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Panda's Cheat-Sheet of Stuff.


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Now this is not a definitive list, but a collection of things I picked up on in my month here. Do's and Dont's, callsigns and other useful thing. I'll group them as best I can, but really, this is mostly rambling.

Also, these are by no means rules or anything. This is a compilation of my opinions, ideas and things I know. They are a recommendation and a pooling of ideas at best.



Please refer to the Second Sheet!


Radio and Radio-Etiquette:

  • Longranges: 69 Infantry, 68 Air, 67 Armor.
  • Shortrange: Alpha C1, Bravo C2, Charlie C3, Delta C4, Echo C5, Foxtrott C6, Platoon C7, Air C8, Armor C9
  • For Longrange:
    • Adress whom you want to talk to: "Delta to Platoon.", then wait for a 'This is Platoon, send your traffic'
    • Disregard this when it is important, like a Tank rolling up on a Convoy. Sometimes the message is more important then the way you deliver it.
    • Keep the channels clear. Longrange is not for casual chatter. Ever.
    • If you are taking over Longrange because SL and/or 2iC are dead, inform Platoon.
    • If you are taking heavy casualties and need backup, inform Platoon.
    • Be prepared for SitRep - Be aware of your losses and current numbers, it makes it easier on Platoon.
  • For Shortrange:
    • Once you join in, join your Squad's channel as listed above.
    • During the meeting, do NOT ever use the Shortrange unless it is life or death. Squadlead has to listen to the Meeting, not to you doing Com-Checks!
    • During Mission, try and use Local-Talk over Shortrange, unless you need to relay important messages.
    • If you call an enemy, try to give a direction. That means: Degree's, not only "North by North East" or "Left". Sure, general directions help, but try and deliver the accurate one soon!
    • Stay out of other people's Shortrange.

Weapons and Loadouts:

