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  • There are 3 possible events you can create. Here they are and explained how:

    • Mission Planner: The mission planner is for Main Missions. You have to follow this guide line for the requirements. These events also need approval by CMs.
    • Training Planner: The Training Planner is for Training events. If you are running a Training use this calendar.
    • Community Events: This is for games other than Arma 3 or special events in Arma 3 which take place during off hours. This includes reserving the server for you and your friends to play together.

    If you do something on the Training Planner or the Community Events Calendar, it is preferred that you either take the 2nd Server or make sure nothing else is running at the same time.

Events happening today

  1. 15

    07 September 2024 15:00      16:00

    This event will be hosted on TeamSpeak in a temporary room, named "Townhall". Start time will be 16:00 UK Time
    An introduction and explanation of what this is can be found in the announcement thread here:
    This isn't a super formal event, just a chance for us as a community to get together and discuss how things are going, any issues, things that are going well etc. While no formal "Meeting Minutes" will be taken, notes for things that could be taken and discussed at CM Meetings will be taken by the CMs present.
    We would ask people to please be courteous in the Teamspeak, staff reserve the right to remove anyone being disruptive in the meeting.
    Event will be hosted by TBD

    Event details

    Community Events 0 Comments
  2. 18

    07 September 2024 18:00      20:30

    This will be a zeus mission for 1st main on FK#4 utilizing the Halo modset in a series of armoured vehicle only missions. All players will be playing tank or vehicle crews. Slotting will be amended accordingly. 
    OPERATION Bad Javelin
    LOCATION: System 23 Librae
    Planet: Madrigal
    Year: 2528
    1st Madrigal UNICOM Armoured Spearhead Regiment

    +++ SITUATION +++
    The conflict between the Covenant and Humanity has escalated to full scale war. The only hospitable planet in the 23 Librae and a human colony, Madrigal, has come under attack by the aliens. Harvest, Green Hills and Second Base have already fallen. Massive plasma bombardments from orbit eradicated all life that was left on our colonies. We can not let Madrigal fall to the same fate. The covenant has landed shock troops around and in Barcelonova. The entire area is embroiled in fighting. We have lost communications to multiple outposts and stations. The situation is dire. The 1st Armoured Spearhead will make a breakthrough to recapture vital communications infrastructure and deal a heavy blow to the covvie's forward HQ. 

    +++ OBJECTIVES +++
    1. Enter Barcelonova via the Southeastern bridge
    2. Destroy Anti-Air guns at Enix Relay
    3. Assault Victor Outpost
    +++ BRIEFING +++
    1. Operation Bad Javelin will be divided into three operational phases according to the aforementioned objectives. UNICOM has ascertained the safest route for your detachment. It leads straight through Barcelonova. Usage of the raised innercity highway is paramount to the security of your vehicles and mission. Fighting has broken out all over the city, drop pods are landing on every other intersection. Construction of the highway's Northern end is unfinished. As such it will be a tight fit through the construction site.In Barcelonova we expect the enemy to have infantry and light vehicles, as they are still unable to bring the bigger vehicles into the city itself. Furthermore we have received still unconfirmed reports of enemy presence around Ardrada and Mines 87. Be careful when traversing the area towards the first bridge.

    2. Use the Northern Bridge to exit the city. From there head North-East to assault Enix Relay Station. Destruction of the enemy Anti-Air guns is your objective. Once completed we will bring in an airborne force to clear, secure and hold the station. Their task is to reestablish communications across the area. UNICOM will release you to your next obejctive. Call UNICOM to start the flight of the airborne assault team.

    3. Once released head West to Victor Outpost. This is the enemy's forward HQ. From there assaults and drops are being controlled and coordinated. Taking them out, will greatly ease our efforts, esspecially in Barcelonova. Destroy as many buildings as possible. Since Victor lies on the western side of a river, your detachment will have to choose between Route Green and Route Blue. Green is a raised highway that leads straight into Victor Outpost. The bridge itself should provide good sightlines into Victor, however your vehicles will be easy targets and the bridge is somewhat tight. Route Blue leads through the slums of Getaria. The bridge there is intact. However the force holding Getaria was pulled back to Barcelonova early on, which means we have no intel on this location. The terrain between Getaria and Victor outpost will provide good cover and concealment given the trees and smaller hills. 

    +++ SLOTTING +++
    This mission has 36 maximum slots.
    ("On the Day" slots might be opened up if all other slots are filled beforehand)
    +++ Notes +++
    The Company Commander (Hammer 6-1) will command the two Platoons and their supporting elements. The Platoonleaders are expected to command the tanks under them to ensure the elements act cohesively and information is relayed between them. The Specialists will be driving a RRR-Truck each. They will also be medics.  All vehicles are Scorpion Tanks unless otherwise specified. Late Joining is allowed, given there is slots to be filled. Poke Zeus before joining. I ask people who'd like to attend to RSVP to gauge numbers beorehand.  
    +++ Suggested Radio Set Up +++
    Coy Net:             69 - Coy Cmd, All Plt-Leaders, XROADS, Recon, Logi, AA, general communications Coy Inner Net:    69.1 - All Coy Cmd Vehicles, inner command section communications 1st PLT Net:        68 -  All Tanks from 1st Platoon, inner 1st Platoon communications 2nd PLT Net:       67 - All tanks from 2nd Platoon, inner 2nd Platoon comms Logistics Net:      66 - All Logistics Vehicles, inner logistics communication Recon Net:          65 - All Recon Vehicles, inner recon communications AA Net:               64 - All AA Vehicles, inner AA communications  
    +++ RESTRICTIONS +++
    Only Weapons and equipment from the Operation Trebuchet and OpTre First Contact mods are permitted. Weapon list is in effect; see below. Magazine size limit is raised to 60 rounds (to accommodate the larger rifle/SMG magazines e.g. MA5B) No EMP grenades, no UGLs or handheld Anti-Tank weaponry 122mm throwable explosives are not permitted. Throwable explosives/incendiaries/Molotov's are limited to 1 per person. HUDs (from OPTRE) are permitted and encouraged. Explosive ammunitions is prohibited  
    +++ Equipment +++
    Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission.
    RIFLES/PRIMARIES - permitted for all riflemen:
    BR55, BR45, M295, M392, M45, M7 (Full ODST M7 upgrades may be taken), MA32, MA37, MA3A, MA40, MA5B, VK78 SIDEARMS - permitted for all:
    M6B, M6D, M6G, Knives

      Everybody is allowed a Longrange-radio  
    +++ Important +++
    The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Available music may be played during the game. If you do not wish to hear it, turn down the music slider in the audio options. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. To assist medics with the lower carry capacity of the equipment present within these missions crews are encouraged to carry increased Medical Fluid EG: Saline.  
    Thanks to @Sarissa, I stole alot of his notes and writings from his event(s) and he made the template we're using   
    Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request MODSET LINK

    Event details

    Mission Planner 8 Comments

    4 users have RSVPed, including

    • Silberjojo
    • TheSalader
    • Oszur
    • Mingy
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