopers are well disciplined. Even the Alpha-batch ARC troopers—surly though they are—are predictable, in the sense that Fett gave them precise orders that they continue to obey. But the commando batches are almost as unpredictable as the Nulls, and the Nulls are as good as being Skirata's private army. That's the problem with having intelligent clones trained by a ragbag of undisciplined thugs—they've turned out at best idiosyncratic, at worst disobedient. But they'll probably win the war for us. Tolerate them." ―Assessment of Republic Commando cadre by Director of Special Forces general Arligan Zey "not even you can see into hyperspace, Sev" The War has begun all those years in the simulations and the time has finally come to prove yourselves on the battlefield. Whilst our main forces engage the Separatists on the ground and in orbit your squad is tasked with infiltrating a rearmament and refuelling station supplying a nearby core ship and planting charges on critical points in its infrastructure. These points are the two primary power couplings located to the north of the main complex structure and the main supply shaft itself. There is a heavy droid and Geonosian presence in the area however air support and off-site artillery may be made available to you if you require assistance. Best of Luck Clones well see you on the surface... ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Clone Wars in the Star Wars Universe. The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods Star Wars Opposition, Legion Studios Base and 3AS which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Clone Wars Era/Faction based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the Clone Wars. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) REPUBLIC COMMANDO SQUAD: RC Lead (SL TAGS): @Silberjojo RC Tech Specialist (REGS+): @colt92 RC Marksman (REGS+): @andyt90 RC Demolitions Specialist (REGS+): @Griffin68965 --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from the Legion Base and 3AS mods may be used within the mission. Looting of enemy primary weapons and equipment is permitted. All equipment from the 501st mod is prohibited. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules remain in effect for this mission. Uniform: Katarn I Clone Commando Armor. Helmet: Katarn I Clone Commando Helmet. Primary: - DC-17M Blaster. Secondary: - DC-15SA Blaster Pistol. Attachments: - DC-17M Blaster Attachment (All). - DC-17M Sniper Attachment (Marksman). - DC-17M Anti-Armor Attachment (Demolitions Specialist). Optics: - DC-17M Sniper Scope. Recommended Equipment: - Portable Holomap. - C7 Explosive Foam. - C12 Explosive Charges. - Colored Smokes. --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset
  5. Jerichron

    Arma 3 FK WW2 (MONTHERME)

    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ -This is a priority message from Allied High command- - Earlier this month Allied forces launched a campaign into the Region of Montherme in occupied France so far the operation has been a success and allied forces have almost reached the primary river crossings leading into the east of France and towards the German border. In response to this, we have been informed by British intelligence that German forces are preparing to destroy the bridges leading across the river in the hopes of delaying the Allied advance - -High Command cannot allow any delay in the advance which would allow German forces the chance to regroup and have ordered a night operation from the 1st Airborn Corps of the British army to seize the bridges ahead of the allied advance and to prevent their destruction. Primary Objectives are as follows 1st - SECURE THE THREE BRIDGES LEADING ACROSS THE RIVER - 2ND DISARM ANY EXPLOSIVES ALREADY PLACED ON THE BRIDGES BY GERMAN FORCES -- -For this operation, your platoon has been transported to Montherme with the intent of dislodging the German forces from the three bridges leading across the river and to disarm any explosives already placed for they're demolition.- -This operation is to be undertaken as soon as the aforementioned forces can be assembled and have arrived in the area...command out.- ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the second world war. The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mod Iron Front and using elements from the mod Faces of War which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Squad composition for this mission will, for this mission, be the reverted to the previous standard in FK missions which will be 7 Soldiers per squad this is being done due to the nature of the mission and my desire to make use of more lead elements in this situation. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to WW2 based weaponry and will be restricted to per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. As well the standard ruleset for FK will be in place and any violations of said ruleset will result in your immediate ejection from the event and subsequent barring from any future events of this kind. ++RESTRICTIONS++ 1st. SR Radios are prohibited and only LR Radios may be carried by only the Radioman role. 2nd. GPS, NVDs and vanilla mine detectors are prohibited. 3rd. No drawing on the map after the briefing. 