  • While at Camp, do not fire your gun, throw grenades, fling chemlights or anything else. 
  • Dear god, put your bloody Safety on CTRL + ^ is your friend!
    • For British / UK layout keyboards it's CTRL + ` (the key to the left of 1 and below escape) (Thanks lizzy)
    • For Azerty keyboard layouts (popular in Belgium and France) it is CTRL + ² (also to the left of 1 and below escape)(Thanks Thyme)
  • No need for Night-Gear unless you are told that you need it, it's just useless weight.
  • Always carry:
    • Maglight (you will forget it)
    • Cableties (you will forget them)
    • Entrenching Tool (Only if you are the Rifleman and the Autoriflemans Assistant!)
    • Smoke (1xWhite, 1xRed, 1xBlue - To mark LZ's, enemies, or friendlies to not get your dick hit in a CAS-Run)
    • 4 Bandages, 1 Morphine, 1 Touniquette.
  • For nighttime missions:
    • NVG's (there is a version with (wide) at the end, take that one, trust me)
    • IR Grenade [NATO] (They are not flashbangs, they glow IR, essentially like an IR Marker)
    • Rangefinder with NVG
    • Supressor for Gun (you can always take them off)
    • IR Strobes
    • Handsignal (1x Red, 1x Green - replaceing the colored smoke.)
    • Replace your Ammo with "EPR,IR-DIM" or simply "IR-DIM" they have no visible tracer outside NVG and don't blind you!
  • Ammo - you will rarely need more then 5+1. Fire Semi-Auto and you will be surprised how far that gets you. Any more is being ultra-safe imo.
  • Try out your guns - The virtual Arsenal is your friend!
  • Good sights to use: ARCO, RCO, ERCO. Others are fine too, i just like these.
  • Generally good to use guns:
    • M4 Variants
    • AR-15 Variants (RRA LAR-15 is always a good pick too)
    • G36 Variants (Be aware though, there is a 6.5 variant, don't take those.)
    • TAR-21 (Good old Tavor.)
    • Steyr AUG (No HBAR variants, be aware that some are Full-Auto only, others are Semi-Auto only! Try them in the Arsenal first.)
    • F2000 (Belgian Bullethose.)
  • No Grenadelauncher unless you are SL or 2iC.
  • If you are in the Crew of a Vehicle, you can only take SMG's. Pretty sure it's the same for Aircrew.
    • I like the Vector .45ACP, but the MP5, MP7 and other SMG's are equally available and fun to use.
    • No Launchers, even if you tend to run light.
  • DMR:
    • DMR's (Designated Marksmen Rifle) are gived out only at the Squadleads discretion.
    • Only one DMR per Squad. 
    • Usually the DMR is: M14 Variant
    • DMR's aside from MMG are the only guns in 7.62 Caliber.
    • They are also allowed to take the DMS (Designated Marksmen Sight).
    • Remember to take a Range-Card!
  • Prophet:
    • Take my recommendations with a grain of Salt here, I am not a regular Prophet, this is very vague.
    • Weapons and Gear as Prophet:
      • Sniperrifle of your Choice.
      • M8531 Scope (Possibly with the AN/PVS-27 at night?)
      • Long-Range Radio.
      • Plenty of Ammo.
      • Rangecard.
    • Weapons and Gear as Spotter:
      • DMR or Regular 5.56 Rifle.
      • DMS / Default 4x.
      • Spotting Scope.
      • Spare Ammo.
      • Rangecard.
  • LAT:
    • Usually the LAT is: M136 HEAT
    • Only the 2 Rifleman (LAT) are allowed to carry any.
  • LMG:
    • Usually the LMG is: FN Minimi or M249
    • The M145 and M150 sights are okay'd to use, since they are using ACE Zeroing. Other then that: Ironsights
    • 200 Rnd Tracer. Not Tracer-Ball-Mix. You want to see where you fire.
    • Try getting one with a Bipod, of possible Bipod and Grip, that gets you more stability.
    • Remember bringing one spare barrel. It's not needed, but it is an insurance. You find them under the 'Other Ammo' tab in the Arsenal. They don't show with your usual Ammo.
    • Bring a Rangecard.
  • MAT:
    • Usually the MAT is: FGM-148 Javelin or MK153 SMAW
    • The Smaw is a bigger, fuck-offier M136 with Ammo instead of disposeable. Aim, clear, fuck up a Tank.
    • The Javelin is a lock on launcher:
      • Rightclick to get into the Camera-View.
      • Press N to engage thermal.
      • Aim at your target, then hold Tab.
      • The Target your be surrounded by 4 little brackets, marking the corners of the thermal outline.
      • Holding Tab will cause a quiet, steady pulseing beep.
      • Once the Lock-On is completed, the beep will change pitch, turning permanent and a vertical and horizontal line mark across the target.
      • Press LMB to fire now
    • The Javelin has 2 Firemodes 'TOP' and 'DIR', as marked in the Camera-UI
      • TOP means: The missile will fly to the target, swoop up and then impact downward, onto the top of the vehicle, this is ideal for Tanks and Light Armor.
      • DIR means: The missile will fly to the target in a straight line and impact into the side you can see. This is ideal of Jets, Helicopets and other Air-Vehicles.
      • To switch Firemodes press CTRL + TAB, the indicators are on the Right.
  • MMG: 
    • Usually the MMG is: M60, Rheinmetall MG42 or the M240.
      • Rules are similar to the LMG here.
      • MG42 Tracer Ammo is marked with L'spur
      • M60 Ammo is lighter then MG42 ammo, you can carry a lot of it for little weight.
      • M240 can be equipped with the M150 / M145 Sights, the other two can not.
      • Bring a Rangecard.
  • AA:
    • Usually AA is: FIM-92F ("Stinger")
      • Do not take any of them unless it was specified by your SL.
      • Way to shoot them is:
        • Aim at Aircraft.
        • Hold T.
        • Wait for slow beeping to turn into a solid beeping.
        • LMB to fire it and fuck up someones day.
  • Heavy Weapons:
    • This is a rundown of all the bagged turrets that are sometime deployed: 
      • M2 HMG
        • Heavy .50 machinegun
        • 4x100 Rnd Tracer (red)
      • Mk19 GMG
        • Grenade-Machine Gun
        • 48x4 HE Grenades
        • Never fire it full auto, it will melt a server. Single shot or Doubleshot burst at most!
      • TOW
        • Wireguided Missile Launcher
        • 4 Missiles
      • Mk252
        • Light Mk.6 Mortar
        • 6x8 HE
        • 6x8 Flare, white
        • 6x8 smoke, white
        • Unless you are Shelldrake you will probably never see it, but just in case, here you go.


