AlbinoBob Posted March 21, 2017 Report Share Posted March 21, 2017 (edited) The Platoon One of the inherent strengths of the Infantry platoon is the ability to task organize. The Infantry platoon headquarters must expect to receive other Soldiers and units in command relationships, and direct other arms in support relationships. Roles The platoon headquarters has three permanently assigned members: the platoon leader, the platoon sergeant, and the radiotelephone operator (RTO). Depending on task organization, the platoon headquarters may receive augmentation. Two traditionally-attached assets are the fire support team, and the platoon medic. The Platoon Leader The platoon leader leads his subordinates by personal example. The platoon leader exercises authority over his subordinates and overall responsibility for those subordinates’ actions. This centralized authority enables the platoon leader to act decisively while maintaining troop discipline and unity. Under the fluid conditions of close combat, even in the course of carefully-planned actions, the platoon leader must accomplish assigned missions using initiative without constant guidance from above. During operations, he-- ● Leads the platoon in supporting the higher headquarters missions. He bases his actions on his assigned mission and the intent and concept of his higher commanders. ● Maneuvers squads and fighting elements. ● Synchronizes the efforts of squads. ● Looks ahead to the next “move” for the platoon. ● Requests and controls supporting assets. ● Employs command and control (C2) systems available to the squads and platoon. ● Ensures 360-degree, three-dimensional security is maintained. ● Controls the emplacement of key weapon systems. ● Issues accurate and timely reports. ● Places himself where he is most needed to accomplish the mission. ● Assigns clear tasks and purposes to his squads. ● Understands the mission and commanders intent The Platoon Sergeant The platoon sergeant (PSG or 2IC) is the senior NCO in the platoon and second in command. He sets the example in everything. He is a tactical expert in Infantry platoon and squad operations, which include maneuver of the platoon-sized elements, and employment of all organic and supporting weapons. The platoon sergeant advises the platoon leader in all administrative, logistical, and tactical matters. The platoon sergeant is responsible for the care of the men, weapons, and equipment of the platoon. Because the platoon sergeant is the second in command, he has no formal assigned duties except those assigned by the platoon leader. However, the platoon sergeant traditionally-- ● Ensures the platoon is prepared to accomplish its mission, to include supervising precombat checks and inspections. ● Prepares to assume the role and responsibilities of platoon leader. ● Receives squad leaders’ administrative, logistical, and maintenance reports, and requests for rations, water, fuel, and ammunition. ● Coordinates with the higher headquarters to request logistical support (usually the company’s first sergeant or executive officer.) ● Manages the unit’s combat load prior to operations, and monitors logistical status during operations. ● Establishes and operates the unit’s casualty collection point (CCP) to include directing the platoon medic and aid/litter teams in moving casualties; maintains platoon strength levels information; consolidates and forwards the platoon’s casualty reports; and receives and orients replacements. ● Understands the mission and commander's intent The Platoon Radiotelephone Operator The platoon radiotelephone operator (RTO) is primarily responsible for the platoon’s communication with its controlling HQ (usually the company or assigned assets.) During operations, the RTO will-- ● Have communications at all times. If communication with the platoon’s assets or next higher element is lost, the RTO immediately informs the platoon leader or platoon sergeant. ● Conduct radio checks with higher (in accordance with unit SOPs) when in a static position. If the RTO cannot make successful radio contact as required, he will inform the platoon sergeant or platoon leader. ● Be an expert in radio procedures and report formats such as call for indirect fire or MEDEVAC, and all types of field expedient antennas. ● Have the frequencies and call signs on his person in a location known to all Soldiers in the platoon. ● Assist the platoon leader with information management. ● Assist the platoon leader and platoon sergeant employing digital C2 systems available to the squads and platoon. ● Determine his combat load prior to operations and manage his batteries during operations. The Forward Observer The forward observer (FO), is the unit’s subject matter expert (SME) on indirect fire planning and execution. The FO is the primary observer for all fire support (FS) assets to include mortars (if assigned), battalion mortars, field artillery, and any other allocated FS assets. He is responsible for locating targets and calling and adjusting indirect fires. He must know the mission and the concept of operation, specifically the platoon’s scheme of maneuver and concept of fires. He works directly for the platoon leader and interacts with the next higher headquarters’ fire support representative. The FO must also-- ● Inform the Fire Support Team (FIST) headquarters of the platoon situation, location, and fire support requirements. ● Prepare and use maps. ● Call for and adjust indirect fires. ● Operate as a team with the