Operation Expeditious Rejoinder
Event created by Monocled Badger
Event details
This will take place on FK#2 from 1600 - 1700 GMT
To attend you MUST RVSP and DECLARE your slot. Tags take priority and will be respected (However final slotting is my discretion).
The aim of this is to have a slightly smaller, more serious/immersive mission for those who enjoy it. As a result, the follow constraints are in play.
1) No Respawns - Dead is Dead.
2) No Resupplies or looting - Take only what you need
3) No BFT
This mission is a slight proof of concept, feedback from all participants would be greatly appreciated
Event details
Player Faction
US (Naval Special Warfare Development Group) (BLUFOR)
DEVGRU - Blue Squadron - Troop 2
1 x 6 Man Assault Team (1 x Team Lead, 5 x Assaulters)
24th Special Tactics Squadron
1 x MH-6 Little Bird (Transport - USA (SOCOM) Variant) (1 x Pilot)
Friendly Forces (BLUFOR)
Opposing Forces (OPFOR)
Western Armed Private Military Corporation
2 x Civilian EOD Specialists (Hostages)
Time of Operation (ToO)
0000 Local Time
Operation Expeditious Rejoinder
Several hours ago, after responding to a call about a possible IED threat at the "ab-e Shur dam" outside the city limits of "Zargabad", 2 Civilian EOD Specialists and their NATO escort were engaged by an unknown PMC Group. Initial reports indicate the NATO escort were overwhelmed rapidly and the EOD Specialists were taken captive. No warning was given prior to this engagement. Outside of several isolated bombings from remainder insurgent groups in the area, the NATO peacekeeping mission has gone smoothly here over the last 6 months. It is entirely unknown who, or where this group has come from.
Regardless of the mystery presented by this situation, JSOC has ordered an operation for the immediate retrieval of the two civilians. Drone Surveillance picked up the PMC convoy moving through the city of Zargabad who headed North East, to a compound simply known as "The Villa". Surveillance then witnessed the dismounting of the Convoy inside of the compound outside of the main building. Preliminary analysis of this footage shows that despite the overwhelming engagement, both hostages appear to be in good health and largely unharmed.
We know that they moved the hostages into the main building (GRID REF 048 045) but their exact position inside the building is unknown. A room by room clear and search will need to be conducted. The PMC group appears to have remained in position and no attempts or preparations to move have been made, at least any that have been observed.
There are currently 2 possibilities for their current holding.
- They understand NATO presence is a peacekeeping mission and they will not interfere. As such they intend to ransom the Specialists to the local authorities.
- They have been hired by currently unknown parties to specifically abduct these two. They are waiting for further instructions/movement orders.
Either situation presents a small window of opportunity which cannot be missed. A rapid raid on the target building must be conducted. A makeshift checkpoint at the inner road entrance prevents a ram raid via ground vehicles from occurring.
As a result, an aerial insertion of your troop (Callsign "Assassin") via MH-6 (Callsign "Star") will be conducted. Star will approach the target compound from the West. Make a landing on the central portion of the target building, depositing the troop (Reference Point A) using the vegetation to the East to obscure the view and fire from the infantry stationed at the checkpoint.
Star will then Exfil West and then North, eventually holding at GRID REF 053 058, using the terrain as cover until the extraction of the troop and the hostages following completion of the Raid. Signal for extraction process to begin will be via code phrase "Twilight". This will be passed from the Team Lead to Star.
The Troops assault plan will be up to the Team leader. However information to note is as follows: Reference Point A gives immediate access to the building via the central stairwell that runs through the building. Additional entrances can be found at Ground Level. Ground Level entrances are on the North, South East, South, and South Western sides of the building. The southern side entrances are exposed via glass panes which make up a portion of the buildings ground level walls, these serve as the main building entrance. The Northern entrances do not have such exposure and serve as the rear building entrances. The rear entrances were used to move the Hostages inside.
Slots (To declare a slot - you MUST RSVP)
DEVGRU - Blue Squadron - Troop 2 - "Assassin" - Slotting guide
Team Leader: @Silberjojo
Assaulter: @TheSalader
Assaulter: @LurkerOne
Assaulter: @info
Assaulter: @riccardi48
Assaulter: @Abi
Backups: @Veagance @kMaN
24th Special Tactics Squadron - MH-6 Little Bird - "Star"
Pilot: @L00_Cyph3r
Gear Restrictions (Square brackets denote mod)
Loadout imports (open these, copy the text, load ACE Arsenal and click Import)
Team Lead Loadout
Assaulter Loadout
Pilot Loadout
DEVGRU - Blue Squadron - Troop 2 - "Assassin"
UNIFORM : G3 Uniform (Multicam) [RHSBlue]
VEST : JPC Light (MC) [RHSBlue]
HELMET : FAST Ballistic (Multicam Cover/Headset/NSW) [RHSBlue]
FACEWEAR : Face Shield + Tactical/Shemagh (KHK) [Military Gear Pack]
RIFLE : HK416 D10 (DEVGRU) [NIArms] - EOTech 552.A65/1 [RKSL] - AN/PEQ-15/M952V Black (Light) [RHS Blue] - B&T RotexIIIC (Grey) [NIArms] - 5.56MM EPR 30Rnd STANAG [NIArms]
GRENADES : M84 Stun Grenade [ACE]
NVG : AN/PVS-15 [RHSBlue]
LR - RT-1523G (ASIP) + VHF/UHF Antenna (Multicam) [Ilbe]
24th Special Tactics Squadron - MH-6 Little Bird - "Star"
UNIFORM : G3 Uniform (Multicam) [RHSBlue]
VEST : JPC Light (MC) [RHSBlue]
FACEWEAR : Face Shield + Tactical/Shemagh (KHK) [Military Gear Pack]
RIFLE : MP7A2 [RHSBlue] - EOTech 552.A65/1 [RKSL] - AN/PEQ-15 Black [RHSBlue] - Rotex-II (Black) [RHSBlue] - TD Vetrical Grip [RHSBlue] - 40rnd MP7 SX FMJ
NVG : AN/PVS-15 [RHSBlue]
LR - RT-1523G (ASIP) + VHF/UHF Antenna (Multicam) [Ilbe]