Movement - Flying, Driving, Walking and Diving:

  • Vehicles are issued and determined by Zeus
  • All Vehicles here will be the BluFor Vehicles. I might add OpFor later or in a different post!
  • Moving with Knight:
    • Rules are for moving while mounted, as well as dismounted.
    • If you are advancing with Knight, do not do the following:
      • Go off road through a forest, yes they can run over trees, but it slows them down massively.
      • Cross a river you have to swim through - they are multiple dozen tons of steel. They don't float.
      • Expect them to charge in first. Yes they are a tank. But it only takes one good RPG to end them.
    • The best was to guard armor is to either side of it. Form a line along the sides of Knight, they'll be cool with that.
    • First and most important rule is: Do not stand in their way.
      • If Knight is moving with you, stand clear of them, give them a good few paces of maneuverspace.
        • Every now and then Tanks Breakdance - don't ever ask a TUSK for a dance, it's not very good and will step on your skull by accident.
      • Do not stand in front or behind them, so they can advance, retreat and fire their maincannon without squishing you.
      • Knight WILL squish you if you stand in it's way.
      • If you think the Driver can see you: No.
      • If you think the Commander can see you: No.
      • Do not park vehicles in the middle of the Road. Roads are reserved for moving vehicles, park to either side and keep a path clear in the middle.
  • Moving as Knight/Dagger:
    • Try and stick to the road. That way Infantry can expect your movement!
    • If you get shot, backing the fuck up is never wrong. It's better to run, live and fight another day then to die a fool.
    • Thermal is your friend. Spot targets, check them with the map for friendlies, clear with RTO / Your commander that you are clear to engage.
    • Remember your front-blast. It's bigger then you think.
    • Do not fire the main cannon at everything. M240 for Infantry, M2 (If available) for LAV's and Jeeps and the Main cannon for Tanks and other Armor etc.
      • APSFDS - (Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding-Sabot) better for heavy to medium armor (Tanks/BMP-s/BMD-s), 
      • MPAT - ( Multi-purpose Anti-tank) good for Light Armored or no armored vehicles (BTR-s/Trucks/Helicopters/GAZ etc.).
      • You only have 8 MPAT Shells, so save them for when you need them.
      • Engage infantry only with the M240, the maincannon is not very effective.
    • Do not turn out in hostile territory. Yeah, sure, you might see more. But guess what. Your head is now outside the giant bulletproof armorbox.
    • You can't access GPS while driving. So either memorise the map or ask someone to navigate for you! It's part of the Commanders Job.
      • GPS is available while turned out, our blessed Codemonkey-Gods are working on a fix though (All hail the Codemonkeys!)
  • Moving as LAV/MRAP/Other
    • Similar rules as Knight/Dagger.
    • Come to a full standstill. If the SL says dismount, wait for the Driver to give his ok. Otherwise you might get squished.
    • Do not dismount unless you are told to dismount.
    • Storeing things in the cars is possible, but also remember to take stuff out if you might leave the vehicle behind.
    • Remember, you are armored but not immortal, so don't think you'll live through big hits.


  • Ground Assets you will - usually - encounter in the field are:
    • MBT (Main Battle Tank)
      • M1A2SEPv1 (TUSK II)
        • Better know as the M1A2 Abrahams or Tusk.
        • 1 Driver, 1 Gunner, 1 Commander, 1 Loader.
        • If turned out, Commander gets a M2 HMG 10x100Rnd Tracer, Red
        • If turned out, Loader gets a M240 MMG 3x200Rnd
        • The gunner gets:
          • 120mm M256A1 - Main Cannon
            • 8x MPAT (Multi Purpose Anti-Tank)
            • 28x APFSDS (Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabili
          • M2 HMG with Tracer, Red
          • 7.62 M240 MMG
      • M1A2SEPv1 (non-TUSK)
        • The Cold-War-Era Abrahams Version.
        • 1 Driver, 1 Gunner, 1 Commander, 1 Loader.
        • If turned out, Commander gets a M2 HMG 10x100Rnd Tracer, Red
        • If turned out, Loader gets a M240 MMG 3x200Rnd
    • IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle)
      • M2A3 (BUSK III)
        • Better known as the M2A3 Bradley or Busk.
        • 1 Driver, 1 Gunner, 1 Commander, 6 Passengers in back.
        • The Gunner gets:
          • 25mm M242
            • 3x230 M792 HEI-T (High-Explosive Incendiary w/ Tracer)
            • 3x70 M919 APFSDS-T (Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding-Sabot w/ Tracer)
          • 7.62 M240 
            • 2x 1100Rnds
          • BGM-71 TOW Launcher
            • 6x BGM-71E
            • 2x BGM-71H "Bunkerbuster"
    • MRAP & LAV
      • M113A3
        • 1 Driver, 1 Operator (optionally Gunner), 11 Passengers
        • Optional Weapon Variants:
          • M2 HMG - 18x 100Rnd 
          • M240 MMG - 11x 200Rnd
          • Mk19 GMG - 9x 48Rnd
      • M1237 / M1232
        • Better known as the MRAP / Battlebus.
        • 1 Driver, 1 Gunner, 9 Passengers
        • 4 People in the back can turn out and fire their rifles
        • Optional Weapon Variant:
          • M2 HMG - 4x 100Rnd
          • Mk19 GMG - 7x 48Rnd
    • Other
      • M1078A1P2B / M1083A1P2B
        • Better know as 'That big lightly armored Truck thing'
        • 1 Driver, 1 Gunner, 12 Passengers
        • Optional Weapon Variant:
          • M2 HMG - 4x100Rnd
      • M1025A2
        • Better known as the 'Humvee'
        • 1 Driver, 1 Gunner (optional) 3 Passengers
        • Optional Weapon Variants:
          • M2 HMG - 6x100Rnd
          • Mk 19 GMG - 7x 48Rnd


