There are 3 possible events you can create. Here they are and explained how:
- Mission Planner: The mission planner is for Main Missions. You have to follow this guide line for the requirements. These events also need approval by CMs.
- Training Planner: The Training Planner is for Training events. If you are running a Training use this calendar.
- Community Events: This is for games other than Arma 3 or special events in Arma 3 which take place during off hours. This includes reserving the server for you and your friends to play together.
If you do something on the Training Planner or the Community Events Calendar, it is preferred that you either take the 2nd Server or make sure nothing else is running at the same time.
Events happening today
26 July 2020 10:00 12:00
MAT/HAT/AA Training and practice
Also known as "flying boom-boom practice".
Please do not RSVP and then forget to turn up. If you do find out you cannot attend un-RSVP. If you won't un-RSVP at least 1 hour before training start and will not have good emergency reason, I'll notify general trainers and might be on a low priority list for the future.
This training is meant for anybody who wants to get better at AT roles; doesn't matter if you're an FNG, Regular, Veteran, or Staff. We will be using server #2.
Weapons Covered
RPG-7V2 M3 MAAWS (Carl G) SMAW BAF Javelin system Metis-M Stinger Igla In other words most commonly used launchers.
Expect everything from shooting M3 over long distance to practising with RPG-7's tandem projectile at 250 meters.
Topics and procedures
We'll go over a short intro of these launchers and proceed straight to a firing range where you'll be able to engage various armoured and unarmoured targets at various distances with various types of missiles.
I'll be explaining practical differences between rounds used and giving some recommendations on loadouts.
We'll be employing AT Team structure for the first launcher (RPG-7V2) - you'll split into couples where one person is rifle/launcher operator and the other is his assistant. You'll switch the roles after a bit.
Shooter's job is to aim, adjust zeroing and fire.
Assistant's job is to accurately range the target, ensure backblast area is clear and reload the launcher/rifle.
For the rest of launchers in order to go faster you'll have each a separate launcher.
Training Planner 1 Comment
1 user has RSVPed, including
26 July 2020 18:00 20:00
This mission is going to be a scripted mission and will be hosted on FK#4. This is part of Jerichron's WW2 campaign and uses the same modset. Anyone can reserve a slot; regs+ and tagholders have priority. Final say is at event host's discretion. Disclaimer:
- This mission takes place in the WW2 era but might not be historically accurate.
As part of the 2nd SS Panzer Division your platoon was ordered to hold the front line on the eastern bank of Volkhov River. However, due to the harsh Soviet winter, your supplies and assisting assets are limited.
Your unit has been successfully holding the trench line for a few days now, however the Soviets are preparing a massive attack to push the front line...
Repel the Soviet attack Push the enemy out of Vysokoye Cross the bridge and capture the Soviet HQ in Vergezha
Map of the AO:
Time and date: 08:00 January 22nd, 1943 Weather: medium fog, snowfall Enemy forces: various Soviet units Enemy ground assets: up medium tanks Enemy air assets: not present Explosives: N/A Civilians: N/A Respawn: rolling respawns Reinforcements will be teleported to the AO by using the Squad Rally Point module RRR is available for the assets, take the RRR truck with you
Do not take enemy weapons (medical supplies, throwables can be looted). Only transport vehicles can be taken from the enemy side.
1x PzKpfw VI Tiger Ausf. E 1x 60mm mortar team
ORBAT - Panzergrenadier Platoon (Motorised)
[38 slots]
Platoon Commander - @Massive Cuntasaurus
Deputy Platoon Commander -
RTO - @LurkerOne
Medic - @Griffin68965
Section Commander - @Tomo
Deputy Section Commander -
(+7x men)
Section Commander - @Slim
Deputy Section Commander - @vladdis611
(+7x men)
Section Commander - @Servok
Deputy Section Commander - @Vent
(+7x men)
Commander - @Garfield
Gunner - @Conga Line of Neckbeards
Driver - @L00_Cyph3r
Machine Gunner / Loader - @Muhcreedy
Team Leader -
Mortar Asst. - @colt92
Mortar Gunner - @AngryScottishMan
Loadouts will be automatically assigned. Detailed briefing is going to be conducted in-game. Client side mods are allowed (Blastcore etc). I recommend using the JSRS soundmod with its really good IFA3 extension.
Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server
IP: arma4.fkservers.eu
Port: 2402
Password: On Request
Download Preset
(This is the one that we used for Sarissa's and Jerichron's missions, no changes.)
** The mod 7Y Assets WW2 breaks/disables system, side and group chat so you will not have it in-game. **
Mission Planner 20 Comments