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Operation Aberdeen


Happyiest Hippo
Mission Planner

Event details


Operation Aberdeen - 26 Slots





28th October 2019 5:00 AM Overcast

This is a joint operation between the SAS and Delta Force who have been air dropped deep behind enemy lines in Takistan on LZ. You have driven 150 Kilometers and are now just North of the town of Shamali. You have been tasked with destroying a Taliban fuel depot which is being used to pay for profiteering to keep up terror in the region. There is sure to be useful intel in the main buildings so try not to strike them with cas or rockets. The SAS have been equipped in a way to support the assault with direct fire, while Delta are kitted to lead the assault.


The infantry have a set ROE which is to stick to engagements in between the two red Grid lines. Due to the potential loss of life to villagers your assault must stick to the AO limit. Once you start moving in your land vics, your planes are on a 10 minute cooldown, so can only be called into the AO after this period. They will only have the munitions onboard and once depleted will need to RTB where they will re-arm and only be re-tasked if and when you gain any Intel that they may be utilized for. You will also only have a limited amount of equipment on you so use your ammo wisely!


Destroy fuel tanks in compound to disrupt Taliban cash flow and gather any useful intel/capture or kill fighters.

When going about destroying the oil tanks you should be able to take out two with one charge if planted properly but just incase bring some extra charges in vics.

NO RESPAWNS, this mission is going to be extremely hard so plan accordingly and utilize assets
(Medics are combat medics so can only give fluids and stabilize no packing)
All units apart from medics to bring normal med supplies + 2 x 250ml saline + 1 x 500ml saline


With the mag restrictions this doesnt count for the mags loaded in gun

Heavy Gear restrictions if you look through this spreadsheet if you plan to play and get the gear ready before