  • Air Assets you will - usually - encounter in the field are:
    • Disclaimer: I am not a Pilot! I can not give you advice on how to fly, only tips and a Rundown of the Hardware. Please keep this in mind.
    • Generally there is 3 different kind of Air-Assets:
      • Helicopters (Transport / CAS)
      • Drones (Surveillance / CAS)
      • Jets / Planes
    • CAS means Close-Air-Support, meaning the vehicle is armed and can engage Air-to-Ground.
    • CAS-Runs are usually marked by the FAC (Forward Air Control), so check the map for markers when it is called over Longrange.
    • If CAS has problems aquiring targets: Ask local infantry to deploy smoke on target an/or themselves, to mark locations.
    • Helicopters:
      • MH-6 Little Bird
        • Small Transport Helicopter
        • 1 Pilot, 1 Copilot, 6 Passengers
      • AH-6 Littlebird
        • Small CAS Helicopter
        • 1 Pilot, 1 Copilot
        • Twinlinked M134 Miniguns w/ 5000Rnd Ammo
        • Hydra 70 Rockets w/ 24x 70mm HE Ammo
      • CH-47F
        • Better known as the 'Chinook'
        • Large Transport Helicopter
        • 1 Pilot, 1 Copilot, 2 Gunners (Crew Chief / Door Gunner), 25 Passengers
        • 2x M134 Minigun w/ 5000 Rnd Ammo each
        • Rarely used with Gunners aboard.
        • Do not use the Guns unless briefing called for them!
      • CH-53E
        • Better known as the 'Superstallion'
        • Large Transport Helicopter
        • 1 Pilot, 1 Copilot, 24 Passengers
      • AW159 Wildcat
        • Better known as the 'Lynx'
        • Medium CAS Helicopter
        • 1 Pilot, 1 Copilot, 6 Passengers
        • Twinlinked M134 Miniguns w/ 5000 Rnd Ammo
        • Hydra 70 Rockets w/ 24x 70mm HE Ammo
        • Available as 'Unarmed' version that is - aside from weapons - Identical to the CAS Version
        • Sometimes used instead of Littlebirds
      • UH-60M
        • Better known as the 'Black Hawk'
        • Medium Transport Helicopter
        • 1 Pilot, 1 Copilot, 2 Gunners (Crew Chief / Door Gunner), 12 Passengers
        • 2x M134 Minigun w/ 5000 Rnd Ammo each
        • Rarely used with Gunners aboard.
        • Do not use the Guns unless briefing called for them!
        • Against expectation, rarely down.
      • AH-64D (Multirole)
        • Better known as the 'Apache'
        • Flying Fuck-You Helicopter
        • 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner
        • Pilot gets:
          • 38x LAU-61C/A Rockets
        • Gunner gets:
          • M230 Cannon, 1200 Rnd HE
          • 4x AGM-114L Hellfire II
            • Fire-And-Forget, seeks it's own target
          • 4x AGM-114K Hellfire II
            • Lock-On guided Air-Ground Missile
        • Rarely used in missions, but not unheard of
    • Drones:
      • Follows once I asked a drone-operator about these
    • Jets & Planes:
      • A-10A (CAS)
        • Better known as the 'Warthog' or 'That thing that goes BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT'
        • "Actually a Gun" Plane
        • 1 Pilot
        • GAU-8 w/ 1170Rnd
        • 2x AIM-9X 
          • Sidewinder, Air-Intercept-Missile, Air-to-Air guided missile.
        • 2x AGM-65
          • Maverick, Air-Ground-Missile, Air-to-Ground guided missile
        • 14x LAU-61C/A
          • Hydra-70, unguided HE Missiles
        • 4x GBU-12
          • Paveway II, Laserguided Bombs
      • C-130J
        • Large Transport Plane
        • 1 Pilot, 1 Copilot, 25 Passengers
      • F/A-18 E Super Hornet
        • One-Seater Jet
        • M61A2 20mm Cannon w/ 578Rnd Ammo
        • 2x AIM-9X 
          • Sidewinder, Air-Intercept-Missile, Air-to-Air guided missile.
        • 4x AIM-120C AMRAAM
          • Advance Medium-Range Air-To-Air Missile - Radarguided Air-to-Air Missile
        • 2x AGM-65 D
          • Maverick, Air-Ground-Missile, Air-to-Ground guided missile
        • 4x GBU38 JDAM 500lbs
          • Joint Direct Attack Munition, Laserguided 500lbs Bombs
        • 1x 480 gal. fuel tanks
          • They are fueltanks. You might need those. Just in case.
        • (To be destroyed by Delta!)
      • F/a-18 F Super Hornet
        • Two-Seater Jet
        • 1 Pilot, 1 Weapons Systems Operator (WSO)
        • Pilot gets:
          • M61A2 20mm Cannon w/ 578 Rnd Ammo
        • WSO gets:
          • 2x AIM-9X 
            • Sidewinder, Air-Intercept-Missile, Air-to-Air guided missile.
          • 3x AIM-120C AMRAAM
            • Advance Medium-Range Air-To-Air Missile - Radarguided Air-to-Air Missile
          • 2x AGM-65 D
            • Maverick, Air-Ground-Missile, Air-to-Ground guided missile
          • 4x GBU38 JDAM 500lbs
            • Joint Direct Attack Munition, Laserguided 500lbs Bombs
          • 1x 480 gal. fuel tanks
            • They are fueltanks. You might need those. Just in case.
        • (To be destroyed by Delta as well!)


