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Infantry Driving Basic's


Training Planner

So after someone made a comment about driving on the server in my What Are We Missing thread I thought I would do a test training session on driving basics and if things go well and there is enough interest I will do more sessions. 

What will be covered in this session is controls for driving, how to set the speed limiter, driving in conveys, parking for dismounting, spotting IED's and how to react around armour. The vehicles we will be using in this training session are the ones that the we use most on the server e.g Humvees and MRAP's. 

If everyone could head to the General Training room for the training and have there games loaded that would be great. Training will take place on the 2nd server if it is not being used for testing and if you do have the IP I will give that out before we join the server.

**This driving basics does not count in anyway to getting driving tags. If you are are interested in getting your driver tags then please speak to the trainers Vericht, Don_prince, Cyico or Bonsie**


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;-; The training is on a sunday night for me (Im a boarding student)  Would you mind filming it or something so i can watch it back, I doubt ill be able to make any otherwise just do to timings

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Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, Pastor Of Muppets said:

Just to make sure, it says to that it will be on jan 21 from 1700 to 1900, is that server time or my actual time?

All times in the calendar should be adjusted to your timezone. For reference (in case you're browsing through a VPN or whatever), the event time is at 1600 to 1800 CET (adjust to your own timezone).

Edited by ThePointForward
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