There are 3 possible events you can create. Here they are and explained how:
- Mission Planner: The mission planner is for Main Missions. You have to follow this guide line for the requirements. These events also need approval by CMs.
- Training Planner: The Training Planner is for Training events. If you are running a Training use this calendar.
- Community Events: This is for games other than Arma 3 or special events in Arma 3 which take place during off hours. This includes reserving the server for you and your friends to play together.
If you do something on the Training Planner or the Community Events Calendar, it is preferred that you either take the 2nd Server or make sure nothing else is running at the same time.
Events happening today
05 December 2020 16:00 18:00
This will take place on FK#2 from 1600 - 1800 GMT
The aim of this is to have a slightly smaller, more serious/immersive mission for those who enjoy it.
To attend you MUST RVSP and DECLARE your slot.
This will be slower paced than most people are used to, and this mission in particular has a focus a story task before contact
Event details
Player Faction
Special Boat Service (SBS) - Z Squadron
2 x 8 Man Teams
Friendly Forces
Opposing Forces
Operation Tethered Neptune
Over the last few months, the Island state of Malden has been recovering from a Civil War in which Governmental forces narrowly won. The International community rallied behind them and the populace in providing aid to the war torn region in the form of Humanitarian aid, in the form of both Manpower and supplies. In recent days, in spite of the prior victory, we have learned dissident Ultranationalists have staged a successful coup and placed the Island under Martial Law. Using fear and intimidation to keep the populace in check despite their small numbers.
Wanting to prevent a mass exodus of the population, the Ultranationalists have created a blockade of naval mines of the 2 main ports used. These mines need to be defused for both the successful invasion as well as the free passage of the Populace. Intelligence suggest that the marked area contains the Minefield itself and numbers close to 3 dozen mines in all. The vast majority of these between the shores need to be defused. Additionally there are 2 Semi-Soft targets of opportunity that are in close proximity. The timing is fortunate. A heavy storm is rolling in ahead of the operation providing the perfect cover for this Raid to be conducted. While Visibility Underwater will be minimal, it will greatly increase the time for the minefield to be defused without notice.
Both Teams are being inserted via SDVs from the HMS Trafalgar at the marked location in the South East.
The International community has condemned the recent events and a UN Force is being prepped to move into the region by force and restore order and later peacekeeping operations. However, before the Marine invasion can begin the ground work for their success must be laid and the UK Government has leant the services of the Special Boat Service to this task. Several key tasks have been entrusted to us:
The first is to defuse the Marked minefield allowing passage through the harbour and to allow for future control of the ports. The second is a raid on a Rader and Communications outpost South of the Military Base that the Ultranationalists are funnelling a large amount of their Comms traffic through. The third is a raid on a Repair, Rearm and Refuelling Depot. While small - it is the primary one used for the forces station on the East side of Malden.
Crippling both the Communications outpost as well as the RRR Depot will hamper the Ultranationalists ability to respond and resist on the Mainland when the International Task Force arrives. Ideally, to maintain the element of surprise and to prevent a prolonged engagement drawing the Military Bases garrison into the situation, both Objectives will be assaulted at the same time.
Primary Objectives
1) Defuse the minefield blocking both Ports
2) Assault and Demo the Communications and Radar Outpost (Reference Marker Kilo One)
3) Assault and Cripple the RRR Depot (Reference Marker Kilo Two)
Slots (If you RSVP - designate the slot you would like)
Special Boat Service (SBS) - Z Squadron - Team 1
Squad Leader: @Veagance
Medic: @LurkerOne
2IC: @L00_Cyph3r
First Mine Defuser: @riccardi48
Second Mine Defuser: @jamie
Designated Marksmen: @SilentGunner13
Rifleman: @EpsilonNiner
Special Boat Service (SBS) - Z Squadron - Team 2
Squad Leader:
2IC: @Rtiler96
First Mine Defuser: @Sender463
Second Mine Defuser: @vladdis611
Designated Marksmen:
Rifleman: @Zenthar
Rifleman: @Conga Line of Neckbeards
Gear Restrictions:
(Square brackets denote mod)
UNIFORM : Wet Suit (NATO) [Base Game]
VEST : Rebreather [Base Game]
HELMET : FAST Ballistic (Black/Headset) [RHS Blue]
FACEWEAR : Diving Goggles (NATO) [Base Game]
BACKPACK : Field Pack (Black) [Base Game]
RIFLE : L119A1 with Front Grip [UK3CB BAF] - IOR-Valdada Pitbull 2 [Base Game] - AN/PEQ-15 Black [RHS Blue] - Suppressor (L85) [UK3CB BAF) - 5.56MM SOST 30Rnd PMAG [NIArms]
DMR : HL417A2 20" (Black) [APEX DLC] - SU-230A/PVS ]RHS Blue] - AN/PEQ-15 Black [RHS Blue] - AAC 762-SD [RHS Blue] - 7.62 mm 20Rnd Mag
PISTOL : Glock 17 [RHS Blue] - Steiner DBAL-PL (IR) [NIArms] - AAC Evolution 9 [NIArms] - 17rnd Glock M882 FMJ [RHS Blue]
OPTICS : Rangefinder
NVG : Head-Mounted NV System [BAF]
Community Events 38 Comments
13 users have RSVPed, including
05 December 2020 16:30 21:00
With myself as Dungeon Master, we will be playing Rise of Tiamat, the second of the two modules that make up Tyranny of Dragons.
