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  • There are 3 possible events you can create. Here they are and explained how:

    • Mission Planner: The mission planner is for Main Missions. You have to follow this guide line for the requirements. These events also need approval by CMs.
    • Training Planner: The Training Planner is for Training events. If you are running a Training use this calendar.
    • Community Events: This is for games other than Arma 3 or special events in Arma 3 which take place during off hours. This includes reserving the server for you and your friends to play together.

    If you do something on the Training Planner or the Community Events Calendar, it is preferred that you either take the 2nd Server or make sure nothing else is running at the same time.

Events happening today

  1. 17

    18 January 2025 17:00      18:50

    "An Aircraft Carrier is 100,000 tonnes of Democracy" - Henry Kissinger
    This is an event taking place a week after the release of the Carriers Update for NEBULOUS: Fleet Command, a military simulator set in a distant space environment wherein two different factions (The ANS - Shelter Alliance, and the OSP - Outer Systems Protectorate) are embroiled in war. The simulation includes inertia, damage modelling, ranging and detection simulation and missile warfare - and now carrier warfare. 

    Players have a set of hulls for each faction, with which they can configure the internals, the systems and the weaponry at will, so a large part of the game is won by how you decide to outfit your fleet.  Will you use cruise missiles to harrass and engage enemy ships from cover, or swarm smaller and simpler missiles to attempt to overcome enemy defences via quantity? Will you take a refitted cargo liner, outfit with gigantic broadside fixed cannons a-la ships of the line from the age of sail? There's a tonne of possibilities, before even getting into battle.

    We'll be hosting a few games of MP Nebulous, either internally to the community assuming full numbers, internally against the update's newly-implemented and improved AI if not full numbers, or externally playing against randoms if that works for folks.
    1: Players must have pre-built fleets coming into the event. A minute or two whilst getting a game going to adjust something is fine - 30 minutes to build a new fleet from scratch is not.
    - 1a: There is pre-built fleets for both factions that can be taken, so if the fleet editor isn't your vibe, do feel free to take one. Here's a steam guide to the Starter Fleets.
    2: There will be a 5 minute break between games for personal admin.
    3: No Exploits or Metagaming.
    4: When joining a team, there is an option to show your fleet. Do not click this until the teams are fully filled and finalised, else it confers an advantage if there is team switches.
    5: Standard FK Ruleset for good conduct applies.
    6: In the case of something outside of this ruleset related to the game, the Event Host has discretion in ruling.

    Game Settings:

    Max Players: 8
    Scenario: Control
    Time Limit: 30 Minutes
    Uniform Team Factions: Yes
    Victory Points: 1000
    Team Points Limit: 3000 per player

    Map Pool:

    Aorta, Arroyo, Avora, Caltrop, Cicada, Honeycomb, Pillars, Tombstones, Tumbleweed, Yukon

    Host: Deltabacon Password: On Request  MODSET: 
    Functionality (Optional):
    Show Hidden Stats - Adds several stats which were previously hidden to the Fleet Editor, so players can take them into account when building their fleets.
    Neb Maps (FK) - Small download of the maps, can be done in-game but ideal to have them in-advance.

    Event details

    Community Events 0 Comments

    1 user has RSVPed, including

    • KingShibe
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