WW2- Operation Condor
Event created by Griffin68965
Event details
Operation Condor
2nd, June, 1940
The assault into France has gone better than we could have dreamed of, our ground units have punched holes all across the French lines and the British have been surrounded at Dunkirk. New orders have just come through that your dive bombers are to begin an all out air assault on the British troops on the beaches and any shipping that may try to rescue them. Your fighters will continue to provide air cover from enemy fighters that may attempt to relieve the enemy forces. We expect more enemy air activity in the coming hours as the weather clears and the enemies navy appears to be stepping up their efforts, so we anticipate you will be consistently busy throughout.
Enemy forces are concentrated towards the North Western end of the beach, the are making use of whatever vehicles they have remaining to provide makeshift AA fire and the infantry groups will mostly likely join in. Any possibility of them pushing back in land is long gone. Enemy landing craft are already in position to begin the evacuation and long distance reconnaissance shows that heavier shipping is also on the way. As mentioned, the R.A.F is increasing it's activity. Multiple flights of Hurricanes are already in the area with more surely to follow, it can also be assumed that Spitfires may also join the fray. We also expect that some civilian cargo ships may be on route to assist the British, as they are civilian, they are not to be engaged unless you are engaged by them first.
You will be based out of the airfield as marked. It is fully furnished with RRR facilities and AA guns as required, they will be operated be the limited ground crew available on sight. Alongside your starting aircraft, there are 14 spare BF 109s and 12 JU-87s that can be made available. The availability of pilots far outweighs the number of aircraft, so this will be your limiting factor. Due to the presence of a hill to the north east end of the runway, take-off and landing must be conducted as instructed above. The enemy must be prevented from rescuing their troops if we are to have any hope of forcing the British to the negotiating table.
Recap (briefing without the fluff):
- Playing as Luftwaffe
- Enemy forces located primarily towards the north west end of the beach.
- Enemy using vehicles and small arms fire as AA
- Small enemy ships present in AO, significantly larger ships believed to be on route
- Enemy air force includes large numbers of Hurricanes and potentially a small numbers of Spitfires.
- Main task, Eliminate all enemies present, both on land, in the sky and in the ocean.
- Note-1, Do not engage suspected cargo shipping unless it fires first
- 14 spare BF 109s, 12 JU-87s, no limit on personnel respawn.
- RRR available at airfield
- Perform landing and take-off as instructed on the map.
MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Second World War, with some artistic liberties taken. The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods Iron Front, Faces Of War and CSA38 which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to WW2/Faction based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the Second World War. There may be some potentially offensive imagery present in the mission.
(Mission is limited to 40 slots)
- Commander/ PLT leader (PLT/ FAC Tags) Open
- PLT 2ic (FAC Tags) Open
- 2x Medic (Medic Tags) Open/Open
Ground Crew:
- ATC (FAC TAGS) @LurkerOne
- 4x Ground Crew (Regs+) @Conga Line of Neckbeards/Open/Open/Open
- AA Team Lead (TL Tags) Open
- 2 AA Gunner (Regs+) @BadBarry (fng)/Open
Hawk (BF 109):
- Flight Lead (Fixed Wing Tags) @KingShibe (Reg+)
- 3x Pilot (Fixed Wing Tags) Open/Open/Open
Eagle (BF 109):
- Flight Lead (Fixed Wing Tags) @L00_Cyph3r (Reg+)
- 3x Pilot (Fixed Wing Tags) @TheFantasticFlyingTaco (Reg+)/ @AntiMatter (Reg+/Open
Falcon (BF 109):
- Flight Lead (Fixed Wing Tags) (on the day)
- 3x Pilot (Fixed Wing Tags) (on the day)
Pelican (JU-87):
- Flight Lead (Fixed Wing Tags) Open
- 3x Pilot (Fixed Wing Tags) @AngryScottishMan/ @Melo (Reg+)/Open
- 4x Tail Gunner (Regs+) (on the day)
Gannet (JU-87):
- Flight Lead (Fixed Wing Tags) (on the day)
- 3x Pilot (Fixed Wing Tags) (on the day)
- 4x Tail Gunner (Regs+) (on the day)
- scripted loadouts (no GPS).
RRR is available from your start point.
for personal resupply, arsenals will be attached to RRR vehicles. - Respawns, unlimited for personnel, 14x for BF 109, 12x for JU-87 (need preparing by ground crew).
- BFT disabled.
- There will be no "Zeus" briefing, the text above is all you have.
Map Markings: No marking in side after briefing unless all (living) lead elements are together.
No marking in group unless all (living) squad members are together. - players may move outside of normal map boundaries.
- inbuilt GPS may be used if completely lost.
- Pilots can swap to other aircraft type if none of the starting type are left.
- Zeus' note: There will be some limited remote controlling in the name of more enjoyable dogfights.
Guide for setting additional channels can be found in sections 4b (Short range) and 4c (Long range):
https://www.fkgaming.eu/guides/fng-guides/fng-arma-guides/beginners-guide-tfar-r22/ - Ground crew may drive planes if required.
- Be careful when dive bombing to not blow yourself up, you need to be higher up than you might think.
There is a statue at the South Western end of the runway marking the center point.
Line up with the at a heading of 024 and you should be grand. - Damage is not registered to "Panels" as they are normally, keep an eye out for smoke and fire from your tail.
Here is a suggested communication/ radio channel plan:
- Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server
- IP: arma4.fkservers.eu
- Port: 2402
- Password: On Request
- MODSET WW2 Modset