The Cast:
@OneMadPanda aka "Low Orbit Smite Cannon".
@FloofyFloof aka "Closeted? fox-man".
@SABER aka "Kobold Kicker II: Electric Boogaloo".
@Sasquatch Rick aka "Sharpshooter is my default attack".
@Garfield aka "I cast Toll the De-- Oh."
Session is Full at 5 Players at this point in time. Later Campaigns may open up new Slots.
Community Events 0 Comments -
05 December 2020 21:00 23:30
DISCLAIMER: This mission takes place in the ww2 era, but may not be historically accurate. There may also be certain historic imagery that some people may find offensive
Loadouts are scripted. This will be a night mission, rolling into early morning. There will be no resupply. Although the mission is scheduled to end at 23.30, it will most likely
end early, but it depends on the players.
Operation Chariot
28th March 1942, St Nazaire, France
The Bismark is running riot. It has already sunk the pride of the Royal Navy, the Hood, and it is currently set on destroying everything between the isles, and America. For now it is out of our reach, however at some point it will have to return to German shores, to resupply and repair. There is only one port on the occupied French coast that can accommodate such a vessel, the dry dock in St Nazaire, and that is something we can hit. What's more, the government has come to you, the Commandos of the Special Operations Branch, to do it. The Royal Navy has supplied you with some old ships for you to use, they are not expecting them back, they consist of a few landing craft, and an old Destroyer, HMS Cambeltown. The plan is simple, you will charge the gate of the dock with HMS Cambeltown, and you will ram it as far into the dock gate as you can. Once contact is made with the gate, the fuses will activate, and 30 minutes after that the explosives in the hold will detonate, and the dock will be blown to smithereens (note that the fuse is not reliable, and may detonate before or after the predicted time). Make sure you are not in it's direct vicinity when it blows. While you are in the port you are also tasked with the destruction of everything that you can get your hands on, most importantly, the rail yard in the town center. There is also believed to be a German general in the area, although this is not confirmed, take as many risks as you deem safe to eliminate him. Whatever the outcome, when you feel you must, you are to extract either by boat out to sea, or inland through the woods. Reconnaissance has been performed by R.A.F aircraft, however it is limited due to the regions anit-aircraft emplacements. There are two things you must remember during the operation: 1. they are not expecting you, but the element of surprise will not last forever, so hit them hard and hit them fast. 2. This mission cannot fail. If it does, the Bismark will return to sea, and the supply lines between Britain and it's allies will be severed, destroy the dock at all costs.
MISSION SUMMARY: This is inspired by events that occurred during the Second World War (this to be exact https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St_Nazaire_Raid). The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods Iron Front, Faces Of War and CSA38 which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list.
Reconnaissance Photograph
SR/LR radios are prohibited Night vision equipment is prohibited. BFT and GPS systems will be disabled/prohibited. Looting of enemy weapons is allowed under extreme circumstance. Vehicle stealing: If a civilian can drive it, you can drive it. ++SLOTS++
Slots are limited to 24
Alpha lead is considered to be PLT
Alpha is responsible for HMS Cambeltown
Alpha Squad Lead [SL Tags] -OPEN- Medic [Medic tags] @TheSalader (tags) 3x rifleman 1x Demo specialist Bravo Squad Lead [SL Tags] @jamie (no tags) Medic [Medic tags] @Root (tags) 3x rifleman 1x Demo specialist Charlie Squad Lead [SL Tags] -OPEN- Medic [Medic tags] @magnusnielsen (tags) 3x rifleman 1x Demo specialist Delta Squad Lead [SL Tags] @vladdis611 (no tags) Medic [Medic tags] -OPEN- 3x rifleman 1x Demo specialist
Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset Here - (The same as the one the others are using) Now with preset functionality
Mission Planner 7 Comments