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The Crisis hits the Galaxy and then fucking dies...again [STELLARIS MP]


Community Events






This will be heavily themed event based taking place in the highly acclaimed Real Tim Strategy game Stellaris, in which players will seek to guide their own nations on the path Galactic Exploration, Discovery, Commerce, Diplomacy and Conquest. This event may be a one-off or a repeated affair, depending on interest. However, to prevent some of the typical issues with Stellaris multiplayer  games, there will be some guidelines for behavior in the event to assist with the flow of events. These are not intended to force a particular outcome or victor in the game's conclusion, and if anyone has a suggestion for additional rulings, please feel free to make suggestions in the comments.





Nations are being broken up according to government type to ensure a balance of government types and playstyles within the game session. Only a certain number of each type of government may be made and details will be filled in once each player has created their nation and filled in their details.

Details Template: 


  • Empire Name: Phaeron Empire
  • Government Type:
  • Species Name: Sautekh
  • Species: Necroid.
  • Origin: Necrophage.
  • Ethics: Egalitarian Militarist.
  • Notes: Story Fluff here.


Government Types:

Democratic: image.png.9e8ea92dd857e9a24cd1b123023c22a8.png

Player: @Sasquatch Rick


  • Empire Name: Followers of Ghast
  • Government Type: Democratic
  • Species Name: Argrathian
  • Species: Aquatic
  • Origin: Ocean Paradise
  • Ethics: Xenophile, Egaltarian
  • Notes: See below


Player: @Deltabacon


Oligarchic: image.png.a462a0923a994b1476539e1d2f35d9aa.png

Player: @Jerichron


  • Empire Name: Kiith Gaalsien.
  • Government Type: Holy Tribunal.
  • Species Name: Kushan.
  • Species: Molluscoid.
  • Origin: Remnants.
  • Ethics: Egalitarian, Fanatic Spiritualist.
  • Notes: Tone
  • Exiled to Kharak aboard the Khar-Toba, alongside those of kiith S'jet, Somtaaw, Manaan, Paktu, Soban, and Naabal.

    Unlike the other Kiithid, the Gaalsien managed to preserve a significant part of Hiigaran history through a stone mural. This mural contains essential information about Hiigara, their original homeworld, their defeat at the hands of the Taiidan, their exile, the origins of their species, the arrival at Kharak, and most crucially, the Taiidan treaty that prohibited the development of FTL technology. Notably, the Gaalsien symbol is more prominently featured on this mural compared to other Kiithid, hinting that they might have been leaders during the time of Khar-Toba.

    Following years of conflict on Kharak, including open warfare between Kiith Gaalsien and the other Kiith, an agreement was finally reached. The Gaalsien relented on their insistence of blasphemy to return to space, risking the anger of the now mysterious Taiidan and the god-like figure, Sajuuk. All Kiith united in their quest to reclaim a place on the galactic stage. Nevertheless, some individuals still fear that venturing back into space will incur the wrath of Sajuuk upon us all...

Player: @Spartan_MiniMe

  • Oligarchy
  • Name: Rothak Theocracy
  • Species Name: Rothak
  • Species: Reptillian
  • Origin: Remnants
  • Ethics: Egalitarian, Xenophile, Spiritualist
  • Notes: Lizard people into space.

Dictatorial: image.png.0f5ca30d97bae19f7650aad634665ad9.png

Player: @Lexic

  • Empire Name: Imperium of Khazad-Dum
  • Government Type: Dictatorial
  • Species Name: Durin's Folk
  • Species: Humanoid
  • Origin: Subterranean
  • Ethics: Authoritarian, Militarist, Materialist
  • Notes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytWz0qVvBZ0

Player: @Panzerbaum

  • Empire Name: Navigator's Corps
  • Government Type: Dictatorial
  • Species Name: Corvidian.
  • Species: Avian.
  • Origin: Slingshot to the Stars.
  • Ethics: Authoritarian, Militarist, Materialist.
  • Notes:


