Operation Hell's Gate

Event created by SilentGunner13
Event details
CIA Task Force "Phantom"
Task Force Phantom is the pinnacle of the C.I.A.’s clandestine operational capability, consisting of the best special forces operators from all branches of the U.S. Military, rigorously studied, vetted and hand picked for their discretion, ability, and lethality. So important is its secrecy, that all members who are selected to join are officially marked as M.I.A or K.I.A. by the units they were taken from. These people, and the unit they are part of, do not officially exist/
Task Force Phantom specialises in several disciplines of covert operation. These include intel gathering, surveillance, sabotage, subterfuge, espionage, requisition, assassination, and more. Operating outside of the laws and expectations of conventional warfare, whatever their objective, their underlying purpose remains the same; Get in, get the job done, get out. Leave no trace.
“Exitus Acta Probat”
Slots marked by tags will have tagholders take preference. For all other slots, it's first come first served.
Phantom Actual (SL/TL Tags)**: @Veagance (TL Tags)
Phantom 1-2 (2ic - TL Tags)**: @vladdis611 (no tag)
Phantom Medic (Medic tags): @LurkerOne
Phantom Drone Op (UCAV Sentinel) (Fixed Wing tags): @GloppinBoopin (No tags)
Phantom Demolitionist: @EpsilonNiner
Phantom Operator*: @Resurge
Phantom Operator*: @Bashfulvideos
Phantom Operator*: @riccardi48
*By default, Operator slots are standard riflemen. However the SL may choose to swap one or more of his rifleman out for different roles to suit the mission. For this operation, SL may swap riflemen out for up to 1x Autorifleman and/or 1x Marksman.
**Phantom Actual and Phantom 1-2 will both be given medical status, but not permitted to take additional medical supplies. This is to allow the medic to be treated.
This mission will be hosted on FK#1.
DISCLAIMER: This will be a more role-play oriented mission. Players will be encouraged towards good decision making, strategy and discretion, and will be punished for recklessness. Plan your movements wisely.
You also play as a task force that does not abide by the regular rules of war. As such, during the course of the mission you may find yourself carrying out tasks that would normally be strictly off-limits for conventional forces.
Full situation briefing can be found here. I would encourage you to read this.
1x UCAV Sentinel
The UCAV Sentinel is capable of providing reconnaisance, intel and, if the situation is desperate enough, close air support. Your sentinel will be carrying a pair of LGBs, should you need them. These should be used as an absolute last resort. The Sentinel is stealthy enough that if kept at high enough altitude and away from the North Eastern Russian front, should easily avoid detection by radar.
This sentinel in particular is equipped with a radio jammer. It is specifically equipped to interfere with any long range radio signal that does not use an encyrption method that it recognises. In laymans terms, it will jam all long range radios, except for yours. This facility is only available whilst the drone is airborne, as when landed and being serviced on a carrier or airfield, the system is disabled for the health and safety of the maintenance crew.
As of the time of this operation, the Sentinel is in widespread use in the US Navy, so its not unsual to see on US Carrier decks. However if it is discovered, it will raise a few eyebrows across Chernarus and Russia as to why it's loitering in their airspace. You should strive to prevent it from being detected.
- No respawns. If you die, you die. (exempting for Arma reasons). The same is true for the asset. If you lose that, your life may get harder.
- Gear restrictions given at bottom of this brief.
No trace must be left behind
For instance, any LAT you fire must be retained and removed from the AO
- You may choose to forgo LAT completely and instead attempt to procure it from the enemy. Your choice.
- Each operator must carry their own bodybag. Anyone who is killed in action must be bagged and "disposed of". (i.e. bag the corpse, drag it somewhere it could feasibly be buried, ping zeus. Or destroy it yourself. Your choice.)
For instance, any LAT you fire must be retained and removed from the AO
Failure conditions:
- TF Phantom is rendered combat ineffective
- The helo wreckage is not secured
- The crash site is not secured
- Surviving aircrew are not extracted
- Evidence of direct US Intervention is uncovered by JCRT forces
Loss of the Sentinel will not result in a direct mission failure. However it may have consequences, both short and long term.
