There are 3 possible events you can create. Here they are and explained how:
- Mission Planner: The mission planner is for Main Missions. You have to follow this guide line for the requirements. These events also need approval by CMs.
- Training Planner: The Training Planner is for Training events. If you are running a Training use this calendar.
- Community Events: This is for games other than Arma 3 or special events in Arma 3 which take place during off hours. This includes reserving the server for you and your friends to play together.
If you do something on the Training Planner or the Community Events Calendar, it is preferred that you either take the 2nd Server or make sure nothing else is running at the same time.
Events happening today
05 April 2020 13:00 19:00
Twenty-first session of Hoard of the Dragon Queen, first of the two modules that make up Tyranny of Dragons.
The Cast:
@OneMadPanda aka "Party mom again".
@FloofyFloof aka "Onset Fireball Addiction".
@SABER aka "Javelin hoarder".
@Sasquatch Rick aka "Sharpshooter is my default attack".
@Garfield aka "Spell slot conservationist"
Session is Full at 5 Players at this point in time. Later Campaigns may open up new Slots.
Community Events 0 Comments
05 April 2020 13:00 15:00
This will be an event covering basic Long-Range-Communications-Routine. If you have never touched a LR, this is for you. If you're still uncomfortable on the LR, this is for you. I'm aiming for these to be around two hours long, but depending on how many people there are and how quick we get through all the points, it may take less time.
RSVP is now full, but feel free to leave a comment if you are interested in joining a session. If there is interest for it i will schedule more sessions in the future.
We'll be going over the following points:
1. What is LR used for? (What will you hear on the LR)
2. 69, 68, 67 and Short-Range Comms (in Comparison)
3. How to setup your Long-Range-Radio (what do these buttons do)
4. Phrases and Words (Why you shouldn't say "over and out" or "repeat")
5. Comms etiquette (How to be a polite radio user)
6. Training Time !!!
7. Additionals (this includes 6-Digit Grid references, SitReps and handling two channels at once)
8. Questions and Additions (by either you or me)
9. Possibly more Training Time !!!
Helpful guides:
TFAR radios:
Using radio communication:
Basic communications guide:
Training Planner 2 Comments
4 users have RSVPed, including
05 April 2020 16:00
So in the past I have run a few FK festivals and thought with the world in shit right now and people stuck in the house, why not have some fun events brought back...
I'm going to try to setup the same as has been done before, so there will be 4 rounds - Tanks, Heli's, Boats and Jets.
Jets is a bonus final round using single seaters, but the other 3 rounds are teams of 3, so either get a group together beforehand or just turn up and we can put people together!
Community Events 0 Comments -
05 April 2020 20:00
FK/Milsim West TVT Event
New Players Start Here
Welcome to FK! Start by reading through our rules here
You will find the link to our teamspeak on the homepage, right hand side.
It will require a security level increase, it may take a few minutes to work, let it do its thing.
We play with certain standards and rules, familiarize yourself with them and ask questions if you need help. (don't shoot your weapon in spawn, no team killing!)
I will appear in Teamspeak as Clint August, if you need help getting set up or are new to Arma 3 ask me for help in teamspeak.
We will be using the Task Force Radio plug in, once you have downloaded the mods this will need to be installed to teamspeak.
If you need help with this feel free to join teamspeak and ask for help, you will still be able to use teamspeak, this only effects the game chat.
What is this?
Some of us in FK have played airsoft with a community called Milsim West. Hosted by military and combat veterans, Milsim West tries to offer a realistic style airsoft milsim event.
After the Corona Virus cancelled their most recent game, some of us decided to play Arma together! FK was chosen to host this game. While we can't duplicate the experience of a 40 hour milsim event,
we can at least have an Arma mission to have some fun amidst being locked up in the house.
About The Event
This will be a TVT mission, Russia Vs NATO. Each team has 32 slots, 2 of them reserved for sniper and spotter. Each team will start at their FOB, it is up to the Plt commander for each side to make a plan to complete the mission.
There will be new players coming to FK to play with us for this event, help them out in any way you can. The mission will be a Zues mission, only for if shit breaks or for questions or guidance pertaining to completing the mission.
Join the Off-Hours/Side Mission Room for slotting. This event will be hosted on Server 5.
You can find the stripped down version of FK's normal modset here :
Mission Brief
NATO forces have deployed to the country side of Hellanmaa to stop Russian forces from taking over the small country. We have a FOB built in country, along with a Platoon sized element with a special mission to seek out and eliminate the Russian FOB. Each team will start at their FOB, roughly 2 Kilometers apart. The main objective will be to over run the other teams FOB, while a secondary objective will be to locate and secure an ammo resupply for your team. Once the game starts it is up to Plt to how they complete the objectives. Each side will be given transport vehicles, we will be using no assets for this event. There will be ACE Arsenals at each FOB for the squads will dress according to their faction and bring gear according to the standard FK Ruleset. I have provided a link at the top of this post, please give it a quick look over as you did the TACSOP for MSW.
Starting the Mission
Please be in the Off-Hours/Side Mission Room in teamspeak and ready to join the server by 3PM Central.
FK ARMA #5 MilSim West TvT Server
IP: arma5.fkservers.eu
Port: 2502
Password: Provided in TS
Russian FOB
NATO Load out Example
Russian Load out Example
Community Events 11 Comments