4th. No modern looking items. 5th. Tracking will be disabled. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAGHOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: -PLTN 1st Lieutenant (PLTN TAGS): -PLTN 2nd Lieutenant (PLTN 2IC TAGS): @Timberhawk (NO TAGS) -PLTN Radioman (REGS+): @SilentGunner13 -PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS): @Wafflefox ALPHA SQUAD: -ALPHA Sergeant (SL TAGS): -ALPHA Medic (MEDIC TAGS): @RedNexus -ALPHA Radioman (2IC TAGS): @Zombiekiller5072 (FNG) -ALPHA Machinegunner (REGS+): @info -ALPHA Machinegunner Assistant (REGS+): @BestTrap -ALPHA Rifleman (REGS+): @zaans2 (FNG) -ALPHA Rifleman (REGS+): BRAVO SQUAD: -BRAVO Sergeant (SL TAGS): @BDFoster -BRAVO Medic (MEDIC TAGS): @Museman7 -BRAVO Radioman (2IC TAGS): @ZeFlyingDutchman ( NO TAGS) -BRAVO Machinegunner (REGS+): @Colek -BRAVO Machinegunner Assistant (REGS+): -BRAVO Rifleman (REGS+): @johnb43 -BRAVO Rifleman (REGS+): @metamartian CHARLIE SQUAD: -CHARLIE Sergeant (SL TAGS): -CHARLIE Medic (MEDIC TAGS): -CHARLIE Radioman (2IC TAGS): -CHARLIE Machinegunner (REGS+): -CHARLIE Machinegunner Assistant (REGS+): -CHARLIE Rifleman (REGS+): -CHARLIE Rifleman (REGS+): DELTA SQUAD: -DELTA Sergeant (SL TAGS): -DELTA Medic (MEDIC TAGS): -DELTA Radioman (2IC TAGS): -DELTA Machinegunner (REGS+): -DELTA Machinegunner Assistant (REGS+): -DELTA Rifleman (REGS+): -DELTA Rifleman (REGS+): SNIPER TEAM (PRHT): -PRHT Sniper (PRHT TAGS): @andyt90 -PRHT Radioman/Spotter (REGS+): @Val3ntine MORTAR ATTACHMENT (MRTR) M2 Mortar 2X (MRTR 1-1, 1-2) - MRTR Lead (MRTR TAGS): @Servok - MRTR ASSISTANT (MRTR TAGS): @Major_Third (NO TAGS) - MRTR GUNNER (MRTR TAGS): - MRTR ASSISTANT (MRTR TAGS): --SLOTTING-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Platoon Leads: Uni: UK Denison Smock Vest: UK p37 Blanco Webbing (Any Variant) Backpack: UK Pattern 37 Backpack (Any Variant) Helmet: UK Mk.2 Para Helmet (Any Variant) Primary: Sten Gun(Any Variant), Lee Enfield (NON-SNIPER VARIANTS) Squad Leads: Uni: UK Denison Smock Vest: UK p37 Blanco Webbing (Any Variant) Backpack: UK Pattern 37 Backpack (Any Variant) Helmet: UK Mk.2 Para Helmet (Any Variant) Primary: Sten Gun(Any Variant), Lee Enfield (NON-SNIPER VARIANTS) Radio Operators: Uni: UK Denison Smock Vest: UK p37 Blanco Webbing (Any Variant) Backpack: US SCR-300 Radio (ACRE2) Helmet: UK Mk.2 Para Helmet (Any Variant) Primary: Sten Gun(Any Variant), Lee Enfield (NON-SNIPER VARIANTS) Medics: Uni: UK Denison Smock Vest: UK p37 Blanco Webbing (Any Variant) Backpack: UK Pattern 37 Backpack (Any Variant) Helmet: UK Mk.2 Para Helmet (Any Variant), Helm. MkII. Medic (Any Variant) Primary: Sten Gun(Any Variant), Lee Enfield (NON-SNIPER VARIANTS) Machine Gunners: Uni: UK Denison Smock Vest: UK p37 Blanco Webbing (Any Variant) Backpack: UK Pattern 37 Backpack (Any Variant) Helmet: UK Mk.2 Para Helmet (Any Variant) Primary: Bren Gun (Any Variant) Anti-Tank Troops: Uni: UK Denison Smock Vest: UK p37 Blanco Webbing (Any Variant) Backpack: UK Pattern 37 Backpack (Any Variant) Helmet: UK Mk.2 Para Helmet (Any Variant) Primary: Lee Enfield (NON-SNIPER VARIANTS) Launcher: PIAT Riflemen: Uni: UK Denison Smock Vest: UK p37 Blanco Webbing (Any Variant) Backpack: UK Pattern 37 Backpack (Any Variant) Helmet: UK Mk.2 Para Helmet (Any Variant) Primary: Lee Enfield (NON-SNIPER VARIANTS) Snipers: Uni: UK Denison Smock Vest: UK p37 Blanco Webbing (Any Variant) Backpack: UK Pattern 37 Backpack (Any Variant) Helmet: UK Mk.2 Para Helmet (Any Variant) Primary: Lee Enfield (SNIPER VARIANTS) Mortar Crew: Uni: UK Denison Smock Vest: UK p37 Blanco Webbing (Any Variant) Backpack: UK Pattern 37 Backpack (Any Variant) Helmet: UK Mk.2 Para Helmet (Any Variant) Primary: Lee Enfield (NON-SNIPER VARIANTS), Sten Gun(Any Variant) --EQUIPMENT-- RULES SUMMARY: 1. FK Arma Rules are in effect and any breach of them not cleared by the event host or a present admin will be punished. 2. Only era accurate and faction based weaponry is to be used for this operation. 3. Any failure to take the mission seriously or to troll in any way will result in a kick from the server and barring from future events of this kind. 4. Additional restrictions may be applied in the mission by the event host and or Zeus and any attempt to avoid and or supplant new restrictions will be met with previously mentioned punishments. MISSION REQUIREMENTS: The modset is subject to change and will be finalized before the event with an announcement. MODSET: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NaNCNzspQGrzdxrz5I9jXrwbN6XR9y4l/view?usp=sharing - Download the modset and drag into the arma launcher with no mods loaded or open with a web browser.
  6. Verlich

    Arma 3 Liberation

    Moving on with the campaign, following the skirmish in the Capital near the Northern Airfield, The plain moving forward is to encircle and seize the Airfield cutting off lines of communication while securing our own supply lines. The current Assists in play are wheeled Vics and Light Air Assault assets, Capitals are filled with the largest assets the enemy can wield. This is why we are going to be taking everything around the major Metropolitan area before pushing into the city and getting bogged down in a long street to street fight.
