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  • There are 3 possible events you can create. Here they are and explained how:

    • Mission Planner: The mission planner is for Main Missions. You have to follow this guide line for the requirements. These events also need approval by CMs.
    • Training Planner: The Training Planner is for Training events. If you are running a Training use this calendar.
    • Community Events: This is for games other than Arma 3 or special events in Arma 3 which take place during off hours. This includes reserving the server for you and your friends to play together.

    If you do something on the Training Planner or the Community Events Calendar, it is preferred that you either take the 2nd Server or make sure nothing else is running at the same time.

Events happening today

  1. 13

    13 March 2021 13:00      15:00

    Second Townhall event. This will be occurring Monthly. This will be hosted on TeamSpeak in a temporary room, named "Townhall". Start time will be 1300 GMT (1PM UK Time).
    An introduction and explanation of what this is can be found in the announcement thread here:
    This isn't a super formal event, just a chance for us as a community to get together and discuss how things are going, any issues, things that are going well etc. While no formal "Meeting Minutes" will be taken, notes for things that could be taken and discussed at CM Meetings will be taken by the CMs present.
    @Monocled Badger will be hosting.

    Event details

    Community Calendar 0 Comments
  2. 19

    13 March 2021 19:00      21:30

    "On Felucia, the Seps dug their metal heels into the muck of that alien hellhole and dared the Republic to come in after them. So we did, only to be met with the month after month of flesh-eating diseases, shrieking nocturnal predators and other sights that haunt me to this day."
    ―Anonymous 501st clone trooper 19 BBY

    "not even you can see into hyperspace, Sev"
     As part of the ongoing campaign on Felucia, your platoon is tasked with securing a major separatist base located on a plateau south-west of your current position. General Aayla Secura will be conducting a diversionary strike to the south to draw the bulk of the Separatist field army away from their base to allow for this attack to take place. The approach to the base is through a dense portion of the surrounding jungle and there have been reports of Trandoshan mercenaries operating in the surrounding area in addition to reports of hostiles wildlife having attacked several of our patrols. Caution is advised.
    MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Clone Wars in the Star Wars Universe. The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods Star Wars Opposition, Legion Studios Base and 3AS which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list.  Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Clone Wars Era/Faction based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the Clone Wars.
    Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated)

    PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN PLTN 2ic/Runner (PLTN 2ic TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN RTO (RTO TAGS, Specialist) @LurkerOne PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN  

    ALPHA SQUAD (ARC): Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) @Servok Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, Corporal) @Veagance Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, Corporal) @Resurge [NO TAGS]  
    BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, NCO) @Silberjojo Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, Corporal) @TheFantasticFlyingTaco [NO TAGS] Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, Corporal) OPEN  
    CHARLIE: SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, Corporal) @EpsilonNiner [NO TAGS] Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, Corporal) OPEN  
    DELTA SQUAD: Delta Squad Lead (SL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Delta Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Delta Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, Corporal) OPEN Delta Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, Corporal) OPEN  


    TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank  (KNGT 1-1):
    KNGT Commander (KNGT Commander Tags, Officer) OPEN KNGT Gunner (KNGT Gunner Tags, Specialist) @info KNGT Driver (KNGT Driver Tags, Specialist) @Astrid
    TX-130 Super-Saber-class fighter tank (KNGT 1-2):
    KNGT Commander/Gunner (KNGT Commander Tags, Officer) @colt92 KNGT Driver (KNGT Driver Tags, Specialist) @L00_Cyph3r  
    Only Weapons and equipment from the following mods may be used in this mission.  Legion Base - .  3AS - .   101st -  .   212th - .   JLTS - . Looting of enemy primary weapons and equipment is prohibited. All weapons , uniforms, vests, helmets and other equipment from the 501st mod -  are prohibited. All weapons , uniforms, vests, helmets and other equipment from the SWOP mod -  are prohibited. Launcher Carriers, Designated Marksmen and Medics are considered specialists. Individuals may not take vests inappropriate to their rank. Pauldrons are to be worn by authorized individuals only or by ARC troops. PLTN HQ. Asset Leads. Squad Leads [SL Only].  ARC Troops. One squad energy shield is permitted per squad and no more. Two personal energy shields or hand held riot shields are permitted per squad and no more. Rifleman mag size limit raised to 60 rounds per magazine. --RESTRICTIONS--
    Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless specified remain in effect for this mission.
    Uniform: Phase II 501st Legion Clone Trooper Armor.
    Helmet: Phase II 501st Legion Clone Trooper Helmet.
    DC-15A. DC-15S. DC-15C. Westar M-5 (ARC only) Secondary: 
    DC-17. Machine Guns:
    Z-6 rotary blaster cannon. Auto Rifles:
    DC-15L. DC-15SAW. DC-15A Mod 0. Shotguns:
    DP-23 Shotgun. Designated Marksman Rifles:
    DC-15X. DC-15A Long. DW-32s Valken-38x DC-15XM.  
    Jet Trooper Grenade Launcher:
    RD-4 Radiation Cannon. MAT:
    RPS-6. HAT:
    PLX-1. Pauldrons:
    Color: Respective to the legion being played, An ARC playing a non-ranked role must take non-colored pauldrons.
    Permitted Roles: Squad Leads [SL Only], Platoon Leader, Platoon HQ, Asset Leads, ARC Troops.
    Note: Double Sided Pauldrons are restricted to all except ARC Troopers.
    Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset

    Event details

    Mission Planner 14 Comments
  3. 21

    13 March 2021 21:15

    To be hosted on FK4 after 1st main or if 1st main ends early, 9.15 UK Time
    COD Zombies - Factory
    Filename : COD_Zombies-Factory_ZEN.panthera3
    Modset: http://www.mediafire.com/file/4qlhwlzkaj6z0jj/Arma_3_Preset_Zombies.html/file
    After escaping the Bukovina and Livonia outbreaks, your team is sent to investigate reports of infection at Factory in Panthera. On arrival, you are locked in with no hope of escape. A chill runs down your spine...
    Rules/How To Play
    The game mode is an homage to the traditional wave based Call Of Duty Zombies mode. There are wall weapons, perks, secrets, music, a mystery box plus some new things not seen last time. There is no points system, so new parts of the map will open up after a certain amount of waves. Your goal is to kill Zombies, survive waves and escape.
    This is my smoothest and best Zombies mission so far. If you have played my last ones, I highly recommend coming back to see this one. I've spent 20+ hours crafting the mission and a further 10 or so bug fixing the server crash issue.
    New Features 
    - Perks - Revamped Pack-A-Punch - New weapons - Revamped Mystery Box - Added more sounds - A few nice surprises...

    Event details

    Community Events 1 Comment

    6 users have RSVPed, including

    • Resurge
    • info
    • TheSalader
    • GloppinBoopin
    • magnusnielsen
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