Staff Rules
General (the following affects all Staff)
- All staff members are to follow all rules at all times.
- Every incident has to be viewed objectively by the staff member processing the incident. If this is not possible, they should not be involved.
- Abuse of powers will result in dismissal.
- Staff should not join private locked TS rooms without permission from their owner, unless there is an emergency.
- Community Managers and Moderators may hand out bans and/or Warning Points
- All incidents and bans are to be logged.
- All Staff may sit in CM Meetings
- Ban disputes pending review must be responded to within 24 hours. Disputes for bans longer than 7 days are exempt from this, and will be responded to at latest after the next CM meeting.
- Extended unexplained absence will result in dismissal.
- If a staff member is unable to function fully within their job description due to personal bias they will be relieved of their duties.
Server Administrators/Technicians
- Must report all changes made in the appropriate forum sections.
- Must inform other staff members of any changes that are not of interest to the public.
- Technicians are to help with any technical questions with FK platforms.
Community Managers
- Meetings are mandatory and must be attended until concluded.
- The inability to join a meeting or attend it fully must be communicated before the start of the meeting.
- Forums are to be used for discussions; meetings should only be used to come to conclusions.
At least 50% of CMs has to be present to establish quorum for voting.
- Absentee voting via comment on agenda document count towards establishing quorum for that meeting point.
Ban Rules
- Repeat offences increase the ban length.
- If the available evidence is not clear beyond reasonable doubt, the relevant player will be contacted. If they fail to respond within 24 hours, the ban will be carried out and evidence will have to be provided by them in the Dispute.
- Any attempt to evade a ban will worsen the punishment.
- A ban dispute may only be posted in the ban disputes section or PM to a CM.
- Trying to circumvent a ban will result in a permanent ban.
Grey area bans can be issued
- They require 1 staff member to Issue but will require review to make sure it’s not abuse.
- Grey area bans have to be fully justified by the staff member placing the ban
- Must be reviewed afterwards by the CM team within a week to ensure bans are not being abused.
- Disobeying staff in any situation may be followed by a grey area ban. Their word is final. Follow it.
- Warning Points issued outside of bans can be disputed. The dispute must be made in a Private Message to a CM. The dispute will then be discussed by the Staff Team.