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Nick's portable AT/AA and target aquisition guide

Nick Aryson

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Nick Aryson

This guide is out-of-date and explains stuff related to the pre-November 2019 Modpack, as such take what is discussed here with a grain of salt

Nick's portable AT/AA and target aquisition guide

So, I know i'm not the first to do a guide like this but the others seemed kind of lackluster in terms of details and were not updated since like 6 months, so here is my take on it. If you spot a discrepency or just a missing info, you can put it in the replies of this thread.

Table of content

  • Abbreviations and differences
  • Tips
  • Launchers
  • ERA
  • Cage armor

Abbreviations and differences

Launcher types

LAT or Light Anti-Tank is a single shot launch system designed to be carried by infantry. Exemples include the M136 or the RPG-26 launchers.

MAT or Medium Anti-Tank is a multiple shot launch system designed to be carried by infantry. Exemples include the MK153 Mod 0 SMAW or the M3 MAAWS launchers.

HAT or Heavy anti-tank is a multiple shot launch system designed to be carried by infantry. By our ruleset, anything that can lock-on ground vehicles enters this category. Exemples include the FGM-148 Javelin and the Titan MPRL compact.

Rocket or Missile?

A rocket is an unguided rocket-propelled projectile while a missile is a rocket-propelled projectile with some form of guidance

Ammo definitions

HE: High-Explosive

HEAT: High-Explosive Anti-Tank

HEDP: High-Explosive Dual-Purpose

HEAA: High-Explosive Anti-Armor

AA: Anti-Air

AT: Anti-Tank

HP: High-Penetration

FRAG: Fragmentation

Tandem: Projectile with 2 warheads used to defeat protection such as ERA and cage armor

Thermobaric: Very high temperature explosion (Bunker-buster)

Airburst: FRAG that explodes in the air, usefull against entrenched units

HEATRAP: Short for High-Explosive-Anti-Tank-Rocket-Assisted-Projectile (big bullet)


Misc tips and tricks

  1. If your launcher has an overfly top attack mode, you should always use it as it's more effective in general. Only exception is if you're too close to target or the sky is obstructed by a building.
  2. KEEP CLEAR OF WALLS! If you fire too close to a wall or the ground you may end up injuring or knocking yourself out (Note that there are exceptions, certain launchers can be fired next to walls as they are launched from the tube before the rocket itself ignites)
  3. Same goes with allies, they may not appreciate getting knocked out because you forgot to ask people to clear backblast
  4. Firing a rocket during a night mission is like lighting a flare, ensure you are able to move to a new position after firing
  5. Wireguidance is not a toy, if you miss, crash your missile. Certain launchers point downwards on your back and if the missile is able to, it will boomrang back to you, not an honorable death no?
  6. When your squad has MAT, don't forget who has your ammo because no, you won't be able to carry all of it yourself
  7. When you are part of the MAT team, you are as important as the medic, if you die, your squad will be left with no AT capabilities so don't take unessecery risks
  8. As of the latest RHS update, single shot launchers have trouble with precision at greater distances to simulate how it is IRL. The range depends on the launcher but a rule of thumb is of around 200-300m before it loses accuracy


Portable AT/AA launchers


In vanilla Arma this weapon seems like nothing special, but with Ace 3 it changes how the weapon performs. The NLAW is a 115mm AT single-use, fire-and-forget missile launcher. It has nightvision and a rangefinder. The missile it fires can adjust it's flight patern to compensate for gravity meaning that there is no so called "bullet drop". It can also be fired at moving targets by holding the NLAW target track key in the ace weapon controls, hold the key for 3 or more seconds while aiming at the moving vehicle and fire. If the target keeps it's speed and direction the missile will hit, otherwise it will be a miss, so it is reccomended to fire at tragets following an obvious path. Finally the launcher also features an overfly top attack mode that can be triggered by using the cycle fire mode key located in the ace keybinds. To make an overfly top attack, cycle the fire mode once and repeat the previous steps as if it was a regular attack. Note that on a stationnary target you will have to track it for 3 seconds anyway for a overfly top attack, else the missile just overshoots the target.



