There are 3 possible events you can create. Here they are and explained how:
- Mission Planner: The mission planner is for Main Missions. You have to follow this guide line for the requirements. These events also need approval by CMs.
- Training Planner: The Training Planner is for Training events. If you are running a Training use this calendar.
- Community Events: This is for games other than Arma 3 or special events in Arma 3 which take place during off hours. This includes reserving the server for you and your friends to play together.
If you do something on the Training Planner or the Community Events Calendar, it is preferred that you either take the 2nd Server or make sure nothing else is running at the same time.
Events happening today
15 February 2020 16:00 17:30
Note the timeslot is elongated just to cover if it goes long. It may be much shorter.
New to Arma/ACE and want to learn the basics of map reading (and then some)? Ever been lost in missions without GPS or BFT? Need to mark targets on the map but aren't sure where to start?
This training is all for you!
This session will be part classroom, part practical. The rough syllabus/discussion points will be as follows:
Compass usage (bearings, terms like “North-North East” / “North by North-East”) Grid Coordinates Height lines/high points Landmarks and map features (Power lines, church etc markers - http://getactics.com/media/wp-content/uploads/map-symbols.png) Map Tools Key binds/Ace Interaction Marking point on the map using rangefinder and compass Establishing range to a known point without rangefinder Target Reference Points and pre-planning
If RSVP is full or you are an FNG, please comment your interest below and we will do our best to accommodate you on the day.
Training Planner 2 Comments
3 users have RSVPed, including
15 February 2020 19:00 21:30
-This is a priority message from The Eternal Crusader under High Marshal Helbrecht-
- An Ork genus force has landed on one of the outlying worlds of the Armageddon system believed to be acting under the orders of the Great Beast Himself in a drive towards Armageddon Prime further in system.
- It has been determined that denying the enemy the use of this worlds resources and infrastructure may delay the movements of Ork forces in system long enough to bring enough Imperial forces in system to hold off the incoming orkish fleets. Travel to this world brothers and raise the head of this war bands leader aloft for all to see what becomes of those who oppose the emperors vision and humanity's place in this galaxy --
"No Pity! No Remorse! No Fear!"
MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the fictional world of Warhammer 40k. The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mod TIOW and GRIMDARK ARMOURY which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Warhammer 40k based weaponry and will be restricted to per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure will remain the same for this mission.
-Crusade Marshal (PLTN TAGS): @Deltabacon
-Crusade Armour Commander (RTO TAGS): @colt92
-Crusade Veteran Apothecary (MEDIC TAGS):
-Squad Sergeant (SL TAGS): @Forked
-Squad Apothecary (MEDIC TAGS):
-Squad Sword Brother (TL TAGS):
-Squad Initiate (REGS+): @Prometheus13
-Squad Initiate (REGS+):
-Squad Sergeant (SL TAGS):
-Squad Apothecary (MEDIC TAGS):
-Squad Sword Brother (TL TAGS):
-Squad Initiate (REGS+):
-Squad Initiate (REGS+):
-Squad Sergeant (SL TAGS):
-Squad Apothecary (MEDIC TAGS):
-Squad Sword Brother (TL TAGS):
-Squad Initiate (REGS+):
-Squad Initiate (REGS+):
-Squad Sergeant (SL TAGS):
-Squad Apothecary (MEDIC TAGS):
-Squad Sword Brother (TL TAGS):
-Squad Initiate (REGS+):
-Squad Initiate (REGS+):
-Squad Sergeant (SL TAGS):
-Squad Apothecary (MEDIC TAGS):
-Squad Sword Brother (TL TAGS):
-Squad Initiate (REGS+):
-Squad Initiate (REGS+):
SQUAD MORDRED Devastator Squad (MRTR):
-Devastator Sergeant (SL TAGS): @Servok
-Devastator Initiate (KNGT Gunner Tags):
-Devastator Initiate (KNGT Gunner Tags):
Vindicator Land Raider (KNGT):
-KNGT Commander (ROTARY TAGS):
-KNGT Driver (DRIVER TAGS+): @Griffin68965
Warhound-class Titan (Ardentor).
