There are 3 possible events you can create. Here they are and explained how:
- Mission Planner: The mission planner is for Main Missions. You have to follow this guide line for the requirements. These events also need approval by CMs.
- Training Planner: The Training Planner is for Training events. If you are running a Training use this calendar.
- Community Events: This is for games other than Arma 3 or special events in Arma 3 which take place during off hours. This includes reserving the server for you and your friends to play together.
If you do something on the Training Planner or the Community Events Calendar, it is preferred that you either take the 2nd Server or make sure nothing else is running at the same time.
Events happening today
08 May 2020 15:00 17:00
This will take place on FK#1 from 1600 BST - 1800 BST
The aim of this is to have a slightly smaller, more serious/immersive mission for those who enjoy it. As a result, the follow constraints are in play.
1) No Respawns - Dead is Dead.
2) No Resupplies - Take only what you need
3) Any fallen team members bodies will need to be extracted.
4) Markers will not be provided by Crossroads, only Grid Refs - Bar this image in the brief for visual purposes.
This will be slower paced than most people are used to, as infill and extraction are required with only a few points on contact.
Event details
Player Faction
NAVAL Special Warfare Group TWO - SEAL Team 4 - Team 1
1 x 10 Man Squad
Opposing Faction
Local Militia/Insurgency
Operation: Linchpin
Over the last few months a local insurgency has been gaining momentum and taken control over large swathes of Fapovo. Despite the government's readiness and willingness, the insurgency has gained large amounts of territory and local support through their seemingly improbable victories.
Agency assets placed in country have now been able to identify that a key member of the Local Government cabinet has been acting as a mole by providing the insurgency with information as well as disrupting the Governments effectiveness to combat them. In essence he is the linchpin to their success.
As a result of this assessment your team has been dispatched to push through a local Insurgent safe house, Capture the HVT, and successfully extract. He must be returned alive as being able to extract the information he knows will be crucial in turning the tide in this region and allowing us to springboard further Ops. Crossroads suggestion is to render him unconscious and carry him out to minimise risk of exposure when extracting.
This will be taking place at 2300 Local time and extraction must be completed before 0400 the following morning
The official has been physically described as medium build and height. Bald with a Goatee, largely wears formal wear due to his official role and has a preference for pink shirts.
Primary Objectives
1) Infil via Assault Boats to near "Villa Lamogny" (GRIDREF 088 014) from "Nebo Prohoi Resort" (GRIDREF 099 002)
2) Secure the Villa and secure the Official. Signal with Code Pass "David Burlap"
3) Extract the official and all team members. Extraction Method and Point will be relayed via Crossroads on receipt of Code Pass "David Burlap"
NAVAL Special Warfare Group TWO - SEAL Team 4
Team 1
Squad Lead: @SABER
Medic: @LurkerOne
First Fireteam Lead: @Root
First Fireteam Autorifleman: @Tomo
First Fireteam Rifleman: @SAUCEGODISHALL
First Fireteam Rifleman: @Astrid
Second Fireteam Lead: @Resurge // @vladdis611 (Backup)
Second Fireteam Autorifleman: @kMaN
Second Fireteam Rifleman:
Second Fireteam Rifleman: @vladdis611
Gear Restrictions:
Will provide pastebins for loadout import closer to the event (Square brackets denote mod)
UNIFORM : G3 Multicam Black [FK]
VEST : MBAV Black (Any Variant) [FK]
HELMET : FAST Ballistic (Black/Headset) [RHS Blue]
FACEWEAR : Face Shield + Shemagh (BLK) [RHS Blue] // Face Shield + Goggles//Shemagh (BLK) [RHS Blue]
BACKPACK : Kitbag (Black) [UK3CB]
RIFLE : H&K HK416 D14.5 (CAG) [NIArms] + IOR-Valdada Pitbull 2 + AN/PEQ-15 Black [RHS Blue] + NT4 QDSS (Black) [RHS Blue] + 5.56MM SOST 30Rnd PMAG [NIArms]
LMG : M249 PIIP (Short/Para) [RHS Blue] + IOR-Valdada Pitbull 2 - AN/PEQ-15 Black [RHS Blue] - NT4 QDSS (Black) [RHS Blue] + 5.56MM SOST 30Rnd PMAG [NIArms]
PISTOL : SigSauer P226R Combat [NIArms] + V-TAC Sights (P226) [NIArms] - Steiner DBAL-PL (IR) [NIArms] - AAC Evolution 9 [NIArms] - 9mm Subsonic 15rnd P226 Magazine) [NIArms]
OPTICS : Rangefinder
NVG : Head-Mounted NV System [BAF]
RADIO : SR - AN/PRC-152 [TFAR] / LR - [ILBE] RT=1523G (ASIP) + Whip Antenna (Black) [Ilbe]
Community Events 15 Comments
11 users have RSVPed, including
08 May 2020 18:00
You can never really win a war, there is always going to be losses on both sides, but you can win over peoples hearts and minds
You have been slowly but surely winning the hearts and minds of Reshman province helping one village at a time, however there are still radicalized villages and towns which need help.
