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Rotary Wing Gunship Gunner - Training


Training Planner

Event details


Rotary Wing Gunship Gunner - Training


There is no need to be able to fly (or know anything about RW at all) to take part in this training.

This training will be a focus on the role of Rotary Wing Gunship Gunner

This will include, but not limited to:

  • Classification of Gunships
  • Systems and Radar
  • HUD
  • Command roles
  • Comms (Between WSO/FAC/Pilot)
  • The Various Munitions and there roles and use
  • Means of Engagement 
  • Target Engagement and Prioritisation
  • Emergency Procedures Auto Rotation/Anti Torque Failure


Taking part in this training DOES NOT give you any priority during slotting.


Regulars do not have any priorty. Anyone can RSVP.

We are limiting the RSVP to 4 people as this training session will have a lot of information and have practical scenarios.

Be sensible, any amount of extreme deliberate disturbance to the training(completely unnecessary or unrelated crashes, stupid delays due to not paying attention .etc.) will get you kicked out of the training, possibly even with a ban, and maybe even a ban from further trainings.


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