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The Liberation of Takistan


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Welcome to Takistan. We're gonna be here a while.

You are a company of soldiers from the British Armed Forces that have recently touched down in the deep desert heat of the Takistan sun. You are the front line of Operation: Desert Blade, a plan to dismember the Islamic State forces in the surrounding area and destroy their infrastructure. It is also crucial that you open up the supply routes once more to allow vehicles and supplies to get further north to allow the BAF to continue attacking the northern end of the country. This wont be an easy fight, but with the entire BAF behind you, you should get the job done.

Initial State of Affairs



BLUE - BAF Controlled       RED - Islamic State Controlled       YELLOW - Uncontrolled        PURPLE - Civilian


KCT - Key Civilian Town

Red dots - Represent the area of control the Islamic State has.

Exit # - The end of the supply routes in this area. The entire path to these points must be clear before anything can be run through. You can chance it however, but this may lead to further consequences. 



Each Section will consist of 2 fire teams. These fire teams consist of 4 members of which I will list the equipment below. BLUE - Fireteam 1   RED - Fireteam 2

Using the pastebin, you can just CTRL + C the entire pastebin, then in the arsenal, click IMPORT. You'll have the entire loadout!


Squad Leader - Section Commander - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1axbQTIU0iHFrs0sh2QL4g5sMnTCiEcthnHy-4sY0IIg/edit?usp=sharing  ---  https://pastebin.com/2uE46MHk

2IC - Fire Team Leader 7.62 Belthttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1xf8B0XE27kNQPgTJXrSmmzmiKQQrLIMWwUbjhp_xc_M/edit?usp=sharing  ---  https://pastebin.com/yLnziejw

Medic - Combat Medichttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1bOIefTScK8fCCCC1STXC6o9WCRY9wuhwEswa6BUAMmY/edit?usp=sharing  ---  https://pastebin.com/N39RjCYX

Autorifleman - MG GPMGhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1CDQIMKwbn5sMYPND7LFJqamiNOVFVjdMzwKiubYHgDY/edit?usp=sharing  ---  https://pastebin.com/0TmCbQH9

Assistant - MG GPMGhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1CDQIMKwbn5sMYPND7LFJqamiNOVFVjdMzwKiubYHgDY/edit?usp=sharing  ---  https://pastebin.com/0TmCbQH9

Rifleman LAT - Rifleman AT NLAW 7.62 Belt https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bMUSIqyHWryRxRZ_Y4OZF-LqIJO2S7ooKTqkfiA8jxg/edit?usp=sharing  ---  https://pastebin.com/XZQUiM0W

Rifleman LAT - Rifleman AT ILAW 7.62 Belt https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IMnlNbVu-43iKeh5zub6lpFUvrDBmqQxn0yzlXc9pbY/edit?usp=sharing  ---  https://pastebin.com/b0RmYQMa

Rifleman - Marksmanhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1yyug53AqpQ6v1YleFVetNXm79bac6eL8kkIW5JGUYW4/edit?usp=sharing  ---   https://pastebin.com/1puHBdFp



You will be supplied with 6 Coyote P HMG's for ground transport.

There are 2 Abrams that have been generously been supplied by the US, which will be replaced when destroyed every 3 missions.

You have a selection of 3 helicopters, an Apache AH1, a Wildcat AH1 8 and a Merlin HC3 32. At this time, the Apache is decommissioned due to a WSO fault however it should be up in the near future.

All vehicles MUST be returned to base if they are not destroyed. This means if a vehicle is heavily damaged across the map, you must try and save it. If it is irretrievable at the end of the OP, it may still be there in future missions. Don't count on this though, as the Islamic State may steal these assets and use them against you.  





Medical System

The way this campaign is meant to be played is hard. Instant death is enabled, advanced wounds are enabled and there is no respawns. Also there will be no mercy respawns for stupidity like ramming during a convoy or a misfire in spawn. Once you're dead, you're dead. See you in the next mission mate.


Selecting Missions - (Zeused)

The missions at the start of the campaign will be limited, as you need to open up one route as fast as possible. It is the decision of the acting Platoon to choose which operation to run, and what assets to take. These OP's will be documented, and if your mission is a giant clusterfuck and you lose both Abrams and the Apache, you will be high commended with a bullet in the skull and spit of your comrades on your face. on the list of failed OP's. Choose your method of attack carefully. 