Currently a EOD team accompanied by two squads of army SOF, are helping clean up ieds in the top North East of Reshman while the infantry has been tasked with assaulting the city of Dilshad.
The uprising that recently occurred in the town of Dilshad means that they will potentially have access to low level, high level armor and military equipment as the the garrisoned military all abandoned post when the uprising happened.
As this mission is all about hearts and minds the shooting of civilians is not permitted and will have knock on effects.
No random striking from the Apache all must be called through FAC or JTAC as civilians still inhabit these areas
Enemy Forces in AO
Insurgents who use guerilla warfare including
Primary Objectives
- Liberate the people of Dilshad
- Help clean up the IEDS around the top North East for helpful info into IED factorys etc
EOD + SOF Heavy Weapon Squad
5 x EOD team
1 x 7 Heavy weapons squad
1 x 6 Heavy weapons squad + attached JTAC
Asset List
1 x Apache
1 x UH60
Unit Loadouts
Platoon, Fac , Team leaders
Helmet - ACH OEF variants
Uniform - Combat Uniform OCP
Vest - IOTV OEF unit specific
rifle - RHS m4 with underslung or normal RHS m4 with AN/PVQ 31A or red dot of choice
Normal infantry
Helmet - ACH OEF variants
Uniform - Combat Uniform OCP
Vest - IOTV OEF role specific
rifleman - RHS m4 with AN/PVQ 31A or red dot of choice
autorifleman - RHS M249 with AN/PVQ 31A or red dot of choice
launchers - m136
Helmet - Mich 2000 us specific
Uniform - G3 uniform m81
Vest - JPC vests specific role variants
TL - RHS MK18 with underslung or normal rifle but can take m320 sidearm - sight su230 or red dot, holo of choice
rifleman - RHS MK18 sight - su230 or red dot, holo of choice
dmr (optional) - Mk17 Mod 0 LB or MK11
autorifleman - MK48 - su230 or red dot, holo of choice
launchers - maws, smaws or javelins
Helmet - ACH OEF variants
Uniform - Combat Uniform OCP
Vest - Carrier rig GL for people actually defusing if not IOTV OEF role specific
rifleman - RHS m4 with AN/PVQ 31A or red dot of choice
rifleman (Heavy weapon role) m107, SU-260/P scope with mk211 ammo to kill sbvieds
(when clearing ieds controlled explosions is permitted as long as not too close to native life otherwise defusal if possible)
Reserved Roles
Apache Pilot (Nazgul 1-9) - Rotary Tags -
Apache Gunner (Nazgul 1-9) - Gunner Tags - @info (unless someone with tags asks)
UH60 Pilot - Rotary Tags - @Rabit Salvokelk
UH60 Door gunner - Gunner Tags / Crew Chief - @Griffin68965 (unless someone with tags asks)
UH60 Door gunner - Gunner Tags / Crew Chief - @LurkerOne (unless someone with tags asks)
Doctor - Medic Tags - @Cpt.Bassbeard (unless someone with tags asks)
Doctor - Medic Tags - @Root (unless someone with tags asks)
Doctor - Medic Tags - @Dog
Fac - Fac Tags -
EOD Squad
SL - @Alex
Combat Medic - @Zenthar
EOD Specialist - @BenFromTTG
EOD Specialist - @LilyBear
EOD heavy weapon - @Mittens
1st SOF
SL - @Resurge
TL -
Autorifleman -
Combat Medic -
Rifleman - @Veagance
Rifleman - @Yung_Cider
JTAC - Fac Tags- @Hyxogen ignore mullet i cant delete his tag -@mulletshock
SL - @Servok
TL -
Autorifleman - @Garfield
Marksmen or Autorifleman - @Tomo
Combat Medic - @Whitelock
Rifleman - @Vados
Rifleman -
(Combat medics can only pack but not stitch where as theres doctors to do all the stitching and fixing
Mission Planner 28 Comments -
08 May 2020 20:30
As the title suggests this event is intended as an FK poker night. Since we don't often do this kind of thing and since there was expressed interest I thought Id host a night of poker for us to unwind...and drink?.
The game will be played using tabletop simulator on steam.
The rules for the game will be Texas Holdem style for which you can find the rules and guide here.
There is room enough for 8 of us in the game with 1 dealer which can be done with a volunteer or done by turn.
Each player will start with $10000 (NOT REAL MONEY) and if they bust out are allowed one buy in once to get back in the game. Once a player has fully gone bust they can spectate until the next game starts or until the game ends.
Community Events 0 Comments
8 users have RSVPed, including