There are 3 possible events you can create. Here they are and explained how:
- Mission Planner: The mission planner is for Main Missions. You have to follow this guide line for the requirements. These events also need approval by CMs.
- Training Planner: The Training Planner is for Training events. If you are running a Training use this calendar.
- Community Events: This is for games other than Arma 3 or special events in Arma 3 which take place during off hours. This includes reserving the server for you and your friends to play together.
If you do something on the Training Planner or the Community Events Calendar, it is preferred that you either take the 2nd Server or make sure nothing else is running at the same time.
Events happening today
12 June 2021 15:00 17:00
This mission will be on FK#5, and will require the SOG CDLC. There will be reservations for one squad, but if more people turn up they can perhaps form a second squad. (RSVP to show interest)
"Your MACV SOG unit was deployed to the Ho Chi Minh Trail, but your RON (remain overnight) site has been discovered by VC. You need to move out at first light and find an extraction. Your first extract bird was shot down on infil so you gotta continue onwards to find another way out. Luckily, COVEY and their Pink Team will be available to help keep you boys safe as you try to make your way North and find some way out of this hellhole. They have 1 spare seat in that Loach, but that should only be used to airlift emergency casualties to the Maxwell Field base medic. Lifting you out one by one would be suicide. Just keep moving North until we can find a way to get you boys out."
Objective List:
Move North, survive. Await further from Crossroads. MAPS:
COVEY's Pink Team will be deployed from the nearby Maxwell Field island strip to the South West of this AO.
No BFT/GPS. No marking in side after brief. Only mark in group if whole squad is together. Air and ground briefs will be separate, and will be in separate sides ingame.
Equipment of any kind only from the SOG DLC. (ACE generic items like medical, map tools etc exempt). US equipment only (RPD and Type 56 Exempt). No magnification/scopes. Radios: Only SL/TL can take a URC-10 SR. Only RTO may take a LR. Only SL/TL may take binoculars. No ballistic protection in vests. 2 GLs may be taken per team, either as UGLs, primaries or secondaries. M16/XM177 may only take 20 round mags. Take many grenades and mines ASSETS:
1x OH-6A Cayuse (Gunship/FAC), 1 spare
1x AH-1G Cobra (M195/FFAR), 1 spare
Airborne FAC, "COVEY", on board the Cayuse (aka Loach)
[Tags and regs priority for reserving. Also, I reserve the right to pick who I believe would best suit the mission.]
1,1"Columbia" Lead (SL Tags):
1,1 RTO (Leadership tags):
1,1 Medic (Medic Tags):
1,1 Machine Gunner (Regs+): @riccardi48
1,1 Rifleman (Regs+): @UniDigit
1,1 Rifleman (Regs+): @Zenthar
1,2 Team Leader (TL Tags): @PVT. J. Mohammed
1,2 Medic (Medic Tags):
1,2 Machine Gunner (Regs+): @Sasquatch Rick
1,2 Rifleman (Regs+): @Vent
1,2 Rifleman (Regs+): @FloofyFloof
2 - Overflow and cannot be reserved. If interested please RSVP so I can gauge numbers. Please know that a slot cannot be guaranteed if you RSVP however.
Cayuse / Loach Pilot (RW Pilot Tags): @Griffin68965
COVEY (FAC Tags): @LurkerOne
Cobra Pilot (RW Pilot Tags): @info
Cobra Gunner (RW Gunner Tags): @L00_Cyph3r
Name: FK #5 Custom Mission Server IP: arma5.fkservers.eu Port: 2502 Password: On Request Modpack S.O.G. Prairie Fire DLC required!!!!!!!!!
Community Events 17 Comments
13 users have RSVPed, including
12 June 2021 15:30
FKGaming has been invited to join in on a European Arma3 Event TvT mission.
This mission will require the contact DLC
What is European Arma 3 Events?
European Arma 3 Events (EA3E for short) is a gathering of many different European-Based Arma 3 Communities. They hold joint operations with a mixture of TvT Combat and the more conventional TvE (Do note, the mission we will be attending is a TvT).
Mission Information:
The Short Story for the basis of the Operation can be found in This Google Doc.
The game should take around 90 minutes to 2 hours (once started).
Modset Setup & Timings
The information regarding Modset / Timings can be found in This Google Doc. (Do note, since AFI is hosting this event, they use a custom mod installer AFISync which can be found in the aforementioned document).
A basic breakdown would be this (Note, all timings are in UTC)
* Join Teamspeak & Arma Server at 15:30 - 15:45
* Slotting on the server: 16:00
* Briefing: 16:15
* Game Start: 16:35
There will be a short intermission after Game 1 ends, after which, Game 2 will start with a similar (but quicker) slotting process as outlined above.
The main Roster can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Vi7gbySfPV90whaVfJf4lxfuxXBlXfCB7ZlAUm416lk/edit#gid=0 .
The slots FK have are as followed:
Link to PR discord where most communication and information will be done: https://discord.gg/vGT9Xjs5Dd (Ask for Emissary Role)
If you wish to take a particular slot, please post it in a comment as well as RSVPing to this post.
Community Events 0 Comments
2 users have RSVPed, including