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SCP Mod Testing Mission

Community Events

Event details


This event is for the people who are willing to test out a small mission using the SCP Modset (provided for those who RSVP) for a future SCP based mission.
The testing will begin after 1st Main on 2nd Feb 2021. I'm looking for just a small team of 10 people since it will contain spoilers for the main mission.

For those who have downloaded/played the STARWARS or HALO modset, you'll only require additional 1GB of mods to download.

Please RSVP if you are planning on testing out the modset and a sample mission (WITH SPOILERS).
The testing will be done in FK4

@andyt90 will be your squad leader and will brief you more about the situation and stuff.


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Reference, I picked the medic-slot.

  1. The video is nice, but cheaper on bandwidth, is to add an audio file and use the "news"-overlay so people can read with the audio.
    Additionally with the video is that my DUI was overaying on the subtitles.
  2. Contact DLC is required in order to use the Spectrum device
  3. Arsenal was hard to reach on the object it was attached to
  4. No markers on the map
  5. Shortrange not set for certain positions (after arsenal maybe?)
  6. Shortrange volume is default 82 instead of 70, earrape guaranteed
  7. The weaponry choice was poor as in burst/semi, and the scope is only zoomed in, I took the scope off in the mission
  8. We spawned without flashlights, or at least some of us, please provide if you intend night
  9. Flashing lights, especially in the end might warrant a epilepsy warning
  10. I overheard that Griffin did not get his loadout after he respawned, he mentioned he might have had the same loadout as he died with instead of the initial one
  11. Radio's reset apparently when you respawn, and/or some were reset when in/out the arsenal
  12. Wounds and medicing, there were various occasions where the amound of small wounds were waaaay to much for a single medic to handle. Please fix, or give us a backpack full of CATs so we can just PAK.

Final note, for someone that has not played SCP-missions before, this mission did not make sense for me. A lot of new aspects are being introduced in a short amount time, just overwhelming for me personally.

Here's the clip of the testing including the debrief:


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sorry for late reply, I got caught up in a few things during the week

I was just a normal rifle man for the mission.

  • the video was nice,
  • smaller file size for loading in would be nice, but it wasn't to much of a problem as everybody got in at the same time
  • I feel that the platoon lead would need a lot of preparation, and would suggest that that role must be reserved in order for the mission to go ahead
  • the idea of some bullets not doing as much damage is nice, but you must make it clear at the briefing and before the mission starts that it is a thing, as well as a detailed brief on that subject in written form somewhere on the event page
  • separate briefing to read would be nice for each squad, eg. what they are good at, equipment list and so on
  • make sure people know of the event in advance (maybe a month) as the last thing you would want is for nobody to show up, or not enough people
    • this is also so people have time to prepare, as alot of information needs to be processed
  • maybe giving more information on the mission, and not going in as blind
    • eg. saying how many obj's there are as well as how close they are together and where there are expected to be certain enemy's 
  • fixing scp 173

if I think of anything else ill update this!

overall I enjoyed it and I understand that it was a test.

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