Arma 3 FK WW2 (Berlin)

Event created by Jerichron
-This is a priority message from Red Army High command-
- The war is nearing its end men and we will be the ones to strike its final blow the Seelow heights fell under the combined might of our advance and now we stand in the downtown area of Berlin. The final steps of our victory are now being taken and its greatest act has been given to you the Headquarters of the Wehrmacht itself. -
-High Command cannot allow any delay in the advance which would allow German forces the chance to regroup and have ordered a full advance from our forces in order to seize the defenses leading to the German HQ and the HQ itself. Primary Objectives are as follows 1st - SECURE THE TWO FLAK TOWERS BETWEEN YOUR FORCES AND THE GERMAN HQ - 2ND SECURE THE GERMAN HIGH COMMAND BUILDING AND RAISE THE RED FLAG ON ITS ROOF --
-For this operation, your platoon has been transported to Berlin with the intent of dislodging the German forces from the flak towers leading towards the German HQ and to seize the HQ itself and raise the Red Flag on its roof.-
-This operation is to be undertaken as soon as the aforementioned forces can be assembled and have arrived in the area...command out.-
MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the second world war. The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mod Iron Front and using elements from the mod Faces of War which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Squad composition for this mission will, for this mission, be the reverted to the previous standard in FK missions which will be 7 Soldiers per squad this is being done due to the nature of the mission and my desire to make use of more lead elements in this situation. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to WW2 based weaponry and will be restricted to per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. As well the standard ruleset for FK will be in place and any violations of said ruleset will result in your immediate ejection from the event and subsequent barring from any future events of this kind.
1st. SR Radios are prohibited and only LR Radios may be carried by only the Radioman role.
2nd. GPS, NVDs and vanilla mine detectors are prohibited.
3rd. No drawing on the map after the briefing.
4th. No modern looking items.
5th. Tracking will be disabled.
-PLTN 1st Lieutenant (PLTN TAGS):
-PLTN 2nd Lieutenant (PLTN 2IC TAGS):
-PLTN Radioman (REGS+):
-ALPHA Sergeant (SL TAGS):
-ALPHA Medic (MEDIC TAGS): @FelixMcgee (FNG)
-ALPHA Radioman (2IC TAGS):
-ALPHA Machine gunner (REGS+):
-ALPHA Machine gunner Assistant (REGS+):
-ALPHA Rifleman (REGS+): @square_cookies
-ALPHA Rifleman (REGS+):
-BRAVO Sergeant (SL TAGS):
-BRAVO Radioman (2IC TAGS):
-BRAVO Machine gunner (REGS+):
-BRAVO Machine gunner Assistant (REGS+):
-BRAVO Rifleman (REGS+):
-BRAVO Rifleman (REGS+):
-CHARLIE Sergeant (SL TAGS):
-CHARLIE Radioman (2IC TAGS):
-CHARLIE Machine gunner (REGS+):
-CHARLIE Machine gunner Assistant (REGS+):
-CHARLIE Rifleman (REGS+):
-CHARLIE Rifleman (REGS+):
-DELTA Sergeant (SL TAGS):
-DELTA Radioman (2IC TAGS):
-DELTA Machine gunner (REGS+):
-DELTA Machine gunner Assistant (REGS+):
-DELTA Rifleman (REGS+):
-DELTA Rifleman (REGS+):
-PRHT Sniper (PRHT TAGS): @Val3ntine
-PRHT Radioman/Spotter (REGS+):
JS-122 (KNGT 1-1):
-Commander (COMMANDER TAGS): @ZeFlyingDutchman (NO TAGS)
-Gunner (GUNNERY TAGS): @RedNexus (NO TAGS)
-Driver (DRIVER TAGS): @BestTrap (NO TAGS)
SPG SU-85 (KNGT 1-2)
-Commander (COMMANDER TAGS):
-Driver (DRIVER TAGS): @Txtspeak (NO TAGS)
Platoon Leads:
Uni: SOV RKKA Uniform (Starshiy Leutenant)
Vest: SOV Field Officer Set.
Backpack: Any Russian Backpack.
Helmet: SOV RKKA M-40 Helmet
Primary: PPsh-41, Mosin Nagant, SVT-40.
Squad Leads:
Uni: SOV RKKA Inset Pocket (Serzha nt).
Vest: SOV Matching Belt.
Backpack: Any Russian Backpack.
Helmet: SOV RKKA M35 Side Cap, SOV RKKA M-40 Helmet.
Primary: PPsh-41, Mosin Nagant, SVT-40.
Radio Operators:
Uni: SOV RKKA Spring.
Vest: SOV Matching Belt.
Backpack: RA Radio.
Helmet: SOV RKKA M35 Side Cap, SOV RKKA M-40 Helmet.
Primary: PPsh-41, Mosin Nagant, SVT-40.
Uni: SOV RKKA Spring.
Vest: SOV Matching Belt.
Backpack: SOV Medical Satchel.
Helmet: SOV RKKA M35 Side Cap, SOV RKKA M-40 Helmet.
Primary: PPsh-41, Mosin Nagant, SVT-40.
Machine Gunners:
Uni: SOV RKKA Spring.
Vest: SOV Matching Belt.
Backpack: Any Russian Backpack.
Helmet: SOV RKKA M35 Side Cap, SOV RKKA M-40 Helmet.
Primary: DP, DT.
Anti-Tank Troops:
Uni: SOV RKKA Spring.
Vest: SOV Matching Belt.
Backpack: Any Russian Backpack.
Helmet: SOV RKKA M35 Side Cap, SOV RKKA M-40 Helmet.
Primary: PPsh-41, Mosin Nagant, SVT-40.
Launcher: Any Allied Launcher.
Uni: SOV RKKA Spring.
Vest: SOV Matching Belt.
Backpack: Any Russian Backpack.
Helmet: SOV RKKA M35 Side Cap, SOV RKKA M-40 Helmet.
Primary: Mosin Nagant, SVT-40.
Uni: SOV RKKA Spring.
Vest: SOV Matching Belt.
Backpack: Any Russian Backpack.
Helmet: SOV RKKA M35 Side Cap, SOV RKKA M-40 Helmet.
Primary: PTRD-41, Mosin Nagant.
1. FK Arma Rules are in effect and any breach of them not cleared by the event host or a present admin will be punished.
2. Only era accurate and faction based weaponry is to be used for this operation.
3. Any failure to take the mission seriously or to troll in any way will result in a kick from the server and barring from future events of this kind.
4. Additional restrictions may be applied in the mission by the event host and or Zeus and any attempt to avoid and or supplant new restrictions will be met with previously mentioned punishments.
MISSION REQUIREMENTS: The modset is subject to change and will be finalized before the event with an announcement.
MODSET: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NaNCNzspQGrzdxrz5I9jXrwbN6XR9y4l/view?usp=sharing
- Download the modset and drag into the arma launcher with no mods loaded or open with a web browser.