After Mission Reports

When an operation has been completed or failed, there is the option to leave any information/intel you find during a mission in this thread. You may only post this intel if you were ALIVE at the end of the mission and returned to base. This intel could be an actual document you find in a building, a random FOB you saw across the map or even a stray truck leaving the AO. You must have photographic evidence for this to be accepted by Crossroads. Don't be stupid with this mechanic. If you consistently post inaccurate intel, your future reconnaissance may be ignored. 

Another call for the Platoon Leader or acting Platoon is to decide whether or not a supply run should be run to the north after a mission has concluded. These come is small, medium or heavy convoys. As the names suggest, each variant is worth more than the last to the ISIS forces. If you have a clear path and you send a heavy convoy, chances are they'll be fine. If you run a small convoy over a track that is known to be hostile, it will most definitely come under heavy fire. However, the dice can always roll the other way, meaning you safe convoy could be ambushed and your doomed to fail one gets through. It's your call. Personally I wouldn't send any for the first few missions.


Missions will be added soon after this thread goes up. Good luck and happy hunting.




Edited by Wattsits
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GMT+0 - 21:00:00

GRID - [162.461,2820.360]


This is your first strike against the Islamic State. They are not expecting it and it should be an easy fight. The chance of a QRF is low, but not impossible. Strike fast, hard and you'll come away clean. This is a map of your objectives. The Target area must be completely searched and cleared. The Secondary objectives are optional, however if you can spare the time, be sure to check out the buildings.


Our drones were able to capture these photo's around 16:29:37 of the western target area. 


Specifics to note, there are a number of buildings so CQB is a definite.

Also there appears to be at least 1 BMP-1 at this time                                                 There also appears to be 2 mounted 50.cal's at the edge of the town.

1-1.jpg.ad8aebc54d8aaaf2a5ab1a73361630dd.jpg                                                          1-2.jpg.5d39b45e1f577149445a6f4bc35beff3.jpg

Mission Objectives

  • Eliminate all enemy forces
  • Destroy all vehicles

Secondary Objectives

  • Search for Intel in the surrounding settlements


Under the cover of night, you should be able eliminate the enemy forces. Good luck on your first OP. Hopefully you shouldn't need it.

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  • PRIMARY objective was to eliminate all enemy forces and destroy all enemy vehicles. Both were completed within 2 hours.
  • SECONDARY objective was to locate any Intel in the surrounding settlements, this was achieved however no Intel was acquired  
  • Charlie Squad was completely eliminated whilst assaulting the western settlement of Chaman. 
  • Platoon Lead and 2IC was killed in the briefing due to a grenade mishap.
  • x2 Coyotes were destroyed on the exfil on Chaman

By daylight, we should have an accurate map of where the ISIS forces have fallen back to. 

A F/A-181 has been dispatched to completely wipe the BMP-1 off the face of the earth. 


  • Merlin HC3 32 - Operational
  • Apache AH1 - Under Maintenance
  • Wildcat AH1 8 - Operational
  • Abrams 1 - Operational
  • Abrams 2 - Operational
  • Coyote 101, 102, 105, 106 - Operational
  • Coyote 103, 104 - Destroyed (ETA - next mission for replacements)


A Convoy was not run due no path being clear at all. BAF north of us is currently still in good supply at this time.



At 04:23:52 a F/A-181 was dispatched from an airbase further south that was able to bomb the BMP-1 with no resistance. Payload used was 1x GBU-12 (Paveway II)



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UTC - 09:00:00

GRID - [052036]


After your first strike against the Islamic State, you killed over 50 militants. This has pushed them back past Sakhe but they have not gone back without trying to fuck with you. One of our forward sentry's reported movement in the town of Kakaru and 2 vehicles leaving south towards Darbang Pass. We sent our drone up and took these images. 



As you can see, these people are no more, however this is a crucial piece of road we need to use. We need you to send a team down to Darbang Pass and defuse any mines  on and around the road. 

We also want a section to head to the village of Kakaru and go door to door checking for anything suspicious. There will be civilians in these houses, so be polite but don't be hesitant to use force if required. 



  • Defuse ALL mines in Darbang Pass
  • Search Kararu for ISIS militants


  • Locate Intel
  • Befriend civilians in Kakaru


Good Luck EOD team


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After Action Report: Operation Death from Below

Pictures 1 and 2: Encampment to the west of Kakaru (Hill 2363). @NODZZ and @SuddenDeath will be able to give more Information, since I never got up to the camp.


Pictures 3 and 4: MRAP we spotted, while supporting Alpha defusing mines from on top of a hill. For some reason the MRAP blew up. We don't know why.


