There are 3 possible events you can create. Here they are and explained how:
- Mission Planner: The mission planner is for Main Missions. You have to follow this guide line for the requirements. These events also need approval by CMs.
- Training Planner: The Training Planner is for Training events. If you are running a Training use this calendar.
- Community Events: This is for games other than Arma 3 or special events in Arma 3 which take place during off hours. This includes reserving the server for you and your friends to play together.
If you do something on the Training Planner or the Community Events Calendar, it is preferred that you either take the 2nd Server or make sure nothing else is running at the same time.
Events happening today
16 January 2021 14:00 16:00
As we have a bit of a queue, we will be prioritizing those who have already registered interest in a training.
Please can you register your interest on our google form.
We will be using the first server
This will be mostly a practical session, going over and quizzing on bits in the guide on the second server.
Topics to cover/practice:
FAC Gear Landing Zones (LZs) Area of Operation (AOs) Battle Points Racetracks and Orbits 6 Lines If less than 2 people attend we will shorten this session and try to schedule an in mission training.
PLEASE remember about this event or let me know in advance if you cannot attend. I am available on TS, the forum, Discord or Steam if you have me. I've made the effort to create this event and to take time out of my day to teach you, the least you can do is show up.
@info @SilentGunner13 @sh4rdknight @Fabs As you have all already requested training, please can you let me know if you wish to join this session. We will be trying to have another session either the following week, or the week after.l
Training Planner 2 Comments
3 users have RSVPed, including
16 January 2021 15:00 17:00
This training is aimed at people who are new to the FK. Doesn't matter if you're brand new to Arma or you have 500 hours under your belt but no experience with the mods we use.
Topics that will be covered:
How to join and make sure you can successfully join our servers What happens in the Main Mission and Off-hours rooms Slotting procedure and what happens in the spawn area ACE Arsenal - how to get yourself equipment you'll need ACE Interactions ACE Medical - Basic rifleman first aid Short Range Radio LAT introduction and overpressure BLUFOR vs OPFOR assets static showcase (if time allows) Rangefinding and working with map (if time allows) I also have two loadouts prepared for you, one for BLUFOR, one for OPFOR. They're meant as basic templates you can fall back to, change uniform and be ready to play.
The idea is that you will be able to go straight into a mission after the training and play as a rifleman.
This training does not earn you any tags or direct progress towards a Regular rank. But it will teach you how to play with us and therefore indirectly leads to both.
How to join
Please RSVP here and be at "Basic Training" room on TS at given time. We will be conducting this training on server 2.
Time in the calendar should be automatically adjusted to your own timezone, but just to make sure, this training will start at 1500 GMT. Expect roughly 2 hours of time taken, the extra 20 minutes are there in case of delays and technical issues.
You're expected to have the mods from our modset downloaded via Steam. Also please install the TFAR plugin for your TeamSpeak, if you have any issues with it, come 10 minutes earlier so we can sort it out.
Current modset is here:
The best way of making sure you have exactly what you need is to click that "PRESET FILE" link, open your Arma 3 launcher, go to MODS section and import the file - it will auto-subscribe mods you need, start downloading them and create Mod Preset for FK. Then even if you're playing elsewhere and have hundreds of other mods you'll load only the correct ones.
Makes sure you have the November 2020 Modset
IP and password will be given to you before we join the server.
Mandatory reading
Rules on how to conduct yourself in an FK Arma mission:
Recommended reading
Recommended bindings and ACE settings - we will cover these during the training as well. This is contained up there ↑ too.
TFAR guide - will be covered to some extent, contains list of of radios for each faction.
Rifleman's Basic Medical guide - for injury treatment
Weapons Guide - What you can take and when.
Training Planner 0 Comments
0 users have RSVPed
16 January 2021 16:30 21:00
With myself as Dungeon Master, we will be playing Rise of Tiamat, the second of the two modules that make up Tyranny of Dragons.
The Cast:
@OneMadPanda aka "Low Orbit Smite Cannon".
@FloofyFloof aka "Closeted? fox-man".
@SABER aka "Kobold Kicker II: Electric Boogaloo".
@Sasquatch Rick aka "Sharpshooter is my default attack".
@Garfield aka "I cast Toll the De-- Oh."
Session is Full at 5 Players at this point in time. Later Campaigns may open up new Slots.
Community Events 0 Comments -
16 January 2021 19:00 21:30
Bravo Troop, 3rd Battalion, 11th Armoured Cavalry Regiment, Da Krong Province, Republic of Vietnam, South-East Asia, 1967
G2 has been seeing a lot of increased movement through our A/O and are convinced that the VC are building up forces to launch some sort of offensive. Saigon has tasked a rotating 30 day patrol through the region and we're up first. The initial patrol will check the villages of Bahnar, Long Vinh and Jarai before entrenching in an NDP near Camp Sarge.
Due to the terrain, we can't bring the Pattons with us, so your infantry and Track crews will have to do the work without close support for this one. A LRRP team passed through the area a few days ago and saw what they described as 'evidence of medium foot traffic'. Now that don't translate to shit for us, so just try to bring your Tracks back in one piece and keep the casualty rate down. A positive bodycount is, as always, an operational objective.
MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Vietnam War. The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 Unsung mod which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Vietnam/Faction based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the Vietnam War.
Slotting closes at 17:59 British on the day of the event
PLTNHQ Lieutenant [PLTN TAGS] - @Jerichron [LEADER TAGS] RTO [TL TAGS] - @LurkerOne [NO TAGS] Platoon Sergeant (2iC) [2iC TAGS] - OPEN 2x Medics [MED TAG] - @Fabs / OPEN Driver [DRIVER TAGS] - OPEN Gunner [GUNNER TAGS] - OPEN ABLE Sergeant [SL TAGS] - OPEN RTO [TL TAG] - @Root Driver [DRIVER TAGS] - OPEN Gunner [GUNNER TAGS] - @SAUCEGODISHALL [DRIVER TAGS] Corporal [TL TAGS] - @EpsilonNiner 3x Riflemen BAKER Sergeant [SL TAGS] - OPEN RTO [TL TAG] - OPEN Driver [DRIVER TAGS] - OPEN Gunner [GUNNER TAGS] - OPEN Corporal [TL TAGS] - OPEN 3x Riflemen CHARLIE Sergeant [SL TAGS] - OPEN RTO [TL TAG] - OPEN Driver [DRIVER TAGS] - OPEN Gunner [GUNNER TAGS] - OPEN Corporal [TL TAGS] - OPEN 3x Riflemen BAD VOODOO (VADS) Commander/Gunner [COMMANDER TAGS] - @info [NO TAGS] Driver [DRIVER TAGS] - OPEN SLUGGER (Logistics) Commander [COMMANDER TAGS] - @vladdis611 [NO TAGS] Driver [DRIVER TAGS]
WAR BITCH (M132) Commander/Gunner [COMMANDER TAGS] - @Conga Line of Neckbeards [GUNNER TAGS]
Driver [DRIVER TAGS] - @L00_Cyph3r ++RESTRICTIONS++
Only Weapons and equipment from the Unsung mod may be used within the mission. Short Range Radios are prohibited. Only Radiomen are permitted to carry Long Range Radios. Night vision equipment is prohibited. BFT and GPS systems will be disabled/prohibited. Looting of enemy primary weapons is restricted, looting of enemy supplies is permitted. Should resupply not be available, emergency procurement of enemy weapons is permitted. ++EQUIPMENT++
All Uniform & Equipment is already assigned via the template.
Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset Here - Now with preset functionality CUSTOM UNSUNG MODSET! NOT THE IFA ONE
Mission Planner 19 Comments