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Operation Boogaloo


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Event details


Operation Boogaloo.
Co-Zeus: @OneMadPanda
Map: Malden 2035 BLUFOR.

Location: Military Base near Airport. 03:40AM.

Less than 5 minutes ago we lost all communications with C-130, soon after take off. It was transporting several squads of special forces guys; with equipment and what is described as "cargo". Last message received by ground station was about airplane loosing power and altitude. Simultaneously we lost communications with all friendly bases on the island and satellite tracking.
Cause is unknown for now, but we suspect that it can be an action of local radical groups, that are rioting for quite some time now. There's rumors that this radical groups are sponsored by foreign powerhouse, and it supplying them with military gear and instructors.

Anyway, we might be the only friendly force that is aware about plane crash and considering that there was special forces onboard and unknown nature of "cargo" - we must investigate quickly, rescue survivors and recover that "cargo".


Mission flow:

Platoon effectively will be split into two: "Special Forces" and "Crews".

Special Forces lead by PLT HQ. Crews - by RTO. Briefed and Deployed separately: PLT HQ and Squads at the C-130 crash site, RTO and Crews - at the base by blue marker. (I advise RTO to use FAC channel to draw a plan on a map.)

Initial objective of the Special Forces: survive and defend cargo until arrival of the Crews. Improvisation is allowed. If it is spawned - you can use it for your advantage.
Initial objective of the Crews: find C-130 crash site (expected to be in the vicinity of the Yellow Marker) and/or find survivors from Special Forces.

No SR or LR communications between Special Forces and Crews before meeting allowed.
After meeting - objective of the players to recover cargo back to the base on Blue Marker. Comms are allowed at this point.

General restrictions:
No LR and SR comms between platoons before meeting up. Even drawing on the map.




2x Leopard 2 MBT
1x T-90SM MBT
1x Rooikat-120UP SPATG [Requires Tanks DLC]
1x Wiesel [version called by RTO, may require Tanks DLC] or M1239 AUV (CROWS M2) [RRR Vehicle]


Special Forces:

Helmet: Any Airframe (RGR or RGR Hexagon)
Uniform: G3 Field Set (+Rolled), T-Shirt+G3 Field Pants, Fleece+G3 Field Pants (RGR)
Vest: Any vest from the list: Battle Belt, JPC, JPC+Belt, MarCiras, MarCiras+Belt, MMAC, MMAC+Belt (RGR)
Guns: Any BLUFOR within rules, but must be suppressed.


Additional special equipment:
1x Drone from the list: AR-2 Darter, ED-1D Pelter. [Issued to each Squad and Plt HQ.]

No Long Range radios.
Face must me hidden.
6+1 mag for Rifleman and DMR;
600rnds for AR.
LAT only.
10 projectiles per UGL.
Not more than 10 throwables of any kind.



Helmet: Any ACVC helmet.; RTO and RTO 2IC may take a Beret or Cap.
Uniform: G3 Field Set (+Rolled), T-Shirt+G3 Field Pants, Fleece+G3 Field Pants (MC)
Vest: Any vest from the list: Battle Belt, JPC, JPC+Belt, MarCiras, MarCiras+Belt, MMAC, MMAC+Belt (MC)
Guns: Any BLUFOR; within rules.


Additional special equipment:
2x Drones from the list: AR-2 Darter, ED-1D, UGW Stomper RCWS, AL-6 Pelican. [Issued to each vehicle; chosen by Commander]

Only one drone of the type can be deployed simultaneously from each vehicle; i.e. your vehicle can't have two Darters deployed, but can deploy Darter and Stomper, or Darter and Pelican.


Reservable Slots:

Special Forces:

PLT HQ:           | Drone:
A SL: @Lerto (no tags) | Drone:
B SL:                | Drone:
C SL:                | Drone:


Crews [16 slots total]:

RTO (in RTO slot): @Val3ntine (to tags)    | Vehicle: M1239 AUV (CROWS M2)  |Drones: 2x AR-2 Darter
RTO 2IC (in Drone Op slot):

Leopard 2 MBT / 1-1 / (top 3 knight slots + mrtr slot) | Drones:
Cmd: @Jerichron
Gnr: @thePier
Ldr (mrtr gnr slot): @Conga Line of Neckbeards

Leopard 2 MBT / 1-2 / (bottom 3 knight slots + mrtr slot) | Drones:
Gnr: @BonSie
Ldr (mrtr ast slot): @info

T-90 SM MBT / 2-1 / (top 3 raptor slots) | Drones: UGV Stomper RCWS, AR-2 Darter
Cmd: @Garfield
Gnr: @johnb43

Rooikat-120 UP SPATG / 3-1 / (bottom 2 raptor slots + prpht slot) | Drones:
Cmd: @Sarissa
Gnr: @ThePointForward
Drv (prpht gnr slot):


Recommended Comments

Updated. @info been overwritten (sorry).

@Val3ntine, @Garfield, @Jerichron please update me on what drones (and vehicle too in case of RTO) you plan to take. You can change it later, ofc.

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Posted (edited)

@Cyico unfortunately some stuff has come up so i'm going to have to bail.

Edited by griffin68965
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