Imperial: image.png.d9e697cf3f723be963f681b4b51a04cf.png

Player: @TheSalader

  • Imperial
  • Empire Name: Yag'garan Imperium
  • Species Name: Yag'gar
  • Species: Arthropoid
  • Origin: Hegemon
  • Ethics: Authoritarian, Militarist, Xenophile
  • Notes:
  • The Yag'garan, a powerful arthropoid fighter species.
  • For long there was brutal civil wars on their home planet and the population was kept low, having them to adapt as strong rapid breeders. One day, a light from the sky came down on their home planet. They looked different, quite different. The Yag'garan put down their fighting for something bigger, something greater. New technology was quickly bestowed on them, making it quite a chaotic life for many Yag'garan. Nonetheless they prevailed and a bond was made with these new friends from the sky


Player: @Glad1us

  • Empire Name: Wakandian Empire
  • Government Type: Emipirial
  • Species Name: Wakandians
  • Species: Continental
  • Origin: Ocean Teachers of the shroud
  • Ethics: Fanatic authoritarian, spiritualists
  • Notes: 


Hive Mind: image.png.05309edf77819011b07a0735a826c37a.png

Player: @IceCream

  • Empire Name: The Morbius Hive
  • Government Type: Hive Mind
  • Species Name: Morber / Morbers
  • Species: Arthropoid
  • Origin: Subterranean
  • Ethics: Gestalt Consciousness
  • Notes:
  • 7yg0h8.gif


Player: @Wattsits


  • Empire Name: Kerbal Space Comintern
  • Government Type: Hive Mind
  • Species Name: Kerbal
  • Species: Reptillian
  • Origin: Doomsday
  • Ethics: Gestalt Consciousness
  • Notes:


Machine Intelligence: image.png.2491f5853831ddcf799d8712c18eb021.png

Player: @colt92

  • Empire Name:
  • Species Name:
  • Species:
  • Origin:
  • Ethics:
  • Notes:

Player: OPEN

  • Empire Name:
  • Species Name:
  • Species:
  • Origin:
  • Ethics:
  • Notes:


Corporate: image.png.28cb4dbe93c6be4f8702a45009540234.png

Player: @KingShibe


  • Empire name: Tomboy Outback Steakhouse Inc.
  • Species name: Tomboy
  • Species: Humanoid
  • Origin: Prosperous unification
  • Ethics: Egalitarian, materialist, militarist
  • Notes: Founded some time in the early 21st century, the Tomboy Outback Steakhouse Inc. seeks to provide the best steaks on the planet, served by our skilled and charismatic Tomboy waiters. Business was booming, however, in the year 2097 the eternal rivals of Tomboy Inc, Femboy Hooters and Goth IHOP sought to end the Tomboy corporation, starting the corporate war. Tomboy Inc. emerged victorious but weakened alongside its rivals. To ensure survival, it was decided to relocate Tomboy Inc. to a newly discovered planet where the market strategy could be refurbished in anticipation of a comeback to the restaurant market. With the discovery of the hyperdrive, corporate HQ sees new opportunities to not just become the dominant restaurant chain that humanity has ever known, but the dominant restaurant chain the galaxy has known.
    Every planet shall have its own Tomboy Outback Steakhouse where its residents may be served the finest steaks and be hosted by the finest tomboys the galaxy has to offer.


Player: @Jacob_Waltz


  • Empire Name: NanoTrasen Corporate Conglomerate

    Species Name: Human

    Species: Humanoid

    Origin: Mechanists

    Ethics: Authoritarian, Fanatic Materialist,

    Notes: Nanotrasen Corporate Conglomerate, an advanced research and development group with skin in all other fields. Had their shoot off point to major planetary control with the discovery of a new element that lead to faster than light travel. Now in control of the Sol system they spread their reach out into the stars to find new markets to dominate. With their most recent technological advancements in the fields of robotics and cloning their plans reach ever upwards.