The NLAW tracking system


The BAF NLAW is the same in term of caliber and functions as the one described above but is still a bit different. It lacks nightvision, deals more damage and is around 1/2 the weight of the regular NLAW.


The RPG-32 is a reusable 105mm rocket launcher that comes with AT and HE options for the rockets. It has nightvision and a very easy to use range table.



Titan MPRL

The Titan MPRL is a 127mm AA missile launcher. It is a reusable launcher equiped with thermalvision, an optical zoom and a rangefinder. Use your vanilla lock target key to lock on an ennemy aircraft and wait until you hear a very fast beeping or the diamond on target has a dot inside. Launchers of this type are most efficient against helicopters and planes showing their rear to you, shooting at a plane frontaly or while it's showing it's side will have a high probability of the missile missing, be aware!


Titan MPRL Compact

The Titan MPRL Compact is a 127mm reusable missile launcher capable of launching both AT and Anti-personel (AP) missiles. It has thermalvision and an optical zoom. Due to it being shorter compared to the regular Titan MPRL, it's only able to shoot ground targets. But don't let that fool you, it becomes a real threat to even the most hidden of vehicles! The fact is, this launcher is able to lock on targets while in thermalvision mode while holding the lock target key in the ace weapon controls. Note that this only applies to the AT missile. To lock on, all you have to do is hold the key described above on a thermal signature (yes you can lock onto people), once a cross appears and the beeping changes fire! Now even if the target moves it is sentenced to certain impending doom. One last feature is that you can choose vanilla or ace 3 overfly top attack or direct attack. For vanilla all you have to do is press your fire mode key (default F) and for ace use the cycle fire mode key located at the same spot as the other ace keys (default ctrl+tab). With the ace overfly top attack selected you should see one of the lights change in the scope. Now for the AP missile, it isn't lock on, but wireguided! Launch it and move it freely using your crossair!






Nothing really special about it, fires a 70mm HEAT rocket, has no optics and has a max ranging of 500m.



9K38 Igla (RHS)

The 9K38 Igla is a 72mm AA launcher with a minimum arming distance of 400m (won't let you lock on before that). Point the launcher in the direction the ennemy, wait for the diamond with the dot to appear and fire.



RPG-26 (RHS)

The RPG-26 is a 72.5mm single-use HEAT rocket launcher. It has a maximum ironsight range of 250m. It has 3 sights, one for 0m, one for 100m and one for 50m-250m.









The RPG-7V2 is a 70mm rocket launcher capable of firing PG-7V 85mm HEAT, PG-7VL 93mm HEAT, PG-7VR 64/105mm Tandem HEAT, OG-7V 40mm Fragmentation, TBG-7V 105mm Thermobaric and the Chinese Type-69 airburst 75mm Fragmentation rocket.

It can equip the PGO-7V, 7V2 and 7V3 sights, 7V3 being the most modern and useful, note that they can be illuminated using the nightvision key. It can also use 1PN93-1 and 2 sights, the last one being a nightvision version of the PGO-7V3.

The ironsight can be adjusted up to 300m but let me explain how to use the scope. Each generation adds a new range table, for this exemple we will use the PGO-7V3 as you can quite easily base it off the others. So, you could class the rockets by range table: Left being for the PG-7V, right for the PG-7VL and middle for the PG-7VR and TBG-7V. The OG-7V and Type-69 rockets are kind of in a weird spot because they are lighter than all of the others, see picture below. Also the cross above everything is the bore sight, meaning that it's where the rocket aims when it gets out of the tube. Lastly, to use the manual rangefinder all you have to do is see where the target fits between the bottom and curvy line.


Here's an helpful image (thanks to JacobyWitness for finding it)


Illuminated PGO-7V3


The Type-69 Airburst in action, it was designed to bounce off the ground and blow up over entrenched units releasing deadly shrapnel.

RShG-2 (RHS)

The RShG-2 is a 72.5mm single-use Thermobaric launcher. It uses the same sights as the RPG-26.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RPG-26 (on same wiki page as RPG-26)

FGM-148 Javelin (RHS)

The FGM-148 Javelin is a 127mm reusable AT launcher. It is the same as the Titan MPRL Compact although much heavier, it weights 19.94kg loaded. It uses the same sight as The Titan MPRL Compact.