Squad Loadout Uniform Weapons Uniform equip Vest equip Backpack equip Additional equipment Weapon attachments
1st Squad SAS
SAS Squad leader
U - Ubacs mtp M4A1 (M203) RHS 6 x bandage M67 x 3 Pistol mag x 2 Range finder Acog, Holo or aimpoint
V - JPC Teamleader + belt Glock 17 RHS 2 x 250ml saline + 1 x 500ml Smoke x 4   Microdagger  
B - Rt - 1523G 20KM   epi + morphine x 1 Pmag x 7   Maglite  
H - opscore 01   splint + tourniquet x 1 40mm HE x 3      
    cable tie x 2 40mm smoke x 6      
SAS Combat Medic
U - Ubacs mtp M4A1 magpull RHS 6 x bandage Pmag x 6 Packing bandage x 25 Microdagger Acog, Holo or aimpoint
V - JPC Medic   2 x 250ml saline + 1 x 500ml M67 x 2 Splint + tourniquet x 10 Maglite Afg or Rvg
B - Kitbag MTP (BAF)   epi + morphine x 1 Smoke x 6 5500ml Blood   Peq 15 light
H - opscore 01   splint + tourniquet x 1   Surgical kit x 1    
    cable tie x 2   Bodybag x 6    
SAS Sniper
U - Ubacs mtp AI AWM 6 x bandage 10 x Primary mag   Microdagger Nightforce NXS
V - JPC marksman + belt Glock 17 RHS 2 x 250ml saline + 1 x 500ml 2 x pistol mag   Maglite  
B - None   epi + morphine x 1 4 x smoke grenade   Vector  
H - opscore 01   splint + tourniquet x 1 1 x M67   Range table  
    cable tie x 2        
SAS Spotter
U - Ubacs mtp M4A1 magpull RHS 6 x bandage Pmag x 6 Range card Microdagger Acog, Holo or aimpoint
V - JPC Teamleader Glock 17 RHS 2 x 250ml saline + 1 x 500ml 2 x pistol mag AtraqMX Maglite Afg or Rvg
B - backpanel pointman   epi + morphine x 1 M67 x 3 Kestrel Vector Peq 15 light
H - opscore 01   splint + tourniquet x 1 Smoke x 6 Spotting scope    
    cable tie x 2        
2nd Squad SAS
SAS Team Lead
U - Ubacs mtp M4A1 magpull RHS 6 x bandage PMAG x 6   Microdagger Acog, Holo or aimpoint
V - JPC Assaulter   2 x 250ml saline + 1 x 500ml M67 x 3   Maglite Afg or Rvg
B - None   epi + morphine x 1 Smoke x 6     Peq 15 light
H - opscore 01   splint + tourniquet x 1        
    cable tie x 2        
SAS Rifleman m6
U - Ubacs mtp M4A1 magpull RHS 6 x bandage PMAG x 6 60MM HE x 2 Microdagger Acog, Holo or aimpoint
V - JPC Assaulter M6 Light mortar 2 x 250ml saline + 1 x 500ml Smoke x 2 60MM Airburst HE x 2 Maglite Afg or Rvg
B - Kitbag MTP (BAF)   epi + morphine x 1   60MM Smoke x 2   Peq 15 light
H - opscore 01   splint + tourniquet x 1        
    cable tie x 2        
SAS Rifleman assistant
U - Ubacs mtp M4A1 magpull RHS 6 x bandage PMAG x 6 60MM HE x 2   Acog, Holo or aimpoint
V - JPC Assaulter   2 x 250ml saline + 1 x 500ml Smoke x 2 60MM Airburst HE x 2   Afg or Rvg
B - Kitbag MTP (BAF)   epi + morphine x 1   60MM Smoke x 2   Peq 15 light
H - opscore 01   splint + tourniquet x 1        
    cable tie x 2        
SAS Rifleman assistant
U - Ubacs mtp M4A1 magpull RHS 6 x bandage PMAG x 6 60MM HE x 2   Acog, Holo or aimpoint
V - JPC Assaulter   2 x 250ml saline + 1 x 500ml Smoke x 2 60MM Airburst HE x 2   Afg or Rvg
B - Kitbag MTP (BAF)   epi + morphine x 1   60MM Smoke x 2   Peq 15 light
H - opscore 01   splint + tourniquet x 1        
    cable tie x 2        
3rd Squad SAS
SAS Team Lead
U - Ubacs mtp M4A1 magpull RHS 6 x bandage PMAG x 6   Microdagger Acog, Holo or aimpoint
V - JPC Assaulter   2 x 250ml saline + 1 x 500ml M67 x 3   Maglite Afg or Rvg
B - None   epi + morphine x 1 Smoke x 6     Peq 15 light
H - opscore 01   splint + tourniquet x 1        
    cable tie x 2        
SAS Autorifleman
U - Ubacs mtp M249 PIP (Short/Ltwt.) 6 x bandage 200 softpack mix x 2   Microdagger M145 MGO
V - JPC heavygunner + belt Glock 17 2 x 250ml saline + 1 x 500ml Pistol mag x 2   Maglite  
B - None   epi + morphine x 1        
H - opscore 01   splint + tourniquet x 1        
    cable tie x 2        
SAS Auto assistant
U - Ubacs mtp M4A1 magpull RHS 6 x bandage PMAG x 6 200 softpack mix x 2 Microdagger Acog, Holo or aimpoint
V - JPC Assaulter   2 x 250ml saline + 1 500ml Smoke x 2   Maglite Afg or Rvg
B - back panel pointman   epi + morphine x 1     Binos Peq 15 light
H - opscore 01   splint + tourniquet x 1        
    cable tie x 2        
SAS Combat Medic
U - Ubacs mtp M4A1 magpull RHS 6 x bandage Pmag x 6 Packing bandage x 25 Microdagger Acog, Holo or aimpoint
V - JPC Medic   2 x 250ml saline + 1 x 500ml M67 x 2 Splint + tourniquet x 10 Maglite Afg or Rvg
B - Kitbag MTP (BAF)   epi + morphine x 1 Smoke x 6 5500ml Blood   Peq 15 light
H - opscore 01   splint + tourniquet x 1   Surgical kit x 1    
    cable tie x 2   Bodybag x 6    
1st Squad Delta Force
Squad Lead
U - G3 multicam/Green HK416 D10 (M320) 6 x bandage M67 x 3 2 x pistol mags M57 Firing Device SU230, Holo or aimpoint
V - MMAC Teamlead + belt Glock 17 2 x 250ml saline + 1 x 500ml Smoke x 4 M112 Demo block x 2   Peq 15 light
