MACV-SOG The Beginning (Scripted Mission)

Event created by kMaN
Event details
S.O.G. Prairie Fire DLC required!
This is a scripted mission using Malbryn's Framework
Minimal Modset, ie - not big
(Mission was built to reflect historical accuracy, as best I could.)
MACV-SOG The Beginning (1964)
Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, Studies and Observations Group (MACV-SOG) was activated, January 24, 1964, to function as a joint special operations task force. Commanded by a U.S. Army Special Forces colonel, MACV-SOG was a subcomponent of MACV, headquartered in Saigon. Born from a need to conduct more effective special operations against North Vietnam, many Central Intelligence Agency programs have been transferred to SOG, which now consisted of personnel from U.S. Army Special Forces, U.S. Navy Sea-Air-Land (SEALs), U.S. Air Force, U.S. Marine Corps, Force Reconnaissance and CIA personnel.
We are here to conduct special operations in North Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and South Vietnam. Personnel, infrastructure, assets and missions are ramping-up to support this new mission. SOG has been given the mission under OPLAN 34A to conduct strategic reconnaissance, direct action, sabotage, personnel recovery, Psychological Operations (PSYOP), counter-intelligence, and bomb damage assessments. Maritime operations, under the cover name of the Naval Advisory Detachment (NAD), is staffed by the Navy and their operations being launched from the Tien Sha Peninsula. They will operate along the coastal areas of North and South Vietnam.
The Ho Chi Minh Trail, also called Annamite Range Trail is a logistical network of roads and trails that runs from the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) to the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) through the kingdoms of Laos and Cambodia. The system provides support, in the form of manpower and materiel, to the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam (called the Viet Cong or VC) and the People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN), or North Vietnamese Army (NVA).
MACV Saigon thinks that the 1st, 3rd and/or 7th NVA Division/s have begun building-up forces and support infrastructure utilizing the Ho Chi Minh trail in preparation for an attack on Khe Sanh. Saigon thinks that the NVA have moved across the border into the Dong Dang Valley area.
Saigon needs some eyes and ears on the ground to ascertain whether any enemy are in that valley and what capabilities they have. We need your team to stealthily reconnoiter AO Whiskey, which borders with Laos. You are not authorized to cross the border into Laos.
Look for any sign of the 1st, 3rd and/or 7th NVA Division/s, as well as any Viet Cong activity. Look for any evidence of way stations, supply areas, ammo caches, NVA trucks or vehicles, etc. Mark the grid coordinates and gather any intel you can collect as evidence of NVA or VC incursion.
1. Find an infil HLZ and insert into the southern part of AO Whiskey.
2. Investigate the villages of Kang, Xi So, Xi No and Palien Khun looking for way stations, supply stores or intel on possible NVA or VC units.
3. Investigate these three areas along road 11: Known Area of Interest (NAI), one, two and three looking for any sign of the enemy.
4. Find an exfil HLZ in the northern part of AO Whiskey and RTB.
** This is a reconnaissance mission and air assets will be scarce. You are to only report any enemy positions, compositions and equipment. You are to avoid contact at all times and stay hidden. If you are compromised the best course of action is to break contact, evade and continue mission.
(Mission is limited to 18 slots)
(If the TL/s agree, the pilot/s and aircrew can respawn into ground forces if helo assets aren't being used.)
(This is a stealth type mission so if you want to shoot everything that moves then play a different mission of mine.)
Recon Team (RT) Raleigh :
- One-Zero American Team Lead (SL TAGS, 1ic) @Veagance (tags)
- One-One American 2ic and Medic (Medic TAGS, 2ic) @Root (tags)
- Zero-One Montagnard Team Lead (TL TAGS, 3ic) @kMaN
- Zero-Two Montagnard Grenadier @johnb43
- Zero-Three Montagnard LMG @Malbryn
- Zero-Four Montagnard Scout @LurkerOne
Recon Team (RT) Columbia :
- One-Zero American Team Lead (SL TAGS, 1ic) OPEN
- One-One American 2ic and Medic (Medic TAGS, 2ic) OPEN
- Zero-One Montagnard Team Lead (TL TAGS, 3ic) OPEN
- Zero-Two Montagnard Grenadier OPEN
- Zero-Three Montagnard LMG OPEN
- Zero-Four Montagnard Scout OPEN
219th KingBee Vietnamese Airforce (Slick) :
- Pilot (Rotary Wing Flight Lead TAGS, Officer) OPEN
- Co-Pilot (Rotary Wing Pilot TAGS, Officer) OPEN
- Crew Chief (Rotary Wing Gunship Gunner TAGS, NCO) OPEN
219th KingBee Vietnamese Airforce (CAS) :
- Pilot (Rotary Wing Flight Lead TAGS, Officer) @L00_Cyph3r (tags)
- Co-Pilot (Rotary Wing Pilot TAGS, Officer) OPEN
- Crew Chief (Rotary Wing Gunship Gunner TAGS, NCO) OPEN
- Scripted loadouts
- No SR radio
- No GPS
- No NVG
- BFT disabled
- If you get lost, then think of how you can use air assets and smoke grenades to pinpoint your location or learn how to use map tools.
- This could be a long mission so progress will be noted/saved and to be continued at another day/time.
- The intent for KingBee pilots is that they are to be dual role as insert transport, reinsert transport, resupply and CAS.
- If there are no CAS pilots then the TL may use the SOG PF support radio, ie - artillery and CAS.
- If no KingBee pilots then ressuply can be called via Malbryn's framework.
- This is meant to be a historically accurate mission for a MACV-SOG RT team. That means that breaking contact is the standard SOP vs attack and kill. Your job is to run away, report enemy positions and run away!!!!
- I will have Zeus in case something needs fixed or the TL's can convince me that something needs to be sorted. My goal is to not use Zeus.
- Ace moveable objects and SOG PF moveable objects are enabled.
- This mission tests several SOG PF's custom modules so unexpected gameplay might be experienced.
- If one RT is full and the other has players then I'll add a second "slick" helo /w crew.
- If the helo crews end up with nothing to do then they are allowed to join a team on the ground.
If you are a TL, pilot or co-pilot then there is a vanilla map at your feet when you spawn. Replace the SOG PF map with the vanilla map so that Ace Map Tools will work. This is a known issue and SOG PF will fix in their next update.
- Name: FK #5 Custom Mission Server
- IP: arma5.fkservers.eu
- Port: 2502
- Password: On Request
- Modset
- Mission File
** Link to Malbryn's mission-making framework can be found here.