Javelin Launcher (BAF)

In term of what it can do this one is nearly identical to the RHS variant but a bit more complicated to use. First it needs to be assembled by combining a javelin tube (in the launcher section of the arsenal) and a javelin CLU (found in the binocular section of the arsenal, can be used by itself as thermal binoculars) using the ace interaction menu. Once assembled it uses the same firing method as the Titan MPRL Compact. To reload it, you need to disassemble it, equip a new tube and reassemble it.

FIM-92 Stinger (RHS)

The FIM-92 Stinger is a 70mm AA missile launcher with a 400m minimum launch range. Point the launcher in the direction the ennemy, wait for the diamond with the dot to appear and fire.



M136 (RHS)

The M136 is an 84mm single-use rocket launcher available in 3 flavors, HEAT, HEDP (HE Duel Purpose) and HP (High penetration). HEAT is your regular rocket capable of penetrating 400mm of armor, HP allows for 550mm while HEDP can penetrate 150mm as it trades penetration for explosive radius. The sight can be opened using numpad / or the key set in you RHS options. To aim at targets that are immobile use the center pin, if they move slowly put them inbetween one of the side pin and the middle pin and if they move fast use one of the side pins (note that the moving part only applies to targets at 200m).




The BAF ILAW is the same as the regular M136, but is lighter, only available in HEDP and HP variants and deals a bit more damage.


The M3 MAAWS is a reusable 84mm launcher. It has rockets that come in HEAT, HEDP and HE variants. It can be zeroed up to 900m and the addition of a scope makes the view clearer.



M72A7 (RHS)

The M72A7 is a single-use 66mm HEDP launcher. It has a maximum zeroing of 350m and can be equiped with an AN/PEQ-15 IR laser. This launcher is extremely light at only 3.49kg.



MK153 Mod 0 SMAW (RHS)

The Mk153 mod 0 SMAW is an 83mm reusable launcher capable of firing HEAA (HE Anti-armor) and HEDP rockets. It is equiped with a spotting rifle that fires a round with the same velocity as the rocket so that you can test your ranging before firing, beware, it gives out your position. Currently you can't range it without a scope, you have access to many of them but the best is the SMAW scope as it lets you range up to 500m using your ranging key. It also lets you range further manually since each of the bars on the scope represent 75m, 6 bars for a total of 450m on the scope plus the 500m of the launcher for a grand total of 950m. Finnaly you can add an IR laser or a Flashlight on it.



9M135 Vorona (Tanks DLC)

The 9M135 Vorona is a 130mm reusable launcher capable of firing HEAT and HE. It has a rangefinder, thermalvision and an optical zoom. It is also a wireguided launcher.


MAAWS Mk4 Mod 0 (Tanks DLC)

The MAAWS Mk4 Mod 0 is an 84mm reusable launcher that can fire HEAT or HE. It can equip a flashlight or IR laser. It also has a manual rangefinder like the RPG-7V2.


MAAWS Mk4 Mod 1 (Tanks DLC)

A modernized version of the Mod 0. Now has a laser rangefinder and nightvision.


Panzerfaust 60 (RHS)

A WW2 era relic, the Panzerfaut is a single shot, 149mm HEAT launcher with a maximum targetting distance of 80m. The rocket's velocity is extremely slow, relying on an arc patern to achieve a greater effective distance. The launcher is near useless against modern MBTs (Main battle tanks), so why use it? Simple, dirt cheap and it can easily be used against lighter targets like APCs (Armored personel carriers) such as the infamous "Lunch box". Remember that due to the nature of this weapon, a very close range to the target is necessary to make it work.



RPG-75 (RHS)

The RPG-75 is a single shot 68mm HEAT launcher capable of a maximum firing range of 300m. This old Soviet launcher is comparable to the M72 LAW in term of size and capabilities. To fire it, you will need to align the middle cross with the correct range number next to it (in 100m increments). To facilitate target aquisition, a rangefinder is present on the launcher.