Picture 5: IED Factory. You can see 4 IED's on the picture. Also there is a Laptop, which we couldn't take with us. In the southern Corner of this room there was a box, which contained another 7 IED's and AT-Mines. Proper AT-Mines.


Edited by Silberjojo
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In response to Silber's post. We only found three tents under a camo net, a campfire with some survival necessities and a box marked explosive. We destroyed the camp with explosives and moved onto the next objective. No pics of the camp itself unfortunately, hopefully someone else has one :P

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  • PRIMARY Objective 1 was to clear Darbang Pass of mines. This was done successfully in your book. We hope it has been done correctly. 
  • PRIMARY Objective 2 was to befriend the population of Kakaru and rid them of enemy presence. This was done extremely well as you killed around 20 militants whilst only killing one civilian in the crossfire. They are very grateful towards you and are willing to help you in the future. 
  • SECONDARY Objective 1 was to locate intel inside the town. No actual intel was found, however an IED factory was destroyed.
  • SECONDARY 2 was to befriend the civilians of Kakaru, which you seem to have done.


The ISIS militant you brought back to base was as hard as nails, and we weren't able to gather any intelligence from him and he was promptly taken away to a local 'prison'. We'll leave it at that. However the BTR-60PB did prove to be useful, as within it it contained documents that were roughly translated into training times for the Training Centre in Feruz Abad. We believe we're going to have you strike there next. The BTR itself is useless engineering wise,so we'll keep it for training purposes. 



  • Merlin HC3 32 - Operational
  • Apache AH1 - Under Maintenance
  • Wildcat AH1 8 - Operational
  • Abrams 1 - Operational
  • Abrams 2 - Operational
  • Coyote 101, 102, 105, 106 - Operational
  • Coyote 103, 104 - REPLACED - Ready for operation



A Convoy was not run due to no path being clear at all. BAF north of us is currently still in good supply at this time.



The photos of the campsite match what appear to be an small ISIS sniping nest . Seems they were still in the midst of setting it up, so nice job in using high explosive on the site. I think they got the message.

The photos of the MRAP are of no use to us.

The photo of the IED Factory is of no use as the residence is now a hole in the ground.

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UTC - 00:30:00

Grid - [067052]


Our translator has proven very useful, as he was able to translate tonights training program. The ISIS training base is planning a large scale OP just north of the town of Feruz Abad in an abandoned mine at 01:15;00. They plan to roll out at 01:00;00.  They consist of several medium armoured unknown targets and a T-55. They will also consist of many infantry units, as well as 1 anti tank section. 

This 'attack' of theirs leaves their base quite undefended for its size, so you'll strike them there hard and fast. We don't know how fast they'll react to this, so make sure you have squads ready to pounce on the northern squads as soon as you attack the main training area. 

Our drone managed to get this shot of the base before it had to wave off due to a ZU-23-2.


1 - ZU-23-2 Manned

2 - Anti tank section getting briefed

3 - T-55 (under maintainance presumably)

4 - 2x BTR-60PB; 4x M113 (Variant Unknown)

5 - Mortar position + infantry squad training

6 - 4x Tech (Unknown if armed) + 1/2x Dhskm (Photo unclear)

7 - 2x SVD snipers


A full map of your AO is marked here. 


It is very possible a QRF may come from the northern road out of Feruz Abad so be ready if it comes. Also be aware that we wish for you to search the town for any hiding officers or ISIS members. 



  • Capture Enemy training camp
  • Destroy all ISIS vehicles
  • Eliminate all ISIS personnel inside the training centre and Feruz Abad


  • Locate any intel on ISIS inside Feruz Abad


Good luck as always.

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  • 2 weeks later...



  • PRIMARY Objective 1 was to capture the ISIS Training Camp which was a success
  • PRIMARY Objective 2 was to destroy all ISIS vehicles in the area, which was a success
  • PRIMARY Objective 3 was to Eliminate all ISIS Personal in and around Feruz Abad which was 95% done, as there was still enemies on the hill to the north. This shouldn't be an issue. 
  • SECONDARY Objective 2 was to Locate any intel in Feruz Abad, which was not completed



  • Merlin HC3 32 - Operational
  • Apache AH1 - Under Maintenance
  • Wildcat AH1 8 - Operational
  • Abrams 1 - Operational
  • Abrams 2 - Operational
  • Coyote 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106 - Operational



A Convoy was not run due to no path being clear at all. BAF north of us is currently still in ok supply at this time.


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