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HOI4 Event


This is a HOI4 Event for everyone who'd like to participate in it. 

The game will be historical and we will put our tryhard pants on. Below you can find all the information needed to join the game.

This is the continuation of the game we started last week.



There are some rules, however most of them are in effect to keep balancing and to improve stability. Generally you could sum up the rules with the following:

  1. Don't be a dick.
  2. Stay within your historical focuses.
  3. No exploits or abusing of broken or insanely OP game mechanics.
  4. No Ragequitting, if you gotta go you gotta go, but try to stay for the entirety of the game.
  5. Rules Doc (again only there for balancing and stability!) 



The following countries can be filled and played. If you choose to play a major, make sure you know what you are doing. Coop-Players are allowed (1 per) and must be approved by the Primary player. 

Comment below with the nation you would like to play and we'll set you up. If your nation is not on the list, we can add it, once all the other slots are filled. You can request Minors, but may be asked to move to a Major if required.


  • Axis
    • Germany: @riccardi48 confirmed
    • Italy: @Will9455 confirmed
    • Japan: @Silberjojo confirmed
      • Minors:
        • Romania: @Lexic confirmed
        • Manchouko: Slim Need new Player! @Legendo confirmed
        • Hungary: 
        • Siam: @Legendo (left early): Taken over by @Resurge , Resurge left (AI played for like 3 months) ------ Slot now occupied by Resurge (only Legendo can overwrite) confirmed
        • Spain:  TippleNwist (left after civil war)


  • Allies
    • UK: @Beshman confirmed
    • France: @AngryScottishMan (left after capitulation)
    • US: @KingShibe confirmed
    • USSR: @Jerichron confirmed
      • Minors:
        • Raj: @Griffin68965 confirmed
        • Canada: Sarissa Need new Player!
        • China: (not filled and doesn't exist anymore)
          • South Africa: @Shoxe (left, AI has not taken over)


We will only be using two mods. These are Road to 56 and Player-Led-Peace-Conferences. Download them here and here. Also we've been using the FPS Map Mod.


Recommended Comments

@Sarissa yea sorry about that, we were fully aware that you wouldn't be able to get in formt he start along with Slim, but it was the only feasible time that was before main :( 

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@riccardi48 @Will9455 @Lexic @Beshman @KingShibe @Jerichron @Griffin68965 @Shoxe please confirm your availability and your intention of joining again with a quick comment.

@Legendo @Resurge @Tipple Nwist @AngryScottishMan Legendo has priority for Siam, if he doesnt want it, Resurge is next. Also Manchouku and Canada are open for anyone to take those since both Slim and Sarissa confirmed they cant make it.

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As for Feedback and Reflection I think im gonna go off of to aspects:

  • Fun and enjoyment
    • I think it was an experience. For me it became a stalemate as soon as I started fighting player nations so the continuation was fairly boring for me. 
  • Organisation (rules, players, pausing etc.), since there were some things that left a bit of a sour taste
    • The first session started 50 minutes after event start time and the continuation took 30-40 minutes. This shouldnt take that long. Also hotjoining was meh. We had to pause for several minutes several times. 
    • so yea I'd say for the future we definitely need to make sure that 5 mintue breaks are 5 minute breaks. We should also set a end time at set up

I'd like to do this again and play something else this time ^_^ Or against a china player. I'm thinking I'd be cool with this being a thing like once a month or every 6 weeks round about.

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Was great fun and i'd happily do it again, although things did turn into a bit of a stalemate in Asia but then again i did sign up to play the Raj so i can't say i'm surprised. I agree with Silber's points on organisation, having regular breaks is definitely a good idea.

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