There are 3 possible events you can create. Here they are and explained how:
- Mission Planner: The mission planner is for Main Missions. You have to follow this guide line for the requirements. These events also need approval by CMs.
- Training Planner: The Training Planner is for Training events. If you are running a Training use this calendar.
- Community Events: This is for games other than Arma 3 or special events in Arma 3 which take place during off hours. This includes reserving the server for you and your friends to play together.
If you do something on the Training Planner or the Community Events Calendar, it is preferred that you either take the 2nd Server or make sure nothing else is running at the same time.
Events happening today
03 November 2024 17:00 21:30
"Just as it has always been, when our memories of the ancient world fade into twilight, a
new era dawns to fill the void; an unfamiliar path with a pulse of its own, a tempo not
dictated by the labor of men, but accelerated by the rhythm of machines, launching the world
into an age of bold innovation. From this cauldron of steel and sweat, a vision of prosperity
emerged; harnessing the untold power of the elements, turning night into day, creating
new designs that brought the world's stage to the masses and providing an experience
that many had never imagined. The advent of mechanized warfare brought devastation like
none the world had ever seen, providing a window of opportunity for some to dictate
conformity as regimes spread their ideologies with a heavy hand, inciting the world to the
brink of war. And yet, some chose a different path and, through their vision, brought unique
prospectives to the world. As singular proponents of free thinking remained striving for peace
in their endeavors to unlock the secrets of the universe—some of which, would fill our
hearts with fear and regret. And as this progress unfolds, the finite nature of our world becomes
clear; our survival, the survival of all the world's peoples, depends on our ability to
coexist in peace, but this peace is tenuous. Although mankind will always look onward,
yearning for more, searching for new boundaries, only to break through them, with the understanding
that this world is one, in which, we all share, comes the responsibility of knowing that the
decisions you make today will have a lasting impact on the generations of tomorrow."
— William Morgan Sheppard - CIV V Intro - August 24, 1932 -> January 6, 2019.
This will be heavily themed event based taking place in the highly acclaimed Turn Based Strategy game Civ 5, in which players will seek to guide their own nations on the path through the ages. This event may be a one-off or a repeated affair, depending on interest. However, to prevent some of the typical issues with Civ 5 multiplayer games, there will be some guidelines for behavior in the event to assist with the flow of events. These are not intended to force a particular outcome or victor in the game's conclusion, and if anyone has a suggestion for additional rulings, please feel free to make suggestions in the comments.
Once the first session is concluded additional info will be added here with nation pictures.
Players (6 Max):
Random Nation: @Jerichron Random Nation: @AntiMatter Random Nation: @Lexic Random Nation: @colt92 Random Nation: @IceCream Random Nation: @Griffin68965
Players participating must make sure they own the Civ 5 DLC's Brave New World, and Gods and Kings. There will be a ten minute break after every 50 mins of play. If players fail to return with a 5 min grace period after breaks they will be removed from the session. No METAGaming or Exploits. The Host in order to retain the ability to host the game may have their capital taken by domination but may not be eliminated from the game. If the host has clearly lost they will refrain from pursuing victory types and will concede if it is clear they have lost. XCOM Squads are prohibited. All players are required to play on "Prince" Difficulty settings. Players are not allowed to destroy other player's nations before the medieval Era is reached. The event will be making use of the Vox Populi + EUI Modset which can be installed via the instructions below. --EVENT RULES--
How to install a modpack: Modset VP Only modpack without EUI: 4.15.2.
To use VP, you must have your game in English. Search for the Civ's DLC folder. The path should be something like C:\...\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Assets\DLC. Delete your old modpack if you already have one. Extract the downloaded .zip here. It should add “ZMP_MODPACK”, “VPUI” to your DLC folder: Before the first launch of the game delete the Cache folder from here "Documents\my games\Civilization 5" Now you don't need to use the mod menu from the game's main menu. This installation needs to be done by every players in case of online multiplayer game: the exact same modpack needs to be used on each PC.
Game Settings:
Map Type: Continents. Map Size: Huge (8 Players). Game Pace: Quick. Game Era: Ancient. Turn Mode: Simultaneous. World Age: 4 Billion Years. Temperature: Temperate. Rainfall: Normal. Sea Level: Medium. Resources: Standard.
Game Settings:
Victory Types: Science. Domination. Cultural. Diplomatic. Adv Game Options (Enabled): Policy Saving. Promotion Saving. Quick Combat. Quick Movement. --NOTES--
Host: Jerichron Password: On Request
Community Events 0 Comments -
03 November 2024 18:15 20:30
City of Karilov — once a quiet town in the mountains.
Years ago, a bioweapon outbreak led authorities to drop a bomb on the city to contain the infection.
The blast eradicated most of the infected, but also left the area scarred and abandoned.
However, over time, civilians returned, trying to rebuild and reclaim their homes amidst the rubble.
For a while, it seemed Karilov was on its way to recovery.
Recently, BSAA intelligence picked up unusual activity: reports of B.O.W.s (Bio-Organic Weapons) sightings and possible infection spread among residents.
A BSAA reconnaissance unit was stationed to monitor the situation. However, contact with the recon team was abruptly lost.
Given the city’s history and potential for a renewed outbreak, HQ has ordered a full investigation and containment op.
In addition, there are strong suspicions that a hidden Umbrella Corporation laboratory exists somewhere within the city.
It was believed destroyed in the bombing, but new intel suggests it may have survived underground.
We have reason to believe this may be the origin of the new outbreak.
Notes: RESPAWN is 1-life with Spectator until your team find the next checkpoint, be careful! 1 Special Role available per squad
This is an event organized between FK Gaming and Unqualified Minds. This will be a heavily themed mission with a focus on multiple different objectives. The mission will be making use of a custom Modset provided by Unqualified Minds which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to role specific weaponry and will be limited to a select number of options to reduce prep time. Tags for applicable roles are not being enforced as this is a cooperative event and will be different from standard slotting. Standard FK Rules apply unless otherwise specified.
Event rules:
Although this is a joint OP FK Rules still apply (excluding arma playstyle rules). UM's ruleset is near similar to ours. Any type of disrespectful behavior will result in consequences within the FK platform. Additionally please listen to both UM staff, leadership and all member of FK staff. Given the above any member of staff (including PR and Techs) will be treated as part of the moderation team. No slot reservations, slotting will be done on the day Mission notes:
Playstyle: Semi-serious Theme: BSAA (Resident Evil) Category: Infantry Combat Radio mod: TFAR (beta) Medical System: Armour System Duration: 1~2 hours Loadouts: Pre-made RESPAWN is 1-life with Spectator until your team find the next checkpoint, be careful! Special Role available per squad (max 24 slots) Special roles are: HMG (Alien style HMG), ⚡Shock gunner and lastly Flame trooper --NOTES/RESTRICTIONS--
IP: euc-ogs11.armahosts.com Port: 2312 Password: On Request Modset
TEAMSPEAK INFO : Password: Panda
Mission Planner 1 Comment
6 users have RSVPed, including