B - Rt - 1523G 20KM   epi + morphine x 1 Pmag x 6     Suppresor
H - Fast multicam comms   splint + tourniquet x 1 40mm HE x 4      
    cable tie x 2 40mm smoke x 4      
Combat Medic
U - G3 multicam/Green HK416 D10 (sopmod) 6 x bandage Pmag x 6 Packing bandage x 25 Microdagger SU230, Holo or aimpoint
V - MMAC medic + belt   2 x 250ml saline + 1 x 500ml M67 x 2 Splint + tourniquet x 10 Maglite Afg or Rvg
B - Eagle A-III Ranger Green   epi + morphine x 1 Smoke x 6 5500ml Blood   Peq 15 light
H - Fast multicam comms   splint + tourniquet x 1   Surgical kit x 1   Suppresor
    cable tie x 2   Bodybag x 4    
U - G3 multicam/Green HK416 D10 (sopmod) 6 x bandage M67 x 3 Satcom Microdagger SU230, Holo or aimpoint
V - MMAC Teamlead + belt   2 x 250ml saline + 1 x 500ml Smoke x 4   Maglite Afg or Rvg
B - ILBE 1523G whip mulitcam   epi + morphine x 1 Pmag x 6   Soflam Peq 15 light
H - Fast multicam comms   splint + tourniquet x 1       Suppresor
    cable tie x 2        
U - G3 multicam/Green HK416 D10 (sopmod) 6 x bandage Pmag x 6   Microdagger SU230, Holo or aimpoint
V - MMAC assaulter   2 x 250ml saline + 1 x 500ml M67 x 3   Maglite Afg or Rvg
B - none   epi + morphine x 1 Smoke x 4     Peq 15 light
H - Fast multicam comms   splint + tourniquet x 1       Suppresor
    cable tie x 2        
2nd Squad Delta Force
Squad Lead
U - G3 multicam/Green HK416 D10 (M320) 6 x bandage M67 x 3 2 x pistol mags M57 Firing Device SU230, Holo or aimpoint
V - MMAC Teamlead + belt Glock 17 2 x 250ml saline + 1 x 500ml Smoke x 4 M112 Demo block x 2   Peq 15 light
B - Rt - 1523G 20KM   epi + morphine x 1 Pmag x 6     Suppresor
H - Fast multicam comms   splint + tourniquet x 1 40mm HE x 4      
    cable tie x 2 40mm smoke x 4      
Combat Medic
U - G3 multicam/Green HK416 D10 (sopmod) 6 x bandage Pmag x 6 Packing bandage x 25 Microdagger SU230, Holo or aimpoint
V - MMAC medic + belt   2 x 250ml saline + 1 x 500ml M67 x 2 Splint + tourniquet x 10 Maglite Afg or Rvg
B - Eagle A-III Ranger Green   epi + morphine x 1 Smoke x 6 5500ml Blood   Peq 15 light
H - Fast multicam comms   splint + tourniquet x 1   Surgical kit x 1   Suppresor
    cable tie x 2   Bodybag x 4    
U - G3 multicam/Green HK416 D10 (m320) 6 x bandage Pmag x 6 M183 Demo charge x 2 Microdagger SU230, Holo or aimpoint
V - MMAC Grenadier   2 x 250ml saline + 1 x 500ml M67 x 3   Maglite Afg or Rvg
B - Eagle A-III Ranger Green   epi + morphine x 1 Smoke x 4   M57 Firing Device Peq 15 light
H - Fast multicam comms   splint + tourniquet x 1 40mm x 3     Suppresor
    cable tie x 2 40mm smoke x 3      
U - G3 multicam/Green HK416 D10 (sopmod) 6 x bandage Pmag x 6 M183 Demo charge x 3 Microdagger SU230, Holo or aimpoint
V - MMAC assaulter   2 x 250ml saline + 1 x 500ml M67 x 3   Maglite Afg or Rvg
B - Eagle A-III Ranger Green   epi + morphine x 1 Smoke x 4   M57 Firing Device Peq 15 light
H - Fast multicam comms   splint + tourniquet x 1       Suppresor
    cable tie x 2        
3rd Squad Delta Force
Squad Lead
U - G3 multicam/Green HK416 D10 (M320) 6 x bandage M67 x 3 2 x pistol mags M57 Firing Device SU230, Holo or aimpoint
V - MMAC Teamlead + belt Glock 17 2 x 250ml saline + 1 x 500ml Smoke x 4 M112 Demo block x 2   Peq 15 light
B - Rt - 1523G 20KM   epi + morphine x 1 Pmag x 6     Suppresor
H - Fast multicam comms   splint + tourniquet x 1 40mm HE x 4      
    cable tie x 2 40mm smoke x 4      
Combat Medic
U - G3 multicam/Green HK416 D10 (sopmod) 6 x bandage Pmag x 6 Packing bandage x 25 Microdagger SU230, Holo or aimpoint
V - MMAC medic + belt   2 x 250ml saline + 1 x 500ml M67 x 2 Splint + tourniquet x 10 Maglite Afg or Rvg
B - Eagle A-III Ranger Green   epi + morphine x 1 Smoke x 6 5500ml Blood   Peq 15 light
H - Fast multicam comms   splint + tourniquet x 1   Surgical kit x 1   Suppresor
    cable tie x 2   Bodybag x 4    
U - G3 multicam/Green HK416 D10 (sopmod) 6 x bandage Pmag x 6 M183 Demo charge x 3 Microdagger SU230, Holo or aimpoint
V - MMAC assaulter   2 x 250ml saline + 1 x 500ml M67 x 3   Maglite Afg or Rvg
B - Eagle A-III Ranger Green   epi + morphine x 1 Smoke x 4   M57 Firing Device Peq 15 light
H - Fast multicam comms   splint + tourniquet x 1       Suppresor
    cable tie x 2        
U - G3 multicam/Green HK416 D10 (sopmod) 6 x bandage Pmag x 6 M183 Demo charge x 3 Microdagger SU230, Holo or aimpoint
V - MMAC assaulter   2 x 250ml saline + 1 x 500ml M67 x 3   Maglite Afg or Rvg
B - Eagle A-III Ranger Green   epi + morphine x 1 Smoke x 4   M57 Firing Device Peq 15 light
H - Fast multicam comms   splint + tourniquet x 1       Suppresor
    cable tie x 2        


