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ARMA 3 Guides

Chuck Yeager

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Always nice to have a collection of different guides about different aspects of the ARMA 3 gameplay, applicable to the server.

Some guides i'll have to cross check whether ACE overrules certain paramaters the guides are based on.

ACE Marksman (author: u/YourLoveLife)


ACE Marksman calculations

Helicopter lifting abilities (author: u/allyourunamearemine)



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Probably known to some of you, but I just found these extensive guides:


Information is only applied to vanilla though, but a lot of the other aspects are vital to know. I've only read the aircraft part yet, but that part covers a great extent of good communication skills (using keywords like: no joy, bingo, blind,...) and it also gives a good explanation of the different roles in any type of asset. e.g. being a crew chief is not just shooting the gun, it's actually doing a certain job besides that as well.

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We'll probably make some official guides of a mix of admin input/your input. Maybe even videos, who knows. 

It's not like I took the FuckKnows YouTube channel name last week or anything. 

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