  • Sea Assets you will - usually - encounter in the field are:
    • Most times you will not encounter boats. But just in case that changes, here is a rundown:
      • Assault Boat:
        • 1 Driver, 4 Passengers: Just a little dinghy.
        • No guns but fancy camos.
      • Mk.5 SOC:
        • 1 Driver, 4 Gunners, 1 Commander, 1 Technician, 26 Passengers
        • Weapons: 
          • Port ("Left"): M2 HMG, M134 Minigun.
          • Stbd ("Right"): M2 HMG, Mk19 GMG
      • Motorboat:
        • 1 Driver, 2 Passengers
        • No guns.
      • RHIB:
        • 1 Driver, 7 Passengers
        • No guns.
      • SDV:
        • Mini Submarine.
        • 1 Driver, 1 Gunner, 2 Passengers
        • Gunner = LasDes. Nothing more.
      • Speedboat HMG/Minigun:
        • 1 Driver, 1 Commander, 1 Reargunner, 8 Passengers.
        • Commander gets a Mk19 GMG
        • Reargunner gets either a M2 HMG, or a M134 Minigun
      • Water Scooter:
        • Jetski
        • 1 Driver, 2 Passengers.
    • That is all dedicated sea-vehicles in the game. You might never see them, but if you do: You know them.

Looting and Plundering:

  • First of all: Do not ever take enemy Uniforms. Under any circumstances. Better be naked then do that.
  • Everytime you loot a gun, be aware that it might make people think you are a russian and shoot you. So be careful what you take.
  • If you have the time, check for medical supplies. We are fielded with minimal ressources and if your medic is not about? That one additional bandage might save you or your buddy.
  • Do not take OpFor vehicles, unless you were instructed to do so by your superiors.

