OneMadPanda Posted September 12, 2019 Report Share Posted September 12, 2019 Preface: Like all my past Cheat-Sheets, this is by no means an in-depth guide on anything in specific, but more a general guide about everything. The goal is to give everyone a simple baseline look at everything, to give tips and tricks where possible. The Guide will update over time, though Updates may be slow and depend on the creators time to do so. This is meant for the FNG who has just joined the Community and is looking to get an idea at how certain things work, what to do and what to avoid. I would be glad for the Community to add Feature Suggestions for this Sheet in the comments. I can not promise that I will get to them quickly or at all, but if I think they would make a good addition I will work on adding them to the sheet. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDEX: 1. Things to Do and Don't... 1.1 During Briefing 1.2 During Overwatch 1.3 On the Radio 1.3.1 Longrange 1.3.2 Shortrange 1.4 Moving as Infantry 1.4.1 On Foot 1.4.2 With Vehicle 1.4.3 With Armor (Knight) 1.5 Moving as Armor 1.5.1 As the Vehicle 1.5.2 Outside the Vehicle 2. The Arsenal and You 2.1 Guns and more Guns 2.2 DMR 2.4 LAT 2.5 MAT 2.6 HAT 2.7 LMG 2.8 MMG 2.9 AA 3. Loadouts and what to bring ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Things to Do and Don't... 1.1 Things to do during Briefing Check your gear: Do you have the right radio? (AN/PRC-152) Are you in the right radio channel? Is there useless weight on you? Does it suddenly get dark? (If so, you might need NVG's) If you are the rifleman: Maybe offer to carry some Ammo for an MAT. Use your spare weight! Watch the map. You don't have to, but it makes it easier if you watch the Briefing drawing on the map. That can clear up things more, then just look at the jumbled mess it every now and then is. Talk shit. You had to shut up during Slot-Up, might as well get it out of your system now. Establish your Fireteams. Red goes with Red, Blue goes with Blue, etc. If you get attachments that are new to the game: Show them the ropes. Explain ACE interaction menus. Don't be a dick and go "But everybody knows that!": Help them, they probably really don't!. Do not fire your gun to try it out. Do not throw any Grenades, Flares, ANYTHING. Do not deploy explosives. Do not plant any mines. Do not assemble turrets. Do not attend the meeting unless you are a Squadlead or Assetlead. Do not take any of the vehicles that might be at spawn. Stay around your Arsenal. When SL returns they want to get their briefing done with you, and not wait for you. 1.2 Things to do during Overwatch Secure your perimeter. Always look in the directions your objective is not in. Zeus is a cheeky one. Dig trenches. It seems obvious but you can never have too many of them. If you ever take Mortar or Tankfire the Squad can spread out across them and minimze damage. Spot for the gunners. As simple as it sounds. Call out targets and ranges for the specialists. Thats what they are there for. Make conversation. If you are not engaged, talking to your teammates can help alot. Ask questions if you have any. Maybe ask if the DMR will let you take 1 or 2 shots at a tree, teach you a thing or two? Be patient. You are on Overwatch: Zeus hates you and WILL try to kill you. Eventually ;). Check your gear, repack Ammo, reload your gun. Think, how next time you could be more efficient at this and plan out changes to your loadout. Overwatch can be exhausting, but be aware that usually, when in a situation like that, shit can turn sour in a minute and you might be the saving grace of your Platoon by shooting down that one MBT. If there is no reason to stay: Consider requesting to be allowed to move in. Platoon Leaders can't always tell what the situation is like at a given point. Never feel afraid to ask for specific orders. 1.3 On the Radio 1.3.1 Longrange Longrange channels are (usually) set by a script to this: Infantry, Channel 1, Freq 69 Air, Channel 2, Freq 68 Armor, Channel 3, Freq 67 Adress whom you want to talk to first, then yourself: "Alpha, this is Bravo.", then wait for a 'This is Platoon, send your traffic' or a similar message Disregard this when it is important, like a Tank rolling up on a Convoy. Sometimes the message is more important then the way you deliver it. Keep the channels clear. Longrange is not for casual chatter. Ever. If you are taking over Longrange because SL and/or Teamleads are dead, inform Platoon. If you are taking heavy casualties and need backup, inform Platoon. Air and Armor Channels are only for those assets and the RTO / FAC, not Infantry. Platoon may ask for a SitRep, LocRep or AceRep. SitRep is your situation: Are you under contact? Are you in danger? If so, relay this. LocRep is your Location: Where are you? Ideally give a