  1. There will be a ten minute break after every 50 mins of play. If players fail to return with a 5 min grace period after breaks they will be removed from the session.
  2. No METAGaming Pregame Alliances or Exploits.
  3. The Host in order to retain the ability to host the game may have their capital taken by domination but may not be eliminated from the game. If the host has clearly lost they will refrain from pursuing victory types and will concede if it is clear they have lost.
  4. All players are required to play on the same Difficulty settings.
  5. Nation details must be finished before the event date to help speed up the start process. 
  6. If another player posts their Nation details in full and reserves it before you have finished posting yours, their reservation will take precedence after 24 hours have passed from their initial reservation. In such a case, your reservation will be overwritten.
  7. One change to players Nation may be made before the Event Day following which Players will be required to play their Nation as listed on the Event.
  8. Players if deemed necessary due to game balance must accept modification to their Empire prior to the game and during to ensure a fair experience to all players (Changes may be but are not limited to, Caps on Naval Size, Science Output), Vassal Limit). this event is not intended to be a dedicated competitive match.


  1. Players until encountered may not discuss with each other their location in game.
  2. Players are not allowed to destroy other player's nations before the the Galactic Senate is formed.
  3. Federations may not exceed two Empires in membership and their vassals.
  4. Only one player may make use of the Become The Crisis Ascension perk. The event host however must first be messaged of a players intent to make use of this gameplay path and may be told by the host if they can or cannot depending on if another player is already doing so. The host may not act with any indication of awareness of if an Crisis player exists in the game.
  5. Crystal-Infused and Crystal-Forged Plating is not permitted.
  6. Proton Launchers / Kinetic batteries are not permitted until after the year 2250.






Game Settings:

  • Galaxy Size: Huge(1000 Stars).
  • Galaxy Shape: Starburst.
  • Empire Placement: Random.
  • Difficulty: Ensign.
  • Crisis Strength: 2.0x.
  • Crisis Type: Random.
  • Habitable Worlds: 1x.
  • All other Settings Standard.






  • Host: Jerichron
  • Password: On Request
  • Modset: Copy Text into Launcher or Message event host for file. Steam Collection.
  • Launcher Install: Launcher -> Playsets -> Dropdown -> Import. 

    {"game":"stellaris","name":"Event Playset","mods":[{"displayName":"Beautiful Universe v2.0","enabled":true,"position":0,"steamId":"697938908"},{"displayName":"Expanded Colours [180 Colours]","enabled":true,"position":1,"steamId":"682090850"},{"displayName":"Light Borders","enabled":true,"position":2,"steamId":"1506081421"},{"displayName":"More Ground Combat Width (3.8.*)","enabled":true,"position":3,"steamId":"2816163133"},{"displayName":"Tiny Outliner v2","enabled":true,"position":4,"steamId":"1610578060"},{"displayName":"UI Overhaul Dynamic","enabled":true,"position":5,"steamId":"1623423360"},{"displayName":"UI Overhaul Dynamic + Expanded Colours","enabled":true,"position":6,"steamId":"2066393985"},{"displayName":"UI Overhaul Dynamic + Tiny Outliner v2","enabled":true,"position":7,"steamId":"1628912584"}]}





Recommended Comments

Sasquatch Rick

Posted (edited)

  • Empire Name: Followers of Ghast
  • Government Type: Democratic
  • Species Name: Phasmian
  • Species: Aquatic
  • Origin: Ocean Paradise
  • Ethics: Xenophile, Fanatic Egaltarian
  • Notes: See below

    One time slaves for a now dismantled Machine Intleligence, the Phasmians have only recently shrugged off the chains of their former master. Naming themselves after the revolutionary who led them in their uprising, and sacrificed his life in the final battle against their oppressor, the Followers of Ghast have in the ensuing years evolved into a democratic society. With the aid of salvaged data-drives, technology, and information stores, they have evolved into a space faring society. One that intends to meet other species with open arms, and oppressors with the fires of war.


Edited by Sasquatch Rick
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Empire Name: NanoTrasen Corporate Conglomerate

Species Name: Human

Species: Humanoid

Origin: Mechanists

Ethics: Authoritarian, Fanatic Materialist,

Notes: Nanotrasen Corporate Conglomerate, an advanced research and development group with skin in all other fields. Had their shoot off point to major planetary control with the discovery of a new element that lead to faster than light travel. Now in control of the Sol system they spread their reach out into the stars to find new markets to dominate. With their most recent technological advancements in the fields of robotics and cloning their plans reach ever upwards.