  7. Operation Trebuchet Mod list here (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1494059145) ONLY USE MODS IN MOD LIST Operation Ghostly Embrace 65th Shock Troops Division BRIEFING Given by Captain Julius Harvey (Captain of UNSC Guess Who) Good work Sabel team on surviving the opening assault and recovering that high value asset. We only have enough signal strength to send you this briefing so you will be own your own for the majority of your foreseeable missions. In short, everything is fucked. URF/INS launched a 2 stage offensive. First stage was to attempt to knock out our task force by launching previously hidden ground based Archer missiles at both the UNSC Barrett and our ship. The Barrett was lost with all hands when her reactor was hit. We managed to perform a crash landing in the river northwest of Barcelnova. We have suffered considerable damage but we’re still in this fight and are coordinating efforts. Second stage of their operation was a ground assault on nearly all our major outposts and bases in the region. They have occupied nearly half of the region in just a week and have staged a massive revolt in the capital which is in total chaos right now. For right now we waging a holding campaign waiting for reinforcements from nearby colonies. For the time being you will be operating out of that temporary FOB KILLJOY you have established. Your first task will be to recover a number of crew and other personnel I ordered to abandon ship. Your commanding officer Major Alex Taylor was onboard lifeboat 4. The transponder signal has been narrowed down to the south of the town of Encinitas. Further details are enclosed. Please maintain stealth during these missions, The longer they don’t know about you the more damage we can do. Good luck helljumpers, stay quiet, stay lethal. OBJECTIVES PRIMARY Investigate Lifeboat 4 location Lifeboat 4’s transponder signal has been picked up southeast of Ericinitas, Orders are to find the lifeboat and investigate what happened Find Major Alex Taylor Major Alex Taylor was onboard lifeboat 4 along with a number of other ODST’s, finding him is imperative to mounting an effective resistance against the URF/INS forces in the region. Get the Major back to FOB KILLJOY Dead or alive the Major must be returned to FOB KILLJOY SECONDARY Mark UNSC Supplies for future pick up. When the UNSC Barrett went down she launched all her emergency supply pods were scattered all over the continent. These pods may contain anything from ammo, food, and even toilet supplies. The recovery signals were never activated so you’ll just have to get lucky, Mark anything you find with IR grenades. SLOTS SQUADS (fill top to bottom) Sable Team A SL (Team Lead) - @Eaglestrike Sable Team B SL - Sable Team C SL - Sable Team D SL - EQUIPMENT PLEASE use the OPCAN retextures of the ODST armor NO jet packs No need for HUD glasses, your helmets have HUD already AT allowed, UNSC Rocket launcher counts as HAT, limit of 2 magazines per squad (4 shots) Highly recommend full stealth kit for all team members. No placed Explosives ODST Base Uniform - Cross Branch BDU ODST Vest - M52D Body Armor Helmet - CH252D Helmet (App menu key for HUD, Key is right below right hand shift key) Backpack - ILCS Rucksack Eyewear - None NVG - (Shift+L for ODST night vision) Weapons - BR55HB, M7 SMG, MA3A, MA5B, M45 Shotgun, M6C handgun ODST Medic Uniform - Cross Branch BDU ODST Vest - M52D Body Armor (Medic) Helmet - CH252D Helmet (App menu key for HUD, Key is right below right hand shift key) Backpack - ILCS Rucksack (Medic) Eyewear - None NVG - (Shift+L for ODST night vision) Weapons - BR55HB, M7 SMG, MA3A, MA5B, M45 Shotgun, M6C handgun ODST Autorifleman Uniform - Cross Branch BDU ODST Vest - M52D Body Armor Helmet - CH252D Helmet (App menu key for HUD, Key is right below right hand shift key) Backpack - ILCS Rucksack Eyewear - None NVG - (Shift+L for ODST night vision) Weapons - M73 LMG, M6C handgun, May take M7 SMG and act as a rifleman ODST 2IC and Squad Lead Uniform - Cross Branch BDU ODST Vest - M52D Body Armor Helmet - CH252D Helmet (App menu key for HUD, Key is right below right hand shift key) Backpack - AN/PRC-515 Eyewear - None NVG - (Shift+L for ODST night vision) Weapons - BR55HB, M7 SMG, MA3A, MA5B, M45 Shotgun, M6C handgun, GL variants.
  8. until
    The purpose of this event is to conduct a number of semi-competitive rally's, races and challenges on Sea Land and Air in Arma with a winner being declared for each set. In order to participate you and a partner for each challenge must register as a team by commenting using the following format. --------------------------------------------------------- Your Name: Team Name: Example team name. Team Members: Member#1, Member#2. --------------------------------------------------------- Note: - Inappropriate or offensive team names may result in you being barred from the event. Challenges will take place in the order shown below. Land: For the land event each team will perform in a Rally event across the south western area of Altis along the indicated route with one team member driving and the other giving instructions. Each team will depart from the starting gate 30 seconds apart from one another and their times will be recorded for running the entire length of the track down to the Finish gate. Once a team has finished the track they may choose to spectate by re-spawning or by waiting at the finish line for the other teams to arrive. If your team wrecks their car and are unable to recover you will be considered as not having finished the race and will be then able to spectate using the previously mentioned methods. Sea: For the sea event the location will be in Zaros Bay and the object will be to be the last team standing in a FFA battle. Each team will have 2 minutes to move to a start position within the bay after which the battle will begin where each team will attempt to eliminate the others with the team left standing at the end being declared the winner. Air: For the air event the location will be in the skies over the southeastern peninsula of Altis with each team flying one of the recently added A-29 Super Tucanos with the last standing team being the winner. Each bird will be restricted to its machine guns and as a result fighting should be focused more on direct dog fighting than our usual air combat. Once a plane has been downed the team it was flying is now out and may now spectate using the after death camera.