The RBR-M80 is a 64mm single shot HEAT launcher with a maximum firing range of 400m. Nothing really special about this launcher, except that the optic is kind of hard to aim with due to the distance between the small peep-hole and the range indicators on the front visor.



RGW 90 (BWmod)

The RGW 90 is a 90mm single-use launcher equiped with an HESH warhead (HE Squash-head), which means it is perfect for destroying buildings. It also features a 2x scope with a 400m max range.


Leuchbuchse (BWmod)

 The Leuchbuchse is an 84mm rocket launcher capable of firing HE, HEAT-Tandem, HEDP, Illumination and Smoke rockets. It has a maximum range of 600m and can be equiped with a scope for more precision with a 3x zoom.


Fliegerfaust 2 Stinger (BWmod)

The FIM-92 Stinger is a 70mm AA missile launcher, point the launcher in the direction the ennemy, wait for the diamond with the dot to appear and fire.


Panzerfaust 3 (BWmod)

The Panzerfaust 3 is a 110mm single-use rocket launcher with a 2.5x zoom and access to the NSA 80 nightvison scope. It has a max range of 400m and uses a tandem rocket to defeat enemy ERA and cage armour.


Bunkerfaust (BWmod)

The Bunkerfaust is a 110mm single-use rocket launcher based on the Panzerfaust 3 launch platform. It has all of the features and limitation of its brother with the exception that it carries an HEDP warhead instead of a an anti-tank one.

Explosive reactive and cage (slat) armor

Explosive Reactive Armor

What is explosive reactive armor? Explosive reactive armor (ERA) is a form of protection designed to counter certain attacks from specified types of ammo by using it's own explosive force to remove any penetrating force from the shot. It is designed to counter HEAT, meaning it is a real nightmare for infantry as there aren't many carryable solutions since nearly all launchers launch HEAT rockets and not solid shot projectiles like APFSDS (Armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot).


A T-72 (1985) equiped with Kontakt-1 ERA (The little green bricks)


So, how do you take care of targets equiped with ERA? Well you have 2 solutions, first is the most wasteful and is to fire 2 times at the same place. ERA has always had one weakness, reusability. See, when the brick is detonated it only offers a one time protection against the ennemy as the area is left unprotected. By firing twice at the same spot you ensure yourself a disabled if not destroyed vehicle (note that the russian or any type of tandem rocket will penetrate ERA and damage the tank as it is designed for this).

The same T-72 after being shot once with HEAT from an M136 launcher, the bricks absorbed the explosion and the area is now left unprotected (It looks damaged but don't mind it as the bricks count as part of the damage model, the tank modules are in-fact very-well functioning and it can still attack).


Now the second solution is really simple, aim for somewhere not protected. The bricks only cover the frontal and front sides of the T-72 as they add weight and only cover the areas where a tank would most likely get hit from the front. That means, it leaves some spots unprotected and if the vehicle is in an urban environnement they are easily targettable.

Spots left unprotected on the T-72



Cage (Slat) Armor

Cage or slat armor is a type of armor which is an alternative to ERA and comes with its set of advantages and disadvantages. It is cheaper to make than ERA and covers more parts of the vehicle but is way heavier, is less effective and makes the tank a bigger target. So what is cage armor? Like the name says its simply a cage added around an exisisting vehicle to protect it against HEAT.


Here we have a Badger IFV equiped with cage armor


Like ERA you can detonate it and shoot it again in the spot left unprotected (note that the russian or any type of tandem rocket will penetrate cage armor and damage the tank as it is designed for this).

Damaged Cage armor shot out by a HEAT M136 rocket, note that because it is less efficient at protecting the vehicle, the hull was still damaged, but the vehicle is still capable of combat and is still a threat.


You can also shoot at areas not protected like the front of the hull and the front of the turret. If you are in an urban environnement use height to your advantage and shoot the roof.

Areas that are not protected by cage armor.




Edited by Nick Aryson
Added out-of-date warning
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While reading through ACE code, I've discovered that NLAW augmented by ACE has "over the top" attack mode. You can change it with Ctrl-Tab by default.