AI Walk.png

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Posted (edited)

  • Imperial
  • Empire Name: Yag'garan Imperium
  • Species Name: Yag'gar
  • Species: Arthropoid 
  • Origin: Shattered Ring
  • Ethics: Authoritarian, Militarist, Xenophile
  • Notes:
    The Yag'garan, a powerful arthropoid fighter species.
Edited by TheSalader
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Name: Rothak Theocracy

Species Name: Rothak

Species: Reptillian

Origin: Remnants

Ethics: Egalitarian, Xenophile, Spiritualist

Notes: Lizard people into space.

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Hive Mind: image.png.05309edf77819011b07a0735a826c37a.png

  • Empire Name:             The Morbius Hive
  • Government Type:      Hive Mind
  • Species Name:           Morber / Morbers
  • Species:                      Arthropoid
  • Origin:                        Subterranean
  • Ethics:                        Gestalt Consciousness
  • Notes:



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  • Empire Name:         Imperium of Khazad-Dum
  • Government Type:  Dictatorial
  • Species Name:        Durin's Folk
  • Species:                   Humanoid
  • Origin:                     Subterranean
  • Ethics:                      Authoritarian, Militarist, Materialist
  • Notes:                      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytWz0qVvBZ0
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Player: Wattsits

  • Empire Name: Kerbal Space Comintern
  • Government Type: Hive Mind
  • Species Name: Kerbal
  • Species: Reptillian
  • Origin: Doomsday
  • Ethics: Gestalt Consciousness
  • Notes:


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Posted (edited)

  • Empire Name:        Navigator's Corps
    Government Type: Dictatorial
    Species Name:       Corvidian
    Species:                 Avian
    Origin:                   Slingshot to the Stars
    Ethics:                   Authoritarian, Militarist, Materialist
    Notes:                   TBA
Edited by Panzerbaum
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Placeholder machine intelligence slot, please

  • Empire Name: Skorpia
  • Species Name: Skorp
  • Species: Machine
  • Origin: Resource consolidation
  • Ethics: Gestalt Conciousness
  • Notes: The Skorp are a machine society, left behind by their long defunct creators. They brought their empire to ruin and became extinct after drying their planet of resources, before they could obtain the ability to travel off-world and colonise other worlds. Many years past, the Skorp have researched that ability and are ready to expand into the Galaxy.
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Imperial slot, please

  • Empire Name: Krillion Hegemony
  • Species Name: Krillion
  • Species: Arthropoid
  • Origin: Clone army
  • Ethics: Authoritarian, Militarist, Materialist
  • Notes: we may be clones but if we work hard enough in this galaxy we can all be one in a krillion.
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Placeholder Filling out my corporate slot

  • Empire name: Tomboy Outback Steakhouse Inc.
  • Species name: Tomboy
  • Species: Humanoid
  • Origin: Prosperous unification
  • Ethics: Egalitarian, materialist, militarist
  • Notes: Founded some time in the early 21st century, the Tomboy Outback Steakhouse Inc. seeks to provide the best steaks on the planet, served by our skilled and charismatic Tomboy waiters. Business was booming, however, in the year 2097 the eternal rivals of Tomboy Inc, Femboy Hooters and Goth IHOP sought to end the Tomboy corporation, starting the corporate war. Tomboy Inc. emerged victorious but weakened alongside its rivals. To ensure survival, it was decided to relocate Tomboy Inc. to a newly discovered planet where the market strategy could be refurbished in anticipation of a comeback to the restaurant market. With the discovery of the hyperdrive, corporate HQ sees new opportunities to not just become the dominant restaurant chain that humanity has ever known, but the dominant restaurant chain the galaxy has known.
    Every planet shall have its own Tomboy Outback Steakhouse where its residents may be served the finest steaks and be hosted by the finest tomboys the galaxy has to offer.


Edited by KingShibe
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  • Empire Name: Wakandian Empire
  • Government Type: Emipirial
  • Species Name: Wakandians
  • Species: Continental
  • Origin: Ocean Teachers of the shroud
  • Ethics: Fanatic authoritarian, spiritualists
  • Notes: 
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