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  • There are 3 possible events you can create. Here they are and explained how:

    • Mission Planner: The mission planner is for Main Missions. You have to follow this guide line for the requirements. These events also need approval by CMs.
    • Training Planner: The Training Planner is for Training events. If you are running a Training use this calendar.
    • Community Events: This is for games other than Arma 3 or special events in Arma 3 which take place during off hours. This includes reserving the server for you and your friends to play together.

    If you do something on the Training Planner or the Community Events Calendar, it is preferred that you either take the 2nd Server or make sure nothing else is running at the same time.

Events happening today

  1. 15

    07 March 2021 15:45      18:15

    Important info-read!
    The assault team and the pilots are not required to attend until 1h 15m after mission start, as they will have nothing to do, that makes it 5pm UK time.
    That time will be spent by the recon team gathering intel, that will then be transmitted to the rest of the players once they join.
    When the rest of the players join, take your slots and go straight through. I will answer any questions that you have on the briefing, the briefing
    will only be in text form below. Once that has been completed the recon team will give you the intel they have gathered via LR, you will then complete your plan 
    and begin the mission.

    Operation Barras
    sierra leone

    Overall: A British patrol has been captured in the jungles of Sierra Leone, and have been taken and imprisoned by a group of rebels calling themselves the "West side boys" inside a group of riverside villages to the south of our main base.
    Your tasking is to recover the 5 man patrol and their local liaison officer, before transporting them back to base. You are also tasked with the capture or elimination of the local leader "Foday Kallay", as well as the general elimination of any hostile forces you encounter.

    Assault Team and Pilots: When you are ready for intel transmission call to the recon element. Once your briefing has been completed you are to take you CH-47 transport into an LZ of your choice (a non-mandatory shortlist has been provided). Once you have made landfall the Chinook will join your Wildcat and provide fire support while the assault team moves to secure their objectives. Once completed, and you have meet up with the recon team (if applicable), you are all to board the CH-47 along with the hostages and return to base.

    Recon Team: You will start either by boat to the east, or on foot to the south. You are tasked with gathering as much intel as you can about the situation you face, without being discovered. In particular regarding the following: Hostage location, LZ suitability and enemy strong points. Once the main force comes online you are to transmit the intel to them via radio once they have signaled that they are ready. The main concentration of enemy forces should be within the villages, but keep an eye out for patrols. At some point after the main force has landed you will need to join up with them if you want to be extracted by helicopter. 
    The aim of this is to have a slightly smaller, more serious/immersive mission for those who enjoy it, and i reserve the right to pick those who i believe best suit the mission.
    MISSION SUMMARY: This mission is inspired by the events of "Operation Barras" that took place in Sierra Leone on 10th September 2000. Additional information as to the actual events can be found here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Barras (note that the mission will not be exactly like real world events). 
    (This event only has 14 slots)


    Assault Team:
     Squad Lead (SL TAGS): @riccardi48 (no tags)  Medic (MEDIC TAGS): @vladdis611  Rifleman (REGS+): @SAUCEGODISHALL  Rifleman (REGS+): @johnb43  Team Lead (TL TAGS): @Veagance  Rifleman (REGS+): @info   Rifleman (REGS+): @Conga Line of Neckbeards  Rifleman (REGS+): @Eaglestrike  

    CH-47 Pilot (RW PILOT TAGS): @L00_Cyph3r CH-47 Crew Chief (RW GUNNER TAGS): @Astrid (no tags) Wildcat Pilot: @TheSalader (Locked) 
    Recon Team:
    Scout Lead (SL TAGS): @Resurge (no tags) Scout Medic (MEDIC TAGS): @LurkerOne Scout DMR (REGS+): @Silberjojo
    Loadouts are semi-scripted (inventory items E.G ammo and
    grenades may be edited) 1 respawn for each "squad" Looting of enemy weapons is prohibited, extreme circumstances exempt. BFT disabled. --RESTRICTIONS/NOTES--
    Loadouts are semi-scripted
    Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request MODSET (if you have the standard pack and the Vietnam pack you'll have this)  

    Event details

    Community Events 22 Comments
  2. 19

    07 March 2021 19:00      21:30

    Charlie Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Armoured Cavalry Regiment, Napf, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Europe, 1983

    Our counter-attack to the Soviet spearhead began late last night, and manged to halt the juggernaut - at least temporarily. The Regiment managed to push 13 miles Northward, and secure the town of Muttenz. Our initial objective was achieved, we've taken the pressure off of British and Germans holding Hamburg, meaning we have a much quicker route of supply. Command wants to take advantage of the situation and push onwards to the city of Lenzburg and the port of Hefert. Lenzburg is a major supply dump and Hefert taking Hefert would deny the Russians a valuable deep-water port.
    An hour ago, a platoon of mechanized infantry was dispatched North to scout. Apparently, they're on their way back - and in a hurry too. Russian armour is attempting to re-take our position. So stand to.

    MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Cold War (Gone Hot).  Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Faction based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the Armoured Cavalry.

    Slotting closes at 17:59 British on the day of the event

    Company Command Section Command Vehicle (M60A3 Patton) Company Commander [PLTN/KN COMMAND TAGS] - @Garfield Gunner [GUNNER TAGS] - @Cyico Driver [DRIVER TAGS] - @Astrid Flyswatter (Linebacker AA) Vehicle Commander [COMMANDER TAGS] - OPEN Gunner [GUNNER TAGS] - @AntiMatter NO TAGS Driver [DRIVER TAGS] - @Deadweight Band-Aid Box (Medical Contingent M113) Section Commander [TL TAGS] - @LurkerOne Medic [MEDIC TAGS] - @Bashfulvideos Medic [MEDIC TAGS] - @FloofyFloof Medic [MEDIC TAGS] - OPEN Red-Ball (Logistical Section) *NUMBERS PERMITTING* Section Commander [TL TAGS] - @Rtiler96 Section Rifleman [REG+] - @Eaglestrike Red Platoon (M60A3 Pattons) Red-One (IC) Platoon Commander [PLTN/COMMANDER TAGS] - @Silberjojo Gunner [GUNNER TAGS] - @andyt90 NO TAGS Driver [DRIVER TAGS] - @L00_Cyph3r Red-Two Commander [COMMANDER TAGS] - @Jerichron Gunner [GUNNER TAGS] - @Conga Line of Neckbeards Driver [DRIVER TAGS] - @mekboy_4000 Red-Three Commander [COMMANDER TAGS] - @colt92 EVAL Gunner [GUNNER TAGS] - @info EVAL Driver [DRIVER TAGS] - OPEN Red-Four Commander [COMMANDER TAGS] - @vladdis611 Gunner [GUNNER TAGS] - @PVT. J. Mohammed NO TAGS Driver [DRIVER TAGS] - OPEN Blue Platoon (M60A3 Pattons) Blue-One (IC) Platoon Commander [PLTN/COMMANDER TAGS] - @Zenthar Gunner [GUNNER TAGS]  @Trinoc Driver [DRIVER TAGS] - OPEN Blue-Two Commander [COMMANDER TAGS] - @AngryScottishMan NO TAGS Gunner [GUNNER TAGS] - @johnb43 Driver [DRIVER TAGS] - @ZeFlyingDutchman NO TAGS Blue-Three Commander [COMMANDER TAGS] - @eijsvogel2 NO TAGS Gunner [GUNNER TAGS] - @jamie NO TAGS Driver [DRIVER TAGS] - @Malbryn NO TAGS Blue-Four Commander [COMMANDER TAGS] - @TacticalPanda Gunner [GUNNER TAGS] - @TheFantasticFlyingTaco NO TAGS Driver [DRIVER TAGS] - @Kreeper White Troop (M2A2 Bradley Scouts) White-One (IC) Platoon Commander [PLTN/COMMANDER TAGS] - @Resurge NO TAGS Gunner [GUNNER TAGS] - @SAUCEGODISHALL NO TAGS Driver [DRIVER TAGS] - @GloppinBoopin White-Two Commander [COMMANDER TAGS] - @Monocled Badger NO TAGS Gunner [GUNNER TAGS] - @Griffin68965 Driver [DRIVER TAGS] - @Veagance NO TAGS White-Three Commander [COMMANDER TAGS] - @magnusnielsen Gunner [GUNNER TAGS] - @TheSalader Driver [DRIVER TAGS] - OPEN  
    2 further platoons stand ready (2 vehicle respawns per vehicle) Friendly infantry is standing by to assist in clearing objectives but will remain at a safe distance until called forward Enemy armour expected up to T-80s ++RESTRICTIONS++
    Only Weapons and equipment provided may be used within the mission. Night vision equipment is prohibited. BFT and GPS systems will be disabled/prohibited. Looting of enemy primary weapons is restricted, looting of enemy supplies is permitted. Should resupply not be available, emergency procurement of enemy weapons is permitted. ++EQUIPMENT++
    All Uniform & Equipment is already assigned via the template.
    Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request NORMAL FK MODPACK

    Event details

    Mission Planner 48 Comments
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