  9. The Arma Classic Event is focused on bringing back some of those classic game modes that people who only played Arma 3 may not have experienced, from the Old'n days of Armed Assault and Arma 2. While also bringing the nostalgia back to those who remember Arma without stamina, weapon sway didn't exist. Grass was a dream or a mod. When ACE was this new bright eyed idea that completely rewrote the game. Back when seeing a character's eyes move was a massive feature, and the Sopwith Camel was actually a vanilla asset. Public Servers that had game modes like Evolution, Domination, Warfare, and those other game modes that made foundation of Arma 3. Warfare is one of these classic game modes from Arma: Armed Assault, and offers a very unique and enjoyable experience that most won't find in some of the newer game modes. Arma 2 brought rise to the Benny Edition or "BE Warfare" which at the end of Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead was added onto by Rubber. Which hailed as one of the best remakes of Benny Edition, the closest thing we have to warfare in this community is the wide reaching Liberation game mode. Which paints in a broad brush and offers a wide, yet small cone of gameplay. With limited Flexibility and functions. But also not a game mode in which players can walk right in and enjoy. So with this Event I would like to bring this classic back to the community for those of us who didn't play the old Armed Assault and Arma 2 games. But also for those who did play in the yee old'n days Arma to enjoy some of the past. It seems like a welcome break from the Zeusing we do every day and to get down in the dirt and beat the hell out of some AI and even other players. Warfare is a CTI mission that plays like an RTS and FPS in one, the commander has to build Factories to produce units and types of units, while also dealing with resource income and map capture. Guiding the team by setting commands for them, the game has a miniature Tech-Tree that offers scaling for each factory. With an Advanced Fire Support Module that allows players to call in fire support and designate the type, size, and area of a barrage along with what available Assets exist, and if they are available for use. The linked video shows pretty much what warfare as a missions is.
  10. Jerichron

    Arma 3 FK WW2 (Berlin)

    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ -This is a priority message from Red Army High command- - The war is nearing its end men and we will be the ones to strike its final blow the Seelow heights fell under the combined might of our advance and now we stand in the downtown area of Berlin. The final steps of our victory are now being taken and its greatest act has been given to you the Headquarters of the Wehrmacht itself. - -High Command cannot allow any delay in the advance which would allow German forces the chance to regroup and have ordered a full advance from our forces in order to seize the defenses leading to the German HQ and the HQ itself. Primary Objectives are as follows 1st - SECURE THE TWO FLAK TOWERS BETWEEN YOUR FORCES AND THE GERMAN HQ - 2ND SECURE THE GERMAN HIGH COMMAND BUILDING AND RAISE THE RED FLAG ON ITS ROOF -- -For this operation, your platoon has been transported to Berlin with the intent of dislodging the German forces from the flak towers leading towards the German HQ and to seize the HQ itself and raise the Red Flag on its roof.- -This operation is to be undertaken as soon as the aforementioned forces can be assembled and have arrived in the area...command out.- ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the second world war. The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mod Iron Front and using elements from the mod Faces of War which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Squad composition for this mission will, for this mission, be the reverted to the previous standard in FK missions which will be 7 Soldiers per squad this is being done due to the nature of the mission and my desire to make use of more lead elements in this situation. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to WW2 based weaponry and will be restricted to per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. As well the standard ruleset for FK will be in place and any violations of said ruleset will result in your immediate ejection from the event and subsequent barring from any future events of this kind. ++RESTRICTIONS++ 1st. SR Radios are prohibited and only LR Radios may be carried by only the Radioman role. 2nd. GPS, NVDs and vanilla mine detectors are prohibited. 3rd. No drawing on the map after the briefing. 4th. No modern looking items. 5th. Tracking will be disabled. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAGHOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: -PLTN 1st Lieutenant (PLTN TAGS): -PLTN 2nd Lieutenant (PLTN 2IC TAGS): -PLTN Radioman (REGS+): -PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS): ALPHA SQUAD: -ALPHA Sergeant (SL TAGS): -ALPHA Medic (MEDIC TAGS): @FelixMcgee (FNG) -ALPHA Radioman (2IC TAGS): -ALPHA Machine gunner (REGS+): -ALPHA Machine gunner Assistant (REGS+): -ALPHA Rifleman (REGS+): @square_cookies -ALPHA Rifleman (REGS+): BRAVO SQUAD: -BRAVO Sergeant (SL TAGS): -BRAVO Medic (MEDIC TAGS): -BRAVO Radioman (2IC TAGS): -BRAVO Machine gunner (REGS+): -BRAVO Machine gunner Assistant (REGS+): -BRAVO Rifleman (REGS+): -BRAVO Rifleman (REGS+): CHARLIE SQUAD: -CHARLIE Sergeant (SL TAGS): -CHARLIE Medic (MEDIC TAGS): -CHARLIE Radioman (2IC TAGS): -CHARLIE Machine gunner (REGS+): -CHARLIE Machine gunner Assistant (REGS+): -CHARLIE Rifleman (REGS+): -CHARLIE Rifleman (REGS+): DELTA SQUAD: -DELTA Sergeant (SL TAGS): -DELTA Medic (MEDIC TAGS): -DELTA Radioman (2IC TAGS): -DELTA Machine gunner (REGS+): -DELTA Machine gunner Assistant (REGS+): -DELTA Rifleman (REGS+): -DELTA Rifleman (REGS+): SNIPER TEAM (PRHT): -PRHT Sniper (PRHT TAGS): @Val3ntine -PRHT Radioman/Spotter (REGS+): JS-122 (KNGT 1-1): -Commander (COMMANDER TAGS): @ZeFlyingDutchman (NO TAGS) -Gunner (GUNNERY TAGS): @RedNexus (NO TAGS) -Driver (DRIVER TAGS): @BestTrap (NO TAGS) SPG SU-85 (KNGT 1-2) -Commander (COMMANDER TAGS): -Gunner (GUNNERY TAGS): -Driver (DRIVER TAGS): @Txtspeak (NO TAGS) --SLOTTING-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Platoon Leads: Uni: SOV RKKA Uniform (Starshiy Leutenant) Vest: SOV Field Officer Set. Backpack: Any Russian Backpack. Helmet: SOV RKKA M-40 Helmet Primary: PPsh-41, Mosin Nagant, SVT-40. Squad Leads: Uni: SOV RKKA Inset Pocket (Serzha nt). Vest: SOV Matching Belt. Backpack: Any Russian Backpack. Helmet: SOV RKKA M35 Side Cap, SOV RKKA M-40 Helmet. Primary: PPsh-41, Mosin Nagant, SVT-40. Radio Operators: Uni: SOV RKKA Spring. Vest: SOV Matching Belt. Backpack: RA Radio. Helmet: SOV RKKA M35 Side Cap, SOV RKKA M-40 Helmet. Primary: PPsh-41, Mosin Nagant, SVT-40. Medics: Uni: SOV RKKA Spring. Vest: SOV Matching Belt. Backpack: SOV Medical Satchel. Helmet: SOV RKKA M35 Side Cap, SOV RKKA M-40 Helmet. Primary: PPsh-41, Mosin Nagant, SVT-40. Machine Gunners: Uni: SOV RKKA Spring. Vest: SOV Matching Belt. Backpack: Any Russian Backpack. Helmet: SOV RKKA M35 Side Cap, SOV RKKA M-40 Helmet. Primary: DP, DT. Anti-Tank Troops: Uni: SOV RKKA Spring. Vest: SOV Matching Belt. Backpack: Any Russian Backpack. Helmet: SOV RKKA M35 Side Cap, SOV RKKA M-40 Helmet. Primary: PPsh-41, Mosin Nagant, SVT-40. Launcher: Any Allied Launcher. Riflemen: Uni: SOV RKKA Spring. Vest: SOV Matching Belt. Backpack: Any Russian Backpack. Helmet: SOV RKKA M35 Side Cap, SOV RKKA M-40 Helmet. Primary: Mosin Nagant, SVT-40. Snipers: Uni: SOV RKKA Spring. Vest: SOV Matching Belt. Backpack: Any Russian Backpack. Helmet: SOV RKKA M35 Side Cap, SOV RKKA M-40 Helmet. Primary: PTRD-41, Mosin Nagant. --EQUIPMENT-- RULES SUMMARY: 1. FK Arma Rules are in effect and any breach of them not cleared by the event host or a present admin will be punished. 2. Only era accurate and faction based weaponry is to be used for this operation. 3. Any failure to take the mission seriously or to troll in any way will result in a kick from the server and barring from future events of this kind. 4. Additional restrictions may be applied in the mission by the event host and or Zeus and any attempt to avoid and or supplant new restrictions will be met with previously mentioned punishments. MISSION REQUIREMENTS: The modset is subject to change and will be finalized before the event with an announcement. MODSET: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NaNCNzspQGrzdxrz5I9jXrwbN6XR9y4l/view?usp=sharing - Download the modset and drag into the arma launcher with no mods loaded or open with a web browser.
  11. ++MISSION BRIEFING++ -This is a priority message from German High command- - Earlier this month the Afrika Korps began operations in the proximity of Tobruk the supply lines from Tripoli have become strained and it has become apparent that a new base of supply is needed. Tobruk will fit this need appropriately and an attempt upon the city has been decided upon. Tobruk must be taken and held for further use for the war effort. - -High Command believes the port of Tobruk to be critical to compromise allied capability to defend Egypt and the Suez Canal and as such has assigned your Platoon to assault the city and occupy it to deny allied forces its use. Primary Objectives are as follows 1st - SECURE THE AIRFIELD LOCATED SOUTHWEST OF TOBRUK - 2ND SECURE THE CITY OF TOBRUK AND NEUTRALIZE THE PRIMARY ALLIED OCCUPYING FORCE-- -For this operation, your platoon has been transported to Tobruk with the intent of dislodging the Allied forces from the city and gaining control of the nearby shipping lanes in the Mediterranean- -This operation is to be undertaken as soon as the aforementioned forces can be assembled and dispatched...command out.- ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the second world war. The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mod Iron Front and using elements from the mod Faces of War which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Squad composition for this mission will, for this mission, be the reverted to the previous standard in FK missions which will be 7 Soldiers per squad this is being done due to the nature of the mission and my desire to make use of more lead elements in this situation. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to WW2 based weaponry and will be restricted to per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. As well the standard ruleset for FK will be in place and any violations of said ruleset will result in your immediate ejection from the event and subsequent barring from any future events of this kind. ++RESTRICTIONS++ 1st. SR Radios are prohibited and only LR Radios may be carried by only the Radioman role. 2nd. GPS, NVDs and vanilla mine detectors are prohibited. 3rd. No drawing on the map after the briefing. 4th. No modern looking items. 5th. Tracking will be disabled. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAGHOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: -PLTN 1st Lieutenant (PLTN TAGS): -PLTN 2nd Lieutenant (PLTN 2IC TAGS): -PLTN Radioman (REGS+): @RedNexus -PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS): @OTipsy ALPHA SQUAD: -ALPHA Sergeant (SL TAGS): -ALPHA Medic (MEDIC TAGS): -ALPHA Radioman (2IC TAGS): -ALPHA Machinegunner (REGS+): @Bayou Rick -ALPHA Machinegunner Assistant (REGS+): -ALPHA Rifleman (REGS+): -ALPHA Rifleman (REGS+): BRAVO SQUAD: -BRAVO Sergeant (SL TAGS): -BRAVO Medic (MEDIC TAGS): -BRAVO Radioman (2IC TAGS): -BRAVO Machinegunner (REGS+): -BRAVO Machinegunner Assistant (REGS+): -BRAVO Rifleman (REGS+): -BRAVO Rifleman (REGS+): CHARLIE SQUAD: -CHARLIE Sergeant (SL TAGS): -CHARLIE Medic (MEDIC TAGS): -CHARLIE Radioman (2IC TAGS): -CHARLIE Machinegunner (REGS+): -CHARLIE Machinegunner Assistant (REGS+): -CHARLIE Rifleman (REGS+): -CHARLIE Rifleman (REGS+): DELTA SQUAD: -DELTA Sergeant (SL TAGS): -DELTA Medic (MEDIC TAGS): -DELTA Radioman (2IC TAGS): -DELTA Machinegunner (REGS+): -DELTA Machinegunner Assistant (REGS+): -DELTA Rifleman (REGS+): -DELTA Rifleman (REGS+): Artillery Attachment (MRTR): -MRTR Commander (ARTILLERY TAGS): @Servok -MRTR Gunner/Assistant(ARTILLERY TAGS): @ThePointForward -MRTR Gunner/Assistant(ARTILLERY TAGS): -MRTR Gunner/Assistant(ARTILLERY TAGS): PZ-KPFW-VI-AUSF.E TIGER 1 (KNGT 1-1) -Commander (COMMANDER TAGS): @Spartan_MiniMe (GUNNER TAGS) -Gunner (GUNNERY TAGS): @johnb43 (NO TAGS) -Driver (DRIVER TAGS): @BestTrap (FNG) -Loader (REGS+): @Leprechaunlock PZ-KPFW-IV-H (KNGT 1-2) -Commander (COMMANDER TAGS): @Timberhawk (NO TAGS) -Gunner (GUNNERY TAGS): @metamartian (NO TAGS) -Driver (DRIVER TAGS): @Skate -Loader (REGS+): FW 190 F-8 (RPTR 1-1) - Flight Lead (FIXED WING TAGS): @Kerry (NO TAGS) JU-87 (RPTR 1-2) - Pilot (FIXED WING TAGS): @BDFoster (NO TAGS) - Gunner (FIXED WING TAGS): @info (NO TAGS) --SLOTTING-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Platoon Leads: Uni: GER M36 DAK (Leutnant). Vest: GER DAK Feldausrustung (Offiziere). Helmet: GER Schirmmutze (Offizier). Primary: MP 40, MP 38. Squad Leads: Uni: GER M36 DAK (Unterofficier). Vest: GER DAK Feldausrustung (Unterofficier). Helmet: GER DAK M42 Stahlhelm. Primary: MP 40, MP 38,Kar 98k , G41, G43. Radio Operators: Uni: GER M36 DAK, GER M40 DAK. Vest: GER DAK Feldausrustung. Backpack: German Radio. Helmet: GER DAK M42 Stahlhelm. Primary: Kar 98k, G41, G43. Medics: Uni: GER M40 DAK (Sanitater). Vest: GER DAK Feldausrustung. Backpack: Tornister 34 (Sanitater). Helmet: GER DAK M42 Stahlhelm. Primary: Kar 98k, G41, G43. Machine Gunners: Uni: GER M36 DAK, GER M40 DAK. Vest: GER DAK Feldausrustung. Helmet: GER DAK M42 Stahlhelm. Primary: MG-34, MG-42. Riflemen: Uni: GER M36 DAK, GER M40 DAK. Vest: GER DAK Feldausrustung. Helmet: GER DAK M42 Stahlhelm. Primary: Kar 98k, G41, G43. Tank Crew Commander: Uni: GER Panzerbesatzung (Unterfeldwebel). Vest: GER Ausrustung des Offiziers. Helmet: GER Panzerwaffe Schirmmutze. Primary: MP 40, MP 38. Tank Crew: Uni: GER Panzerbesatzung (Schutze). Vest: GER Panzerbesatzung Ausrustung. Helmet: GER Panzerwaffe M43 Einheitsfeldmutze. Primary: MP 40, MP 38. Pilots: Uni: GER Luftwaffe Fliegender Anzung (Hauptmann). Vest: GER Offizier Gurtel. Backpack: LW paradrop system, German Radio. Helmet: GER Luftwaffe Pilot Helmet. Primary: Any Axis Pistol. --EQUIPMENT-- RULES SUMMARY: 1. FK Arma Rules are in effect and any breach of them not cleared by the event host or a present admin will be punished. 2. Only era accurate and faction based weaponry is to be used for this operation. 3. Any failure to take the mission seriously or to troll in any way will result in a kick from the server and barring from future events of this kind. 4. Additional restrictions may be applied in the mission by the event host and or Zeus and any attempt to avoid and or supplant new restrictions will be met with previously mentioned punishments. MISSION REQUIREMENTS: The modset is subject to change and will be finalized before the event with an announcement. MODSET: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wz07a7CSjoeEtAguTgecT_AmRnSO2v5o/view?usp=sharing - Download the modset and drag into the arma launcher with no mods loaded or open with a web browser and set manually.
