WW2- Operation Tonga (Pegasus Bridge)

Event created by Griffin68965
Event details
Operation Tonga (Pegasus Bridge)
6th, June, 1944
Operation Overlord is due to commence shortly. In order to ensure its success there are several bridges that must be secured to prevent enemy reinforcements from driving our troops back into the sea. Your British Airborne assault group will be taking and holding one of them, code named "Pegasus Bridge". The Bridge is less than 500 meters from where your gliders will land, and is expected to be lightly fortified with a few emplacements in the vicinity. The German garrison is small and will be taken completely off guard by the attack and this element of surprise should prove sufficient to take the bridge. Once you hold the bridge you are to prevent enemy troops from crossing it at all costs, it is also imperative the bridge is not destroyed as it will be used for our own advances in the future. Our own forces will move off of the beaches to relieve you as soon as they can, but it may take a while before they reach your positions. If the Germans successfully retake the bridge and manage to get reinforcements over it, our landings on Sword beach will fail.
There is a small German division stationed to your North that will no doubt attempt to drive your off the bridge, but they are lacking in armoured support and should be of little concern. The Main enemy forces will come from your East and these will be significantly more dangerous. Their infantry components are large in size and high in quality. The Eastern force will also contain armoured elements, consisting mostly of armoured cars but with some limited tanks as well. The enemy possess large amounts of artillery, however they should predominantly be focusing on the beaches themselves but may divert there attention if you are enough of a blockade to their progress. Thankfully, the Luftwaffe have been all but eliminated and should not make an appearance. We expect the German high command to be in a state of disarray to begin with and the initial reinforcing units will most likely be lacking in organisation giving you the advantage, but this will only last so long.
As you are going in via glider getting resupply to you will be impossible, we have packed some spare ammo and supplies in your gliders but it is limited. If you run out of equipment you will have to steal it from the enemy. Each of your squads does have a PIAT operator, these devices are capable of dealing with the armoured cars we expect you to mostly face, however they do struggle against heavier vehicles, so alternatives may have to be acquired where possible. Your special forces training should be more than enough for your troops to figure out how to use enemy weapons and emplacements if required.
Recap (briefing without the fluff):
- Playing as British Airborne.
- Fighting the Wermacht.
- Main task-1: Take and hold Pegasus Bridge, do not destroy it
- Main task-2: Prevent enemy forces from retaking the bridge and from driving on towards Sword beach.
- Failure conditions= Significant enemy reinforcements make it across the bridge and along the road to Sword beach ("Allied advance" marker).
- Enemy local garrison and infantry division to the North are relatively weak. Bridge itself is lightly fortified with a few emplacements.
Enemy reinforcements from the East will be significantly stronger, containing large numbers of infantry and armoured vehicles.
Most will be armoured cars/APCs but there will be some tanks. - Allied forces moving from the West to relieve you.
- Enemy has artillery but should be focused on Sword beach. Might divert there attention if you are enough of a problem.
- No mines or enemy aircraft.
1x resupply per person (arsenal attached to gliders, do not exceed starting loadout, public loadouts available for ease of use).
After that you will have to loot what you need (medics get 1 extra resupply each for medical gear if no alternative can be found). - 4x respawns requested by PLT.
MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Second World War, with some artistic liberties taken. The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods Iron Front, Faces Of War and CSA38 which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to WW2/Faction based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the Second World War. There may be some potentially offensive imagery present in the mission. Wiki link for those interested in what the mission is based on. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capture_of_the_Caen_canal_and_Orne_river_bridges
(Mission is limited to 43 slots - 8 man templates)
- PLT leader (PLT/ Tags) (Sten MK V) Open
- 2ic (PLT 2ic Tags) (Sten MK V) Open
- Medic (Medic Tags) (Lee-Enfield Open
- Squad Lead (SL TAGS) (Sten MK V) @Jerichron
- Medic (MEDIC TAGS) (Lee-Enfield) @colt92
- 1x PIAT Operator (Sten MK V/ PIAT) (on the day)
- 2x Rifleman (Lee-Enfield (on the day)
- Team Lead (TL Tags) (Sten MK V) @TrainDoctor (no tags)
- Bren Gunner (Bren MK II) (on the day)
- 3x Rifleman (Lee-Enfield (on the day)
- Squad Lead (SL TAGS) (Sten MK V) Open
- Medic (MEDIC TAGS) (Lee-Enfield) Open
- 1x PIAT Operator (Sten MK V/PIAT) (on the day)
- 2x Rifleman (Lee-Enfield (on the day)
- Team Lead (TL Tags) (Sten MK V) Open
- Bren Gunner (Bren MK II) (on the day)
- 3x Rifleman (Lee-Enfield (on the day)
- Charlie and Dog are overflow
- scripted loadouts (no SR radios or GPS, only SL has LR)
- Looting of enemy weapons is allowed (stay within squad layout and standard FK rules, 1 DMR, 2 UGLs, 1 MG, etc).
- BFT disabled.
- Do not leave the marked AO.
- There will be no "Zeus" briefing, the text above is all you have.
Map Markings: No marking in side after briefing unless all (living) lead elements are together.
No marking in group unless all (living) squad members are together. - Respawns, 4x requested by PLT.
1x resupply per person (arsenal attached to gliders, do not exceed starting loadout, public loadouts available for ease of use).
After that you will have to loot what you need (medics get 1 extra resupply each for medical gear if no alternative can be found). -
Failure conditions= Significant enemy reinforcements make it across the bridge and along the
road to Sword beach ("Allied advance" marker). - NOTE FOR PIAT: Try to use it while prone, you are less likely to damage yourself.
- Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server
- IP: arma4.fkservers.eu
- Port: 2402
- Password: On Request
- MODSET WW2 Modset
Edited by Griffin68965