D6 | Spartan Rangers | Metro [1st Main]
Event created by Melo
Event details
Good morning spartans!
The dark ones 'beehive' is rapidly expanding and is proving to be a danger to us all.
You have been set with the objective of getting the launch codes that will later be delivered to D6 to destroy the beehive.
Sadly the launch codes last known location is on the surface so you will need to exit the metro.
Although we do not know the location of D6 we already have operatives searching for it.
Due to the fact that we are still at war with the Fourth Reich and the Red Line we have limited equipment.
Therefore it is essential that you scavenge for any equipment that is deemed necessary.
Good luck Spartans, the future of the metro is in your hands!
- Reach the old crash site and find the launch codes
- Storm D6 and launch the missile
Mission Notes:
CIVILIANS: Its a wasteland. Any life form is deemed hostile.
RRR: None looting is necessary.
RESPAWNS: Zeus Discretion.
This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Metro Series. The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods Diwako's STALKER-like anomalies, Chemical Warfare PLUS, Devourerking's Necroplague Mutants, and Improved Melee System which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Given the games post-apocalyptic survival nature a important part of this mission will be looting.
Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated)
- CoZeus: OPEN
- CoZeus: OPEN
- CoZeus: OPEN
Platoon HQ
- Platoon Leader (PLTN/Leadership Tags): OPEN
- Platoon 2ic (PLTN 2iC Tags): OPEN
- Medic (MEDIC Tags): OPEN
- Alpha Squad Lead (SL Tags) OPEN
- Alpha Squad Medic (Medic Tags) OPEN
- Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL Tags) OPEN
- Alpha Squad Autorifleman : (on the day)
- 4x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day)
- Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL Tags) OPEN
- Alpha Squad Autorifleman : (on the day)
- Bravo Squad Lead (SL Tags) OPEN
- Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC Tags) OPEN
- Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL Tags) OPEN
- Bravo Squad Autorifleman : (on the day)
- 4x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day)
- Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL Tags) OPEN
- Bravo Squad Autorifleman : (on the day)
- Charlie Squad Lead (SL Tags) (on the day)
- Charlie Squad Medic (Medic Tags) (on the day)
- Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL Tags) (on the day)
- Charlie Squad Autorifleman : (on the day)
- 4x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day)
- Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL Tags) (on the day)
- Charlie Squad Autorifleman : (on the day)
- Uniform including facewear is heavily restricted
- Weapons and ammo are restricted
The ATNAA (Antidote injector) can only be taken by Medics
- Used when exposed to toxic gas
- Gas mask filters last 20 min
A player can take 1x Sealant tube and 1x Gas Mask Filter
- Note: Before mission start a player can take a second gas mask filter that will be used immediately upon mission start to restart the timer.
- Chemical Detectors (Contact DLC) and Anomaly Detectors are permitted and encouraged
- BFT disabled
- Looted weapons and attachments can be used in future missions by taking and providing @Melo with photo evidence.
- WBK flashlights are permitted and highly recommended.
- Looting of villages, towns or other former world areas is encouraged
- The Anomaly Detectors need to be activated via ace self interact, the chemical detector requires no activation
- To change gas mask filter, use sealant or check durability use ACE self interact
- SL and TL are encouraged to use timers to ensure that the squad replaces the gas mask filters when they expire
- The vehicles are created using scrap and available resources, given that the vehicles are unstable at high speed therefore using ACE speed limiters is heavily encouraged
- 3rd person view is enabled only in vehicles
- Given the maps high detail it is suggested that you lower your object view distance bellow 600
Loot can be taken from dead enemies and found in buildings and formerly populated areas.
- Loot will be placed in the same looking boxes to make them easier to find. (photo bellow)
- Additional photo for medics to identify chemical exposure (when to use antidote)
Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission.
General Equipment:
- M88 [CIB] (Dark Blue)
- GA Carrier Rig (Grey)
- GA Carrier Rig (Desert Marpat)
- GA Carrier Rig (Tan)
- 6b23 Vest Olive (6Sh92/VOG)
- 6b23 Vest Surpat (6Sh92/VOG)
- 6b3 (role appropriate)
- 6b5-19 TTsKO (role appropriate)
- 6B27M black
- 6B27M black (balaclava)
- Alice pack (matching and role appropriate)
- Bedroll (matching and role appropriate)
- Sidor (matching and role appropriate)
Facewear (MANDATORY):
- M50 Promask
- M50 Promask w/ Hood
Weapons are heavily restricted.
each player can only take 5 magazines including the ones already inside in the weapon.
Additionally NO attachments are allowed! (Can only be found via looting)ex.
A rifleman takes only a primary weapon with no secondary so he takes the primary and 4 magazines
A Rifleman takes a Primary weapon with 2 additional mags and a Secondary pistol with 1 additional mag
- VSS Vintorez
- RPK-74M
- TT-33
- Sapper Shovel (any)
- WW2 Russian Knife (any)
- M3 Knife
- Smokes - Unlimited
- HE Grenades (or similar) - Max 2
- Molotov - Max 2
- Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server
- IP: arma4.fkservers.eu
- Port: 2402
- Password: On Request
- Modset Download Link
Edited by Melo