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Aircraft Weapons System and Munitions Guide


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Aircraft Weapons System and Munitions Guide

By Shroomzeh


During my times flying with FK I have found myself on many occasions having to google what the different munitions my birds can take do just prior to take off. Therefore I have decided to compile a list of commonly used munitions that are in our modpack and compatible with the most commonly used aircraft with a brief explanation of what kind of munition they are, what they are used against and how you operate them. I hope this will be of use to both our pilots and FAC’s in FK so they can better understand what kind of fire power they have at their disposal, as well as how to use it.

I have split this into 3 main parts:

Keybinds - Outlining the various key bindings you need set up to effectively use the munitions listed
Munitions - Explaining what all the different types of munitions for Blufor, Opfor and Independent forces do and how they work
Weapons system - Briefly explaining how to effectively kill things using the various guidance systems accompanied with demo videos showing them in action

If I have missed anything or you would like things added I will be happy to update and edit as needed.


This section covers all the important keybinds required to operate the weapons systems on most aircraft and successfully employ munitions

Radar Toggle - Toggles the radar on/off
Controls > Weapons > Radar On/Off

Open Targeting Camera - Opens the targeting camera
Controls > Common > Targeting Camera

Stabilize Turret - Fixes the turret camera to a point on the ground
Controls > Weapons > Stabilize Turret

Lock Target - Locks to the target you are currently looking at
Controls > Weapons > Lock Target

Cycle Target - Cycles through targets shown on your radar
Controls > Weapons > Next target (in vehicle)

Lase Range - Ranges to the target you are currently looking at
Controls > Weapons > Lase Range


This section covers all commonly used munitions for aircraft in our mod pack. 

Note: The values for these are what they are in ARMA not real life



Rocket Pods

Hydra 70
Payload: 1kg HEPD (M151) 2.2kg HEPD (M229)
Effective Against: Infantry, Light skinned vehicles
Guidance: None

Payload: 1kg HEPD
Effective Against: Infantry, Light skinned vehicles
Guidance: None/Laser


Air to Surface Missiles


Payload: 57kg Shaped Charge Warhead
Effective Against: Armoured Vehicles
Guidance: IIR
Range: 6km

Payload: 136kg Penetrating Blast Fragmentation

Effective Against: Armoured Vehicles
Guidance: IIR
Range: 6km

Payload: 57kg Shaped Charge Warhead
Effective Against: Armoured Vehicles
Guidance: CCD Seeker
Range: 6km

Payload: 57kg Shaped Charge Warhead
Effective Against: Armoured Vehicles
Guidance: Laser
Range: 6km


Payload: Thermobaric
Effective Against: Infantry/Structures, Light skinned vehicles
Guidance: Laser
Range: 8km

Payload: 9kg HEAT
Effective Against: Armoured vehicles
Guidance: Laser
Range: 8 km

Payload: 9kg HEAT
Effective Against: Armoured vehicles
Guidance: Radar
Range: 8km


Laser Guided Bombs

Payload: 2000lb HE
Effective Against: Everything
Guidance: Laser

Payload: 500lb HE
Effective Against: Everything 
Guidance: Laser

Payload: 2000lb HE
Effective Against: Everything
Guidance: Laser

GPS Guided Bombs (JDAM)

Payload: 2000lb HE
Effective Against: Everything
Guidance: GPS

Payload: 1000lb HE
Effective Against: Everything
Guidance: GPS

Payload: 1000lb HE
Effective Against: Everything
Guidance: GPS

Payload: 500lb HE
Effective Against: Everything
Guidance: GPS

Payload: 500lb HE
Effective Against: Everything
Guidance: GPS/Laser


Cluster Bombs

Payload: 202 BLU-97/B Submunitions
Effective Against: Infantry, Light skinned vehicles
Guidance: None/GPS for 103

Payload: 1000lb of AT/AP Mines
Effective Against: Infantry, Armoured vehicles
Guidance: None

Payload: 1000lb - 10 BLU-108 AP Submunitions
Effective Against: Infantry, Armoured vehicles
Guidance: None/GPS for 105

