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DCS: Operation Charlie Don't Surf

Community Events

Event details


After 1st main.



Player side: Vietnam era US forces

Enemy: V.C and NVA

V.C and NVA forces hold a position at Garkusha, you have been ordered to secure it.

Enemy forces spotted consist of large amounts of infantry, light mortars, some armour and flak guns. Farmers and hips have been seen previously.



Safely land at least two hueys near Garkusha for 20 - 30 seconds to "deploy infantry".

Destroy majority of V.C and NVA forces. ( Enemy mortar positions must be destroyed)



Aircraft numbers are flexible, if there is a large demand for one kind the numbers can be increased slightly.


Air Cav Hueys;

1: @info

2: @Garfield

3: @alt_sanity

Loadouts:  (All): 2x M134 (Door guns), 2x XM158 X7 HE.


Army "Cobras" (Ka-50s)

1: @anden3


Loadouts: 1: 12X Vikhr ATGMs, 40X S8OFP2. 2: 40X S8OFP2, 40X S8KOM.

(Outer pylons first)


Air Force "F4s" (F-18s)

1: @Spartan_MiniMe

2: @Shoxe

3: @KingShibe

Loadouts: (1&2) 4X AIM-7F, 4X AIM-9L, 1X 330 Gal External Fuel Tank. 3: 8x Zuni rockets, 2x AIM-9L 1X 330 Gal External Fuel Tank.


Air Force F5s 

1: Open

2: @Thorimus

Loadouts: (All) 2X AIM-9P5, 7X MK-82 Snakeyes, 2X 150 Gal External Fuel Tank.


AWACS/ATC: @Astrid

Please know how to operate your aircraft, weapons and radios.

All aircraft will have a 'hot' start


Please have DCS OPEN BETA, the module that you will be flying and SRS downloaded.

Server information can be found in the TS.


Recommended Comments

5 hours ago, Carlito said:

I wish I could have seen this evet earlier :(


what aircraft were you interested in, i can add another probably. As long as it's not an F18

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1 hour ago, info said:

what aircraft were you interested in, i can add another probably. As long as it's not an F18

you gave me a chance to join in but :( i only know the f18.Its ok I will join in the next one

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