It causes the rocket to fly 2m over the target and release shaped charge toward the target (down). The shaped charge arms after 20m.

It seems to do superior damage in comparison with a direct hit.



I've also tested it out (yesterday on 2nd server) and it easily takes out BTR-80 and iirc disables parts of T-90. I can perform more testing if there is interest in it.

Edited by Kubuxu
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Nick Aryson
3 hours ago, Kubuxu said:


I've also tested it out (yesterday on 2nd server) and it easily takes out BTR-80 and iirc disables parts of T-90. I can perform more testing if there is interest in it.

Yeah, I tried it myself and for some obscure reason it even bypasses ERA. So its efficient against tanks and BTRs alike.

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This is a case because ERA mostly protects sides. NLAW's shaped charge if fired from the top where the ERA protection is very limited (as is the armour).

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Something like this was definitely needed.

  • Damage on the vanilla/ACE NLAW is pitiful in either attack mode.
  • The 3cb NLAW currently has simple magical "press T to target" guidance. Its getting changed to the ACE guidance system (release candidate for the new mod version has been in use on their main server for over two months now), not sure how compatibility is gonna be handled though.
  • Dashes on the SMAW scope are ~75 meters, zeroing steps are 50 meters, gives you a maximum of 950 in 25 meter steps as opposed to the M3's 100 meter steps.
  • Mk4 has some actual dispersion on the projectiles (pretty much the only launcher to do so to a relevant degree), which makes it essentially ineffective against vehicles beyond 600 meters.
  • 3cb Javelin assembly should be mentioned, otherwise they are the same (damage values and systems aren't identical, but both are way more powerful than necessary).
  • HEDP is another safety/friendly fire issue, just like backblast and cookoff. RHS's M72 is an HEDP warhead, btw.
  • The fuckiness of the M136 controls is a bit hidden, might wanna pull that out of the text block. Also, the ILAW has simpler controls and is lighter than even the M72.
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14 minutes ago, Blutze said:

Damage on the vanilla/ACE NLAW is pitiful in either attack mode.

From my testing damage from ACE NLAW in over the top attack mode is enough to disable Bradley (with ERA) turret (if it files over turret) or make it cook-off (if it flies over other parts).

It also disables or cooks off M1 with ERA so I wouldn't say its damage is "pitiful".

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Nick Aryson
6 minutes ago, Kubuxu said:

From my testing damage from ACE NLAW in over the top attack mode is enough to disable Bradley (with ERA) turret (if it files over turret) or make it cook-off (if it flies over other parts).

It also disables or cooks off M1 with ERA so I wouldn't say its damage is "pitiful".

Bradley armor is currently broken, might want to try on vanilla stuff instead.

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Nick Aryson
23 minutes ago, Blutze said:

Something like this was definitely needed.

  • Damage on the vanilla/ACE NLAW is pitiful in either attack mode.
  • The 3cb NLAW currently has simple magical "press T to target" guidance. Its getting changed to the ACE guidance system (release candidate for the new mod version has been in use on their main server for over two months now), not sure how compatibility is gonna be handled though.
  • Dashes on the SMAW scope are ~75 meters, zeroing steps are 50 meters, gives you a maximum of 950 in 25 meter steps as opposed to the M3's 100 meter steps.
  • Mk4 has some actual dispersion on the projectiles (pretty much the only launcher to do so to a relevant degree), which makes it essentially ineffective against vehicles beyond 600 meters.
  • 3cb Javelin assembly should be mentioned, otherwise they are the same (damage values and systems aren't identical, but both are way more powerful than necessary).
  • HEDP is another safety/friendly fire issue, just like backblast and cookoff. RHS's M72 is an HEDP warhead, btw.
  • The fuckiness of the M136 controls is a bit hidden, might wanna pull that out of the text block. Also, the ILAW has simpler controls and is lighter than even the M72.

Thanks for the infos, i'll have a look and test what you submited. Expect an edit of the thread soon tm.

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Nick Aryson
7 minutes ago, JacobyWitness said:

Here's a full guide for the PGO-7V3 scope if you want to add it to the list as well.


Added to the guide, thank you for supplying it.

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