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Die Glocke trifft auf den Griddy und stirbt verdammt noch mal (The bell hits the griddy and fucking dies) [Hoi 4 Götterdämmerung MP Event]

Community Events

Event details


Hearts of Iron IV: Götterdämmerung - Paradox Interactive

Event Summary:

With the Release of Götterdämmerung, I will be setting up and hosting a HOI 4 Event using the new mechanics and focus trees for Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Others. This event may be a one-off or a repeated affair, depending on interest. However, to prevent some of the typical chaos of HOI4 games, there will be some general guidelines for behaviour in the event to assist with the flow of events. These are not intended to force a particular outcome or victor in the game's conclusion, and if anyone has a suggestion for additional rulings, please feel free to make suggestions in the comments.


Note: If anyone wants to pick a nation other than those listed, please let me know in the Comments and they will be added.


Germany (Major):

Italy (Major):

Romania (Minor):

Hungary (Minor): @Will9455

Bulgaria (Minor):


United Kingdom (Major):

United States (Major):

France (Major):

Republic of China (Major):

Poland (Minor):

Yugoslavia (Minor):

Canada (Minor):

British Raj (Minor):

South Africa (Minor):

Australia (Minor):

Belgium (Minor):

Belgian Congo (Minor): @Resurge

Netherlands (Minor):


Soviet Union (Major):

Mongolia (Minor):

Chinese Communist Party (Minor):

Coprosperity Sphere:

Japan (Major):

Manchukuo (Minor):



There will be a ten-minute break after every 50 mins of play. If players fail to return with a 5 min grace period after breaks, they will be removed from the session.

Coups or boosting of ideologies via espionage or political decision of other players is prohibited.

Players who join must be capable/willing to play at 3x speed minimum.

Intentional release of puppet states that is not created by an in-game event, decision, or focus is prohibited.

After event time end time has been reached a vote will be held to decide to continue or resume at a subsequent event.

If a nation is eliminated or subsumed during the course of the Event its player may choose to coop one of the other existing nations from their Faction or to leave the session.

No METAGaming or Exploits (EX: Unit Type Spam, Game Engine Exploits).


The usage of the Army Abilities "Forced Attack" is not permitted.

Intentionally disbanding or modifying units that have been encircled is prohibited.

Placing your navy on "Do Not Engage" is not permitted unless you are withdrawing from an active engagement.

Edited by Will9455


Recommended Comments

Canada please i will say though my game may not function beyond 1942 due to being on my uni laptop not pc.


apologies i have an exam at fucking 7pm Thursday according to an email ive just gotten

Edited by Slim
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