-Princeps Majoris (COMMANDER TAGS): @Garfield
-Moderati (GUNNERY TAGS): @AngryScottishMan
-Moderati (GUNNERY TAGS):
Warhound-class Titan: (Blood of Caldos).
-Princeps (COMMANDER TAGS): @OneMadPanda
-Moderati (GUNNERY TAGS):
-Moderati (GUNNERY TAGS):
1st. Only Weapons and equipment from the 40k mods may be used within the mission.
Note: Weaponry and equipment must match the equipment of the Space Marine chapter the Black Templars and depending on the taken role the Skitarii of the Adeptus Mechanicus.
Uniform/Faction: [Astartes] Black Templar / Skitarii Ranger Uniform Standard.
Squad Leads / Sergeants: [Astartes] Boltgun.
Veteran Marines: [Astartes] Boltgun, [Astartes] Meltagun, [Astartes] Plasmagun.
Battle-Brothers: [Astartes] Boltgun.
Apothecaries: [Astartes] Boltgun.
Devastator Marine: [Astartes] Heavy Boltgun.
Skitarii Primary: Galvanic Rifle.
Sidearms Skitarii: Mk III Plasma Pistol, Bolt Pistols, Stub Pistol, Kantrael Laspistol.
MAT: None.
LAT: None.
NOTE: Grenades from TIOW have a larger than used to blast radius and care should be taken with their use.
Name: FK #4 Zeus TIOW Server IP: Port: 2402 Modset here - Now with preset functionality Note: While allowed JSRS and Blast-core are not recommended for use with this modset.
Mission Planner 19 Comments -
15 February 2020 21:30
NATO Milbase
Tensions are rising on the island of Alits, The current sitting government is increasingly under pressure from hard lining, pro military political rivals and with an increase instability due to recent terror attacks a coup is an ever present threat. NATO has been deployed on the island for the past 8 years and now due to pressure put on the sitting president, Nikos Panagopoulos, their presence has dwindled to a main base of operations and a handful of smaller patrol bases. NATO combat patrols are now no longer authorised and the forces that remain on site as a emergency response unit.
A further briefing will be given in mission as to the current climate of the situation and any developing situations.
A full recap of last mission will be done during briefing.
For those who do not know what milbase is to put it short its a normal fk mission with three differences:
A) Your assets are chosen by you with the approval of your commander.
B) Your assets must be all prepped and sent to the combat zone by your own means from your main HQ. Normally by drving or flying them there.
C) On the day there is no real hard limit on number of assets (Unless zeus or command choose to) or who can take them (Tags wont apply). Meaning its a great experiacne to get some live fire practice in assets with a real life crew or an ai one.
All levels of skill are welcome!
Overall it is a very relaxed fun environment, you can drop in and out of the mission where needed so long as if you do take a command role (OPCOM, BASECOM or ATC) you hand the responsiblity to someone else before you leave.
The mission will start at 9:30pm not long after the end of 1st main and will be on FK4
For more information about milbase and its ruleset see here:
This will be a Milbase mission, however with some more structure. Some slots will be open and will have the normal slotting procedure (tags,regs+,fngs) however we go back to the free for all approach on the day for assets. I have the right to refuse a slot for any suitable reason. I also have the right to remove anyone from a slot if I deem them incompetent. Infantry where needed will be AI if there is no desire for players to be infantry or lead an AI squad. The AI infantry will then be handled by Zeus and orders passed from Opcom.
FK rules apply.
Uniform: MTP
Opcom: @Slim
Basecom: FREE
ATC: @Malbryn
Ground Crew: (Done on Day)
Base Medics: (Done on the Day)
Helicopter: (Done on the Day)
Jets: (Done on the Day)
Vehicles: (Done on the Day)
Infantry: (Done on the Day)
Specilist Roles: (Done on the Day)
Community Events 2 Comments
13 users have RSVPed, including
15 February 2020 21:30 23:30
Mafia, Secret H, Uno, other social games. All you need is Tabletop Simulator and some time to kill!
After First Main, we'll be congregating in a game room to share a few laughs and point fingers at each other angrily. It'll be drop-in if there is space opening up throughout the sessions so feel free to hop in and join us!
Community Events 0 Comments
5 users have RSVPed, including