Hostages and Civilians:

  • Always carry Cableties and always tie up a nearby civilian. 
  • Do not crowd around civilians, if they have a bomb, you might die from them suiciding. 
  • ALWAYS check their inventory. They might carry bombs, weapons, phones. All of these things could cost you your life.
    • Cellphones are Detonation devices, you can set off bombs with them. So always take those away from them.
  • Do not shoot civilians outright. It is part of your job to disable them if need be, but first part should always be to save them. So aim for a leg or an arm, instead of center mass, to only knock them out. 
  • Every Civilian is a possible enemy. Always. I have seen them wip out an AK47 out of their left buttcheek. Don't trust them unless you searched them.
  • If you find a targeted hostage / civilian, inform your SL / 2iC so they can talk to Platoon as to what to do with the hostage.

Things to do during Overwatch:

  • Secure your perimeter. Always look in the directions your objective is not in. Zeus is a cheeky one.
  • Dig trenches. It seems obvious but you can never have too many of them. If you ever take Mortar or Tankfire the Squad can spread out across them and minimze damage.
  • Spot for the gunners. As simple as it sounds. Call out targets and ranges for the specialists. Thats what they are there for.
  • Make conversation. If you are not engaged, talking to your teammates can help alot.
  • Ask questions. Maybe ask if the DMR will let you take 1 or 2 shots at a tree, teach you a thing or two?
  • Be patient. You are on Overwatch, if being in Delta taught me anything, then this: Zeus hates you and WILL try to kill you.
  • Check your gear, repack Ammo, reload your gun. Think, how next time you could be more efficient at this and plan out changes to your loadout.
  • Overwatch can be exhausting, but be aware that usually, when in a situation like that, shit can turn sour in a minute and you might be the saving grace of your Platoon by shooting down that one MBT.

Things to do during Briefing:

  • Check your gear:
    • Do you have the right radio? (AN/PRC-152)
    • Are you in the right radiochannel?
    • Assistants, ask your gunner's needs. Do they want you to bring something special?
    • Is there useless weight on me?
    • Does it suddenly get dark? (If so, you might need NVG's)
    • If you are the rifleman: Maybe offer to carry some Ammo for an MAT or the LMG. Use your spare weight!
  • Watch the map. You don't have to, but it makes it easier if you watch the Briefing drawing on the map. That can clear up things more, then just look at the jumbled mess it every now and then is.
  • Talk shit. You had to shut up during Slot-Up, might as well get it out of your system now.
  • Establish your buddy system. 
    • Red goes with Red, Blue goes with Blue, etc.
    • Assign a LAT/Rifleman as Green to stick with the Medic!
  • If you get attachments that are new to the game: 
    • Show them the ropes.
    • Explain ACE interaction menus.
    • Don't be a dick and go "But everybody knows that!": Help them, they probably really don't!.
  • Do not fire your gun to try it out.
  • Do not throw any Grenades, Flares, ANYTHING. 
  • Do not deploy explosives.
  • Do not plant any mines.
  • Do not assemble turrets.
  • Do not attend the meeting unless you are a Squadlead.
  • Do not take any of the vehicles that might be at spawn.
  • Stay around your Arsenal. When SL returns they want to get their briefing done with you, and not wait for you.



Update to Version 1.8 - The Changed Rules Update, aka. The Fuck Lenny Update.

Updated it to acoomodate changed rules.

Edited by OneMadPanda
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18 minutes ago, OneMadPanda said:

Dear god, put your bloody Safety on CTRL + ^ is your friend!

For British / UK layout keyboards it's CTRL + ` (the key to the left of 1 and below escape)

Edit: I'll await for the rest of your post, I've picked off what I can see for now :P

Edited by LizzyTrickster
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Heh - yeah I added the changes you made. I'll now wait for my tea to be drinkable and then continue~ I felt like making a massive list once, so if I get new guys I can give them a link and it's curated by people and not just 'I guess' cause this way everyone can tell me where I fucked up.

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As far as i can tell as well a short range channel 9 doesn't exist... at least whenever I've tried it all it does is free look you in that direction.

Also the default MMG is normally the M240; M60 and MG3/42 variants only became popular after we played allot of 'Nam and well... got them.

Edited by Dragosphere
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It does that, yes, but it still puts you in Channel 9. 

Edit: To clarify, on the Server it does. I used it the last few times for Dagger-Intercom.