Air to Air Missiles

Guidance: IR
Range: 5km

Guidance: Radar
Range: 5km

Guidance: Radar
Range: 15km

Guidance: IR
Range: 15km

Guidance: IR
Range: 5km

Guidance: Radar
Range: >20km



Rocket Pods

Variants: GP - HE, M1 - HE Frag, K1 - HEAT, KO - HEAT/Frag
Effective Against: Infantry (GP/M1), Armoured Vehicles (K1/KO)
Guidance: None
Size: Medium
No. per pod: 16

Variants: KOM - HEAT, DF - Thermobaric, T - Tandem HEAT
Effective Against: Infantry (DF), Armoured Vehicles (KOM/T)
Guidance: None
Size: Small
No. per pod: 20

Variants: B - Penetration, D/DF Thermobaric, T - Tandem HEAT, OF - Fragmentation
Effective Against: Infantry/Structures (D/DF/OF), Bunkers (B), Armoured Vehicles (T)
Guidance: None
Size: Large
No. per pod: 5



Payload: 123kg blast-fragmentation
Effective Against: Infantry, Armoured Vehicles
Guidance: None

Variants: O/OF - Fragmentation warhead, HE
Payload: 190kg TNT
Effective Against: Infantry, Armoured Vehicles
Guidance: None/Laser (for L variant)



Variants: Base/M/M1/M2 - HEAT, F - Thermobaric
Effective Against: Infantry (F), Armoured Vehicles (Base/M/M1/M2)
Guidance: TOW
Range: 5km (Base/M/F) up to 7km (M2)

Variants: Base/M - Tandem HEAT, F - Thermobaric
Effective Against: Infantry (F), Armoured Vehicles (Base/M)
Guidance: TOW
Range: 6-8km (depending on variant)

9M-127M/9K-121 Vikhr
Warhead: HEAT
Effective Against: Armoured Vehicles
Guidance: TOW
Range: 8km


General Purpose Bombs

Payload: 100kg HE
Effective Against: Everything
Guidance: None

Payload: 250kg HE
Effective Against: Everything
Guidance: None

Payload: 500kg HE
Effective Against: Everything
Guidance: None


Cluster Bombs

AO-1 - AP 
ZAB-2.5T - Incendiary
SPBE-D - Tandem HEAT

Payload: 250kg of submunition
Effective Against: Varies
Guidance: None

Payload: 500kg of submunition
Effective Against: Varies
Guidance: None

Payload: 96 AO2.5RT HE mines, 96 PTM-1 AT mines, 156 PFM-1 AP mines
Effective Against: Infantry, Vehicles
Guidance: None


Air to Surface Missiles

Payload: 89.6kg Tandem HE Warhead
Effective Against: Infantry, Bunkers, Armoured Vehicles
Guidance: Laser

Payload: 320kg HE AP Warhead
Effective Against: Infantry, Armoured Vehicles
Guidance: Laser

Payload: 320kg HE AP Warhead
Effective Against: Infantry, Armoured Vehicles
Guidance: TV

Payload: 320kg HE AP Warhead
Effective Against: Infantry, Armoured Vehicles
Guidance: Radar

Payload: 320kg HE AP Warhead
Effective Against: Infantry, Armoured Vehicles
Guidance: IR


Air to Air Missiles

Guidance: Radar (R/ER), IR (T/ET)
Range: 14km(R/ER), 17km (T/ET)

Guidance: IR
Range: 3km

Guidance: IR
Range: 5km

Guidance: Radar
Range: 14km




ZT3 Ingwe
Warhead: Tandem HEAT
Effective Against: Armoured Vehicles
Guidance: Laser beam riding
Range: 5km

ZT6 Mokopa
Warhead: Tandem HEAT
Effective Against: Armoured Vehicles
Guidance: Laser beam riding
Range: 10km


Weapons System

Laser Guided Missiles - Lock to a target either lased by yourself or an external source

Turn on laser > Lock camera to target > Lock to target > Fire when locked


Laser Riding/TOW Missiles - Do not require a lock and simply fire towards where you are looking