reference marker and the 6-Digit Grid at the top of your GPS. AceRep is Ammo, Casualties, Equipment: How many injured, how many dead? Are you good on Ammo? How much AT do you have left over? 1.3.2 Shortrange Shortrangechannels are (usually) set by a Script to this: Alpha, Channel 1, Freq 110 Bravo, Channel 2, Freq 120 Charlie, Channel 3, Freq 130 Delta, Channel 4, Freq 140 Echo, Channel 5, Freq 150 Platoon, Channel 6, Freq 160 Armor, Channel 7, Freq 170 Air, Channel 8, Freq 180 Once you join in, make sure you joined your Squad's channel as listed above. Try to stay out of other people's Shortrange unless ordered otherwise. If you call an enemy, try to give a direction. General Direction first (North-East, for example) and then actual Compass Degrees if possible. Don't just yell "Left". Left can be very situational. During Mission, try and use Local-Talk over Shortrange, unless you need to relay important messages. During the Briefing, do NOT ever use the Shortrange unless it is extremely important. Squadlead has to listen to the Briefing, not to you doing Com-Checks! 1.4 Moving as Infantry 1.4.1 On Foot Keep your gun down (Double-Tap CTRL). Call out if you need a Stamina Break. Stay of to one side of Roads, so Vehicles and Armor can pass if possible. Never dig a Trench in the Road. Try and always be aware of nearby cover, in case you need it! 360° Security. You are never as save from a Russian with an RPK as you seem to think. Don't sprint unless you need to. Stamina is an emergency currency you don't want to waste. 1.4.2 With a Vehicle If you are in a Convoy, ask yourself/your SL the following: Which position is our Vehicle in. Is there a Speed-Limit. Do not get too close to other friendly vehicles, ArmA can desync and cause vehicles to crash. Come to a full standstill. If the SL says dismount, wait for the Driver to give his ok. Otherwise you might get squished. Do not dismount unless you are told to dismount. Storing things in the cars is possible, but also remember to take stuff out if you might leave the vehicle behind. Remember, sometimes you are armored but not immortal, so don't think you'll live through big hits. Do not park vehicles in the middle of the Road. Roads are reserved for moving vehicles, park to either side and keep a path clear in the middle. 1.4.3 With Armor (Knight) If you are advancing with Knight, try to not do the following: Go off road through a forest, yes they can run over trees, but it slows them down massively. Cross a river you have to swim through - they are multiple dozen tons of steel. They often don't float. Make sure they are amphibious if you have no other choice. Expect them to charge in first. Yes they are a tank. But it only takes one good RPG to end them. The best way to guard armor is to either side of it. Form a line along the sides of Knight, they'll be cool with that. First and most important rule is: Do not stand in their way. If Knight is moving with you, stand clear of them, give them a good few paces of maneuverspace. Every now and then Tanks Breakdance - don't ever ask a TUSK for a dance, it's not very good and will step on your skull by accident. Do not stand in front or behind them, so they can advance, retreat and fire their maincannon without squishing you. Knight WILL squish you if you stand in it's way. If you think the Driver can see you: No. If you think the Commander can see you: No. If you are on OW and Knight rolls up behind you, try and clear their overpressure zone. (The areas around and in front of the Barrel) It's probably easier for you to scoot over a few meters then it is for them. 1.5 Moving as Armor 1.5.1 In the Vehicle Try and stick to the road. That way Infantry can expect your movement! If you get shot, backing the fuck up is never wrong. It's better to run, live and fight another day then to die a fool-hero. Thermal is your friend. Spot targets, check them with the map for friendlies, clear with RTO / Your commander that you are clear to engage. Remember your overpressure cone when you have a cannon. It's bigger then you think. Try and avoid overpressure when possible. Of you are given a Tank or similar, do not fire the main cannon at everything. M240 for Infantry, M2 (If available) for Trucks and Technicals and the main cannon for Tanks and other Armor etc. APSFDS - (Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding-Sabot) better for heavy to medium armor (Tanks/BMP-s/BMD-s), MPAT - ( Multi-purpose Anti-tank) good for Light Armored or no armored vehicles (BTR-s/Trucks/Helicopters/GAZ etc.). HE-FRAG – (High-Explosive Fragmentation) good at crushing buildings and dealing with dense groups of Infantry or light vehicles. 1.5.2 Outside the Vehicle If you lose your armored vehicle, inform Platoon HQ of the loss. Don't ping Zeus unless your Vehicle ArmA'd. If it got shot and died, it got shot and died. Maybe you get a new one with Respawns happening. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. The Arsenal and You 2.1 Guns and more Guns One of the first questions I get is 'What Rifle can I take?', so I decided to make a quick list of them. I will not list every Sub-Variant. Otherwise I would need to photocopy half the Arsenal. Take a Side-Specific Gun. You can reference the Rules for more Details on this! The Rifle-Branch: HK 416 M4 AK-12 AK-74 The Bullpup-Branch CTAR-21 F2000 Steyr AUG TAR-21 The Shotgun-Branch Izhmash Saiga 12k M590A1 (Long / Short) L128A1 Shotgun Kozlice 12G 2.2 DMR DMR's (Designated Marksmen Rifle) are gived out only at the Squadleads discretion. Only one DMR per Squad. Only Riflemen can be the Designated Marksman. Usually the DMR uses a M14 Variant or SVD, but there is more options then that and it will usually be your own choice to make. DMR is limited to a 12x Scope. Remember to take a Range-Card. 2.3 LAT Usually the LAT is: M136 HEAT or the RPG-26 You are allowed 3 LAT per Squad, unless Zeus restricts it otherwise. 2.4 MAT Usually the MAT is: M3 MAAWS or the RPG-7 You are allowed 4 Rounds total for them. So one loaded with 3 additional rounds. Do not forget the appropriate MAT Optics 2.5 HAT Usually the FGM-148 Javelin or the Metis-M. HAT has the same Ammo Resctriction as MAT. Your SL has to request HAT from Zeus & Platoon HQ. 2.5.1 The FGM-148 Javelin The Javelin is a Lock-On Launcher. Meaning you can not just fire it quickly Toggle the Thermal Optic (Tapping N by Default), then use your lock-on key to lock the target. You can use it to shoot down any target with a thermal signature, including slow moving Aircraft. 2.5.2 The Metis-M The Metis-M is Wire-Guided, meaning it follows where you are aiming. The Rocket has a certain "Wobble" to it. Do not over-adjust for this. 2.6 LMG Usually the M249 / RPK-74 LMGs are usually 5.56x45 / 7.62x39 calibre Remember bringing one spare barrel. It's not needed, but it is an insurance. You find them under the 'Other Ammo' tab in the Arsenal. They don't show with your usual Ammo. You can bring any Size Magazine you wish. 2.7 MMG Usually the M240B / PKP. MMGs are generally heavier then LMGs, using 7.62x51 / 7.62x39 calibres. Same as LMG: Bring a Spare Barrel. A Single one will usually do you fine. 2.8 AA Usually AA is: FIM-92F ("Stinger") / IGLA Same Ammo Limit as MAT / HAT Do not take any of them unless it was specified by your SL. Way to shoot them is: Aim at Aircraft.. Wait for slow beeping to turn into a solid tone. LMB to fire it and fuck up some pilots day. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Loadouts and what to bring 3.1 General Infantry Template I generally recommend keeping your loadouts similar to this. It is a good baseline from which you can then specify what exactly you need for any given mission. You Uniforms Camouflage is decided by Platoon HQ. He will announce it in Sidechat once he has made a decision. The Vest and Helmet are up to the SL. Generally try to fit something that suits the Overall Camo. Primary: H&K HK416 D14.5 Scope: M150 RCO Rail Attachment: LLM Vario-Ray Muzzle Attachments: Optional Suppressor of your choice Bipod: Harris Bipod Secondary: SigSauer P226R Combat Launcher: <None unless issued by Teamlead or Squadlead> Utility: Rangefinder Map GPS AN/PRC-152 Compass Altimeter Watch Headgear: Helmet Fitting the Camo Vest: 8-10x 30Rnd Magazine of your Choice I recommend SOST when possible Uniform: 4x Bandage (Packing) 1x Tourniquet (CAT) 1x ACE Splint 1x Morphine autoinjector 1x Epinephrine autoinjector 1x Entrenching Tool A Good weight limit to keep around is 35 - 40 kg. If you are issued AT you may easily exceed this limit. Try to offload some weight by sharing AT Ammo with other Riflemen of your Fireteam. You can always offer to carry additional gear for the AntiTank or the Autorifleman if you have the spare capacity. If you still have spare weight after this: Consider bringing Grenades, or Explosives. If you bring Explosives, try and bring Explosives that use the M152 or M57 firing device. Test out how to use them in the Virtual Arsenal first. There is no harm in blowing yourself up there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update 3.0 – "Times they are changing."-Release. Removed some useless features from 2.3, added some others as well as some updated phrasing. All of this, just as the old ones, is in no way official or related to my Roles as a Trainer, nor does it represent the opinions of any Trainers besides myself. This is just my interpretation as a Player with 3000+ hours of experience. Updates are likely to follow when I find the time to get around to them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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