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  • ArmA Abbreviations - General


    First and foremost: Thanks to the hivemind for helping with this! And Thanks to @Linnet for first compiling the list and creating the post!


    "Remember the first time someone screamed "BRDM! It's a BRDM!", at you and you had no damn clue how you were supposed to react to this? Or what to look for? The list of abbreviations is damn long (and this one by no means complete! If you see something missing, suggest it in the comments please! Missing an abbreviation but you're not sure what it means? Add it, too! Chances are somebody will fill it in) and I'm 100% convinced that nobody knows every single one of them. This list - click here for the entire one in alphabetical order - may prove itself helpful for some of the FNGs in the future. Running away tactically retreating from something makes more sense when you know what the hell you're running from."


    This list will be separated into 3 subsections, namely: Weapons, Vehicles and General Terminology.
    NOTE: This part only focuses on general terminology. You can find Weapons here and Vehicles here


    AAF - Altis Armed Forces (Base Game Faction)
    AbF - Assault by Fire, used in conjunction with a SbF to create a assaulting/clearing and a supporting element
    ACE - Used in conjunction with a request for an ACE-Report -> Ammo, Casualties, Equipment
    AO – Area of Operations
    AOA - Axis of Advance - what bearing you are moving
    ASR - Auxilliary/Alternate Supply Route (In FK refers to smaller roads commonly linked with a name and a map marker; See MSR)
    Asset - a piece of military equipment or personnel, commonly applied to tanks, planes, vehicles in general, sniper teams, mortar teams, etc.


    BP - Battlepoint; Usually used in conjuction with Attack Helicopters to indicate a position
    BDA - Bomb Damage Assesment (provided to i.e. air assets or artillery after a strike to tell them if they hit and what effect they had)
    BFT - Blufor Tracking (GPS tracking on the map/magic map markers)
    BLUFOR - Blue Forces (Typically NATO countries) (Side denomination)
    BoF - Base of Fire; a supporting force that provides overwatch and covering fire to other advancing units 

    CAS – Close Air Support
    CASEVAC – Casualty Evacuation
    Casualty - Wounded, killed or otherwise combat ineffective personnel
    CCP - Casualty Collection Point
    Civ/Civi - a civilian
    Click - Kilometer (1 click = 1km = 1000m)
    COIN - Counter Insurgency
    Combat effective/ineffective - Whether or not you/your squad/your vehicle is able to fight with the condition or the position you are in. Usually used when that is not the case.
    CQB - Close Quarters Battle
    CQC - Close Quarters Combat
    CSAR - Combat Search And Rescue
    CSAT - Canton Protocol Strategic Alliance Treaty; Refers to the imaginary Base Game Faction
    CSTO - Collective Security Treaty Organization (Russian NATO), formerly Warsaw Pact.
    CTRG - Combat Technology Research Group (Faction from Apex DLC)


    DOPE - Data on previous engagements
    DZ – Drop zone


    EOD - Explosive Ordnance Removal
    ERA - Explosive Reactive Armour (mounted on tanks to improve defense against AT-munitions)
    ETA – Estimated Time of Arrival 
    Exfil – Extraction/Exfiltration


    FAC – Forward Air Controller (The guy who communicates with the air assets)
    FF - Friendly Fire (also called Blue on Blue)
    FIA - Freedom and Independence Army (Base Game Faction)
    FNG – Fucking New Guy
    FOB – Forward Operating Base
    FO - Forward Observer (Somebody who watches a Artillery or Air Strike hit to provide BDA and adjusts the fire)
    FUBAR - Fucked Up Beyond All Reason/Recognition/Repair
    FUP - Form Up Point


    HP - Holdpoint, a location to stop and hold at
    HVT - High-Value-Target


    IED – Improvised Explosive Device
    INDFOR - Indepent Forces (Side denomination)
    INFIL - Infiltration, the act of getting to the AO (IRL it means to get past without being seen/spotted)
    INTREP - Intelligence Report (also refers to our lovely newsletter by @Rhea)
    IR - InfraRed


    KIA – Killed in Action


    LR – Long Range
    LZ – Landing Zone


    MANPADS - Man Portable Air Defence System
    MEDEVAC - Medical Evacuation/need medical attention from outside medic
    MIA – Missing in Action
    Mic/Mike - Minute
    MSR - Main Supply Route (In FK refers to bigger roads commonly linked with a name and a map marker; See ASR)


    NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    NVG – Night Vision Goggles
    NODs - Night Optical Devices


    OBJ - Objective
    Oscar Mike - "On the Move"; Usually a radio call to announce that your element is moving
    OPFOR - Opposing Forces 
    OW - Overwatch, usually a marker on the map to indicate a position from which an element can have good sightlines within engagement range (shoulod be focused on seeing things)


    PAK - Personal Aid Kit (The object medics use to heal people up completely E.g broken legs)
    Platoon - Usually refers to the player force (also refers to a certain element size similar to Squads or Companies)
    Platoonleader - Usually highest leadership in our missions
    PL - Phase Line; marks "milestones" or temporary boundaries of the operation.
    PLTN - Platoon
    PoW – Prisoner of War


    RCO – Rifle Combat Optics
    REDFOR - Red Forces ([Ex-]Warsaw Pact countries) (Side denomination)
    ROE - Rules of Engagement
    RTB - Return to Base
    RTO - Radio Telegraph Operator (The guy who communicates with the ground assets)
    RRR - "Triple R" -> Rearm, Refuel, Repair
    RV/RV-Point - Rendezvous (Point); Location to Regroup at or meet another element at


    SbF -  Support by Fire, used in conjunction with a SbF to create a assaulting/clearing and a supporting element
    2iC – Second in Command
    SITREP – Situation Report
    SL – Squad Leader
    SR/SW - Short Range/Short Wave
    STANAG – Standardisation Agreement usually used as “stanag rounds, stanag mags” as in everyone runs with the same gear, usually 5.56 caliber ammunition and compatible nato weaponry


    TL - Teamleader
    TOT - Time On Target. It’s an Artillery term, used for calculating when the round fired will hit the ground. As an FGO or FOO it’s super helpful as you can then see whether you’re on target or not
    TTT - Time To Target very rarely used, air assets might use


    UN - United Nations
    Uni - Uniform
    UXO - Unexploded Ordnance


    VBIED - Vehicle borne improvised explosive device
    VIP - Very-Important-Person


    Wait one - “Give me a minute", generally used on the radio to indicate that you will respond or continue shortly
    WARPACT - Warsaw Pact forces
    WIA/WIC - Wounded In Action/Combat
    WilCo - "Will Comply"; Said on the radio in response to an order
    WP - Waypoint


    updated last on June 7th 2021 by @Silberjojo(send any feedback to him)


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