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  • There are 3 possible events you can create. Here they are and explained how:

    • Mission Planner: The mission planner is for Main Missions. You have to follow this guide line for the requirements. These events also need approval by CMs.
    • Training Planner: The Training Planner is for Training events. If you are running a Training use this calendar.
    • Community Events: This is for games other than Arma 3 or special events in Arma 3 which take place during off hours. This includes reserving the server for you and your friends to play together.

    If you do something on the Training Planner or the Community Events Calendar, it is preferred that you either take the 2nd Server or make sure nothing else is running at the same time.

Events happening today

  1. 18

    11 October 2024 18:00      20:30

    Our intel suggests that the Red Line has released an unknown virus to the civilians of the metro.
    You have been set with the objective of finding a experimental pre-war antibiotic in the No Mercy Hospital.
    Additionally along your path towards the hospital we have a reported Fourth Reich camps.
    Cease those camps along the way to the hospital.
    To assist you with the mission our scouts have provided you with the latest radiation report.
    Remember you always need your mask on the outside.
    But these radiation hotspots are known to have more monsters and anomalies.
    Good luck Spartans, the future of the metro is in your hands!
    Mission Area:

    Last Radiation report:

    Liberate the open air Reich camps Find the vaccine to the Red Line virus in the No Mercy Hospital Extract via metro (yellow markers) to start point (blue flag)  
    Mission Notes:
    CIVILIANS: Its a wasteland. Any life form is deemed hostile.
    RRR: None looting is necessary.
    RESPAWNS: Respawn every 3 min via script.
    This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Metro Series. The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods Diwako's STALKER-like anomalies, Chemical Warfare PLUS, Devourerking's Necroplague Mutants,  and Improved Melee System which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list.  Given the games post-apocalyptic survival nature a important part of this mission will be looting.
    Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated)
    CoZeus: OPEN CoZeus: OPEN CoZeus: OPEN  
    Platoon HQ Platoon Leader (PLTN/Leadership Tags): OPEN Platoon 2ic (PLTN 2iC Tags): OPEN Medic (MEDIC Tags): OPEN Alpha Alpha Squad Lead (SL Tags) OPEN Alpha Squad Medic (Medic Tags) OPEN Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL Tags) OPEN Alpha Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 4x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL Tags) OPEN Alpha Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) Bravo Bravo Squad Lead (SL Tags) OPEN Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC Tags) OPEN Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL Tags) OPEN Bravo Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 4x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL Tags) OPEN Bravo Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) Charlie (Overflow) Charlie Squad Lead (SL Tags) (on the day) Charlie Squad Medic (Medic Tags) (on the day) Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL Tags) (on the day) Charlie Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 4x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL Tags) (on the day) Charlie Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) --SLOTTING--
    Uniform including facewear is heavily restricted Weapons and ammo are restricted GPS is not allowed The ATNAA (Antidote injector) can only be taken by Medics Used when exposed to toxic gas Gas mask filters last 20 min A player can take 2x duck tape and 1x Gas Mask Filter Anomaly Detectors are permitted and encouraged Chemical detectors (Contact DLC) are not required. The geiger counter will work regardless. BFT disabled Looted weapons and attachments can be used in future missions by taking and providing @Melo with photo evidence. WBK flashlights are permitted and highly recommended. --RESTRICTIONS--
    Content warning! this map contains gore, dead bodies and mass graveyards. If you don't get teleported after respawn please ping zeus. (should be done automatically) You respawn with what you had when you died, only thing that gets replaced is your gas mask filter. The Anomaly Detectors need to be activated via ace self interact To change gas mask filter, repair it or check durability use ACE self interact SL and TL are encouraged to use timers to ensure that the squad replaces the gas mask filters when they expire View distance will be very low (this is intended) It will be automatically increased on roof tops Looting of villages, towns or other former world areas is encouraged Enemy encampments are likely to have loot There will be hints pointing to loot (smoke, flare, etc) Loot will rarely be placed in buildings, this is done to save mission time Loot can be taken from dead enemies and found in boxes. (photo bellow) All of them will have a scroll interaction which will automatically give you the items into your inventory (Weapon crate exempt)

    What you will find in each box Additional photo for medics to identify chemical exposure (when to use antidote)
    Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission.
    General Equipment:
    Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset Download Link (V3)  

    Event details

    Mission Planner 0 Comments

    3 users have RSVPed, including

    • Melo
    • Silberjojo
    • Jerichron
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