  12. I'm going to be hosting an Arma 3 Liberation game, you can reference the liked forum posts for mod-set import and info on the game mode, and I'll be on an hour or so before to help with mods and orientation to the mission. See you guys on the Battlefield! -Verlich
  13. ++MISSION BRIEFING++ -This is a priority message from Allied High command- - Earlier this month German paratroops and naval elements launched a campaign of invasion on the island of Sark located off the coast of Norway in the North Sea the operation was a partial success and the local allied garrison was forced off the mainland and have been isolated at the airfield located to the west. Since then the German forces on the island have received reinforcements in the form of armour and mechanized units and have begun fortifying the coast of the island with the possible intentions of using the island as a base for air and sea operations - -High Command cannot allow control of the North Sea to be further compromised following the manhunt for the Bismarck and have decided to launch a counter-invasion of the island with the intent of relieving the leftover allied garrison. Primary Objectives are as follows 1st - SECURE THE FLAK BATTERIES LOCATED IN THE SOUTH - 2ND SECURE THE TOWN OF BEAUREGARD AND NEUTRALIZE THE PRIMARY GERMAN OCCUPYING FORCE-- -For this operation, your platoon has been transported to Sark with the intent of dislodging the German forces from the island and regaining control of the nearby shipping lanes in the North Sea.- -This operation is to be undertaken as soon as the aforementioned forces can be assembled and have arrived on the island...command out.- ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the second world war. The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mod Iron Front and using elements from the mod Faces of War which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Squad composition for this mission will, for this mission, be the reverted to the previous standard in FK missions which will be 7 Soldiers per squad this is being done due to the nature of the mission and my desire to make use of more lead elements in this situation. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to WW2 based weaponry and will be restricted to per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. As well the standard ruleset for FK will be in place and any violations of said ruleset will result in your immediate ejection from the event and subsequent barring from any future events of this kind. ++RESTRICTIONS++ 1st. SR Radios are prohibited and only LR Radios may be carried by only the Radioman role. 2nd. GPS, NVDs and vanilla mine detectors are prohibited. 3rd. No drawing on the map after the briefing. 4th. No modern looking items. 5th. Tracking will be disabled. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAGHOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: -PLTN 1st Lieutenant (PLTN TAGS): -PLTN 2nd Lieutenant (PLTN 2IC TAGS): @Colek (NO TAGS) -PLTN Radioman (REGS+): @RedNexus -PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS): @OTipsy ALPHA SQUAD: -ALPHA Sergeant (SL TAGS): @Servok -ALPHA Medic (MEDIC TAGS): @ZeFlyingDutchman (BIG BOY) -ALPHA Radioman (2IC TAGS): @S3XYPANDA (NO TAGS) -ALPHA Machinegunner (REGS+): @Prometheus13 (FNG) -ALPHA Machinegunner Assistant (REGS+): @BestTrap (FNG) -ALPHA AT Rifleman (REGS+): @Yung_Cider -ALPHA Rifleman (REGS+): BRAVO SQUAD: -BRAVO Sergeant (SL TAGS): -BRAVO Medic (MEDIC TAGS): @Bayou Rick -BRAVO Radioman (2IC TAGS): -BRAVO Machinegunner (REGS+): @Maverick -BRAVO Machinegunner Assistant (REGS+): -BRAVO AT Rifleman (REGS+): @Schroeder - BSO (FNG) -BRAVO Rifleman (REGS+): @Kman2019 (FNG) CHARLIE SQUAD: -CHARLIE Sergeant (SL TAGS): -CHARLIE Medic (MEDIC TAGS): -CHARLIE Radioman (2IC TAGS): -CHARLIE Machinegunner (REGS+): -CHARLIE Machinegunner Assistant (REGS+): -CHARLIE AT Rifleman (REGS+): -CHARLIE Rifleman (REGS+): DELTA SQUAD: -DELTA Sergeant (SL TAGS): -DELTA Medic (MEDIC TAGS): -DELTA Radioman (2IC TAGS): -DELTA Machinegunner (REGS+): -DELTA Machinegunner Assistant (REGS+): -DELTA AT Rifleman (REGS+): -DELTA Rifleman (REGS+): SNIPER TEAM (PRHT): -PRHT Sniper (PRHT TAGS): -PRHT Radioman/Spotter (REGS+): @square_cookies SHERMAN M4A4 FIREFLY (KNGT 1-1) -Commander (COMMANDER TAGS): @Cyico -Gunner (GUNNERY TAGS): @Conga Line of Neckbeards -Driver (DRIVER TAGS): @Kerry -Loader (REGS+): @Ulm (NO TAGS) SHERMAN M4A3 (KNGT 1-2) -Commander (COMMANDER TAGS): @Spartan_MiniMe -Gunner (GUNNERY TAGS): @Leprechaunlock (NO TAGS) -Driver (DRIVER TAGS): @johnb43 (NO TAGS) -Loader (REGS+): P-47 Thunderbolt 2X (RPTR 1-1, 1-2) - Flight Lead (FIXED WING TAGS): @BenFromTTG (NO TAGS) - Pilot (FIXED WING TAGS): --SLOTTING-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Platoon Leads: Uni: US M-1941 (Lieutenant). Vest: US M1A1 Officer's Web Gear. Helmet: US M1 Helmet (1st Lieutenant), US M1 Helmet (2nd Lieutenant). Primary: M1928A1 Thompson, M1A1 Carbine, M1 Garand. Squad Leads: Uni: US M-1941 (Sergeant). Vest: US M1A1 Web Gear. Helmet: US M1 Helmet (NCO). Primary: M1928A1 Thompson, M1A1 Carbine, M1 Garand. Radio Operators: Uni: US M-1941 (Corporal). Vest: US M1A1 Web Gear. Backpack: US Radio. Helmet: US M1 Helmet (NCO). Primary: M1A1 Carbine, M1 Garand. Medics: Uni: US M-1941 Medic. Vest: US Medical Web Gear. Backpack: US M-1928 Haversack (Medical). Helmet: US M1 Helmet Medic. Primary: M1A1 Carbine, M1 Garand. Machine Gunners: Uni: US M-1941 (PFC). Vest: US M1918 BAR Web Gear. Helmet: US M1 Helmet Medic. Primary: M1918A2 BAR, M1919A6 Browning, M2 Flamethrower. Anti-Tank Troops: Uni: US M-1941 (PFC). Vest: US M1A1 Web Gear. Backpack: US M-1928 Haversack (M6). Helmet: US M1 Helmet. Primary: M1A1 Carbine, M1 Garand. Launcher: M1A1 Bazooka. Riflemen: Uni: US M-1941 (Private). Vest: US M1A1 Web Gear. Helmet: US M1 Helmet. Primary: M1A1 Carbine, M1 Garand. Snipers: Uni: US M-1941 (Sniper). Vest: US M1A1 Web Gear. Helmet: US M1 Helmet. Primary: M1903A4 Springfield. Tank Crew: Uni: US Tank Crew. Vest: US M1A1 Web Gear. Helmet: USAAF Type A-11. Primary: M3 Grease Gun. Pilots: Uni: US Pilot (Fighter). Vest: US Pilot Lifevest. Backpack: US Type-A3 parachute. Helmet: US Pilot's Helmet. Primary: Any Allied Pistol. --EQUIPMENT-- RULES SUMMARY: 1. FK Arma Rules are in effect and any breach of them not cleared by the event host or a present admin will be punished. 2. Only era accurate and faction based weaponry is to be used for this operation. 3. Any failure to take the mission seriously or to troll in any way will result in a kick from the server and barring from future events of this kind. 4. Additional restrictions may be applied in the mission by the event host and or Zeus and any attempt to avoid and or supplant new restrictions will be met with previously mentioned punishments. MISSION REQUIREMENTS: The modset is subject to change and will be finalized before the event with an announcement. MODSET: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wz07a7CSjoeEtAguTgecT_AmRnSO2v5o/view?usp=sharing - Download the modset and drag into the arma launcher with no mods loaded or open with a web browser.