fire support RTO. ● Select targets to support the platoon’s mission. ● Select observation post(s) (OP) and movement routes to and from selected targets. ● Operate digital message devices and maintain communication with the battalion and company fire support officer (FSO). ● Maintain grid coordinates of his location. ● Be prepared to employ close air support assets. Platoon Medic The platoon medic is assigned to the battalion medical platoon and is attached upon order. His primary function is force health protection. As such, he is the unit’s subject matter expert on treatment and evacuation of casualties. He works directly for the platoon sergeant. . During operations the medic-- ● Treats casualties and assists the aid and litter teams with their evacuation. ● Advises the platoon leader and platoon sergeant on all force health protection matters, and personally checks the health and physical condition of platoon members. ● Reports all medical situations and his actions taken to the platoon sergeant. ● Provides training and guidance to combat lifesavers (squad medics). Additional Information The platoon leader works to develop and maintain situational understanding (SU). SU is a product of four elements. First, the platoon leader attempts to know what is happening in the present in terms of friendly, enemy, neutral, and terrain situations. Second, the platoon leader must know the end state that represents mission accomplishment. Third, the platoon leader determines the critical actions and events that must occur to move his unit from the present to the end state. Finally, the platoon leader must be able to assess the risk throughout. The Squad The Squad Leader The squad leader (SL) directs his team leaders and leads by personal example. The SL has authority over his subordinates and overall responsibility for those subordinates’ actions. Centralized authority enables the SL to act decisively while maintaining troop discipline and unity. Under the fluid conditions of close combat, even in the course of carefully-planned actions, the SL must accomplish assigned missions on his own initiative without constant guidance from above. The squad leader is the senior Infantryman in the squad and is responsible for all the squad does or fails to do. The squad leader is responsible for the care of his squad’s men, weapons, and equipment. During operations, the squad leader-- ● Is the SME in the squad’s organic weapons employment and the employment of supporting assets. ● Knows weapon effects, surface danger zone(s) (SDZ), and risk estimate distance(s) (RED) for all munitions. ● Effectively uses control measures for direct fire, indirect fire, and tactical movement. ● Controls the movement of his squad and its rate and distribution of fire (including call for and adjust fire.) ● Fights the close fight by fire and movement with squad and available supporting weapons. ● Selects the fire team’s general location and sector in the defense. ● Communicates timely and accurate spot reports (SPOTREPs) and status reports, including-- ○ Size, activity, location, unit, time, and equipment (SALUTE) SPOTREPs. ○ Status to the platoon leader (including squad location and progress, enemy situation, enemy killed in action [KIA], and security posture.) ○ Status of ammunition, casualties, and equipment to the platoon sergeant. ● Employs digital C2 systems available to the squad and platoon. ● Operates in any environment to include the urban environment. ● Assumes duties as the platoon sergeant or platoon leader as required (absence or casualties). ● Understands the mission and commander’s intent 2nd In Command 2IC leads his team members by personal example. He has authority over his subordinates and overall responsibility for their actions. Centralized authority enables the 2IC to maintain troop discipline and unity and to act decisively. Under the fluid conditions of close combat, the 2IC must accomplish assigned missions using initiative without needing constant guidance from above. The 2IC’s position on the battlefield requires immediacy and accuracy in all of his actions. He is a fighting leader who leads his team by example. The team leader is responsible for all his team does or fails to do. He is responsible for the care of his team’s men, weapons, and equipment. During operations, the 2IC-- ● Is the SME on all of the team’s weapons and duty positions and all squad battle drills. ● Leads his team in fire and movement. ● Controls the movement of his team and its rate and distribution of fire. ● Employs digital C2 systems available to the squad and platoon. ● Ensures security of his team’s sector. ● Assists the squad leader as required. ● Is prepared to assume the duties of the squad leader and platoon sergeant. ● Enforces field discipline ● Determines his team’s combat load and manages its available classes of supply as required. ● Understands the mission two levels up (squad and platoon.) The Rifleman The rifleman provides the baseline standard for all Infantrymen and is an integral part of the fire team. He must be an expert in handling and employing his weapon. Placing well-aimed, effective fire on the enemy is his primary capability. Additionally, the rifleman must-- ● Be an expert on his weapon system--his rifle, its optics, and its laser aiming device. He must be effective with his weapon system day or night. He must be capable of engaging all targets with well-aimed shots. ● Be able to employ all weapons of the squad, as well as common