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Badger's Belters: Operation Warning Knell


Monocled Badger
Community Events

Event details


This will take place on FK#2 from 1600 - 1800 GMT
To attend you MUST RVSP and DECLARE your slot. Tags take priority and will be respected (However final slotting is my discretion).

The aim of this is to have a slightly smaller, more serious/immersive mission for those who enjoy it. As a result, the follow constraints are in play.

1) No Respawns - Dead is Dead.
2) No Resupplies or looting - Take only what you need
3) Markers will not be provided by Crossroads, only Grid Refs.
4) No BFT

Event details
Player Faction
US (Naval Special Warfare Development Group) (BLUFOR)

DEVGRU - Blue Squadron
1 x 9 Man Assault Team

24th Special Tactics Squadron
1 x AH-64D (Configurable Loadout) (1 x Pilot, 1 x Gunner)

Friendly Forces (BLUFOR)

Opposing Forces (OPFOR)

Time of Operation (ToO)

Operation Warning Knell
Over the last few months, insurgents have been conducting raids and attacks against Civilian locales as well as NATO forces stationed around the Region of "Reshmaan Province". Black Squadron has been working with a number local assets to find a tangible target in the region and after weeks of work - they have succeeded. Hostiles have been using the hamlet of "Farhannah" (GRIDREF - 050 030) and the Old Coal Mine to the South East (GRIDREF - 060 034) as possible supply points, Observations from local sources have identified Weapons Caches, Technicals and multiple foot mobiles in and around these areas.

Blue Squadron will be deploying an Assault Team (Callsign "Hitman") in a Dusk raid whose objectives will be as follows:

1) Assault the compounds identified by local intelligence. 
2) Tag any munitions stockpiles and take evidence.
3) Perform sensitive site exploitation (SSE) to gather further intelligence. 
4) Exfiltrate

JSOC has also attached a AH-64D for support (Callsign "Viper") on this raid in case things take a turn for the worse. Since we need to gather intelligence and evidence during this raid, simply levelling the Targets with the Apache is not an option. Viper will be on station to provide real time intel as well as Fire Support should it be needed. 

Make no mistake, despite the NATO Presence in the surrounding regions, this is entirely hostile territory. Due recent losses and setbacks, prevailing public opinion in the member states is against the Task Forces involvement in the regions. NATO is not keen to commit more forces. We need a win, and this raid may be the key to that down the line. Despite the heavy setbacks these insurgents have caused NATO as well as the Intelligence gathered by Black Squadrons work, very little is known about their strength, disposition or assets.

You will insert on foot over the Southern Border (GRIDREF - 0678 0157), proceed to the aforementioned sites, conduct the raids and then extract. Viper will depart from the NATO controlled Airport, North of "Bahijah" and move to station to assist.

Slots (To declare a slot - you MUST RSVP)
DEVGRU - Blue Squadron - Assault Team 1 - "Hitman" - Slotting Guide
           Squad Leader: @Silberjojo
           Combat Life Saver: @kMaN
           Designated Marksman: @LurkerOne
           Breacher: @Fabs
           Assaulter: @Abi
           Assaulter: @Rtiler96
           Breacher: @Veagance
           Assaulter: @riccardi48
           Assaulter: @Haesten Thorsen

24th Special Tactics Squadron - AH-64D - "Viper"
           Pilot: @L00_Cyph3r
           Gunner: @info

Gear Restrictions (Square brackets denote mod)

DEVGRU - Blue Squadron - Assault Team 1 - "Hitman"
           UNIFORM : Combat Uniform OEF-CP [RHSBlue]
           VEST : SPCS OEF-CP (Fitting Variant) [RHSBlue]
           HELMET : ACH OEF-CP (Headset/Alt) [RHSBlue]
           FACEWEAR : Face Shield + Goggles/Shemagh (KHK) [Military Gear Pack]
           BACKPACK : Eagle A-III OEF-CP [RHSBlue]
           RIFLE : HK416 D10 (DEVGRU) [NIArms - IOR-Valdada Pitbull 2 [Base Game] - AN/PEQ-15 Black [RHS Blue] - AAC M4-2000 [NIArms[ - 5.56MM SOST 30Rnd PMAG [NIArms]
           DMR : Mk 11 Mod 0 (EC) [RHSBlue] - KIT (MAXIKITE [UK3CB] - AN/PEQ-15 Black [RHSBlue] - AAC 762-SD [RHSBlue] - Bipod (Black) [NATO] [Base Game] - 20rnd SR-25 M993 AP [RHSBlue]
           PISTOL : SigSauer P226R [NIArms] - Steiner DBAL-PL (IR) [NIArms]  - 9mm FMJ 15rnd P226 Magazine [NIArms]
           LAT : NONE
           OPTICS : Rangefinder [Base Game]
           NVG : NV Goggles (Wide) [ACE]
           RADIOS : SR - AN/PRC-152 [TFAR]  
                            LR - RT-1523G (ASIP) + Whip Antenna (OCP) [Ilbe]

24th Special Tactics Squadron - AH-64D - "Viper"
           UNIFORM : Combat Uniform OEF-CP [RHSBlue]
           VEST : SPCS (Crewman/OEF-CP) [RHSBlue]
           HELMET : IHADSS [RHSBlue]
           FACEWEAR : Face Shield + Goggles/Shemagh (KHK) [Military Gear Pack]
           BACKPACK : Eagle A-III OEF-CP [RHSBlue]
           RIFLE : MP7A2 [RHSBlue] - XPS3 [RHSBlue] - AN/PEQ-15 Black [RHSBlue] - Rotex-II (Black) [RHSBlue] - TD Vetrical Grip [RHSBlue]
           PISTOL : SigSauer P226R [NIArms] - Steiner DBAL-PL (IR) [NIArms]  - 9mm FMJ 15rnd P226 Magazine [NIArms]
           NVG : NV Goggles (Wide) [ACE]
           RADIOS : SR - AN/PRC-152 [TFAR]  
                            LR - RT-1523G (ASIP) + Whip Antenna (OCP) [Ilbe]


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  • Administrator


8 minutes ago, Silberjojo said:

Intel gathered by Callsign Hitman: 

Dissapointed that the names of the Hitman-group are not redacted

  • Haha 1
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