There are 3 possible events you can create. Here they are and explained how:
- Mission Planner: The mission planner is for Main Missions. You have to follow this guide line for the requirements. These events also need approval by CMs.
- Training Planner: The Training Planner is for Training events. If you are running a Training use this calendar.
- Community Events: This is for games other than Arma 3 or special events in Arma 3 which take place during off hours. This includes reserving the server for you and your friends to play together.
If you do something on the Training Planner or the Community Events Calendar, it is preferred that you either take the 2nd Server or make sure nothing else is running at the same time.
Events happening today
21 February 2025 21:00
After much hard work and long hours by @L00_Cyph3r , the Arma Exile Server is ready for use. Due to the headache of setting it up, Cypher went with a minimal modset, see below for the required mods and optional mod, to prevent crashes we would ask you not load any other whitelisted mods that we allow on the other servers as we dont know what they might do on the server.
Required Mods: Exile + TFAR Beta + CBA
Optional Mods: DUI Squad Radar
Any issues please post in the Exile GOTM channel on discord, PLEASE DO NOT PING Cypher directly, we will follow up on any issues when we have time.
If you wish to join the server early to check you can connect, etc you are free to do so but we would ask that as many people be available for this event so that we can get a good start to the GOTM
We would ask all players read these rules, if you see any possible issue of rule-breaking please bring it to the attention of an online staff member (where possible)
No Cheating/Hacking. No Wall glitching. This includes but not limited to, looking through walls/floors, running at walls/floors to gain access to a base, vaulting through windows or peaking through an object to gain an advantage No Exploiting. This includes but not limited to, laying inside of objects or abusing broken Arma mechanics. Accusing players of doing something illegal must be backed up with proof! Suspect someone of cheating? Please contact a staff member. Do not accuse them at all. Combat logging is not allowed. You will be punished. Air to Air, Air to Ground and Air to Base Kamikaze is strictly forbidden (including parachute against other vehicles and players) Do not log out inside of other players bases. Logging out for the restart is fine as long as you log back in after a very short amount of time. Deploying vehicles inside any object is not allowed. This includes other vehicles, walls, players, etc. Placing/Crafting objects/items into vehicles/players is an exploit. Do not do this. Rappelling is not to be used in such a way that the rappelling rope goes through objects making you reach positions that you wouldn't normally be able to access, doing this is considered glitching. Shooting or scouting within 500m radius of any territory into a spawn zone or any kind of trader is not allowed. Shooting or scouting within 500m radius of any territory into the cement mixer area is not allowed. Shooting or scouting within the 500m radius of any territory to any static mission is not allowed. Grouping with other families or parties is not allowed. (This includes but not limited to teaming up to counter/do raids, missions, capture points and looting with other groups\families) SAFE ZONE RULES:
No Safe Zone ramming. No stealing in Safe Zones. If it's not yours, do not touch it. This is including dead bodies. Do not follow a player out of the Safe Zone to kill or engage them in any way. Do not block traders with vehicles or crates. Vehicles left in the Safe Zones on restarts will be unlocked and can be taken within the first 5 minutes. Once a vehicle is taken, the driver owns it. Do not attempt to take it back. Legitimately stolen vehicles are owned by the person that drove it into the Safe Zone. You cannot take it back if you got it taken from you! Do not troll the new owner by locking the vehicle etc. Destroying vehicles in the Safe Zone is forbidden. No trolling within the Safe Zones. Scouting from Safe Zone is not allowed. No shooting other players within 500m of the Safe Zone. This is considered the "NO PVP ZONE". No combat evading into the Safe Zone or "NO PVP ZONE". If you have been shot at, do not enter these zones for at least 2 minutes of not being in combat unless you kill the player(s) shooting at you. Once you enter the "NO PVP ZONE", any form of combat or engagement is not allowed. Do not camp the border of the "NO PVP ZONE". BUILDING RULES:
You can only have 1 base per family or group and only have access to that base! Bypassing this in any way will result in bases being deleted. The entire thicker part of the flag must be visible and it must be placed on the terrain. (This means not floating, under the terrain, in/over water or on rocks) You cannot place anything on the bottom half of your flag. To protect your flag, you need to make at least a 1x1 flag room using Exile Wood/Metal/Concrete walls. You can place a roof for your flag room but there must be space for players to stand. The flag room must be empty, including map objects. If your flag room is more than 1x1, then you can have objects within the room but not within a 1x1 radius. Multiple layers of walls can be used for your flag room. You do not need a door to access this room. You can place destructible objects on the top half of the flag to protect it. The use of indestructible items to surround whole rooms or your flag is not allowed. No floating base parts, containers or concrete mixers are allowed. Safe kits, concrete mixers and fuel stations are not to be placed within the terrain or prebuilt objects. This includes but not limited to rocks, houses and trees. You are allowed to build objects on top of them (floors, walls, hatches, etc.) Safe rooms must not be made from glass building parts (single quick access safes on a glass roof etc. are fine, just don’t overdo it. Our staff will judge this grey area at their discretion.) Accessing safes or containers through objects including walls/floors is not allowed. Do not build on roads. You are allowed to build over roads but room has to be made for vehicles to pass under. (At least 2 walls tall) You can build at the end of the road such as a dead end. Do not build over the 35m height limit! Objects above 35m will be automatically deleted on each restart. Objects are not to be placed in a way that makes players glitch through them because of missing collision points. (Walls as floors/roofs, Towers placed horizontally, heli pads upside down, etc.) You are not allowed to block passageways with concrete mixers You are not allowed to use ladders to pass through walls/floors. You are not allowed to place objects (e.g. walls) in a way that allows the territory owners to vault or jump over them while attackers can't. (because of anti-glitch mechanics) You are not allowed to build in or within 5 meters of the debug zone. Doing so will lead to your base being deleted. You are not allowed to build within 200 meters of major cities or towns You are not allowed to build within 500 meters of any trader location. (Measured from the Aircraft marker on the map) You are not allowed to build within 500 meters of any Safe Zones. (Measured from the Poptab marker on the map) You are not allowed to build within 500 meters of any Black Market. (Measured from the grenade marker on the map) You are not allowed to build within 500 meters of Bambi towns. (Measured from the Dummy marker on the map) You are not allowed to build within 500 meters of any concrete mixer. (Measured from the concrete mixer marker on the map) You are not allowed to build within 200 meters of any fuel stations! (Measured from the fuel pumps themselves) RAIDING RULES:
You're only able to steal flags when you're close to the bottom of the pole, doing this through a wall/floor is not allowed. You can only hack safes if you have a line of sight on them. Doing this through walls/floors is not allowed. Server Details:
Server name: FK #3 Liberation Server
IP: arma3.fkservers.eu
Port: 2302
Password: Check Teamspeak
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