Edited by OneMadPanda
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37 minutes ago, OneMadPanda said:
  • For Shortrange:
    • Once you join in, join your Squad's channel as listed above.

Just a point about this - we've made it so the templates auto join the channel related to your squad - for Alpha is preset to C1 -110, Bravo to C2 - 120 etc.

You should only need to set your short range if you are attaching to another squad.

Great and helpful list though.

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Just now, Guest said:

Just a point about this - we've made it so the templates auto join the channel related to your squad - for Alpha is preset to C1 -110, Bravo to C2 - 120 etc.

Yep, just every now and then certain templates did not have it, and also it's important for those that wish to attach to squads. It's a good thing to keep in mind. 

Pretty much like how I know that my gun spawns loaded when i load my loadouts in from the arsenal. I still doublecheck it to be sure. ^^

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As mentioned: If you know what shell to use when and what shell is what, let me know. I don't know it myself, but i'd love to add that to this list.

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2 hours ago, OneMadPanda said:

Every vehicle has a long-range radio built in. The driver CAN tune into Longrange with it, but unless you are in Command, you do not speak on it!

the Tusk II's have LR in Driver, Gunner & Commander position. Loader doesn't get the luxury of LR


2 hours ago, OneMadPanda said:

First and most important rule is: Do not stand in their way.

also probably best to keep a short distance from the tank in the event that it gets Arma'd and becomes a ballerina


2 hours ago, OneMadPanda said:

I am not an expert on what shell to use when, feel free to leave a comment on that and I'll add that here!

@DHBatman and other Gunners could help you with this?


2 hours ago, OneMadPanda said:
  • Do not turn out. Yeah, sure, you might see more. But guess what. Your head is now outside the giant bulletproof armorbox.
  • You can't access GPS while driving. So either memorise the map or ask someone to navigate for you!

I'd say you can Turn out in some situations, like when driving to the AO but as soon as you get near to the action turn back in to give control of the gun back to the gunner.

GPS does work when you're the driver, just not when you're turned in (annoyingly, I think Anden was working on a fix). Generally if you have a good commander they will tell you where to head (I.e. "drive bearing 285 then head direct west at the T junction" or "follow this road" )

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3 hours ago, OneMadPanda said:

Do not fire the main cannon at everything. 7.62mm for Infantry, M2 for LAV's and Jeeps and the Main cannon for Tanks and other Armor etc.

  • I am not an expert on what shell to use when, feel free to leave a comment on that and I'll add that here!


Well, not all variants of Abrams have M2. 

About shells - APFSDS (Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding-Sabot) better for heavy to medium armor (Tanks/BMP-s/BMD-s), MPAT ( Multi-purpose Anti-tank) good for Light Armored or no armored vehicles (BTR-s/Trucks/Helicopters/GAZ etc.).

But keep in mind, you have only 8 MPAT's in tank, so it is better too shoot BTR with two APFSDS, not with one MPAT. And yeah, MPAT does shit for infantry, so M240 is your friend.


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2 hours ago, Vericht said:

Well, not all variants of Abrams have M2. 

About shells - APFSDS (Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding-Sabot) better for heavy to medium armor (Tanks/BMP-s/BMD-s), MPAT ( Multi-purpose Anti-tank) good for Light Armored or no armored vehicles (BTR-s/Trucks/Helicopters/GAZ etc.).

But keep in mind, you have only 8 MPAT's in tank, so it is better too shoot BTR with two APFSDS, not with one MPAT. And yeah, MPAT does shit for infantry, so M240 is your friend.


BUUUUT, thanks to my BRAND NEW Zeus module, Zeuses can now edit the loadouts of vehicles, allowing you to get HE-FRAG or Canister rounds etc...

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2 minutes ago, anden3 said:

BUUUUT, thanks to my BRAND NEW Zeus module, Zeuses can now edit the loadouts of vehicles, allowing you to get HE-FRAG or Canister rounds etc...


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Geez, if there's ever going to a FK bible, this is fucking it.

Great guide for FNG's (and regulars). This could be used as jump start for FNG's when joining TS for the first time.

Edited by Chuck Yeager
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17 hours ago, anden3 said:

allowing you to get HE-FRAG

Note there is no HE-FRAG round currently in use within NATO. Germany and Israel do have an ATGM round like Russian tanks have though

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Updates will get slower from here, since I am reaching the 'Actually having to research' stage. And there is still plenty of topics to work off.

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