1st Squad SAS                  Landrover Milan                                                                  

1 - Squad Lead @Garfield      
2 - Combat Medic (Medic Tags) @TheSalader
3 - Sniper LI AWM (Sniper Tags) @kMaN
4 - Spotter (Spotter Tags) @colt92


2nd Squad SAS           Landrover GPMG      

1 - Team Lead @Wattsits
2 - Rifleman ( M6 mortar) (Artillery Tags) @Vados
3 - Rifleman mortar assist @anden3
4 - Rifleman mortar assist @Kit
3rd Squad SAS           Landrover GPMG

1 - Team Lead @Whiskers
2 - Autorifleman @LilyBear
3 - Rifleman @Winters
4 - Combat Medic (Medic Tags) @Root

1st Squad Delta Force    MRZR          

1 - Squad Lead @Alex
2 - Combat Medic (Medic Tags) @LurkerOne    
3 - Tacp (Fac Tags) @BenFromTTG No tag    
4 - Operator (demo) @SAUCEGODISHALL

2nd Squad Delta Force    MRZR

1 - Squad Lead @KingShibe
2 - Combat Medic (Medic Tags) @johnb43
3 - Rifleman grenadier @Veagance  
4 - Operator  (demo) @Fireblade    

3rd Squad Delta Force    MRZR

1 - Squad Lead
2 - Combat Medic (Medic Tags) @Cpt.Bassbeard
3 - Operator (demo)
4 - Operator (demo)

1st Squadron

1 - F-16C Pilot fixed loadout (Fixed Wing Tags) @Mittens

2 - F-16C Pilot fixed loadout (Fixed Wing Tags) @gadsada


Recommended Comments

Requesting Sniper (with tag) if Beyond can't make it.  Otherwise, I'll take any of the Demo slots in Delta please. 😄

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Happyiest Hippo


11 minutes ago, info said:

Tacp Please (no tags)

you want a diffrent spot ben asked for it just before?

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