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How weight and stance affect stamina


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Did some tests to see how much influence weight/stance has on your stamina. I used the salt flat on Altis alongside map tools to measure distances run along a straight trajectory. I kept running till I lost all stamina and than noted down the distance I had run.
This test is purely based on stamina and run-distances.


25 kg's sprint: 200m (afterwards you start jogging)
25 kg's gun aimed: 330m
25 kg's gun raised: 415m
25 kg's gun lowered: No visible stamina loss at 1000m. Estimated rundistance 5000m

30 kg's sprint: 180m (afterwards you start jogging)
30 kg's gun aimed: 275m
30 kg's gun raised: 340m
30 kg's gun lowered: Slight stamina loss at 1000m. Estimated rundistance 4000m

35 kg's sprint: 160m (afterwards you start jogging)
35 kg's gun aimed: 225m
35 kg's gun raised: 290m
35 kg's gun lowered: 950m



ADDENDUM: After additional testing it seems like the jog with weapon lowered keeps getting varied results... even people with the same weight get different distances. Might have something to do with launchers and/or backpacks being taken into consideration by the system.


Looking at pure combat effectiveness (Sprint, Aim, Raise; not taking into account aim destabilization due to low stamina) you lose an average of 15% combat effectiveness going from 25kg to 30kg. If you go up to 35kg you lose an average of 27.3% combat effectiveness.
These percentages should probably be higher due to lower stamina influencing your aim.


I hope these numbers help people realize the impact of weight on stamina, run-distance and combat effectiveness. 


Edited by Lenny
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