As per the detailed briefing, Russian forces recently moved into Chernarus and partially annexed the nation to the North East in order to access oil reserves off the coast. The Chernarussians were forced into a one-sided and uneasy cease fire agreement; the Joint Chernarus-Russia Treaty (JCRT). This has led to heightened tensions between the two nations, increased military awareness, and civilian uprisings in protest of the invasion and the Chernarussian Government's limp stance towards Russian Occupancy. The region is highly unstable, the USS Liberty and her task group were dispatched to the region to monitor the situation, in the absence of NATO assets.
The US Experimental Air Wing seized this opportunity to test a new type of radar scrambler against both the older Soviet-era radar systems fielded by the Chernarussians, as well as more capable systems in operation with modern Russian forces. A UH-60X Black Hawk helicopter was dispatched in secret into what is officially neutral Chernarussian airspace to test this capability. However, in poor weather and visibility conditions, the helicopter strayed too far north towards Russian airspace, and was believed shot down with a shoulder launched Infrared missile. Whether it was Russians or Chernarussians who shot down the helicopter is irrelevant. The only thing that matters know is that sensitive technology has been lost in potentially hostile territory and cannot be allowed to fall into Russian hands, lest they reverse engineer it.
Operation Overview
As soon as it was apparent that the helo was lost, CIA Task Force Phantom was deployed to the USS Liberty with the goal of preventing the Russians from uncovering the remains of the helo by any means. NATO is still taking the "out of sight, out of mind" approach, so as always, you're on your own for this one.
Your objective is simple. Asset and intel denial. You are tasked with securing any classified intel and/or assets to prevent them from falling into Russian possession, be it by recovery or destruction.
You will begin the mission at FOP Bigeye - a forward observation post near the helicopter's last known datum.
Your objectives are as follows:
OBJECTIVE SLAM: The last known datum of the UH-60X. Believed to be the crash site. Secure the area, search the wreckage for any intel. Destroy or recover any sensitive materials that may still remain.
OBJECTIVE ICARUS: The bulk of the UH-60X fuselage has been salvaged and moved to the town of Stary Sobor. The exact whereabouts is unknown so you may have to do some searching.
OBJECTIVE GABRIEL: The status of the aircrew is unknown, but they are to be presumed alive until known otherwise. During your mission, you should look for any intel that may give insight as to their status. You are to extract any survivors. We cannot allow them to be interrogated in case they give classified information over.
EXTRACTION: The US has an amicable relationship with some of the local civilian insurrectionist groups. In exchange for turning a slight blind eye to their more questionable tactics, they have allowed us unfettered access via sea and air to the Southwest of the region, which they currently control. As such, we have this area available for a covert extract, which may be via helo or sea boat, depending on operational parameters. Command will confirm your method of extraction and final rendezvous point prior to your arrival at the location.
Task Force Phantom: Equipment Allocation
Assault Rifles
HK416 Family (up to 14.5” barrel)
Mk18 Mod 1 (Black)
ACR-E 5.56 (Carbine or Compact)
M552 CCO
M150 RCO / Other Similar ACOG Sight (Attached RMR Allowed)
AN/PEQ-15 Black (Top or side mounted, with or without Torch, operator preference)
Any Black Suppressor
Any Black Foregrip (Optional)
(Variants with UGLs available for SL and 2ic)
Light Auto Rifles
M249 (Short/Para)
Mk46 Mod 0 or Mod 1
Any weapon under Assault Rifles using 100rnd C-Mags is permitted
M552 CCO
M150 RCO
AN/PEQ-15 Black
Any Black Suppressor
Bipod and/or Foregrip (Optional)
Marksman Rifles
SCAR-H (LB)(Black)
Any Scope up to 12x (or NV scope up to 16, as per FK Rules)
AN/PEQ-15 (Black)
Black Suppressor
Bipod (Optional)
MP7A2 (Available for Demolitionist and/or Drone Op)
M552 CCO
AN/PEQ-15 Black (Optional)
Any Black Suppressor
Black Foregrip (Optional)
Remember, you must leave no trace. Any AT you may use must not be left to be discovered by the enemy. You may choose to forgo carrying your own LAT, and attempt to procure it in the field.
Clothing and Equipment
G3 Multicam Black
FAST Ballistic (Black)/Fast Ballistic (Black/Headset)
Carrier Rig (Black) or Carrier Lite (Black)
MBAV Black (MachineGunner) - LMG Only
Any black military rucksack with no insignia on it.
LR: RT-1523G (ASIP) Black / Radio Pack (Black) LR.
Balaclava (Black)
Both SL and 2IC will be allowed to carry SOFLAM laser designators