munitions. ● Be able to construct and occupy a hasty firing position and know how to fire from it. He must know how to quickly occupy covered and concealed positions in all environments and what protection they will provide for him from direct fire weapons. He must be competent in the performance of these tasks while using night vision devices. ● Be able to fight as part of his unit, which includes being proficient in his individual tasks and drills, being able to fight alongside any member of the unit, and knowing the duties of his teammates and be prepared to fill in with their weapons if needed. ● Be able to contribute as a member of special teams to include wire/mine breach teams, EPW search, aid/litter, and demolitions. ● Be able to inform his squad leader of everything he hears and sees when in a tactical situation. ● Be able to perform Soldier-level first-aid. ● Be able to administer buddy aid as required. ● Be able to manage ammunition and equipment during operations. ● Be prepared to assume the duties of the automatic rifleman and team leader. ● Understand the mission for the squad The Automatic Rifleman The Automatic Rifleman’s (AR) current primary weapon is the light machine gun (LMG). These light machine guns provide the unit with a high volume of sustained suppressive and lethal fires for area targets. The automatic rifleman employs the LMG to suppress enemy Infantry and bunkers, destroy enemy automatic rifle and antitank teams, and enable the movement of other teams and squads. He is normally the senior Soldier of the fire team. The AR must-- ● Be able to accomplish all of the tasks of the rifleman and the grenadier. ● Be prepared to assume the duties of the team leader and squad leader. ● Be able to engage groups of enemy personnel, thin-skinned vehicles, bunker doors or apertures, and suspected enemy locations with automatic fire. He provides suppressive fire on these targets so his teammates can close with and destroy the enemy. ● Be familiar with field expedient firing aids to enhance the effectiveness of his weapon (for example, aiming stakes.) ● Be able to engage targets from the prone, kneeling, and standing positions with and without night observation devices. ● Understands the mission for the squad The Grenadier The grenadier is currently equipped with a weapon system consisting of an assault rifle and an attached 40-mm grenade launcher. The grenadier provides the fire team with a high trajectory, high explosive capability out to 400 meters. His fire enables the fire team to achieve complementary effects with high trajectory, high explosive munitions, and the flat trajectory ball ammunition of the team’s other weapons. The grenade launcher allows the grenadier to perform three functions: suppress and destroy enemy Infantry and lightly-armored vehicles with HE or high explosive dual purpose; provide smoke to screen and cover his squad’s fire and movement; and employ illumination rounds to increase his squad’s visibility and mark enemy positions. The grenadier must-- ● Be able to accomplish all of the tasks of the rifleman. ● Be able to engage targets with appropriate type of rounds both day and night. ● Know the maximum ranges for each type of target for the grenade launcher. ● Know how to make an adjustment from the first round fired so he can attain a second-round hit. ● Load the grenade launcher quickly in all firing positions and while running. ● Be prepared to assume the duties of the automatic weapons gunner and the team leader. ● Understand the mission for the squad Medium Machine Gun Team The two-man medium machine gun team is comprised of a gunner and an assistant gunner (AG). The weapons squad has two machine gun teams. These teams provide the platoon with medium-range area suppression at ranges up to 1,000 meters during day, night, and adverse weather conditions. Gunner The gunner is normally the senior member of the team. During operations, the gunner-- ● Is responsible for his assistant gunner and all the gun equipment. ● Is responsible for putting the gun in and out of action. ● Is the SME for the information regarding Crew-Served Machine Guns, 6.5-mm and 7.62-mm. ● When attached to a rifle squad, is the SME on employment of the medium machine gun. He advises the rifle squad leader of the best way to employ the machine gun. ● Enforces field discipline while the gun team is employed tactically. ● Knows the ballistic effects of the weapon on all types of targets. ● Assists the squad leader and is prepared to assume his responsibilities. ● Understand the mission for the squad Assistant Gunner The assistant gunner is the second member of the gun team. He is prepared to assume the gunner’s role in any situation. During operations, the assistant gunner will-- ● Constantly update the squad leader on the round count and serviceability of the machine gun. ● Watch for Soldiers to the flanks of the target area or between the gun and the target. ● Report round counts of ammunition in accordance with the unit standard operating procedure. ● Obtain ammunition from other Soldiers who are carrying machine gun ammunition ● Provide a supply of ammunition to the gun when employed. ● Spot rounds and report recommended corrections to the gunner. ● Immediately assume the role of gunner if the gunner is unable to continue his duties. ● Understand the mission for the squad Edited March 21, 2017 by AlbinoBob Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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