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What would it take to get a ww2 mission going?


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Just like the titles says, if a bunch of people want to do a ww2 style mission using the popular ww2 mods who should we talk to and how would we go about setting up the server for that?

I'v been talking to a good amount of people and we want to hopefully get a ww2 event mission going sometime soon. 

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Local host

We once did have the Ironfront mod, it was used too infrequently and the mod is very large. It is very unlikely for us to put it on the server again.

Another thing you can do is maybe talk to @Vesper Akiri he does some local hosted stuff for people

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Yeah I do "Local Hosts" in a sense, I have a dedicated server box which I run some ArmA servers off. 

drop me a PM and I'll pass over the details in private

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