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[Scripted WW2] Operation Windstorm

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  • This mission is going to be a scripted mission and will be hosted on a private server.
  • The mission starts approximately 10 minutes after first main.
  • Anyone can reserve a slot, regs+ and tagholders have priority.
  • Disclaimer: This mission takes place in the WW2 era but might not be historically accurate.





The enemy Soviet forces are holding their lines near the river north of the town of Baranow.
Last week, they pushed the western flank, crossed the river and captured one of our supply depots.
We also have intel of an enemy high ranked officer who is currently in the AO. He has information of the enemy positions that we have to assault later.
The 1st Platoon of the 2nd Fallschirmjäger Division has been assigned the task of landing behind enemy lines and crippling the enemy forces by sabotaging their assets.
Our platoon is stationed in FOB Berta NE of Baranow.



  1. Land behind the front line.
  2. Assault the town of Dlugoleka, find the stolen supplies and recapture them.
  3. Sweep the mansion, eliminate the officer and find intel of the Soviet key targets.
  4. Once you have the intel, eliminate these targets.


Map of the AO:


Aerial photograph of the officer's mansion:



  • Time and date: 0300 March 23, 1944
  • Weather: clear sky with some fog
  • Enemy forces: unknown Soviet ground forces
  • Enemy ground assets: up to medium tanks
  • Enemy air assets: unknown
  • Explosives: possibility of marked minefields along the frontline
  • Civilians: they have left this area
  • Respawn: rolling respawns
  • Reinforcements will be paradropped into the AO via script
  • RRR is available at FOB Berta
  • The platoon runner can take the R71 motorcycle



  • MG-34 / MG-42: Machinegunner only
  • Kar98k ZF39: Marksman only
  • Kar98k Schießbecher: Grenadier only
  • RPzB: Weapons squad only
  • Lafette Tripod: Weapons squad only
  • TNT and other charges: Explosive Specialist only
  • Radio backpacks: Platoon Leader, Platoon Sergeant, Squad Leaders only





- 2x Ju 52/3m
- 4x Ju 87 D5 



Crossroads - @Malbryn

Platoon Leader - @Massive Cuntasaurus
Platoon Sergeant - 
Platoon Medic - @Skate
Platoon Runner - @Pastor Of Muppets

[JÄGER 1-1] - Rifle Squad
Squad Leader - @EHOPPPS
2iC / Grenadier - @Northman
Medic - @Museman7
Machinegunner - @johnb43
Assistant Machinegunner - @Prometheus13
Rifleman (AT) - @Mesa
Rifleman (AT) - @AngryScottishMan
Designated Marksman - @KylianV

[JÄGER 1-2] - Weapons Squad
Squad Leader - @Val3ntine
Medic - @BestTrap
Anti-tank Specialist - @Servok
Assistant Anti-tank Specialist - @Knut0r
Machinegunner - @RedNexus
Assistant Machinegunner - 
Explosive Specialist - @LilyBear

Pilot - @info
Pilot - @AntiMatter



  • FK rules are in effect
  • Medical supplies for non-medics: 6x bandages, 1x morphine, 1x epi, 2x tourniquets, 2x splints
  • ACE Hearing will be on so don't forget your earplugs



https://www.dropbox.com/s/3rx1o980pa9rcz3/Arma 3 Preset FK WW2.html?dl=1


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