  14. Verlich

    Operation: Crusader

    Operation Crusader KP Liberation, Lythium - What is Liberation - Liberation is a long term scripted, Dynamic mission made for large communities to play, the military composition of both forces is relatively the same including Air, Artillery, Armored, and Wheeled assets. All are worth a certain amount of resources, and some have to be unlocked through the capture of military bases. The Resources are Supplies, Ammunition, and Fuel. With supplies being the basic building material of everything from AI squads to planes. These can be found randomly through out the map or produced constantly in factories. Factories are randomly assigned a resource at the beginning of the mission which will be that factories starting resource though these can be changed with a small investment. Now away from the complexities of logistics and production, lets discuss the enemy. The enemy is run by a rudimentary commander AI which will try to push the players back and cut them off from resources and assets A.K.A factories and military bases. The commander's awareness or more aptly named 'Readiness' to attack you is based off of a percent. which increase as you gain ground, kill units, also is drastically increased when you killed surrendered units. Readiness will actually dictate what units spawn in and assets the enemy utilizes against you, while secondly how willing he is to retaliate against you after you push him out of an objective. Enemy battle-groups won't just halt after taking one objective from you, they will try to steam roll your lines and continue to take the next closest objective. This leads to a massive Tug-a-war gameplay where players gain ground only to be forced back if they don't successfully defend an objective. You can reduce enemy readiness through secondary objective missions, but these cost you Intel a fourth resource. This can only be gained through capturing enemy soldiers or finding Intel in military bases when you attack them. FOB hunts, and Convoy ambushes are the two missions you can use to reduce enemy readiness. Lastly, the battle-zone is not barren and filled with only enemies and buildings only useful for being destroyed by heavy assets, Civilians are a factor and civilian happiness is a major player in the speed and smoothness of your progression. Buildings in City and village objective zones that are destroyed will impact the population's opinion of you. with the most negative score coming from dead civilians, if unhappiness grows the civilians will plant IEDs and even aid your enemy in defending civilian objectives. Raiding your supply convoys and making a muck of everything. But if they are happy they will provide civilian informants and even show up in battles and attack Opfor. - mission info - The mission file has been edited and mods added that make certain aspects of the game more realistic, VCOM and ASR-AI will give the soldiers more realistic flanking and suppression actions, grenades will be thrown at you, and any building you hide in will be breached and cleared by enemy AI. They are aggressive and will act as Hunter Killer AI, seeking and destroying any players in their defense zone once they are alerted to your existence. ADV Splint and CPR overhauls Ace medical to make medics more important and broken limbs are an easy fix. The CPR mod allows players to use ACE Revive with out PAKs enabled. All players can revive with CPR certain classes though have a higher chance to revive a player. Epie now increases the revive chance. A suppression mod adds a RO2 style suppression system and immersion adds FX and screen effects when firing, or others fire near you, a slew of minor ace modifications are made to give a balanced experience and keep players from instantly being put into a revive state by just being sneezed on. FX and Sound mods are included in the mod-list. Players have US RHS Assets and 3CB assets. with the enemy being Takistani Nation Army from 3CB Factions. - Rules - No Team killing, this goes without saying but it still has to be put up here. Do Not Suicide/Respawn due to broken legs/Revive state just because you don't have a medic 2 feet from you, part of the medic's job is to try to save his teammates not to be mothballed by the Respawn button. Always ask your Squad Lead or Commander if you wish to use an asset, they cost resources and are not one person's but the team's resources and time. Following the last rule, your Squad Lead can ask the commander for an asset, if the commander says NO, it means NO. his goes for Squad Leads and players asking their Leads to make additional requests. Play your role, if you choose to be a medic be a medic. Not a Sniper, MAT, EOD, Medic Thing. We have slots for a reason they are named for a reason and have medic and engineer perms for a reason. An Addendum to the Previous rule, Play roles you know. I want this mission to be a place to learn at the same time I want people to semi know what they are doing, so if you are learning a new role please pair up with a competent player who can teach you. This heavily leans toward Medics, Squad Leads, and Pilots. Explosives being used in civilian areas are frowned upon, ROs/JTACs be very mindful of weaponry you request near civilian objectives, and where it is being dropped. Engineers, Demo charges are not viable building clearing tools in Urban areas. Lastly, Do not use gunfire and explosives as IED removal, defuse kits and engineers are suppose to clear the path for Men and Vics in streets. - Final Notes - Serious Fun is the name of the game here, you can have fun and joke around, laugh at the funny things Arma does, but you have to know how to flip the switch and get your head in the game. The people that will enjoy this will be those who don't care if an assault was a success or a failure but will learn from their mistakes and even move forward to correct themselves before others. In this game mode mistakes follow you and actions have net Positive and Negative outcomes that should be looked at, I want players to think before they act. The Three things I want to see during these game sessions if they ever get big enough to fill out the mission is Teamwork, Maturity, and Integrity. With a Quality over Quantity mindset. Modset: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ox3un4fvv923z27/Arma 3 Mod Preset Liberation V1.html?dl=0
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