Lock camera to target/Look at target > Fire missile > Track target until impact


Radar Guided Missiles - Lock to a target that is acquired on your radar

Cycle to desired target in radar > Wait for lock > Fire missile


IR Guided Missiles - Lock to heat signatures

Acquire target > Lock to target > Fire missile


Unguided Bombs - Unguided freefall bombs

Dive on target > Drop bomb when crosshair is aligned with target


Laser Guided Bombs - Lock to a laser and will attempt to impact on laser position

Fly towards target > Lock camera to lased target > Lock to target > Drop bomb when locked


GPS Guided Bombs - Lock to coordinates and will attempt to impact on coordinates

Open I-TGT system > Designate target location > Select designated location > Fly towards target location > Drop bomb just before flying over target location




CCD Seeker
The CCD seeker for the AGM-65H works similarly to an IIR seeker except with better target acquisition during the day. For night flying IIR will acquire targets better.

If a bomb is designated as an EGBU it means it can be guided by both GPS and laser designation

On some bombs you may see it has ‘w/ BLU-xxx’ this simply indicates it is fitted with a penetration warhead so is designed to act as a bunker buster.

Ace Hellfires
For how to operate Ace Hellfires see Cineafx’s guide here:


For how to use the I-TGT system see Toasty’s guide here:

For how to operate the radar and what all the signatures mean see here:



Edited by Shroomzeh
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Something I recently ran into when configuring my stick: targetting cameras on helicopter gunner seats are optics, not pods. They open with a simple rightclick, which apparently is part of ctrl+rightclick. Might wanna add the radar zoomstage hotkeys, @cyanide still seems to have issues with those.

There's also more guidance variants on Mavericks (specifically the H variant with its CCD guidance is amazing), and both EGBUs and GBU-54s have laser AND gps guidance. RHS has the M variant of the Hellfire, but I have no idea how they implemented the warhead (its supposed to be blastfrag/incendiary).

And the Meteor! You forgot that one.

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1 hour ago, Blutze said:

 Might wanna add the radar zoomstage hotkeys, @cyanide still seems to have issues with those.

The keys for that are simply the “change panel mode” key, depending on which side he has his radar on, he’ll need to assign a button to that key, you simply press that button when you have the corresponding panel up on the radar screen and it’ll change the distance displayed, usually it is 16km, 8km, 4km, and 2km, but there are some that offer a 35km, 25km and 3km options as well, all depends on the aircraft.

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@Blutze I'll add the H and some notes on EGBU's (though from my experience they dont work correctly on the server). 

Regarding the meteor im not sure any aircraft that we use regularly in our modpack can be equipped with it but i'll check. 

Also for working the radar there is a link in the notes to a thread on the BI forums explaining all its functionality and keybinds. 

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Meteor only works on the one bird we actually have. F-16, main pylon. So you're not bringing it in a CAS loadout (that would be 4x ASRAAM + all the A-G stuff), but in a dedicated air superiority loadout it definitely is an improvement over the AMRAAM.

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You may want to move the Hellfires into ASMs with the Mavericks, as they're both air-to-surface missiles and the AGM-114N is not an ATGM.

Additionally, consider adding in Firewill's long-range weapons such as the glide bombs (GBU-39 and 53, and AGM-154 JSOW which could be included in "cluster bombs") and missiles (AGM-88 and 84).

The CBU-103 and 105 are GPS/INS-guided (you currently have them put down as unguided).

Also, and this is just a note and not a suggestion to change anything: Toasty's guide is slightly outdated as Firewill modified his I-TGT system since then; the laser mode was scrapped and replaced with a dual guidance mode.

Edited by Guest
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I'll bundle the hellfires under ASM's to avoid confusion but they were mostly split so people could find them both a little easier since they are probably the most regularly used missiles.

I left out some of Firewill's long-range weapons simply because we rarely ever use them over other things we have in our pack.

Regarding the CBU's i'm aware that they should be GPS guided but from my testing they don't work with the I-TGT system but I will double check.


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